826-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, February 7, 1998 486 computer system, with monitor, keyboard, mouse, Windows 95, BMB Ram, 3 5“ floppy drive, 5 1/4" floppy drive 610-756-6860 Berks Co Manure spreader, 6x3xl 1/2 ft box, ground drive, steel wheels, tractor pull - $125 610-367-7125 Berks Co 69 Mercury Marquee con vertible, 60,000 miles - $3OOO 1958 Packard Hawk - $5OOO 58 Stude baker Pres-$lOOO 60Ford convertible - $7OOO 610- 987-6731 Berks Co Goats, fainting doe & buck, purebred, also - kids, pure bred kinder buck kids, mixsmo chuh+ patterner male, If tan &wh 610-756- 4129 Berks Co Backhoe attachment, ARPS, 90 3pt hitch with pump, 16” 12” buckets, clean' - $4500 Welding cart, large tanks 610-845- 7664 Berks Co Haylage, round bales, 4'x4' of alfalf and alfalfa mixed Tractor trailer loads only, can deliver 610-756-6583 Berks Co 7ft Howard HD tiller, 3pt hitch - $2995 13hp goosen shredder chipper - $1995 York rake - 4125 J D 110 w/mower deck - $995 717-375-2614 Franklin Co Miniature Australian Shep hers, 13 2 paint pony, Quarter horse reining mare, foundation blood line great to learn on, safe 717-582-8840 Perry Co IHC 2-bottom plow, fast hitch, good bottoms - $l5O Old Penn Supreme metal milk crates - $5O/each 717-834-3148 Perry Co John Deere "H" cultivators - $l5O Have hydraulic cylinders - $3OO 301-854- 6431 Howard Co, MD Registered Australian cat tle dog pups,working par ents, vet checked and wormed, pick and reserve now Ready 2/11 717 899-7755 Mifflin Co Ford 5000 approx 900 hours on rebuilt engine - $3BOO 080 Electric range, works - $2O 717- 524-0302 Union Co 3-pomt Dearborn cultivator, Antique fodder chopper 717-597-7832 Frank. Co Precision classic toys, Ist Farmall, 4020JD-3rd Air plane banks, Ist editions, J D , Case, Oliver, Texaco, AC, NIB 717-776-5011 CumbCo 1985 Chevy 4x5, 350, a* - $2BOO 080 717-463- 3983 Juniata Co Maytag wringer washer, Ashley wood, coal stove, 6- lug 6x30 rubber block trac tor wheel Beiler, 934 Stively Rd, Strasburg, PA 17579 Lancaster Co Hard Maple flooring, 3200 ft - $1 50/sq ft 080 Also, 2x4's - $1 50/pce Write R D #l, Box 229, Logan ton, PA 17747 Clinton Cn Gas forge with air motor for wheel rehooping - BO Willis S Martin, 335 East Farmersville Rd, Ephrafa, PA 17522 Lane Co Midwestern Bio-Ag SEMINAR Wednesday., February 18, 1998,i0;00am at Yoders Restaurant, Rt. 23, New Holland, PA (717) 354-4748 TOPICS: * BALANCED SOILS * HEALTHY CROPS * HIGH QUALITY FEED * HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE LIVESTOCK * PROFITABLE FARMING Speakers; Gary Zimmer President Midwestern Bio-Ag, Dairy Nutritionist, Soils Consultant and Farmer Tom Weaver Midwestern Bio-Ag Dairy Management Specialist Ken Muckenfuss Certified Organic Grower Midwestern Bio-Ag East Consultant COST: $12.00 (includes lunch) For more information or directions call Ken Muckenfuss at (609) 998-0378 Storm front carriage, 12v, hyd brakes, concrete mix er, DS bucket a day, butch er kettle RRI, Box 362, Newmanstown, Lane Co MF tractor, 35 diesel, Perkins engine, Case 485 Diesel tractor - only 1300 hrs, Bobcat skid loader - $2900 717-252-0757 York Co John Deere F 845, three