BZS-Uncmw; Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 Sale Reports EICHELBERGER SALE A Public Toy Sale was held January 31 by L.C. Eichelbergcr, at the Ncwbcrrytown Fite House Ncwbcrrytown, Pa. Some toy prices were: Case truck $l4O, 1977 Hess bank $l2O, 1985 Hess toy $5O, J.D. pedal tractor $2lO, Cub Cadet pedal tractor $220, Kubota pedal tractor $l7O, Ford Pedal tractor $l6O, White pedal tractor $220, Case 90 series pedal tractor $355, Int. self-prop, combine $145, Case 4994 toy $BO. K. line train set $95, Hubley airplane (new in box) $65, Int bulldozer $6O, A.C. toy lawn tractor $45, Int farm sete $47. J.D. farm set $5O, Int wheelbarrow $2l and J.D. toy tractor $2O. Little IKE Eichel berger was the auction eer. DUNCAN SALE A Public Auction of personal property was held January 31 by Mary Duncan, 13 North Sixth Street, Shamokin. Pa. Some prices received were; 12-place setting of sterling $lO5O, Pick ard china pieces $75 to $2OO each, drop-front secretary desk $350. Franklin Mint 100 Great Masters pieces (coin set) $725, linen tablecloths $5O each, Steuben glass pieces averaged $lOO, dining room suite $750, mantel clock $2OO and Oriental rugs averaged $250 each. Ray Moncavage managed the sale. SMUCKER SALE A Public Auction of horses and farm ma chinery was held Janu ary 29 by David B. and Naomi K. Smucker, R.R. #2, Box 365, Herndon, Northumber land Co., Pa. Teams of horses brought $4OOO, $3400 and $2700. Single horses sold for $l9OO and $l7OO with a single mule bringing $2050. Other prices were: A.C. 190 tractor $6BOO, manure pump $2200, flail chopper wAoader $2lOO, pick-up carriage $2OOO, McCormick Deering 1-row corn binder $l6OO, N.H. 455 mower $2500, N.H. 276 baler $2250, N.H. 402 crimper $lOOO, N.I. manure spreader $l6OO and 3000 P.S.I. pressure washer $725. Mel Hoover was the auctioneer. JACOBS SALE A Public Sale was held at the American Auction Gallery on January 25, three miles cast of Frederick, Mary land. Some prices were: miniature salesman’s child’s desk $2BO, or nate oak server $950, S Victorian leaded beveled windows $225 each, red satin Gone- With-The-Wind Lamp $6OO, eaerly tiger maple trimmed chesdt $450. floor model phono graph w/um-shaped top $2700, old 2-pc. oak bedroom suite $1350, 3-door oak bookcase $llOO, ornate oak dresser $475, John Deere advertising lamp $175, and small oak octagonal hanging clock $275. There were 450 items sold on Sunday. Jacobs Auctioneers conducted the sale. MECKLEY SALE Antiques, household goods, collectibles and tools were sold Wed nesday at a public auc tion held for Miriam Meckley and others at Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Highlights included: advertisement $195, child’s horse tricycle The Estate of Dale Dawson Excellent And Like New Equipment Auction Bulldozer-TVactors-Farm Machinery Wed., Feb. 18,1998 @10:00 A.M. Upton Road, Red Creek, N.Y. LOCATION; The auction will be held at the farm, 3 miles S E of Red Creek, 7 miles west of Cato, 1 mile N W Victory From the Intersection of Rt 38 & 370 take 370 west 1 mile to Upton Road or take Upton Rd south from Rt 104 1 mile east of Red Creek Watch for auction signs. NOTICE: Due to the untimely death of Mr Dawson, Mrs Dawson has asked us to liquidate this very special line of equipment to the highest bidder SELLING (4) TRACTORS: JD 8440 s/38" duals, 4621 hrs , excellent JD 7400 MFWD w/cab, 570 hrs , like new, JD 4430 - 4 post, Oliver 1655 D sharp BULLDOZER: 1990 Dresser TDB G-ST w/6 way blade & w/winch, excellent SKID LOADER; 1997 Case 1840 