TOM ZUNDEL Mercer County Extension Agent As the title infers, I am* going to spend alot of time writing about oats and ways that can effect an increase in yields in your fields. Now I know that oats are not nor will they ever be, a major crop such as com, soybeans, or alfalfa. However, Mercer County is a major producer of oats in Pennsylvania. Also, there are certain markets in the area that grow ers of oats can do veiy well in, if they have good, clean, quality oats to sell. Growth And Development Oats are an annual grass that does best growing a cool, moist climate. They require more moisture to pro duce a given unit of dry matter than any other cereal, except rice. Oats are especially vulnerable to injury by hot. 4.5 ton, 33” Stainless Steel Transpread MANUFACTURERS OF: • Row-Cat & AgnCat • Hydraspray Line of Floater & Pick-up Sprayers •Tran Spread Floater, Truck & Pull Spreaders • All Ground Drive Pull Spreaders • Foam Markers • Nozzle Alerts Visa & Mastercard accepted with all orders Web Site: CALL TODAY FOR OUR NEW 300 PAGE 1998 PRODUCT CATALOG ;V* '¥^^¥l, 1025 Nurse Dot Trailer Hints On Growing Spring Oats dry weather, particularly from the ear ly heading stage through the kernel production. These are several of the reasons that the highest grain yields come from early planted spring oats. The oat plant has two root systems, the seminal and the adventitious. The seminal roots originate during the de velopment of the embryo. They con sist of the primary roots (radicle) and two or three lateral roots that arise in the first node. Adventitious roots arise in the nodes of the main stem and of the tillers just beneath the surface of the ground. The adventitious roots constitute the major root system of the oat plant. A subcrown intemode grows between the two root systems on an oat plant. This structure is able to elongate to place the coleoptile node, from which the adventitious „ r . _ .. ytisp Norwesco Tanks... I fA M I A§ m 374 HEIDLERSBURG ROAD I BIGLERVILLE, PA 17307 f.JB 800-345-3546 25 OR MIKE MACHEK 800-899-5502 Wa I INCORPORATED \ Swinger 2000 AG DISTRIBUTORS OF: • Norwesco Tanks •A wide variety of pumps, valves, coupling, fittings & hose • Spraying Systems Accessories • Rayman Tenders • Melroe Spra-Coupes • Swinger Loaders & Mobility Spreaders • Layco Blenders & Conveyors • Precision Pull & ATV Sprayers Foraging Arbund, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998-Page roots grow, about one inch below the soil surface. This is similar to the root growth pattern in com. Like com, the depth of planting does not have a great influence on the depth of the main root system of the plant. The life cycle of the oat plant, from germination to the mature seed, can be divided into four stages. They are the vegetative, transition, reproductive, and seed stages. Each of these stages can be distinguished from the other by its morphological characteristics and the developmental events that occur in it. In the vegetative stage, leaves, axially shoots (tillers), and the per manent root system (adventitious roots) are initiated and develop; the stem intemodes are usually very short The transition stage is of short dura- ■°P * uck Sp rayers lion and difficult to identify in the oat since it consists only of a slight elongation of the shoot top preceding the initiation of the panicle (head). During the reproductive stage, the panicle and its parts differentiate and develop and the internodes of the stem elongate. The seed stage begins with fertilization of the flowers and termin ates with the maturation of the seed. Factors That Influence Growth Growth in the oat plant depends upon moisture, temperature, light, and soil. Mc-Sture and temperature are the most important factors in the growth and development of oats. Light is im portant in the flowering process of the plant. Oats can grow in almost any type of soil, if the soil has adequate fertility. Oats require more moisture for pro ducing the stalk and grain than any other cereal, except rice, and is the least efficient in the use of water. The precipitation that is received in the months of April to June principally determines oat yields. The height of the oats is likely to be short when the precipitation during this period falls below 8 to 12 inches. However, total precipitation alone usually means lit tle if it does not come at the right times. The critical stages of growth for having adequate precipitation arc: (1) (Turn to Page 20) •JV> hJ • * Kenneth Luce \ 'Alfalfa - dairy quality \ midsize bales \ 3x3xB \ Shop Mobile Home V 30M87-5365 308-760-1006 308487-3769 \ 7260 Dodge Road • Hemingford, NE 69348 EASTBROOK SEED CO. Barenbrug Group “World’s Finest Forage Seed far Hay Crop and Pasture” Baralfa 54 Leading Alfalfa in Penn State Trials 800-680-3167 Also carrying a full line of pasture products... PASTURES UNLIMITED P.O. Box 490, Little York, NY 13087 ELIMSPORT WELDING RR #1 Box 99, Allenwood, PA 17810 1-888-462-4124 or 717-547-2476 Moisture 211
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