bottom, 16m rollover plow, good condition - $3250 717-626-6592 Lane. Co Two Nubian goats, one year old male and female, good breeding stock • $7O each. MFB2 4-16 3pth plows 717-799-0169 Columbia Co. Locust posts, cut to 7ft 717-865-0503 Leb Co Mobile Home. 14x70, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, appli ances, oil heat, must be moved - $3OOO 080 No Sunday calls 717-867- 2324 Lebanon Co 1985 Ford 4x2, 3/4ton 6cyl - $2200 350 bales bright wheat straw Call after 7pm 717-356-7666 Columbia Co 1980 C7O Chevy truck, 30,000 GVW cab, chasis - $4OOO 080 Martin Smid ley steer stuffer, exc condi tion - $650 717-564-1328 Dauphin Co 2000 gal water tank with 6 inch valve 1930 6cylmder Chevy engine No Sunday calls 717-528-4162 Adams Co Ammco 7-mch metal shaper mounted on beauti ful rolling shop cabinet, maple wood - $250 717- 432-2653 York Co GQF incubators, ex cond , electronic thermostats and automatic waters with glass doors, extra trays, both 717-656- 7440 Lancaster Co 1995 2500 exe Dodge pick up, excellent condition, 38,000 miles, great buy 410-848-7340 or 410-857- 9568 Carroll Co, MD John Deere model 1240, 4- row corn planter 610-286- 9467 Chester Co N H 252 dual hay rake hitch, 2yrs old, like new - $l3OO NH 256 rake, good condition - $l2OO 717-463-3183 Jun.Co International 5100 DD gram drill, 19 7 front and rear levelers, press wheels, cylinder excellent, always shedded - $3900 610- 944-9819 Berks Co JD4O w/f - $2BOO Farmall A hi-crop - $lOOO Case vac - $BOO 1887 Buggy, restored - $l5OO JD73O-G - $550 After 7pm 717- 597-5711 Franklin Co John Deere B, Maytag wringer washer, 8-horse Briggs Stratton engine, 1 carriage harness Daniel Stoltzfus, 499 Shady Rd, Newburg, Cumberland Co Registered Nubian buck, 4 years old, very good dairy character, daughters are good milkers Asking $250 080 717-536-3582 Perry Co Cat D 6 needs final 9U15015 - $l4OO Also, AC HD-6 loader, runs - $3OOO 717-438-3832 Perry Co Railroad ties from $3, depending on shape 717- 336-5099 Lane Co Allis Chalmers Model B tractor with plow, good rub ber - $5OO. 717-865-4892 Lebanon Co Hydraulic pumping unit, 4cylmder engine, rebuilt, all controls - $6OO. Cham hoist air, 1 -ton - $2OO Wis consin engine, 4 cylinder 717-652-1957 Dauph. Co Brick ranch house, New Bloomfield borough, three bedroom, two baths, oil HWH, 1713 total square feet, single garage. 717- 582-4893 Perry Co Double 6 Boamatic parlour, meters detachers, Van Dale SS-feeder, Patz conveyor, JDrd widefront, 4-2cyl, 200 g, sprayer. 3pt, steel wheels, Ford9N 717-222- 4432 Susq Co Case 430 diesel tractor, ps, wfe". 3pt hitch, bucket loader, rebuilt motor, body fair condition - $3600 814- 435-6666 Potter Co Maytag wringer washer - $95, 36” GE electric rahge - $65, Both excellent, 400 old barn door hinges @ $2. 410-775-7211 Fred Co Two nice transport disk harrows, one Oliver 10ft, one John Deere lift, one 13ft cultipacker, 4m axle, Bullion 717-334-9520 Adams Co 1 pr, 6yr old Molly sorrel mules, broke to farm equ with snap - $3900 400 Erdman Rd, Lykens, PA 17048, Dauphin Co Hesston 1090 haybme; Reading Utility truck body, covered bed; old Interna tional dump truck, good fo make dump trailer. 