822-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 East Regional Junior Angus (Continued from Page B 21) walked away with grand cham pion honors in the owned heifer show. Whitestone Chloe JO5l, a January 1997 daughter of Rito 9F83 of SHII Fullback, was the winning entry. She was first named die early junior champion. Daltona Elba 6181 was crowned the reserve grand cham pion owned female. Tanya Pee bles, Lawrenceville, Va., exhib ited the November 1996 senior champion that is sired by O C C Backstop 8888. In the bred-and-owned heifer competition, grand champion fe male honors were presented to Andrew Foster, Niles, Mich., on Seldom Rest Erica Blackberry. Krugerrand of Donamere 490 sired the June 1997 entry that first topped the entries in the inter mediate division. Jeff Coveil, Frederick, Md., led Covells Lady 9703 to the reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female title. She first won the junior division and is a March 1997 daughter of Leachman Saugahatchee 3000 C. Top honors in the steer compe tition went to Jay Coveil, Freder ick, Md., on Daltons High Expec tation. The April 1997 entry is sired by G A R Exclamation 3884. Jason Zambanini, Berryville, Va., took reserve grand champion steer honors with his April 1997 son of W R A Treasure Dl, Turn ing P T Treasure 7512. A complete list of winners fol lows: EASTERN REGIONAL JUNIOR ANGUS SHOW BRED-AND-OWNED HEIFERS Calf Champion - Judson Dalton Rasarva Calf Champion - Joe Porter Intermediate Champion - Andrew Foster Rasarva Intermediate Champion - Ja son Michael Junion Champion - Jeff Covell Rasarva Junior Champion - Bree Tag gart Senior Yearling Champion Female - Jay Covell Reserve Senior Yearling Champion Fe male - Jacob Grove Grand Champion Bred-ind-Owned Fe male - Andrew Foster Reserve Grand Champion Brsd-and- Owned Female - Jeff Covell OWNED HEIFERS Calf Champion - Hutch Porter Raearva Calf Champion - Julia Jonei - R?.r. d , Pennsylvania took first place honors in the state group iine smith of-flve competition. Jim Glllooly, Washington, Ind., Judged junior champion - Morgan wood- the 369 entries paraded by young Angus breeders at the Reserve Late Junior Champion - Curt event. Stockdale Early Junior Champion - Bradley Lutz Reserve Early Junior Champion • Chel sey Warfield Senior Yearling Champion Female - Tanya Peebles Reserve Senior Yearling Champion Fe male - Jonathan Lemmon Grand Champion Ownad Famala ■ Brad ley Lutz Raaarva Grand Champion Ownad Fa mala - Tanya Peebles BRED-AND-OWNED BULLS Grand Champion - Julia Scarlett Raaarva Grand Champion ■ Cart Det wiler COW-CALF PAIRS Grand Champion - Kyle Pemck Raaarva Grand Champion • Douglas Dalton STEERS Grand Champion - Jay Covell Raaarva Grand Champion • Jason Zambanlni STATE GROUPS Boat Five Haad - Pennsylva nia Junior Angus Association Hardsmanshlp Award - Maryland Junior Angus Asso ciation PREMIER BREEDER AWARD Champion Hill sy v - >i ■■ 0- iipi steer honors with Daltons High Expectation at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show. GAR Exclamation 3884 sired the April 1997 entry. Julie Scarlett, Snow Camp, N.C., walked away with grand champion bred-and-owned bull honors with Scarietts Traveler 7TI at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show. The winning entry Is a January 1997 son of G D A R Traveler 71. These young Angus breeders won top honors In the divi sion one showmanship contest. Pictured from left Is Miss American Angus Jamie Meyer; Bree Taggart, Waynesburg, champion; and Curt Stockdaie, Dayton, reserve champion. Andrew Foster, Niles, Mich., led Seldom Rest Erica Blackberry to grand champion bred-and-owned female honors at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show. The winning entry, which Is a June 1997 daughter of Krugerrand of Donamere 490, first won the Intermediate di vision, Jim Glllooly, Washington, Ind., Judged the event. Vertical panel saw, platform scales, 500 lb. and 1000 lb, 16’ trailer never used, will deliver. 