Rebuilt Requea manure spreader for sale with new endgate, paint, beaters $1900.115 Horseshoe Rd , Leola. PA 17540. _ Amish horse for rent Aquil la R Stoltzfus, 454 Bartville Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536 Lane Co Person answering ad for oak log please call back for correction (reverse charge OK) B”x7”xB’ York Co 717- 235-3197 Edison, Columbia, Victor talking machines Horns and accessories wanted Also any condition Ask for Dave Chester Co 610- 793-4249 Cab for MF 285 Also MF 1135 M/P Cab, A/C dual remotes, 38” tires All calls returned Kent Co, DE 302-492-3451 Two row pull type corn planter with fertilizer hop pers and trip road lift and drop Berks Co 610-562- 7714 Shaver 3 Pt post driver Lebanon Co 717-838- 2640 Snow blower for Steiner tractor Center Co 814- 234-2725 Colt Mustang 380 pock ethte Harley “Sportster" engine, up to 1976 Chromwell, Seagrove, Cly mer, pans, Geno, early crash helmets Berks Co 610-670-9544 Army Jeep wanted for parts or restoration Please call if you know of any old jeeps - dead or alive 215-453- 9391 Scarifier for JO 440 with 831 Uffllftft'. any condition Alsff’Wrection reverser con trol lever w/all hardware Berks Co 610-682-0968 1929 Model A roadster Must be in good condition Monfg Co 610-933-2469. Collector seeks Winchester model 61 or 62's in 98% or better ontgmal condition Prefer NIB 8-10 pm onjy Adams Co. 717-624- 1500. Haybme, 7 foot cut, work ing condition Lane Co 717-687-7096 International wide front for Farmall 300 or 350 York Co. 717-244-0362 Hand cranked pasta cutter also used 22 quart pres sure canner, both in good condition Also small cream separatee Lane Co 717- 733-0253 Bobcat or skid loader, rea sonable, 12” chain saw, small manure spreader Russel Weidman, Lane Co 717-285-5208 Crop Dryer, JD model 88, PTO driver, any condition Between 6 30 and 8 pm Windsor, VI 802-674- 5426 Wanted - Ml Uni-System H R N 774 header, good cond , no Sunday calls Lebanon Co 717-949- 3955 24 or more church pews Franklin Co 717-369- 3590 Dead or alive - MTD white wizard tractor with cast iron grill, 10-12-14-16 HP Call anytime after 5 pm Snyder Co 717-374-4720 Utility shed - good condi tion Around 8’ to 10’ long John K Stoltzfoos, 935 Truce Road, Holtwood, PA 17532 Looking for good restorable P U truck What do you have 9 Make not important Leb Co 717-273-3084 Lionel and Flyer trains Plasticville building kits for the platform Also, will buy your extra parts Call any time York Co 717-292- 1317 3-Pomt post hole digger with mm 9" Auger Rea sonable price Berks Co 610-921-3753 Parts for Bullion cultim ulchers 12’or 13’ Chester Co 610-932-3352 Mott or Alamo Interstate mowers and 3 Pt flail mow ers or parts Susquehanna 717-278-9337 12 inch by 28 inch nm for a Massey Ferguson 245 Front weight frame for Massey Ferguson 245 Columbia Co 717-799- 5210 Job Johnny Must be in good ocndition Lane Co 717-445-5859 Now buying chestnut beams, resawn chestnut boards, wide white oak barn planks Salvage of old large buildings Adams Co 717-334-0249 Purebred Boston Terrier puppy, male, must have extra white on For chil dren's pet, reasonably priced Will have very goo home Snyder Co 717-58- 2098 Tires & wheels to fit C-50 Chevy Truck (10-lug split rim or not) Montg Co 610- 754-7012 Small Cralwer Tractor or Trencher -JD Int, Case, etc Retirement Fix-up, w/without loader or dozer. Camden, NJ 609-767- 9088 Fiberglass or Aluminum Cap to fit ‘92 Ford Ranger 6-1/2’bed Lehigh Co 610- 767-9373 Wheels 24” 4 Roll Power Adjust Cambria Co 814- 674-8119 Railroad Ray collector of old toy trains made before 1950 Lionel, Ives, Chicago Flyer, Voltamp, Boucher Thank you' Morris NJ 973- 361-8568 Man & wife seeking long term dairy, beef farm employment Will relocate Need housing Very good with cable & equipment Luzerne Co 717-819- 1849 Head for a 4 Cyl Continen tal diesel engine model #JD 403-602 Union Co 717-966-4574 A 12 Ft header for a 1495 NH self propelled haybme in good condition and rea sonably priced Juniata Co 717-527-4870 1989-1990 Toyota SRS with overdrive and 8 Ft box, low miles, and two wheel drive, no rust Perry Co 