717- 729-8219 Wayne Co. Ford9N, R-T9090, some rust on fender & hood, Hubart 14 inch throat meat band saw 717-385-0723 Schuylkill Co Rumely oil pull, 20-40 - $14,500 Chase shingle mill - $5OOO JD amt 626 4x4 - $2,600 .717-334-1082 Adams Co Four passenger, one horse horsedrawn sleight. 3pt weed sprayer with 30' boom Wheat straw 717- 682-3484 Schuylkill Co Dewalt radial arm saw, 9" single phase with planer and Dado blades - $325 410-838-6196 Harford Co 10 foot transport disk with hydraulic cylinder, Inf three trip bottom plow, good cod mfion. 717-345-3129 Schuylkill Co Registered Holstein, vg, 2yr springing, with2nd calf, 19,000# milk, sire Lindy, dam has 3 Ex full sisters 717-742-7008 Northum berland Co Columbian cookstove with enamel finish, excellent condition - $350 080 410-357-8415 Balt. Co Oats, price depends on vol ume sold, good quality JD drag elevator, no motor - $175. Call evenings 610- 779-3082 Lehigh Co Roper pump, used nine months - $775. 717-733- 1285 Lancaster Co Snowplow for John Deere 300 senes, power angle, excellent condition 610- 395-5252 Lehigh Co John Deere A wide front axle slant dash. 301-371- 8545 Frederick Co, MD Oliver superior 12 hoe disk, rubber tire, drill - $3OO. Cask iron single kitchen sink - $25 717-259-0563 York Co McCray fresh produce dis play reg, up right model, for store or far market, very good condition - $5OO 717-741-0708 York Co Snowplow for Farmall Cub, 1952 Ford pickup parts, 1984 Grand Pnx parts. Stihl 028 chainsaw parts. 717-456-9806 York Co Troy-bilt trail blazer sickle bar mower, 3.5 hp, 36" blade - $375 Troy-bilt, cih pper/vac, 4-shp - $375 Both units run great. 717- 428-2381 York Co Trailer made from F 350 - $l2OO 080 New wood burning boiler - $l2OO 080. Steel shelving and cabinets 732-846-9255 Middlesex Co, NJ Dining room set, 66" buffet, 66“ china closet, 60" tables, 12" leaf, 6 padded chairs (gold) - $3OO. 610-998- 0168 Chester Co Mmniapolis Moline jet star 2, good condition. Cock shutt 30 tractor, Cockshutt #ll, gram drill 717-246- 0430 York Co 2 for $75, Antique butcher ing tubs for flower pots. Lancaster model 10-30 silage spreader, used in 20'x60’silo - $6O 610-454- 0139 Montg Co C-30 Silverado one-ton, two-wheel drive, 1987, four speed, good condition, no rust. Merritt Bowman. 814- 652-5604 Clearville, Bed ford Co Texas longhorn bull, regis tered. 18 months old. Seri ous inquiries only. Please call after Bpm. Ask for Bob 610-255-3430 Del. Co, DE Two tall row covers, 14x100 complete - $llOO. Hardi air blast sprayer, 160 gal, like new - $5500. Used tomato stakes 610- 932-9249 Chester Co. Railroad pot belly stove, removed from Elk-View, PA Railroad station in 1946 sftH, 30mW, excellent condition - $3OO 080 610-268-8239 Chester Co 1988 Chev Cavalier, four door sedan, 106,850 miles, auto, air, cruise, one owner - $950 Stock rack pickup 717-925-6607 Col. Co . 2-hp refg comp with cond - $l5O. 610-932-8551 Chester Co 1981 Chevy C-10 4x4. fresh 305VE, auto, step side, alum rims, slider, runs great, no rust, new battery - $220 080 610- 488-7211 Berks Co. Grimm raised five, 3xll, maple syrup evaporator, stainless steel, steam hood, preheater, excellent shape. 