w/2 buckets, manure tines and bale spear, 160 hours, like new FARM EQUIPMENT: 1994 NH 492 haybme, like new, NH 316 wire baler w/kicker, excellent, 1995 NH 630 rd baler, like new, Gehl 860 forage harvester w/pickup head & 2R com head, sharp, (2) JD hay rakes, Kuhn hay tedder, Bnlhon 12' seeder, like new, JD 7200 6R planter w/fert auger, excellent, 1995 Bnlhon 28, folding culti packer, like new, Bnlhon subsoiler w/colter, excellent, Amco FISB 24' disc, JD 11 shank chisel plow; IH 6000 12' conserv till, Bnlhon 16' cultimulcher; Vicon 3 pt seeder, 1993 NH 155 manure spreader, like new, NH 520 manure spreader, (2) 1993 Gehl CB 970 S U wag ons, like new, Kilbros 1200 gram buggy; Kilbros grav ity wagon w/fen auger, (3) 16' basket wagons on heavy running gears, (2) JD 1008 rotary mowers, Hardi 500 gal tandem sprayer w/45, boom & controls; 12' cattle trailer, (2) 20' skeleton bale elevators, Westfield 10x41 transport auger, (2) sets dual wheels, grain cleaner. United Farm Tool stone picker NH transport bale elevator. Little Giant elevator 24' double chain, new & used gates, lockups - sorting chute; feeder wagon and much more ALSO: Parking lot lights & poles; 1,000 gal fuel tank w/pump, shop press, saws; log chain, jacks, a collec tion of ox yokes; Shaver post driver and many other items too numerous to list here LAND FOR SALE Nearly 1,000 acres for sale by private treaty in several different parcels, call for details TERMS: Full settlement auction day, cash or good check RoyTeitsworth, Inc. (716) 243-1563 FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 $l2O, metal cars and trucks $l3O, thread ca binet $2lO, miniature dolls $llO, magic books $2OO and $lO5, merry-go-round w/box $2600, large toy ship $l2OO, Akro-Agate marble set $350, magic tricks $l3O, $l4O and $l7O, toy soldier $l2O, Hustler pull-toy $llO, Ted-Toy jockey $l7O, tinker pull-toy $llO, magic set $l9O, sailboat $2OO, train set $2OO, sun dial $l3O, oadk tool cabinet $l9O, Martin guitar $325, slag glass lights $320, pair of candleholders $230, sexton $155, two dolls $125, three dolls $lOO, quilt $1650, large knife sharpener $2lO, U.S. Navy ship bell $llO, Stanley tool kit $2OO, three quilts $285, $235 and $225 and Hummel figurines $BO to $l5O each. Also: set of four cane-seat chairs $llO, twig-style rocker $l5O, oak china closet $l5O, mahogany octagon ta- A We $173. mahogany se cretary desk $473, oak washstand $l2O, cedar blanket chest $lBO, ta ble and 4 chairs $l3O, Karastan room rugs $273, $260 and $l3O, Karastan rug runner $230, oak washstand $l6O, Hackman mahog any server $495, oak rolltop desk $lOO, cher ry table and 6 chairs $3OO, oak high chest $165, high-top dry sink $623, Queen Anne dining room suite $4lO, m BUILD! FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, FEB. 13, 1998 9:00 AM LOCATED AT A&C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC., 100 W. JACKSON ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA TRACTORS: Kubota 86200 4WD Hydro w/1640 Ldr and Backhoe, JD 90 Skid Loader, Bobcat 620 Skid Loader, 74 Chevy C 65 Rollback-Gas, And Many Oth ers Not Listed FARM EQUIPMENT: New Nl 3214 Side Kick Spread er, NH 258 Rake, NH 851 Baler, JD 1219 Haybme, JD 328 Paper Baler w/Valby Shredder, JD 10' AW Disc; Zimmerman 26' Elevator, Badger 6' 3 Pt Snowblower, JD 10' Cultimulcher, Ingersoll Rand 175 Compressor, Oliver 565 4 Bt Plow, Oliver 344 2 Bt Plow, NH 254 Rake, Triple K 16' Danish Tine 3pt Cult. Bnllion 12’ Cultimulcher, Farmhand 830 Mixer, IH 55 7 Shank Chisel Plow; Oliver 