717-444-3606 Hay Rake with good gear box and w/dolly NH 469 Haybme for parts Hay wagon' w/good running gear Berks Co 610-589- 2175 JD 810 Series, 3 or 4 Bot tom Plow Essex, CT 860- 767-7158 Cigar box labels and sam ple label books Write cigar box labels 264 Forge Hill Road, Wnghtsville, PA 17368. York Co 717-252- 2023 Parts wanted for 1941 Gra ham sedan for spring restoration Please send your list of avail, parts Thanks Allegheny, NY 716-466-3524 Book - A guide to raising chickens Write John Latsko, 2541 Mercer Pike, Cochranton, PA 16314 Crawford Co 814-425- 2002 Model A Ford pickup or Coupe wanted, good con dition Call between 7 and 10 pm Bucks Co 215- 536-5776 Woods mid mount mower deck to fit Allis Chalmers model CA Prefer L 306 New Castle Co 302-456- 9375 Plymouth or Silver King tractors wanted - any con dition Also parts literature and memorabilia Richland Co 419-896-2828 Wanted - 825-15 Trailer rims, 2 piece open center, good condition, reasonably priced with or without tire Call evening Montg Co 610-933-8733 Wanted - Dried Hickory 1- 3/4 in or 2 in 2,000 board ft Dauphin Co 717-365- 3995 New to Farming and seek ing inexpensive baler in good cond Dauphin Co 717-533-3736 1928 Chevy body in restor able condition Lane Co 717-665-5998 Used D S stainless canner with firebox, also stainless chimney Enos K Stoltzfus, 881 Pumping Station Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536 J D 2520 powershift or 3020 side console power shift engine Need not run Reasonable price Yates Co , NY 315-536-6747 1Y69 Continental engine, JDKBA 24 blade disc Han nah Esh, 870 North Col lege Street, Myerstown, 17067-1718 Lebanon Co Propane burner for Miller mobile home furnace Working order Lane Co 717-656-7209 No Sunday calls Old motor scooters and parts for private collector "Cushman, Salsbury, Rupp, Doodlebug, Skatkit ty, Topper, Centaur, Speed way, Valomobile, etc Cumb Co 717-245-9583 Trailer Plow 4-16” or 5-14” Trip Bottom in good condi tion Lane Co 717-336- 0440 2-4 Ton feed bin and 10’ or 12' silo unloader complete Lane Co 717-354-9584 Female Brittany Spaniel, 1 year old or less Call 814- 944-2419 Flatbed for truck, 18 to 20 feet long Also Cab for JD 4230 4 Post Fulton Co 717-294-3712 Sale Reports GOUGLERSVILLE SALE A 1990 Plymouth Lazer sport coupe brought $2970 Wednes day at a public auction held at Gouglersville Banquet Hall, Reading. There were 184 regis tered bidders. Also sold were a one piece modern comer cupboard $990, modem S-pc. mahogany bed room suite $825, ma hogany highboy $825, white upholstered sofa and love seat $528, Hitchcock comer cup board $495, Pennsylva nia House hutch and server $484, Oriental rug $440. Heywood- Wakefield desk and chair $440, unsigned art glass vase $407, paint decorated domed tin box $341, marble-top washstand $330, cherry table w/six chairs $302, Ethan Allen bookcases $286, mahogany book case $275, Hitchcock desk and chair $275, I comer mirrored curio cabinet $247.50, oak blanket chest $220, old er model Maytag washer and dryer $l9Bl, curio display ta ble $lB7, modem din ette set $165, decorated Hitchcock rocker $143, cedar chest $137.50, nodding head elephant $132, Lalique powder jar $132, unsigned blue decorated crock $132, cedar wardrobe $l2l, mahogany one-drawer table $l2l, Norman Wilson oil on canvas $llO, pair of marble based candlesticks $llO, sponge pitcher $llO, two nodding head figures $99. pair of nodding figures $99, pine table and 4 chairs $99, framed horse rug $93.50, fighter nodding figure $93.50, Oriental throw rug $BB, doweled bench $82.50, pair of Lalique quail figures $82.50, keywind pocket Watch $82.50, child’s park bench $82.50, monkey and clown nod ding head figures $77 each. Swank radio lighter $71.50, shadow box $71.50, house print $71.50, Lalique deer figure $60.50 and bone china eggnog set $60.50. The sale was con ducted by Cathy M. Pennypacker-Andrews, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 7, 1998-827 Wanted JD Hi-Crop for restoration Prefer JD 60, 70, 620, 720, 630 or 730 Daupfim Co 717-657- 3056 Full time farm position feeding maintenance cat