609-232-7686 Cam den Co. Leer cap for Dodge Dakota, 8 ft. bed, $2OO, has sliding front window After 6 pm wkends 717-677-9456 Adams Co 4-71 Detroit diesel eng , runs good w/straight clutch, $2OOO. Lane Co. B & D router jigsaw table, B&D 11/2 hp router w/work hght huskee, GE 1/3 hp shallow well pump, 1/2 hp 1725 rpm electric 717-786- 7747 Lane. Co. 1931 Ford A coupe, new paint & mt, 1916 Ford Tour ing, VGC, last of brass series. 610-286-9002 Chester Co Pony cart, used rubber, small 125, larger steel used 200 200 Blank Rd , Narvon, PA 17555 Lane Co 1977 Scout II 4x4, air, cruise, tilt wheel, auto, $2OOO, 1979 Corvette, new tires, stereo, $350, LB2 $9500 717-259-7187 Adams Co land for sale, East Cocalico Twp 32 acres 717-336- 6985 Lane Co. Hardwood shorts, cherry, wal nut, tiger maple, 6”-14” wide, 6"-2' L, exc for small crafts 717-724-1895 Tioga Co 2 horse wagon heavy built 4' wheels, seat, pole, exc cond , box (fits sleigh too) wagon & sleigh, $1550, wagon $1250 410-343- 1477 Balt Co 1984 JDSSOC bulldozer, new pins & bushings, ROPS, 80% under carnage, 6 way tilt blade, $20,000 717-543-5581 Mifflin Co. 1944 JD A hand start in good cond 717-543-5539 Mifflin Co Purebed Shropshire year ling rams, aged ewes, vacci nated over eating' disease, drenched, ready for breed- mg 717-949-3653 Leb Co Dnvmi 16' cardinal gram elevator w/ or w/o gas engine, $250 Lanc V° 717-768-8435 Lanc Co Green tomato 24 roller wash er & waxer, 36" wide 717- 548-2030 Lanc Co IH 76 combine w/sear clean er & Mills cans 717-966- 0278 Union Co 600 gal Girton bulk milk tank, good shape, $375 080 717-949-2486 Leb. Co. MH self propelled combine for parts or as is (2) 10-24 tractor tires 717-547-6202 Lycoming Co WD4S 2 & 4 row cult, Ca cults, SC blade, AC plows, WD4S block & crank, D-14 WD4SWC parts 717-284- 2640 Lane. Co Poultry equipment, contact Don Graybill, McAllisterville, PA 717-463-2257 Jun Co Jacob’s four hom ram w/per fect horns 4 horn cross ewes, reg 1/2 Boer Buck goat, $lOO ea 814-349- 5536 Centre Co 2 1970 CMC truck doors & fenders, etc., $5O/all or trad for 15” 5 lug GM wheel & good tire 717-336-6534 Lane. Co Red Sex Sal Link pullets, good layers, 20 wks./Sept. 3 204A8e1l Rd., Chnstiana, PA 17509-9508. Lane Co. Peacocks & hens, all ages, Woods L 59 belly mower, $3OO, JD 16A flail chopper, $3OO, Honda Goldwing, $800.717-225-4511 York Co. MF 63C corn head, 6RN, NH 880 W hay pick-up, NN 880 chopper for parts, want IH 56 blower band. 717-367- 0874 Lane Co. IH McCormick Deenng cylin der com sheller w/bagger and cob elevator, $175, 4’ 3 pt Midland Zip seeder, $l5O. 717-933-8549 Berks Co. Top cut cattle trailer, 16' bumper hitch, $1700; JD 18’ centerfold disk, $4000.717- 367-0895 Lane Co 1985 Chevy hightop shuttle bus, 16 pass, recent engine overhaul, new tires, fresh paint, good mt, $4900 717- 789-4748 Perry Co Hunting, fishing cabin, Clearfield Co, stated leased ground, 29x16,1 sty frame, 2 BR, good cond , $22,500 717-776-3984 Cumb Co. MH 444 G&S w/3 pt $3300, vac case, $875; Hordi 3 pt air blast sprayer, need repairs 717-524-2410 Union Co Fueling station, 240 gal gravity on 6’ metal stand, "Gasboy" recording meter, 8' hose & nozzle, ideal home or sm. bus. station, S3OO/80. 717-938-2375 York Co 3 row Snapper head w/adapter, screens and knives for 760 Uni chopper, BO 717-445-6825 Lane Co 10 T truck hoist pump tank 12’ rails hinge 80 Chev 4x4 8’ thick dump good as is 717-567-3076 Perry Co Ola bell, $195; flatbed dump bed for 1-ton truck w/cab, protector steps, side rails &"sides 717-225-1600 York Co 10 red roosters, also 13 heavy yearling laying hens laying 75% No Sunday calls, please, 717-263- 1820 Frankl Co Bnck Cape Cod, 3 BR, easily 3 Ba & half, 100 amp break ers, Oyster Point, W Hemp field, Lane Co 717-569- 1921 Lane Co Satin Angora or French Angora bunnies Show quali ty, excellent fiber, with pedi gree $3O ea 717-838-4927 Leb Co Economy 14 hp tractor w/48" mower, high wheels, hyd. lift, $1995. 