3 Pt 3 Bt Trip Plow, NH 28 Blow er, NH 472 Haybme, Imp 6R Danish Tine Cult., JD 25 A Flail Mower, 7 Shank 3 Pt Chisel Plow, IH Vibra Shank Harrow, Noble 4 R 3 Pt Cult, IH 56 4 Row Com Planter, JD 3 Sect Spring Harrow, JD 34 Harvester; Nl #l7 Spreader, Bnllion 9’ Cultipacker; Uebler 810 Feed Cart, Agn Metal Bale Chopper, Nl 323 Com Picker; 2 Way Riding Plow-New Bottoms, JD KBA Disc, Oliver 2W Plow, IH 800 4R Planter w/Fert Insecticide, JD 7000 4R Planter, No Till Dry W/lnsecticide, IH 830 Har vester w/2 RN Head, Brady 12’ Stalk Chopper; Deutz Allis Rotary Rake, JD 7000 4 RN Liquid Planter, Bnl hon 14' Packer, Bnllion 9‘ Packer, NH 479 Haybme; Motorized Feed Cart w/5 HP Honda, 2" DeLaval Stain less Pipeline 3" Trap 5 HP 78 Pump, Tnbar To Cover 16’x34'-34 Secfions-2’xB' Long w/12 Creep Feeders & Water Nipples For Pig Nursery, And Many More Items Not Mentioned ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE APPROX. 1:00 P.M, ABSOLUTE EQUIP JD 1520 Diesel Tractor, Hesston 1500 Gal Liquid Spreader, IH 710 3x16 Autoset Plow, New Meteor 4’&s‘ Snowblowers, Nl 12A Spreader, 10' Cultipacker, JD AW Disc, And Many Other Items Not Mentioned. New B’, 10’, 12’, 14’ Hay Racks, New B’, 10’, 12’, 14' Gates w/Hmges & Spring Latches will also be here for the auction. New 3 Pt Equip. & Hudson Trailers for Sale Daily ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SOME EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY. RECEIVING DAYS - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, FEB. 9TH THRU 12TH - 7 AM - 5 PM. NO SMALL ITEMS RECEIVED ON FRIDAY. SALE ORDER 9:00A.M. -SALESTARTS 9:30 A.M. - LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON - FARM TRACTORS 12:30 P.M. - LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT APPROX. 1:00 PM - ABSOLUTE ROW OF EQUIP. A&CDIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W, Jackson St,, P.O. Box 186 New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: (717) 355-7253 Fax (717) 355-9547 Alan Diffenbach Auct. - AU2258-L *4 PUBLIC AUCTION fcA * Mm WEE)., FEBRUARY 18,1998 Mk \ £| PARADISE SALES BARN, PARADISE J ' 4 t Directions: Approximately 8 miles East of Lancaster, PA on Route 30. Turn On Meadow Lane to Sale On Right FORKLIFTS Lm| WOOD & METAL WORKING EQUIP. TOOLING Jtt] Watch Next Week for a Full Listing. Hp All Advertised Items Subject to Prior Sale w Cash or Honorable PA Check Only LANCASTER EQUIPMENT All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence ELAM S. STOLTZFUS Over All Advertising. Not Responsible for Accidents Adt Food on Premises jbuL jflkNß’' Auctioneer: Mel Hoover / TT m AU-003111-L m g 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn U 5-pc. modem oak bed room suite $1630,6-pc. maple dinette set $l3O, set of Queen Anne chairs $323, small dis play case $l4O, Maytag wringer washer $lBO, splitting wedges $ll3, large wood stove $lOO and a garden tractor $2OO. There were more than 400 registered bid ders. The sale was con ducted by Horst Auc tioneers. Ephrata. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FEBRUARY SAT FEB 7 - SAM Lincoln Fire Hall, rear of 1438 W Main St. Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Antiques, 5 pcs Russell Henry Pottery, HH goods, jewelry & old coins By Catherine Leibensperger Estate & Others. Dale L Putt, Auct SAT FEB. 7 - SAM The Gather ing Place, 6 Pine St, Mount Joy, Lane Co, PA Unreserved antiques auction, dolls, miniature Items, china, pattern glass, cast iron, pottery, tinware, wooden Items, furniture, auto & more By Bertha K Hershey Estate Witman Aucts. Inc SAT. FEB 7-SAM Horst Auction Center, comer of Rt 322 & Dutlach Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Antiques fine fum, HH goods & tools. Horst Aucts SAT FEB 7-SAM Redding Auct Svc., Rt 34, 1/2 mi N of Gettys burg, PA, R at Y (at car wash) & 2 mi on Table Rock Rd to tnnyPacLer-{^ittJrtwt Announces An UNRESERVED ANTIQUE AUCTION The Anita I. Watson Collection Of Chambersburg, PA WED., FEBRUARY 11, 1998-9:00 A.M. Preview: Day Of Auction -7:30 A.M. To 9:00 A.M. To Be Held At’ Gouglersville Fire Company (Banquet Hall), located off of Route 222 and Mohn’s Hill Road (5 Miles from PA Turnpike Exit #2l Readmg/Denver Interchange) READING, PA FURNITURE: Jacob Guthart, Lebanon-PA, 30 Hour Tall Case Clock. Sets of Balloon Back and Boot Jack Chairs, Two Piece 15 Pane Dutch Cupboard, Red Stained Dry Sink-Jelly Cupboard-Blanket Chests- Comer Cupboard-Rope & Trundle Beds-Drop Leaf Table, Camel Back Trunks, Softwood Lift Top Dry Sink, Victorian Cheval Mirror, Lap Desks, Ogee Mirrors & Frames, PATTERN GLASS: Vases- Celeries-Compotes, ADVERTISEMENT: Standard Spool Cabinet-Late 1800’s to Early 1900’s Fireman’s Badges, POST CARDS, VALENTINES, BUTTON COLLECTION, 15 Splint Oak & Rye BASKETS, OLD LEDGERS-BOOKS, CHINA: Softpaste Plates, Transferware, Theodore Haviland Dinner Set, LIGHT ING: Kerosene Lamps-Hangmg Hall Light-Lamp parts. Vintage Clothing, TINWARE: Pans, Dippers, Candle Molds, Coffee Pots, IRONWARE: Ladles- Stramers-Hmges-Scales, Blue Decorated Crock, CHILDREN’S MINIATURES: Paint Decorated Cottage Dresser With Mirror-Drop Leaf Table- Arrowback Chair-Rocker-China Tea Sets, 15 STILL BANKS: Babe Ruth Baseball Player-Buildmgs-Safes- Elephant-Lion-Black Scout Master-Mutt & Jeff, TOYS; CAST IRON Horse Drawn Fire Engines, Arcade International Harvester Truck, Kenton Sand & Gravel Horse Drawn Wagon, Romson Tractor, Marvel & Prizer Stoves, Motor Oil Truck-School Bus-Fire Engines-Ferry Boat, MARX & GERMANY-BILO GESCH WIND-UPS, Structo Car, TOOTSIE TOY Cars-Battle Ships-Army Vehicles, HUBLEY Miniature Cars & Airplanes, Germany Kiddyphone Phonograph, Little Giant Zepplm, HORSE PULL TOYS, STRAW FILLED JOINTED BEAR, OVER 30 DOLLS: Simon and Hilbig-CM Bergmann-A M.-Germany- China-Bisque-Celluloid-Mimatures, Armund Marseille 390 n, Charlie Chaplin and Many Other Fine Items Too Numerous To Mention. This Is A Very Partial Listing. TERMS: Cash or approved check with bank letter of guarantee. 10% Buyers' Premium Charged Auction By: PENNYPACKER-ANDREWS AUCTION CENTRE, INC. Cathy M. Pennypacker-Andrews Lie #AU-001254-L Luke R. Witman P. O Box 558, Shillmgton, PA 19607-0558 (610) 777-6121 or 777-5890 auct Antiques, coiiectiore, oiu toys, Winross trucks, cast & truck banks, Lionel & other trains, track & access By Mrs Kenneth (Lois G 1 Denoler Redding Auct Svc SAT FEB 7 - SAM Keystone Auto Auction, 488 Firehouse Rd, Grantville, PA Auto Auction Approx. 600 repos & off lease vehicles Keystone Auto Auction SAT. FEB. 7 - SAM Hauseman’s Farm Market (bam), Hill Church Rd, Ptkevllle, PA Signs on Rt 73 at Pleasantvllle Farm equip, antique equip, furniture, appli ances, guns, HH goods, tractor S misc Gary Hauseman, Auct 610- 775-0574 or 610-387-6826 ©avid) SAT. FEB 7 - SAM AJ Starr's Fire man’s Bldg , Willow St, PA Antiques, coll, fum, press & pat tern glass, china, Hh goods, music boxes, dolls, toys, coins, tools ISS4 Ford Crown Victoria, S more By Mildred S. Habecker Estate Miller & SiegrlsL Aucts.
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