Tioga County Junior Livestock Sale, Milk Auction Draws Large Crowd The grand champion steer was purchased by Cornell Brothers Agway. Here Steve Cornell poses with Kyle Rouse’s 1,054-pound champion. CAROLYN N. MOYER Tioga Co. Correspondent WHTTNEYVILLE (Tioga Co.) In a combined sale that boasted 11 steers, 17 lambs, 39 hogs, and six gallons of milk, supporters filled the bleachers waiting for their chance to bid on one of the prize-winning lots. Among the steers, Kyle Rouse of Little Marsh showed the grand champion. The 1,054-pound ani mal commanded a price of $1.70 per pound and was sold to Cornell Brothers Agway. The reserve grand champion "steer was raised by Lauren Web ster, Wellsboro. Her 1,368-pound steer was sold to First Citizens National Bank for $1.25 per pound. The overall average on the Gloucester County Beef Show Posts Results Overall grand champion steer was shown by Gwen Doebler. nr Miss Cherry was named overall grand champion heifer, shown by Kevin Bishop. , , steers was just under a dollar at $.936. In the market lamb sale, 17 ani mals averaged $1.63. Cornell Brothers Agway again purchased a champion as they made the final bid on Lee Ann Tice’s 130-pound grand champion for $5.50 per pound. Tice is from Lawrcnccvillc. Northeastern Farm Credit bought the 128-pound reserve grand champion lamb from Jordan McHwain, Liberty, for $5.75 per pound. At the market hog sale, prices hovered around one dollar with the average settling at $1.13 on 39 head. Topping the sale was the 262-pound grand champion swine raised by Jennifer Gorenflo, Lawrencevillc. Trade Service Sys tems purchased her hog for $2.75. The reserve champion market hog was sold to Citizens and Northern Bank for $2.25 per pound. The 257-pound hog was raised by Amanda Graves, Litde Marsh. In addition to the youth raised animals, a donation hog crossed the auction block and was resold three times, raising more than $5OO for improvements to the hog facility. In the milk auction, Reed's Feed Mill purchased the grand champ ion Jersey milk from Paul Black well for $350. The second high mark was $325. Chelsea Coolidge with her Holstein and Jason Butler with his Brown Swiss sold their milk to Core States Bank and Mid dlebury Cooperative respectively for that price. The high volume buyer for the MULLICA HILL, NJ. Here are the results of the Gloucester County Open 4-H Beef Show on Friday, July 24 here at the fair grounds. Judge was Geof Flora of Eas ton, Md. /; CHAROLOIS Grand Champion Heifer - Greg Peck Reaerve Champion Heifer - Mark Red row CROSSBRED Grand Champion Heifer -Gwen Doebler Reaerve Champion Heifer - Jaclynn Neely SIMMENTAL Grand Champion Heifer - Kevin Bishop Reaerve Champion Heifer - Kevin Bishop Overall Champion Heifer • Kevin Bishop ANGUS Grand Champion Steer - Amanda Syl vester Reaerve Champion Steer - Rosemarie Sylveser CROSSBRED STEER Grand Champion ■ Gwen Doebler Reaerva Champion - Kevin Bishop Grand Champion Charloia Steer • Greg Pack. Grand Champion Polled Hereford Steer - Amanda Sylvester SIMMENTAL STEER Grand Champion - Joel VanSciver Reaerva Champion ■ Nick VanSciver Overall Champion Steer • Gwen Doeb ler FITTING AND SHOWMANSHIP RESULTS Junior Grand Champion • Ed Haig Junior Reaerva Champion - Jhen Becker. Intermediate Grand Champion - Gwen Doebler. Intermediate Reserve Champion • Greg Peck. Senior Grand Champion • Scott Buigar. Senior Reserve Champion - Shaun {Alkl*tUt Vlii tjtuO Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-825 In the hog sale, James Zebraski of Trade Service Systems poses with the grand champion hog which was raised by Jennifer Gorenflo. Steve Cornell of Cornell Brothers Agway poses with the grand champion lamb, raised by Leann Tice, which he pur chased for $5.50 per pound. day was Citizens and Northern Reed’s Feed Mill, and Brooks Bank with a total of six purchases. Forest Products tied for the second including four lambs and two high volume buyer of the day with hogs. Northeastern Farm Credit, four purchases each. Reserve overall champion heifer was shown by Gwen Doebler. Older A Bolder Grand Champion • Steve Burger Older A Bolder Reserve Champion - Amy Haig. /Tl)¥jK-you*i« earned our support Overall Reserve Champion Heifer - Gwen Doeblsr Overall Reserve Champion Steer - Ke vin Bishop
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