tle, dogs, horses, etc Housing possible Must be reliable Lebanon Townhip, NJ 908-537-7800 IH 8,1206 or 56, can need repair, For Sale - Parting Out F-600, N H 55 Rake, Walk-in Cooler, Bedford Co 814-652-2900 Corn Sheller and chicken plucker disks, 6 ft for TPH, oil lamps and other home stead items Beaver Co 412-857-0532 Reading, and Luke K. Witman, Manheim, of Pennypacker-Andrews Auction Centre Inc., ShiUington. ANDERSON SALE A Civil War musket brough $l3OO at a pub lilc sale held Jan. 24 for Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr Anderson at Springetts Fire Co. social hall, York. There were 410 registered bidders. Other highlights in cluded: leather ammo pouch SSSO, canteen $230, bow-front china cabinet $7OO, two drop leaf tables $270 and $275, rope bed $BO, bed and chest of drawers $390, RCA color TV $l3O, cane-seat rocker $BO, table $lB3, set of 6 kitchen chairs $l5O, oak stand $95, rocker $4O, 65-pc. set of Ba varia dishes $l5O, Mc- Cormick teapot $4O, crock $25, dollhouse $lOO, two German dolls $l5O each, Madame Alexander doll $145, market basket $45, 1937, 1938 and 1939 hunting licenses $35 each, Olympus camera $B5, shelf clock $BO, Gone With the Wind lamp $270, 12 blue goblets $l9O, Planter’s peanut jar $7O, jug $35, box of Harper’s Weekly magazines $l2O, York book $4O, Kentucky rifle book $35, small Mantis rototiller $l7O, small generatorsl2o, small wood lathe $ll5, Craftsman band saw $2OO, Craftsman 10-inch table saw $l6O, Rockwood drill press $l4O, Craftsman 10-inch radial arm saw $165, welder $l2O, acetylene torch outfit $l3O, socket sets $37.50 and $4O each, and 1969 Cub Cadet mower w/snowblower attachment $6OO. The sale was con ducted by Jacob A. Gil bert and Brian L. Gil bert of Gilbert & Gil bert Auctioneers, Wrightsville Rl. Conestoga Valley School District Sale A wanner and steam er unit brought $1550 Saturday at a dispersal sale held for Conestoga Valley School District at CV Middle School, Leola. There were 573 registered bidders and more than 1600 people in attendance. Also sold were a mixer $7OO, kitchen cart $lOO, stainless steel tables $lOO to $550 each, stainless steel sinks $6OO each, Victor refrigerator $5OO, Hot point refrigerator $2lO, two electric stoves $lOO and $230, two gas stoves $4OO each, cook ing statoin $2OO, wood en cabinets $125 to $595 each, sewing ma chines $45 to $B5 each, science lab $225, sci ence tabel $250, slate blackboards $l5O to $260 each, filing cabin ets $4O to $llO each, teacher’s desks $3O to $102.50 each, Lincoln welder $2OO, work benches $475 each, lathe $500,6-inch plan er $275, band saw $9OO, saw $2OO and kiln $335. The sale was con ducted by Robert E. Martin, Leola; Jeffrey R. Martin, New Hol land; Michael L. Mar tin, Strasburg; and Ran dall L. Ranck, Lancas ter. STERMER SALE A Public Auction of a 35-year collection was held January 31 at the East Berlin Fire Co., East Berlin, Adams Co., Pa. There were 217 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included: child’s oak rocker $2lO, Wings of Texaco #1 airplane $l2O, fishing lure $9O, Daisy BB gun $55. Game Commission books (Ned Smith)l£6s, metal hunting license $55, Myers hand pump $2OO, Cal Ripken Wheades boxes $2O ea., and Winchester pocket knives $22 each. Mike Stermer man aged the sale. HERSHBERGER SALE A Public Auction of heifers, mules and farm equipment was held January 28 by Jonathan B. and Betty K. Hersh berger, 959 Drywells Road, Quarryville, Lane. Co., Pa. Two heifers were sold at $l2OO each and one at $llOO. The 22 heifers averaged $670. A team of 3-year-old mules sold for $3lOO and a team of 9-year old mules brought $3200. Single mules brought $lBOO and $1450. Other prices were: InL 560 tractor $3700, flail chopper $lBOO, N.H. 256 rake $1350, N.H. 455 mower $1350, N.I. 323 com picker $l3OO, field sprayer $1075, two flat bed wagons $lO5O each, to bacco lath $37 per hd., milkers DeLaval $375 each, 4th cutting hay $l7O to $2OO per ton, straw $lOO per ton, com fodder $52 per ton and ear com $lO4 per ton. Mel Hoover was the auctioneer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers