MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE Reg Morgan mare, 6 yrs old, Bay, 14'3”, sound, rode Western, proven broodmare, very pretty head, asking $3OOO 717-888-4490 Brad ford Co 21 acres of mountain ground, level, good spnng, good nghf of way, wooded Case 509 Diesel power unit 717-726- 6641 Clinton Co Reg Romney rams, year lings and lamb, Romney x Lincoln starter flock, 1 ram lamb, 2 ewe lambs 610-486- 6425 Chester Co 1981 VW Rabbit, red, sun roof, new clutch, AM/FM cass, 141 k mi fuel in), gas, runs good, $1025 firm 610- 756-6860 Berks Co JD 7 ft 709 Bush Hog, heavy duty, field ready, $lOOO, 3 pt hitch, hook up &go to work 301-582- 2526 Wash Co , Md Red Holstein bulls, service age, full brothers in A 1 $BOO, Glen-Toctm Farm 301-662-6493 Fred Co 16' dump wagon, $7OO, Farm Hand spreader, 150 bushel, $lOOO, 4’ grador box, $l5O, New Idea 310 corn picker, $lOOO 410- 357-8672 Balt Co , Md Pasture Mat / \ The Golden Standard , In Cow Comfort Finally! A Tough Cover That Works Better ★ 100% Waterproof ★ Most durable cover on the market ★ No Abrasion ★ Help eliminate ripple effect ★ Tough PVC Coating Cleans Better Than Previous Cover For details and installation with over 4 years experience Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372), Christiana, PA 17509 610-593-2242 Ask For Merrill or Sam 95' White Star IV New Idea five wheel hay rake, $2OO 080 814-224- 4252 Blair Co 1997 YZI2S, exc cond , fast bike, low hrs , $3500 717-682-8961 Schuvl Co 1934 Chevy 1 5 ton truck, AC WC tractor, Gravely 10A comm 30” mowers snow blower, G plow, cult, snow plows, sprayer 717- 366-2729 Sch Co 2 horse drawn manure spreader, 1 good, 1 for parts, $BOO/both, 9' lime spreader, $lOO, dehv poss 610-767-4735 Lehigh Co Pedal cars, 1952 BMC police car, all ong senior, $2200, also restored 1958 Hamilton Air Force Jeep, $lBOO 610-287-9897 Montg Co Bridgeport Mill, J-head dovetail Ram, 36” table , $2OOO, Chicago pan & box brake 36" $785, Pexto 36” shear, $495 080 610- 367-4139 Berks Co Marvel #9 power hacksaw 10”x10" cap, 3 phase, pow er feed & coolant, 18”x1 V 2” blades, $695 080 610- 367-4139 Berks Co 2 30 5x32 combine tires, tubes 1 PA 12x20 14 ply tires mounted centuiy 3 pt 30 gal sprayer, hyd pump, electric controls 908-479- 4807 Hunt Co Early 1950 s Dodge pick-up body, made into trailer $5O, Isuzu Rmn. trans and trans fer case, BO 410-465-8754 Howard Co 26’ dbl tobacco ladder wag on w/gear, $250, Gehl 10 ton wagon gear, $3OO, 3 pth agn metal bale chopper 717- 626-0034 Lane Co Adult Rottweiler female purebred, 6 yrs old, $5O 080, must sell, also large dog houses, 2nd lots of ken nels & parts 717-661-2188 Lane Co 4000 tobacco laths, IH 720 harvester, 2 heads, elec controls, good cond , Nl 325 2RN com picker, 12 row bed 717-354-9802 Lane Co 700 gal Mueller bulk tank Model M, 2 Farmco hay feeders, 16' & 24’ John L Stoltzfus, 385 A Willow Rd , Lane Co 479 NH Haybme, $ll5O 717-859-1523 Lane Co 10 nice Yorkshire feeder pigs from tested herd, alum storm windows & storm door & wooden windows and doors 610-286-9682 Berks Co Int 1150 gnnder/mixer, 10 ft 3 pt hitch harrow, viel rock rake, palco stocks, NH com shelter 814-467-1052 Som erset Co Chi/Angus & Maine Anjou/Angus cows w/calves bred heifers and bulls 717- 949-3701 Leb Co Garden tractor, Power King, 14 hp Kohler eng , elec clutch, 48" mower