A&EdHgfetd'' Fiwmtfr, T saßftflayr fetmrf zr; isct ' UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - The 1998 Pennsylvania Beef Expo will be held March 26-29 in Penn State's Agricultural Arena at University Park, Pa. The Expo allows beef produc ers and other interested con sumers to see the latest technol ogy, marketing strategies and services within the beef indus try. Attractions at the event include an all-breed, perfor mance-tested bull sale, cattle evaluations and sales, a trade show featdres more than 60 commercial exhibitors and an educational program. This year’s educational seg ment is comprehensive traveling exhibit on beef cattle manage ment, with particular emphasis on quality assurance concepts. The program, sponsored by the ExKwmfj Thursday, March 2C; 12-6 pm Ttade Show set-up 2-4 30 pm Quality Assurance traveling Exhant/Baet Management Demo 3 pm Cattlemens Banquet end Membership Meeting ul lha Boaisfaurg Fire Hall . Friday, March 27' 6:30 am Trade Show opens 11 am MAEC Pertormanoe-t acted Bull Seta 2 pm Sim mental Sale (withn an hour after Bull Sale) 4-6 pm Quality Assurance Traveling Exhibit • Saturday, March 28: 8.306 pm Trade Show open 8:30-9 30 am Junior stoll-a then 10am Commercial Heifer Sale ■ 11am Spacal Purebred Breeding Cattle Sde 1 pm Angus Sale 3pm Junor cattle check-in and weigh 4 306 pm Quality Assurance Exhibit for Junora 6 pm Junior Quiz Bowl 730 pm Junior Pizza Party Mucic/Danca with “Sight & Sound* DJ Phil Dempsey Sunday, March 21: 9 am Junor Heiter Show 10:30 am Junior Steer Show The co-ipamors (CASkstimakAsssnttm. FSV Department of Dam & An,mol .iw,. PA Beef QfiunoL PA Department of Aorttohurt and the PA Breed Annnatiantl rmntr year participation. The program u open to ail, mtheut regard to race, color, religious treed, national orrpn, sex, sexual orientation, harsdseap, or op Rip* Offict Hcad^avncrr 651 V'oi KoQowßoui ieite Cullegr PA 16K05 I*ho.«= *l4 865 5857 PCA Office lUlfin »• Vilky koad "'ert MinMi PA 16*70 Flioftf- 607 4?OA Pom Suu Aft Aren* Offkx •bone «H 163 Ofu 0 Responsibilities of the Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Queen and Guidelines for Selection of the Queen RESPONSIBILITIES; 1 The Cattlemen's Queen will be an ambassador for the Pennsylvania Cattlemen's As sociation and/or its affiliate organizations at agncultural and other events m Pennsylvania 2 The Cattlemen's Queen will be available for subcontract to the Pennsylvania Beef Council (upon request by the PBC Executive Director or designee) at the rate of $6 00/hour plus out-of-pocket expenses. 3 The PCA Queen Committee Chairperson will maintain the authority to assign events and responsibilities to the Cattlemen s Queen SELECTION 1 The Cattlemen s Queen and one alternate will be selected by the Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association Queen Committee 2 The selected individuals must he willing to serve as Cattlemen's Queen or alternate 3 The qualifications for Cattlemen's Queen are- ■ Current member of the Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association or PA junior Cattlemen's Association ■ Between the ages of 17 and 23 ■ Female ■ Single, no children, never married, and may not marry during reign ■ Have a working knowledge or the cattle industry ■ Display ability to work with cattle at the farm level 4 Judging ot contestants is based on the following ■ Intelligence ■ Personality ■ Appearance ■ Poise 3 A cash award of SlOO will be given at the end or the Queen’s one-verr reign Beef Expo Slated For Penn State's Ag Arena Pennsylvania Beef Council, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Nation Cattlemen's Beef Association