Pete Lengel, buyer for John F. Lengel and Ben Welst with hog “Sandy.” From left, Junior showman, Gwen Powers; Intermediate showman, Cathy Levan; senior showman, Anita Manbeck; judge, Cheryl Fairbair. Leh gh County Conducts 4-H Livestock Sole Judge Steve Taylor with champion market hog exhibitor Daniel Bllllg of New Tripoli. Improve Your Memory (Continued from Page B 18) • Don’t expect perfection. Everyone forgets something from time to time, so don’t be unreasonable with yourself. FORGET ME NOT No matter how hard we try, forgetting names is a common problem. A recent survey by John Hopkins researcher, Karen Bolla surveyed Americans about their memory complaints and names topped the list. The things most people forget are listed below. You will probably feel better about yourself after Treichler Wins Outstanding Market Hog you read the list, and realize you are not unusual when it comes to forgetting things. Names - 83%; where some thing is - 60%; phone numbers just checked - 57%; words - 53%; not knowing you already told something to someone - 49%; forgetting what people have told you - 49%; faces - 42%; directions - 41%; forget ting what you started to do - 41%; forgetting what you were saying - 41%; and remembering what you have done (e.g. lock door) - 38%. From left, junior fitting, Kim Angstadt, intermediate fit ting, Jared Trelchier; senior fitting, Ben Weist; and judge, Charyl Falrbalr. At the Berks County Swine Roundup, Tom Moyer, Hat field Quality Meats and Jared Treichler with “Scar” the hog. ALLENTOWN (Lehigh Co.) Thirty-one Lehigh County 4-H Beef, Sheep, and Swine Club members sold six market steers, 29 market lambs, and 41 market hogs at the Lehigh County 4-H Livestock Sale, Saturday, Sept. 19 at the Schnecksville Fairgrounds. The animals woe judged on Friday. Sept. 18, by Steve Taylor, a livestock producer from State College. Daniel Billig, New Tripoli, sold his grand champion market hog, weighing 243 pounds, to Hatfield Quality Meats Inc., for $4OO. Laura Segan, Allentown, sold her grand champion market lamb, weighing 129 pounds, to Agway Energy Products, for $7OO. Adam Rabenold, Allentown, sold his grand champion pair of lambs, weighing 209 pounds, to Moyer & Son Inc. and Jaindl Farms for a total of $460. Timothy Rabenold, Allentown, sold his grand champion market steer, weighing 1,186 pounds, to Keystone Farm Credit ACA for $950. Other 4-H members sold addi tional champions. They are: • Daniel Billig, New Tripoli, re serve grand champion market hog, weighing 270 pounds, sold to Leidy’s Pork Products Inc. for $350. • Timothy Billig, New Tripoli, champion lightweight market hog, weighing 212 pounds, sold to Isaac Gaiges for $2OO. • Stacey Dietrich. New Tripoli, reserve champion heavyweight market hog, weighing 258 pounds, sold to First Union Bank for $lBO. • Todd Bennecoff Jr., Kutz town, reserve champion medium weight market hog, weighing 236 pounds, sold to Good’s Livestock Inc., Charles S. Snyder Inc., and Orlando Diefenderfer Electrical Contractors Inc. for $3OO. • John C. Strawbridge, White hall, reserve champion light weight market hog, weighing 234 pounds, sold to Reading Bone Fer tilizer for $240. • Todd Bennecoff Jr., Kutz town, reserve grand champion market lamb, weighing 115 pounds, sold to Silver Maple Ve terinary Clinic for $250. ’ Todd Bennecoff Jr., Kutz town, reserve grand champion pair of market lambs, weighing 171 pounds, sold to Ludwick Fun eral Home, Albright’s Mill Inc., Bruce Snyder, and Suburban Car Wash for $370. • Adam Rabenold, Allentown, Judge Steve Taylor with champion market lamb exhibi tor Laura Segan of Allentown. LEESPORT (Berks Co.) ON Wednesday, Oct. 7, Jared Treich ler of Fleetwood won the Out standing Market Hog Project with his Duroc market hog, “Scar This year Berks County partici pated in a pilot program where they chose an outstanding market project rather than a champion animal. The 4-H’cr received points for showmanship, a skill-a thon, and for the animal itself. The person with the highest points at the end of the 3-part program was chosen outstanding market project and sold Erst on the 4-H swine sale. Jared had received first place in the skill-a-thon intermediate divi sion, third place in the intermedi ate showmanship, and first with his hog, “Scar,” for a total of 98 points. Ben Weist won reserve champion market witih his cross bred market hog, “Sandy.” Ben re ceived first place in the senior di vision skill-a-thon, second place in the senior division showmans hip, and third place with his mar ket hog, “Sandy,” for a total of 95 points. Gwen Powers, a junior, came in third with a score of 94. The outstanding market project was purchased by Hatfield Quality Meats for $525. The reserve out standing market project was pur chased by John F. Lengel, Inc. for $475. The 4-H’ers had a very suc cessful sale with the average hog bringing $220. Other placings were as follows: JUNIOR DIVISION: 1. Gwen Powers. 2. Jason Levon. 3. Amber ShoHenbergor. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION: 1. Jared Treichler. 2. Adam Lambert. 3. Cathy Levan. SENIOR DIVISION: 1. Ben Waist. 2. Jus tin Levan. 3. Kelly Peifer. RESULTS FOR SHOWMANSHIP JUNIOR DIVISION: 1. Gwen Powers. 2. Kimberly Angstadt. 3. Amber Shollenberger. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION: 1. Cathy Le van. 2. Adam Lambert 3. Jared Treichler. SENIOR DIVISION-1 Anita Manbeck. 2 Ban Waiat 3. Kelly Peifar. FITTING RESULTS JUNIOR DIVISION: 1. Kimbarly Angstadt 2. Amber Shollenberger. 3. Kelly Rohrbach. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION: 1. Jared Treichler. 2. Adam Lambert. 3. Matt Man beck. SENIOR DIVISION: 1. Ben Weist 2 Kelly Peifer. 3. Anita Manbeck. lamb, weighing 103 pounds, sold to Albright’s Mill Inc. for $lO5. • Terri Heintzelman, Schnecks ville, champion heavyweight pair of lambs, weighing 310 pounds, sold to Keystone Farm Credit ACA for $2lO. • Andrew Reinert, New Tripoli, reserve champion lightweight market lamb, weighing 89 pounds, sold to Kuhnsville Car Wash, New
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