deck, $1450 717-733-1934 Lane Co Gehl 970 12 ton tandem roof, $4OOO, Gehl 600 har vester, 2 row narrow hay pick up, $750 717-867-5774 Leb Co 100 gal alum diamond fuel tank w/pump for pickup bed, $275, Browning 25/06 rifle, Leopold scope, $575 610- 286-8839 Chester Co Rye field run or cleaned Also the straw in big round bales 814-669-4175 Hunt Co Case Crawler loader 455 C, 1984, 4 in 1 bucket, rebuilt Cummins engine, CROPS w/sweeps, winch, runs good, $9500 609-691-0526 Salem Co Torque converter for 530 Case backhoe or tractor, $1450, exc cond 610-756- 4191 or 756-6626 Berks Co 1950 JD B horn loader after market 3 pt hitch, good tin, good rubber, runs great, $2200 After 6 pm, 610-287- 9386 Montg Co BgS®» 7&0 * SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Inshore and Offshore 6 PASSENGERS From CAPE MAY, NJ on the 32’ TOPAZ MAID MARIAN CHARTERS MOUNT JOY, PA Flounder • Weakfish • Marlin • Tuna • Blues Captain Jim McKinley (609)624-1461 JD Early Styled B, 1943, Rear Steel, Needs Carb Work, Good Metal, Not Rusted $1,200 080 JD U.S. AR Full Steel - Fresh Engine - Restored - Needs To Be Finish Slightly $4,000 080 Tracks for Skid Steer 1200x16.5 Grouser Band -150 Hrs., Use - Good Shape $1,500 080 717-563-2322 While gram flour & oatmeal mills We sell & grind whole grains here (Dekalb pul lets), ready to lay Aug 7 Samuel Lapp, 1598 Noble Rd , Kirkwood, PA 17536 Wisconsin VF4 engine, runs good, Ontario gram drill, AC mower w/engme $250, Fairbanks Morse irri gation pump 717-354- 7502 Lane Co Troups 37 coil traps, 2 #2, 13 #1 s 8 1/12 S 17 #ls, total 77 animal traps, rea sonable price 610-754- 6216 Montg Co Mobile home 14'x70’ extended LR, 3 BR, 11/2 baths, all electric, good cond, must be moved, $6OOO 080 717-786-3006 Lane Co Lg walnut tree, make offer 717-336-3276 Lane Co 10’ diameter satellite dish mesh w/receiver, $750 080 610-562-3899 Berks Co McCormick combine #76,60 gal 5 hp 220 v upright air compressor, Clausing metal lathe 13”x24” 717-589-7576 Perry Co 5 Ig purebred Guernsey heifers, 3 reg , due July 25 thru Aug , JD 4 row front end cults 410-756-6729 Carroll Co , Md Hesston Stakhand 30A Stakhand 30A Stack mover, 80, JD 30 combine for parts or repair, BO 410-848-0297 Carroll Co I I New & Used | | Wind Mills e | E & R WIND MILL | I SALES & SERVICE | B 717-354-5554 | I 717-354-9320 § STOP Feeding Expensive Feed to Pest Birds Avitrol treated gram baits successfully remove pest birds from feedlots and farm buildings HESSAGRI MARKETING 218 Rockpomt Rd, Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 ERA Approved /sUfitooi Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998-823 Two 1951 JD Bs, good sheet metal, 1 runs good, 1 needs carburetor, good rubber, $2200 717-328- 2943 Frankl Co 42 Ford sdn parts 64 Impala for parts, $lOO ea , antique car towing boom, $2OO, bandsaw, small, $lOO 717-938-9119 York Co Gram wagon on JD gear new paint and tires, good cond , $975 717-241-6558 Cumb Co Farmall 460 tractor, wide front end, gas, power steer ing, good shape, runs good, $2500 717-927- 6967 Felton Co Thompson Center 223 cal single shot carbine w/Leupold 1/12x5 scope, $595, without scope, $345 717-865-2536 Leb Co 18x40 Umdilla wood silo, good cond, BO 717-437- 2656 Col Co 1986 Smoker Craft, 14' Semi-V, 1993 Manner, 8 hp motor, 2818 thrust Mmnkota trolling motor, depth finder, w/trailer, $l6OO 