607-967-8321 Chenango Co, NY (y ~ ~ 7TTTT T T WANTED i fi on £ 12 f H iirnace/Furnaces £, Hot Air, £j I.; 120,000 BTU M |J to 360,000 BTU £ |2 1 (800) 638-0296 t |2 Glen Rock. PA £ i»! O'Shea Lumber Co. STOP Feedis| Eipenita Feed to Pest Midi Avitrol treated gram baits successfully remove pest birds from feedlots and farm buildings HESS AGRI MARKETING 218 Rockpoint Rd., Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 ERA Approved 1960 or 1961 Case 430 with loader and two-bottom plow, looks and runs good, don't need - $2BOO. 717- 456-5858 York Co JD 2600 6-20 spring reset plow, v.good. hydraulic steer, spare parts, shedded -$3OOO 080 Case 6x16, hydra reset plow - $950 814-856-2685 Jeff. Co A-C, H-3 track loader w/backhoe hook up. New motor, clutches, brakes and radiator, good bottom - $4OOO 080. 973-736- 8196 Essex Co, NJ 6hand hewed beams, s"xll"x9'- $6O/each Pio neer 18" Farmallll, chain saw - $lOO Wanted old percussion blackpowder double barrel shotgun, use able. 717-755-5901 York Co Flooring, plank T&G, new, casement moldings, ash, silver solder, 151 b roll, strone sander, multi-spm dle drill press attach 610- 565-6038 Del Co Pea & Lima Bean shelter, used only 2 years, excel lent condition - $1550. 717-597-1838 Frank Co John Deere 620 disc, immaculate shape, 1-own er - $2250. 610-796-1292 Call Evenings. Berks Co gallon mu. tank, less Bean model #l2, orchard agitator, excellent cond. - sprayer for parts - Best $ 5OO 0 80. 610-682-7065 Offer. Call evenings 301- Berks Co 824-3202 ' . . , , IH ”549" Cu engine with or Green & white speed king without truck, tandem 4- gnnder, mixer for parts - horse trailer, cheap, JD 2-3 $125 neg. 717-672-9235 bottom plows. 301-834- Montour Co. 8043 Frederick Co, MD Troy-Bilt tiller, Bhp Kohler, p e g Morgan stud service: 6yrs old, excellent cond. - Have a mare you'd like to $llOO. 610-582-5889 duplicate and add small Berks Co. features with some class? Farm, 172 acres, brick 717-888-4490 Bradford Co stone house, 60 cow stall . 1g95 Dodge 3500HD DSL barn, 40x80 brick barn, Cummins, ssp, 4x4, LWB, 20x72 silo, corn barn, drw, GN, steel body, more. 717-423-5534 snow plow, shed kept, Cumberland Co. 13,000 mi, trade? 540-752- iwer hacksaw, 2720 Stafford Co, VA Marvel #9 10”x10“ cap., powerfeed & Cherry , umberi r & {urni . coolant, 18" x 11/2 blade, ( Ur © squares wide pine 3-phase - $750 080. 610- boards W.D. HCB7. Box 367-4139 Berks Co. 93. Franklin NY. 13775 6‘ Disc, 3pth - $3OO. 6:00- 16 tires on 36 Ford wheels 5-$5 O. Gas tank, Ford F -100-$5O. After 7pm. 610- 589-5164 Berks Co Cardinal gram elevator w/motor 4" grain auger w/motor, Chicken hutches. 36“ barn fan. EZFlow fert/lime spreader, all good. 717-943-2328 Sch. Co Utility trailer, single axle, 3500# capacity, exr. cond. - $575. Steer hay grass/ alfalfa, approx. 30bales - $1.75/bale. 717-367-3614 Lancaster Co. Farmall Super M tractor, power steering - $3200. 1953 H tractor, new front tires - $l6OO. Both restored nice. 717-292- 6699 York Co Clean energy waste oil heater - $750. Catterpillar backhoe attachment for 931 crawler - $2OOO. 717- 335-3205 Lane. Co. Tractor chains, 13.6/28, real good Call evenings 717-284-4618 Lane. Co 4 Holstein heifers, good breeding size, due soon. 350 F one-ton dump truck, runs well, good condition Evenings. 