and the Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association, will be held Thursday, March 26 at 2 p.m. and continue through Saturday at various times. The Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association Award Banquet and Membership Meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Boalsburg Fire Hall. The trade show opens at 8 a.m. Friday, March 27, and the 25th annual all-breed, perfor mance-tested bull sale begins at 11 a.m. More than 70 bulls from such breeds as Angus, Polled Hereford, Simmental, Charolais and Limousin will be offered. %wam March 26-29, 1998 Penn [2O points! [2O points) [2O points! [lO points! The bull sale will be immediate ly followed by the Pennsylvania Simmental Sale. On Saturday, March 28, a youth competition called the Junior Skill-a-thon will begin at 8:30 a.m. The commercial heifer sale is scheduled for 10 a.m. fol lowed by the special purebred breeding cattle sale. The com mercial and special breeds sales will be followed by the Pennsylvania Angus sale at 1 p.m. Saturday evening, the Junior Quiz Bowl begins at 6 p.m. , fol lowed by a junior pizza party, featuring music by DJ Phil Dempsey. E'S^moN Name Address. City/Slate. Phone STEER INFORMATION: Breed. Sire. Exhibit Number Thm rmuafhmmm SttfEtpa CtmmMct tmaurtgtt/tuA M lam hi dtutg « kmmk-a* cxftnatca. tmdAtnftrtttftaiptnitqMtmAtJtiiutrSluwlrh smith raptfuMt/tr At mMtfrqwWi •/mar tmutmb/tt tta mud n iMr hftkt emit m/Skm Itmg Oua Av product liiimiit mltrmtty tt turd aatmtUf It tktr At ettftrmtdttt tf tm tmmui/m akAdmi m tmedp prwhiiltd Arrf mumm l Jut tttdttct tj untAirtlfmutg prmrtcrt, tuck at Umptring with At mmtrtijlmktii: mmdmmcU drnrtUpmtm, *r*Ubt htrrtdfrtm At tht/wmnd tt#prtmmmi iwM Tht Bmtt Ltpm CtmmAtt rmmyes At ugh! A tmt tm tnmitl fm At tUdgut mm t/drugi tr ttmUtltci Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association /st—/o tt 1398 Cattlemen's,Queen Application The Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association (PCA) will announce the 1998 Cattlemen's Queen a the Annual Banquet on Thursday, March 26, 1996. Applicants must be a member of PCA or tl PA Junior Cattlemen's Association (PJCA); female; between the ages of 17-23; single; and have working knowledge of the cattle industry at the farm level. Name Home Address Couni School Address (if college student) Birthdate: 1. Plaasm describe your current occupation (If student, pleese speedy major): 2. Pfmmsm list past livestock and/or food Industry activities & awards: 3. On a separate pago, plaaso state in 150 words or less why you would llko to represent ths Pennsylvania Cattlemen's Association as tho 1990 Cattlemen's Queen. On Sunday, March 29, the Junior Heifer Show starts at 9 a.m., followed by the Junior Steer Show, scheduled for 10:30 a.m. The Expo is free and open to the public. For information on Beef Expo activities, write to Pennsylvania Beef Expo, 651 Fox Hollow Road, State College, PA 16803, or call the following people: •Trade Show Information: Lowell Wilson, Penn State pro fessor of animal science, (814) 863-6359. •Junior Events: Katie Biddle, (814) 863-3659. JUNIOR STEER SHOW 1998 Registration Form Birthdate **★**★★★★★***•*★■* Health papers checked by. Please submit this completed application to: Katie Biddle 324 Henning Building. University Park, PA 16802 (814) 466-6215 (evenings) Application deadline is March 21, 1998 Social Security No Date of Birth Dam. Phone No Social Security No. •Cattle Sales: Seamans, (814) 238-8909. •General Information: G 1 Eberly, (814) 865-5857. •PCA Banquet; Joan Pol (814) 692-4208. MCA , m © E^osmoN 4 ♦
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