This column is for readers who have questions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask—You Answer” Is for non-cooking questions. When a reader sends In a question, It will be printed in the paper. Readers who know the answer are asked to respond by mailing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Atten tion: Lou Ann Good. Do not send a self-addressed, stamped enve lope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please include your phone number because we sometimes need to contact the person to clarify details. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. QUESTION—As agirl in the 19205, Lenna Martin’s grandmother sang at the Welsh Mountain church. She is now 83 and doesn’t remember all the words. Some phrases are ‘Two little children, a boy and a girl once came to an old church door. “The little girls’ feet were as brown as her curls and hung on the dress that she wore.... ‘Why don’t you go home to your mama,’ said I, and this was the maiden’s reply; ‘Mama is heaven they took her away and left Jim and I all alone. .. ."* Does anyone have the complete song? QUESTION For years, L. Sensenig, Shippens burg, has been looking for a book, “The Warm Sum mer,” which is about a boy named Jerry. She is willing tc pay a fair price for the book. QUESTION—Ron Lieberman, Glen Rock, recently purchased an old mill along Newport Road in Lancas ter County It has a fine mill, race, and dam. The Liebermans would like to make their own electricity using water power. Anyone know of someone who could help locate people and resources to establish a micro-hydro-electric generator? QUESTION—Jean Nestler, Halifax, would like the name of a company that makes towels and washcloths and does embrodiery work on them. QUESTION Joelle Fischer would like to know where Swiss cheese with a touch of ham can be pur chased. Her brother used to get it at market. She checked at different places but no one has ever heard of it. Joelle said the cheese is extremely delicious and has a taste all its own. It is not sharp and is quite diffe rent from any flavor she ever tasted in cheese. QUESTION Ben Kinsinger, Meyersdale, would like to know where to get a Farmall pedal tractor like the Farmall M Tractor. Doesn’t matter if the pedal trac tor needs repair. He would also like to know where if anyone has parts for a Farmall Cub for sale. QUESTION Don Miller, Summit Hill, wants to know who can appraise the value of an antique goat cart. Call him at (717) 645-9693. QUESTION R. Himmelberger, 129 Poplar Rd., Fleetwood, PA 19522, would like poems with the word thimble in them. QUESTION—Art Sholly Jr., Mt. Joy, wants to know where to find a gas-fired Royal Peanut Roaster, any condition and any size. QUESTION Fannie Beiler, Lancaster, would like to know where to purchase a Bio-Snacky sprouter of someone who is willing to sell theirs. QUESTION Marilyn Patterson, 153 Brick Church Rd Newville, PA 17241, would like an old book, “Donkey John of Toy Valley, written by Margaret War ner Morley and published in 1909 by McClurg Publish ing Co. Her dad, who remembers hearing the story when in school and is now a woodcarver, would like the book because it is about a woodcarver’s family. QUESTION Helen Weaver, Boiling Spring, wants to purchase a copy of an out-of-print hymnbook “Spiritual Songs and Hymns,” published by E.V. Pub lishing House in Nappannee, IN Call her at (717) 1258-5224. QUESTION Margaret Grieff, 458 Seesetown Rd.. Sidman, PA 15955, would like a copy of the poem “Somebody’s Mother.” Grieff would also like a copy of the book “Cherry Mine Disaster.” QUESTION Harrison Diehl Jr. is interested in information on where to purchase or how to construct a hydraulic ram to pump water without electricity or other power. QUESTION Barbara Fair, Mohrsville, remem bers a poem from her childhood, which is about a woman who spent her whole life fighting dirt. The final lines are something about “she lay down and died, and was buried in dirt." Does anyone have the complete poem? QUESTION Paul Charles wants anterless deer licenses for Montgomery County issued for the years 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1955. Willing to pay a very good price. Call (717) 724-3482. QUESTION Alice Zimmerman would like used 2-quart canning jars and a water bath canner for 2-quart jars. She also has a Tupperware hamburger patty kit she would like to sell. Call (717) 445-7842. QUESTION Richard Laughman is interested in purchasing a history of the “Nussli, Nissley, Nessly Family 1717-1985,” compiled by Karl Nissley Haines. First edition 1986. Write to Richard at 984 Edenville Rd., Chambersburg, PA 17201. QUESTION—Anna Nolt, Peach Bottom, would like to know how to control red spider mite in flowers. QUESTION Kathy Hampford, Pottsville, would like to instructions on basket making. SEE ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR A DEMONSTRATION: MARYLAND PENNSYLVANIA Dameron Carroll’s Equipment Hagerstown Carlyle & Martin, Inc White ford Deer Creek Equipment, Inc. NEW JERSEY Elmer Pole Tavern Equipment Sales Corp. NEW 7810 and 7710 Tractors give you 50 percent engine torque rise Adamstown Adamstown Equipment, Inc. Allentown Lehigh Ag Equipment, Inc. Belleville Miller-Lake, Inc, Biglerville O.C. Rice, Inc, JOHN DEERE New 8.1-liter Power Tech™ engines deliver fire-breathing torque. New piston design delivers more power. Larger crankshaft, rods, and bearings ensure strength Turbocharger matched to increased power. Choice of two transmissions. New reverser with left-hand lever for 16-speed PowrQuad™ transmission. New comfort with more cab ventilation and cooling. Carlisle Gutshalls, Inc, Centre Hall Dunkle & Greib, Inc Chambersburg Clugston Ag & Turf, Inc. Lebanon Fairmount City Miller’s Equipment Loysville Gutshalls, Inc Halifax Tobias Equipment Co , Inc. QUESTION Rosalyi like to know where to gettti Doctor," in good condition was written about 1914 a for animal sicknesses. QUESTION —Henry s ing for a flashlight to cranl made continuous pump QUESTION - Shirley like to know where to pure! that are used on one-gj QUESTION —Peter Ji 1970 s or early 1980 s, J.C he thinks was titled “HowT Pickup to Diesel." Also Dii Oregan had a book detailir cylinder diesels into pickuf ger available. He’d like i; these book or tell him whei ing gasoline to diesel engi 266-8239. QUESTION —Pat Elligi to know where to purchas BxBx2-inches that comes needs to find this in the Yor al Md. areas. Hanover Finch Services-Hanover, Inc. Lancaster Landis Bros., Inc Landis Bros., Inc Al >0
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