814-224-2778 Blair Co. Five bottom plow with hydraulic resets, very good condition - $l5OO 080 610-944-7333 Berks Co Int 300 utility W/F, P/S, with Myers front blade - $3850. V/G Blade sepa rate - $550. Need 3pt for tractor 301-662-3295 Fredenck Co, MD Wood stove insert - $4OO, v.g condition, glacker bay 410-692-9590 Ha. Co, MD 25ft. Smucker manure ele vator. Also, 4-cylmder Wis engine on Kohler genera tor, cheap. 128 California Rd, Na.von, Lancaster Co. AMHA registered miniature horse stallion, 32" high, all white, show horse, ready for service. 9yr old regis tered mare 717-354-4929 Lancaster Co. 500 'lk tank, ’ Gehl 4500 skid loader, rebuilt engine, new rubber, good condition, hot air fur nace, steam boiler - $lOO/each 717-553-4123 Lancaster Co. BX wire, 12/2 250 foot coils - $l5/each 215-322-5073 Bucks Co. JDIIO Lawn tractor w/mower deck. Round steel fenders. SNII3BB, Bhp Kohler, runs, winter restore project - $4OO 080. 732-928-5029 Ocean Co, NJ IH 526 front tire rototiller shp B&S motor, 22" wt., easy start. $225/080. 717-668-3289 Sch. Co Large round straw bales, stored inside, will load. Call 717-752-2557 Col. Co. 2 Angus heifers, 15 months old, ready to breed - sssc/lb. Call after 4p.m 717-437-3386 Mont. Co. 48pcs 5/8" particle board, 11 7/BxB', lOpcs 2'x4', 4pcs 11 7/Bx6'. Also, new tobac co lath. 717-354-7687 Lancaster Co. Ultra lite airplane, 1980 Maxair hummer, with p chut, needs work - $750 080 717-949-2904 Lebanon Co. Reg. Hackney pony stal lion, 4 year, 2 year old reg. mare - $l5OO for both, 080. 814-237-8651 Cen tre Co. 280,000 BTU Century oil furnaces - $l2O. 814-766- 3804 Bedford Co. 1980 Michigan, 558, articu lated front end, loader, 2.scub. yard bucket, Detroit 453 diesel engine, air brakes, good condition. 610-865-4635 North Co AC 3pt - $lOO. AC 3pt, no till, 2-row - $BOO Case grain drill, 13 hoe - $2OO 1-row poto planter - $lOO 215-855-2946 Mont. Co 1993 car mate enclosed B'x2o' custom galvanized snowmobile trailer, open on both ends. Asking $3,900. 610-398-8210 Northamp ton Co. 13 sets of mortise and ten don shutters, louvered, 10 wooden 4-panel doors with porcelain knobs, cast hinges. 301-271-7383 Frederick Co IH 12 hoses shoe type grain drill with seeder on rubber, IH No.B flail chop per - $5OO/each. 717-992- 2654 Monroe Co. Pygmy goats, mothers with twins. 7 babies and 7 adults. Come and seel Black and white. 717-469- 1601 Dauphin Co. MAILBOX .market NOTICE Border collie stud service available. Purebred, regis tered, excellent pedigree and proven. Guaranteed Border collie pups also available. Lane. Co 717- 665-9214. Will the party looking for John Deere snowmobiles give me a call. Carbon Co’. 717-427-4198. Join 400 members of Gravely tractor model D&L Network, exchange infor mation about tractors, attachments, accessories. Call Craig Seabrook, Geauga Co 441-338- 5950. Free 1 blue healer male, 1 year old Berks Co. 610- 488-6816. Chase shingle mill to be sold at Better Sale 2/26-27, 1998.
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