With Correct Headwear, Farmers Have It Made In The Shade UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co ) - In photographs, television and film, the dominant image of a farmer usually includes a baseball hat a fashion choice that could be unhealthy in the long run, according to an expert in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural baseball caps, called "gimme" hats because they usually feature advertising for seed companies or heavy equipment manufactures, pro vide little protection from the sun, say Dennis Murphy, profes sor of agriculture engineering. "Baseball caps don't have a wide enough brim to offer much pro tection," Murphy says. Sunshine is crucial for crops, but for farmers, prolonged unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can lead to skin cancers. Using the correct headwear could mean the differ ence between life and death. Baseball caps, by far the most popular farming hat, really only pi otect the front part of the face, Murphy says. Wide brimmed hats such as cowboy hats, Australian bush hats and straw hats like those worn by Amish fanners are an improvement, but eve wide-brimmed hats are not foolproof. "You really need a hat that will protect the neck, ears and temples," Murphy says The best style to wear is com monly known as the "French Foreign Legion" hat. This fea tuies the generous brim of a baseball cap and adds a protec tive cloth to cover the neck and ears Another style to consider is the deerstalker cap, a double- Top honors In the division two showmanship contest went to these young Angus breeders at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show. Pictured from left Is Miss American Angus Jamie Meyer; Karl Holshouser, Gold Hill, N.C., champion; and Christy Walther, Mt. Crawford, Va., re serve champion. Whltestone Chloe JOSI was crowned grand champion owned female at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show. Bradley Lutz, Mt Jackson, Va., exhibited the Janu ary 1997 daughter of Rito 9F83 of SHII Fullback. She was first named the early Junior champion. A total of 369 entries were shown by Junior Angus breeders at the event. Penn State Pointers ► Have It Made in the Shade with Protective Headgear Visit us at "http://aginfo.psu.edu/psp/index.htmr brimmed style that covers the neck The deerstalker style is most commonly associated with the fictional detective Shprlock Holmes. According to medical statis- product with an SPF (sun pro tics, more than 600,000 tection factor) of at least 15, Americans will be diagnosed which will block 94 percent of with skin cancer this year. ultraviolet B rays most likely to Murphy says common sites for cause skin cancer The SPF fac skin cancer include the face, tips tor is rating that multiplies the of ears, hands, neck, forearms protection naturally provided by ■ RUY. SELL, T DADE and lips areas that farmers typ ically leave uncovered Tq prevent skin cancer, farm ers should use sunscreen regu larly. Murphy suggests using a PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM East Regional Junior Angus Show Draws 369 Entries HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Junior Angus breeders from 15 states vied for top honors at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior An gus Show June 26-28 here at the Farm Show Complex. Exhibitors paraded 214 owned heifers, S 8 bred-and-owned heif ers. 63 steers, 20 cow-calf pairs, and 14 bred-and-owned bulls for judge Jim Gillooly, Washington, Ind., at the event Bradley Lutz, Mt Jackson, Va., (Turn to Pag* 822) the skin For example, if your skin normally burns after an hour, using an SPF 15 sunscreen allows you 15 hours of exposure before burning Murphy recommends dress ing safely as well. Wear light weight long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Light-colored cloth ing reflects heat and sunlight Workers never should go shirt less & JUNIORj*k9B Pf 4* mk f V* ** ip* <** itf *I * p Winners were named In the division three showmanship contest at the 1998 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show June 26-28 in Harrisburg. Pictured from left at the award presentation Is Miss American Angus Jamie Meyer; Shee na Alderman, Weston, W. Va., champion; and Chelsey War field, Andersonville, Tenn., reserve champion. These young Angus enthusiasts won top honors In the division four showmanship contest held at the 1998 East ern Regional Junior Angus Show. Pictured from left is Miss American Angus Jamie Meyer; Andrew Foster, Niles, Mich., champion; and Kimberly Long, Alrville, reserve champion. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998-821 Sunglasses also a must Prolonged exposure to the sun can damage the retinas, corneas and the lens of the eye The sun is strongest between the hours of 10 a m and 3pm Dermatologists recommend not working during these hours, but this is not a practical solution for most farmers, which is why the use of sunscreen and protec tive headwear by farmers is so important 19
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