Page 20—Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 (Continued from Page 19) in the 5-leaf stage, (2) in the early boot, and (3) in blossom. Consequent ly, a lack of rain during any of these times that the oats are in the stages mentioned above will lower grain yields. Frequent light rains would re sult in higher yields in oats. However, the effects of the shading by the clouds on the oat plant tyill result in a decrease in photosynthesis. The effect of decreased photosyn thesis decreases the rate of growth and thus increases water requirements in the oat plant. Diseases increase the water needed to produce a unit of dry matter in oats. There arc some growth characteris tics which oats displays that can be used to determine if drought was pre valent any time during the growing season. Drought during heading re duces the number of panicles; after heading it reduces the number of grains per panicle, but the grains are larger. Plants arc generally more slen der and more stunted, possess a more waxy coat than those grown in wet soil, head earlier, and produce a higher grain:straw ratio. Drought followed by Performance of spring oat vancucs in 1997 Gram Bushel Plant yield weight height Variety (bu/A> 129 5 Armor 127 2 Hercules 1238 Ogle GR 65 1182 117 1 Prairie 117 1 103 6 Chairman Belle Gem 102 5 1174 Averages Two-year performance of spring oal varieties Grain Bushel Plant yield weight height Variety (bu/A) 130.7 GR 65 126.6 Armor 124 0 Hercules 123 9 Ogle Table 2. Performance of spring oat varieties and selections in Centre County Pennsylvania, in 1997. Variety or selection Bla/er Whitestone Rodeo Jerry Chaps Hercules Fluor Ogle Burton Premier Armor Hamilton Hazel Dane Newdak Hercules Pcnnuda Average LSD (0.05) C.V. (%) A Hulless oat variety. Estimated yield on a hulled basis is 129 bu/A Lodging (Ib/bu) 35 20 20 60 33 5 35 5 15 2 (Ib/bu) (in) 36 45 36 44 37 45 34 42 1997 PA Spring Oat Performance Tests Gram yield (bu/A) (Ib/bu) 160 34.8 160 31.5 152 33.4 152 34.7 151 33.9 150 34.4 150 32 1 147 32 9 146 37 4 145 33 3 144 32 8 142 33 7 139 31 3 135 32.7 144 33.6 90a 42.8 144 34.2 32 Hints On Growing Spring Oats ample moisture results in renewed growth and a delay in heading. The type of soil texture does not af fect water requirements in oats, but the ability of the oat root system to ab sorb water is an important factor in wilting of the plant. The fertility of the soil seems to have a higher priority to the oat plant than the soil type. Oats grown in either a clay or sandy soil needed less water to produce an abundant yield wt of the embryo, they consist of the primary roots (radicle) and, and sulfur were added to these soils. Broad-leaved varieties that grow luxuriantly have been show to have a lower water requirement than varieties with fewer leaves. Early maturing varieties use more water early in the season but the total amount used is about the same as the later maturing varieties. Temperature All of the studies in oats production point to the fact that oats require a cool climate for best production. Since oats thrive at cool temperatures, spring oats must be seeded early for best re sults. In general, this means that oats are best when sown in cold soil. Oats require a comparatively cool temperature during the period of germination and of greatest growth; the shooting, booting, and heading stages. Otherwise production is likely to be reduced regardless how favor able all other factors for growth may be. So, in obtaining the best yield in oats, it is important to plant early. This will allow the plants to reach, and, if possible, pass through the stages men- Table 1 Twiv-ycar perform mec summary of spring oat varieties in Centre County Pennsylvania tn 1996 97 Cram yield Variety or selection (bu/A) 157 152 144 144 143 137 Bla/cr Rodeo Chaps WhiicMonc Armor Jerry Ha/cl Newd ik Premier Hercules Hamilton Dane Pennuda a Hullcss oat v mu> Estmi ucd yield on a hulled basts is 129 bu/A Plant height Bushel weight Bushel Plant weight height Heading dale June 20 June 24 June 20 June 18 June 19 June 21 June 19 June 21 June 17 June 21 June 15 June 16 June 15 June 20 June 23 June 16 tioned above prior to the arrival of wanner weather. The minimum temperature for growth in oats is between 38* and 40* F. All varieties, whether planted early or late, need approximately the same number of heat units to emerge from the soil, provided adequate moisture is available. The number of heat units from planting to heading also arc ap proximately the same, regardless of planting dates; but, early maturing varieties require fewer heat units than do later-maturing varieties. Thus, temperature seems to be the primary factor affecting maturity. Light The duration of light during the daylight hours influences the size of the oat plant compared to the amount of seed head produced. There has not been any observed relationship be tween the number of cloudy days and the yield of oats. An increase in day length will shorten plant height and hasten flowering. In seasons of heavy rainfall and cloudy weather, oats grow tall. In seasons of low precipitation and abundant sunlight, oats are short However, the light requirement for oats is higher than for wheat or barley. The effects of light on flowering of oats only happen between the tillering and the shooting stages. It has been found that the length of the dark per iod determines head initiation. It takes a dark period of less than nine hours for properly heading out of oats. Get ting the oat plant to a stage of maturity to head out as close to June 21 is in the best interest of the producer. Harvest More Of Your Crop At PEAK FEED VALUE ACCORD PARAMOUNT • Superior Multi-Leaf • Topped 4 Year Variety (80% Expression) Trials at Rock Springs QUALITY - SELECTION - VALUE rhomarn P.O. Box 218, State St. vnemgrw East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-569-3296 Ap* 1-800-346-4769 (GROW) Summary From information included here, it is evident that there are some complexities in managing a produc tive crop of oats. Here are some man agement principles that we can glean from this information. • Plnat early. All small grains will germinate and make some growth at temperatures close to freezing. Low temperatures do not necessarily injure oat seed. The recommended dates for planting in much of western Pennsyl vania are April 1-15. The dates in the more up-land areas are April 10-25. There are many growers planting oats before these dates every year and get ting excellent yields • Plant uniformly. Plant the seeds at a depth of 1 to I.S inches. The width of the row was found to be somewhat of a factor, in Illinois, spring oats ob tained the highest yields in 8-inch rows, in most years, over 4-inch rows. This could explain why many of the grain drills made for the mid-west have 8-inch drill widths. • Plant conventionally or no-till. The county demonstration plot was planted using a no-tilled planter with good results. Other growers have been using no-till plantings of oats and also getting good yields. Growers who go with field preparation of plowing, disking and then planting have been getting good yields too. Getting the seed sown in a timely manner is more important than what grain drill made the planting. • Plant enough. The desired plant (Turn to Page 21) ST Not r
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