Page 18—Foraging Around. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, IMS Conference Brings Together Farmers, Researchers, Industry (Continued from Pago 10) “Once silage producers have a firm handle on the factors that they control, it is then and only then that silage addi tives should be considered,” said Lutz. “It is at this point that good silage can be made better.” Currently four classes of additives are available: enzymes, non-protein nitrogen, acids, and bacterial inoculants. “Bacterial inoculants ■account for approximately 70 percent of the silage additive business,” said Lutz. Although additives are largely unre gulated in the United States, in Canada proof of efficacy must be shown before the products can be marketed to Cana dian farmers. Positive effects from using the addi tives have been shown in controlled university and industry studies. Some effects include lower pH, greater lactic acid content, lower contents of acetic and butyric acid, greater dry matter recovery, improved digestibility, and Maximizing Alfalfa Yields A Look Back (Continued from Page 14) The table included here summarizes production costs and net returns at various yield levels for the years 1981-1984 for those participating in the program. Actual costs under today’s eco nomic conditions may differ. But it’s a good bet that the relationships of yield, production costs (per acre and per ton), as well as net return per acre that we saw in the early 'Bos still apply today. Finally in the late ’7os, Dr. Robert Wagner, then president of the Potash and Phosphate Institute, said, “Mov ing up to maximum economic yields in the best way and about the only way fanners can control their profit 55 - The “Model 55“ bale rack is the foundation on which Steffen Systems Incorporated has built its reputation of quality This model is available in many frame-size options, as well as with attach ments to fit bucket loaders forklifts and skidsteer loaders, to accomodate nearly any bale size or mounting application ■ mmimm&rnm - l PIP , Wmmrnrn [WVr -i-SBI ■jr © 'x 950- The Bale “Accumulator*" are designed to conveniently and easily arrange up to ten 2-tie or eight 3-tie bales into a uniform package The fully automatic electric over hydraulic controls operate the accumulator without the need of an operator With its quick and smooth functions the bale accu mulator can accept up to five bales per minute @8 as* iproved bunklife when the ensiled material is exposed to air. When deciding to use an additive, Lutz suggests farmers ask several questions first, such as what animal performance data exists in addition to simple fermentation data? “Improvement of animal perfor mance is the most important factor affecting economic return on invest ment,” said Lutz. Also of interest is if the products have registered claims in Canada and if so, what they are, and if the science of silage making is basic to the business of the marketing firm. Hand in hand with producing qual ity forages is being able to make them stretch to feed all the animals for an extended period of time. With this in mind. Dr. lisa Holden, of Penn State University, spoke about feed budgeting. “What feed budgeting is is looking «t the shortages and the surpluses in the maigains today. Research has given us good components or parts high yielding varieties, improved fertilizer practices, new pest control method*', better tillage and residue management practices, and many others. “We can expect research to turn out still better individual components. But greater strides toward high yield will likely come through fitting these parts into combinations that produce posi tive interaction.” During an eight-year period, neatly 400 Pennsylvania alfalfa growers co operated in a program to show us here they put these parts together to obtain maximum yields. And I have a hunch that Dr. Wag ner’s observations are still true today. 200 - The “Model 200“ self-propelled yard loader is a unique machine designed to move many bale sizes and package configurations at high speed Its stacking height of 20 feet and short wheelbase allow the “Model 200" to maneuver in and out of tight areas while making optimum use of the exist ing storage space FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE: DAVID O. FINK Germansville, PA 18053 610-767-1408 Fax 610-767-1312 • Hwvmi T*eh Equip. • Twin* • Drying Agent* • Plmilc B*l* Wrap • Pr***rv«ll«** Steffen Systems, Inc. 8045 Stata Street, Salem, OR 97301 (803) 399-9941 Pax (503) 371-4779 upm mu mu nm mp 1 ■«".... 65 - The “Model 65“ bale rack is specifically de signed to match the needs of New Holland bale wagon users, such as models 1003 1037 & 1069 With six hook bars this unit easily handles any three-bale-wide package This model is also avail able with several frame-size options and mounts to suit your special needs v jf 51-32- The “Model 51-32” bale rack is a perfect match for most compressed bale loading or un loading operations With a frame size of 86* x 86" and powered vertical tilt The unit adapts nicely to 6000 to 7000 lb lift trucks Comes standard with 32 teeth. 2 hook cylinders The “Model 51 -32" is excel lent for half cut bales forage growth so you can optimize the whole system,” she said. “Why should you budget pasture?” she asks. According to Holden, most grazing farms in the Northeast experience both excesses and shortages of pasture in the same growing season. The shor tages are handled by supplementing animals with stored feed and the surp luses by harvesting the excess. By budgeting the forage, there is a more timely response to changes in pasture quality. “Without a feed plan, often the deci sion to harvest paddocks or provide supplemental forage comes too late after the forage quality or animal pro duction has declined. The manage ment decision is made as a reaction to declining performance rather than as a preventative measure to ensure opti mal performance and profit,” said Holden. Fanners can start budgeting their forage just like they were budgeting their finances. “You need to estimate your expenses for a given period of time. The expenses in this case are the num ber of animals in each production group being grazed,” she explained. Next the income, or amount of pas ture cover plus the amount of growth expected must be recorded. Supplemental feed that is included in the feeding program while the ani mals are grazed must also be recorded. Estimates are available for the amount of growth that can be expected throughout the year and animal requirements and expected intakes can be obtained from your nutritionist. Rough estimates of pasture value can be made using a yardstick: one inch equals 300 pounds of dry matter per acre. “Feed budgeting with pasture can help you to tighten your management of both animals and pastures. Better decisions about moving animals and incorporating pasture into your overall feeding program are likely to improve income over feed costs,” said Holden. Also mi the day’s agenda were Dr. Marvin Hall of Penn State University, who related experiences from his recent trip to New Zealand and their grazing program; Kathy Soder, docto rate candidate, Penn State Dairy and Animal Sciences, who gave some key factors to look at when reading forage sample reports; and Dr. John Comer ford of Penn State, who compared pas ture types to extend the grazing season. Although turnout to the conference was lower than last year, those who attended thought this was a day well spent. John Beaty of Binghamton, N.Y. agreed that the one-day seminar was a positive experience. “I wanted to keep up on the latest research regarding for age and how that fits into the feeding resources that we have. We always try to maximize our resources.” America's Alfalfa Keeps Growing with Aleagr/ot The Amazing Hay-or-Graze Alfalfa The original dual-purpose alfalfa Alfagraze delivers haying and grazing yields like the best hay-type varieties Alfagraze often saves dairymen up to $3/cwt in milk production costs, cattlemen can get 1 5 to 2 75 lb gain per day on pasture Alfagraze offers high forage quality and value, which makes it great for pasture improvement strong treading and trampling tolerance, as well F all dormancy rating: 2 AMERICAS ant Pi. ROHRER & BRO, INC. Smoketown, PA Hours: Mon.-Frl. • AM to 5 PM Saturday t AM to 12 Noon; Closed Sunday PH. 717-299-2571
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