717-292- 3640 York Co 2 seated carriage, rubber tires, good shape at Diffeh bach sale, July 21 Lane. Co horse, am 1986 Suzuki quadsport, 4 wheeler, 250 2-stroke, runs good, SSO 717-626-5461 Lane Co. 1973 Ford F 350 cattle truck, good running order, current msp. 717-272-2245 York Co McCormick Deenng trailer mower No 9 w/trailer regular gear, steering tongue tractor hitch, extra knife, $250 080 717-229-2966 York Co 3 new recapped 425/R22 5 tires, $175, also 8 open cen ter nms that fits 11R24 5 tires 717-367-6084 Lane. Co. 1996 Thomas Register source book for mfg and dist of all kinds, new $230, make offer. 717-866-7777 Leb Co Milkeeper model RS3OO creamery package co. milk storage tank, stainless on wheels, $750 080 ext 3332 717-792-3565 York Co. 2 NASCAR tickets for Oct 4, 1998, $B4 ea. After 4:30 pm 717-432-4459 York Co Baled hay, NH 350 grinder mixer, Ford com picker, 3 hay gravity bin wagons 717- 939-4213 Dau. Co. Amish carnage, 14 years old, 12v lights. 31558 Harvest Drive, Ronks, PA 17572 Lane. Co. JD LA belt pully, Blue Heeler pups, $5O; other JD parts, JD 730 rock shaft. 540-350- 2702 Augusta Co.. VA Troy Bill rototiller, 7 hp, 3 attachments, used very little, $550 973-239-3280 after 6 Sussex Co. Gram Brain for 50 cows, also notice orders taken for organic sweetcorn 717- 768-8359 Lane Co Copier, comm’l Sharp 5F9550, 50 PPM, enlarge/reduce, autoi duplex, overlay and color copying, sort/collate, $350, needs repair 717-943-2238 Schuyl Co 1 compl refrigeration unit for produce cooler, $6OO, like new. 814-643-8281 Hunt Co Wisconsin baler engine, $2OO, IH foot hitch plow, 2- 16” bottoms, $2OO 610-967- 1012 Lehigh Co Jersey bull, 2 yr old, exc $375 cash, 1984 LTD 1 wag on, new tires, auto O D , good nde, excellent, $l9OO 717-673-4507 Bradford Co Jones PTO tub grinder, exc cond. 215-345-1368 Bucks Co 1986 25' Airstream side bath, immaculate tow vehi cle, 1995 F2SOXLT power stroke, extra tank, loaded 330-435-4587 Wayne OH Rosenthal husker shedder, good cond , on rubber tires, $4OO 080 908-475-8145 Warren Co Antique horse drawn potato planter on steel wheels w/vanous plates JD sickle bar cutter, #39, 7’ cut 717 467-3921 Schuyl Co Rubber hose, good for fuel or water, 11 /2" diameter x 25 long with fittings at both ends, these are new in box 717-467-3921 Schuyl Co 4 yr old saddle bred traffic safe sound, fast and easy trotter Willis Martin 1180 Woodlyn Dr, Denver, PA 17517 Lane Co 1 JD 10 ft transport disk, 7 internal disk pull type, 1 /2 ton car trailer, 3 Suffolk Rams no papers, 7 mo , 8 mo, 2 yrs 717-252-3589 York Co 33 +l-A, near R6l-178 Too many details to list, 2 deeds, waiting buyer for 21A $319,000 total. 610-926- 3841 Berks Co. Mighty-max flail shredder, 16 ft excellent cond $4500, Smucker pull-type weed wiper, 30’ wide, exc $1450 717-993-6152 York Co Used gas refrigerator, new unit since 1996, asking $450 Katie Lapp, 69 Long Lane, Kirkwood, PA 17536 Lane Co Ear com, 3 ton. After 5 pm 717-733-3525 Lane Co Artsway 450 grinder mix er w/scales, $3595, JD 24T baler, $750, 9’ Brock bins w/auger & motor, $B5O for both 717-624- 8124 Adams Co Oiled fired hot water heater w/tank, $3OO, 75 lb Anvil $9O, 5 hr vertical air com pressor, 2 stage, 3 ph $350 717-792-9282 York Co Registered English coon hound puppies, champion bloodlines, reds, blues, black and white night champion, triple grand champion breeding. 607- 776-4020 Steuben Co. 1 Cheviot ewe, 1 Cheviot male & baby doll, mixed lovely pet 717-445-5631 Lane. Co. Adult peacocks, $6O, emu chicks, $25; nngnecks, quail, cockatiels, lovebirds, black swans, yellow golden pheasants, 717-364-5812 Bradford Co. Case IH 5300 grain drill, 16x7 soybean special, grass seeding attachments, show room cond., $5500. After 6 pm 908-439-2203 Hunt. Co_ Antique gas engine, 3 hp JD small Tom Thumb, BO or trade for old music box. 410- 357-5421 Balt., Md.
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