717-285- 4620 Lane Co 1989 F 250 4x4 7 3 diesel, auto, power angle plow, bed liner, alum wheels, new tires, 77,000 miles, $B5OO 717-245-2950 Cumb Co Morgans, driving brood mares, $lBOO-$3500 ea Buckskin stallion $3500, yearhngs/weanlmgs $l5OO, blk ASB/Morgx dri ves, $l5OO, blk pony colt 717-235-2950 York Co 600 bushel boxes, $3 50 ea 7x9'steel flatbed, 1962 Noval 1947 Chevy p/u bumper car wanted, local milk bottles, 717-241-0333 Cumb Co Fedders air cond , 32,000 but 22v, used very little, $lOO Caloric combination coal S gas kitchen range $lOO 717- 361-8881 Lane Co Zimmerman 40 ft eleva tor, $9OO, free delivery to Lane area 717-532 5382 Franklin Co JD 336 baler w/30# thrower, shed kept, nice, $3900 firm new Farm-eze mnoculant applicator, 12v, $lOO 717- 664-2959 Lane Co 5' Ford bush hog, good shape, $3OO 080, 154 Cub Low Boy, 5' wood mower, good shape, $2500 080 410-635-2348 Carroll Co Gravely Promasler 20H 60" deck used 220 hrs, by homeowner, $3600, Glen wood comb cool wood & elect bolder mod 1250, $550 After 6 pm, 610-767- 9026 Lehigh Co uamms' U.L.P.A. & N.F.I FREE ESTIMA ier, Owner '4-7090 / \spcuz Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers ' Sprayer Part* and Rapalr • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker . 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood PA 17536 717-529-6553 YES! Jin ROSENBERRY STOVES (717) 532-9023 10x45 Terre Hill stove silo, good cond , 28’x54' tobacco shed to be torn down, BO 717-354-5016 Lane Co JD 146 loader w/hyd valve and 6’ bucket, exc cond , Jersey heifer, 18 mo ready to be bred 610-683-8074 Berks Co 10' Bnlhon cultipacker, 4 in axle, nice, $875, Harvest aid conveyor, 40 w/16 loading elevator, 3 pt hitch, $4200 717-367-7145 Lane Co NH 256 rake, $l4OO, Ford 8 offset disk, $l5OO, NH 600 bushel batch dryer, $5OO 610-377-3219 Carbon Co 1981 Freightlmer cab over 400 Cummins engine, 13 sp , runs good, fair cond , asking $4OOO 610-759- 6523 Northhampton Co Ford 515 3 pt hitch, mower, 7 ft cut & 20 ft bale elevator, new motor on wheels, haul on pick-up 717-432-5506 Adams Co 1979 Chevy truck 27 500 GVWR, Ig alum box, 2 doors, rear & side, very good motor, $2,950 717-748- 5047 Clinton Co AC Model B tractor, exc w/2-way .mounted plow $lBOO, 1986 Ford Crown Victoria, immac, $l9OO 908-996-6959 Hunt Co Armature for Onan genera tor, 5000 watt 5 cck, 3RV2175F 315-483-1209 Newark, NY New Idea 4 wheel manure spreader, works good, $4OO 080 Alvin Beiler, 32 N Little Brittain Rd , Quarryville, PA 17566 Lane Co Lot public water over 1/2 acre, great view Stover stown $21,900 Olds 109.1 7200 M 4 door many extras, $2950 717 246 0202 York Co Mack H model cabover $5OO Army truck, 5 ton con tinual motor turbo $5OO Int school bus fiberglass hood $5OO 301-994-0627 St Marys Co MF 750 combine, 2 seasons on rebuilt engine, $4500 13 flex head, $5OO Hesston #lO stacker, BO 410-692 2602 Harford Co 1959 Ford 801 Select-O- Speed tractor, rebuilt engine rebuilt transmission VGC $3500 080 717-758-2136 Northumberland Co JD No 36 Harvester w/table steel wheels, exc cond , IH com binder w/loader engine hyd side hitch tandem wheels, exc shape 717- 354-5802 Lane Co NH 30' elevator for com hay, $lBOO Dellinger Hammer Mill, $125, IH 4 bar hay rake, $125 610-252-1344 North hampton Co P.O. B( Freeburg,
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