3 ACRE COUNTRY PROPERTY Farmersville Area PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Nov. 18, 1995 SsOO p.m. pirecrionsi rram Bphrata take Route 322 East through Hinkletown turn right on rannenvtUe Road at NarihH 148 Fairmont Road LARGE 2 STORY HOME: with approx. 1600 sq.ft, of living area containing large modern eat-ln Kitchen with oaK raised panel doors, formal dining room, large living room, foyer, 1/2 bath, laundiy room, UPSTAIRS has 3 large bed rooms Including master bedroom with walk-tn closet, mod ern bathroom, attic storage. Pull basement partially fin ished, cold storage, central vacuum, water softener, oil heat, built-in humidifier: SPECIAL FEATURES • Control Air Conditioning • 200 AMP Service • 3 Acre Lot • 2 Car Oarage • 2 Storage Sheds • Well Water • Large Deck • Anderson Windows See this country home at: OPEN HOUSE: Saturday. October 28 • 1:00 PM to 3:00 PN Saturday. November 4*1:00 PM to 3:00 PN or by appointment. Tor appointment or assistance to obtain financing, call Aaron E. Martin, Auct. at (717) 733- 3511. TERNS: 10% down payment day of auction, balance at Anal settlement on or before Narch 15. 1996. NOTE: Zoned rural, potential for another building lot, shop,, etc. Contact Earl Twp. concerning your needs. Land now being farmed. Attorney: Doug Qood AUCTION BY: DAVID L. ft SUSAN M. HOOVER S ProtoMlonal (717)353-0587 Aaron auctioneering Martin auction service 410 W*st Church Rd. Ephr»U, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 MMonasi PUBLIC SALE SAT., OCT. 21,1995 8:30 AJM. 4600 STRICKER STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17111 Take Derry Street Exit off of 1-83, Go East on Derry Street, turn North on 46th Street Watch for Sale signs ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, TOYS, FURNITURE & COINS LIVINGSTON PLAYER PIANO, COM PLETELY REBUILT, WITH ROLLS, CABI NET & STOOL. OAK ROLL TOP DESK & 5 DRAWER FILING CABINET. PIANO &* DESK ARE EXPERTLY REFINISHED. ANTIQUES: Painted curved glass china closet, wash stand, Sellers kitchen cabinet, Mission oak sectional book case, trunks, chests, 3 pc. wicker liv ing room suite, wall telephone, mirrors, Waterbury shelf clock, Blue and green graniteware. Tin toys to include: waterpump, airplane carnival ride, Roseville & few other antique dishes, cheese boxes, old kitchen tools. LOT OF OLD ADVERTISING TINS COINS; MINT & PROOF SETS FROM 1959 TO 1990 COLLECTIBLES: Winross trucks, 2000 Adver tising pencils. Extensive collection of Matchbooks started in 1936 to include: Political, Baseball, Col leges, National Parks, 100’s small advertising trinkets, Life Magazines, Old Playskool toys, Cabbage patch dolls, Doll furniture, Riding toys, Avon & other items. MODERN FURNITURE: Five piece bedroom suite w/Fruitwood finish, Sofa, occasional tables, 4 Hitchcock chairs and others. Hand tools and hardware. Order of Sale: 8:30-Tools 9:00-Coins & House hold Goods 10:00-Advertising, Toys & Antique items 10:30-Winross Thicks, 1:00 P.M.-Piano & Furniture Don’t miss this sale, every thing extremely good, dean condition. TERMS: CASH, NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS, BIDDER I.D. REQUIRED. SELLING FOR BETTY RAUDENBUSH DON HARNSBERGER - AU3B7L & VAN G. HOCKER - AU4I7L AUCTIONEERS, PHONE: (717) 671-9959 FOOD STAND RESERVED SALE UNDER COVER CAN BE SEEN SALE DAY ONLY TWO AUCTIONEERS SELLING AT SAME TIME PIGS GRADEDSALE TUBS., OCT. 17 7:00 P.M. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Westminster, Md. Phone (410) 848-9820 f Public Auction j } Wiliam B. Fry's Pontiac, Inc. \ $ Since 19X8 \ $ Valuable Real Estate, \ Automobiles, Equipment, \ $ Tools, Parts & Supplies, j Antique Signs and Older ? \ Model Vehicle Parts. if £ Tues., October 24* 1995 i I 9:00 A.M. y < Located at 529 E. Main Street, Lltltz Borough,' r Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. (■ Real Estate to be offered at 10:00 A.M. p Consists of various parcels. / Parcel #1 226’x445’ - 3.8 Acres consists of a large lot y lof ground known and numbered 529 E. Main Street,/ f thereon erected a brick constructed auto repair garaged /and show room. Containing 6,450 sq. feet service'/ \ repair shop, 1,360 sq. feet office, rest rooms, parts and/ r service area, “Glass Front Showroom” is 1,920 sq. \ /feet with good view from street. Nice blacktop/ \frontage on E. Main St. and N. -Oak St. Building is/ i structured with basement facility for four vehicles,!, /roof trusses are steel, high doors to service area. Area/ £is zoned general business. / K Parcel #2 So’x2oo’ is a parcel of land known and j /■numbered S2S E. Main St, Lititz Borough, Lane. ► /County, Pennsylvania. Thereon erected a 1 1/2 story/ \Permastone residence with 3 bedrooms, bath, livings /room, dining room and kitchen, oil fired hot water ? /heat system. Area zoned general business. f (Parcel #3 1.6 Acre is a corner lot of ground with r improvements. Formerly served as a used auto lot./ /Zoned industrial. Super access from Oak St./ f Excellent exposure on Main St. / f Parcel #4 is a tract of land located on the west side of \ /South Cedar St., Lititz Borough, Lancaster County,/ /Pennsylvania. Between Marion and Lemon Streets./ r Together with a one story' masonry constructed garage / /along Raspberry Lane. More recently used as auto? • body repair, with paint booth, this is a nice parcel of/ K open space. % /The locations could serve for a variety of uses. Please/ I,take a look at the various parcels. Will be open for/ \ inspection October 4th 1:00 P.M. till 4:00 P.M. andi /October 11th 2:00 P.M. till 5:00 P.M. \ /Automobiles - 1991 Pont. Bonneville - 1990 Chev./ V Lumini -1988 Pont. Fiero - /» /Courier Pick-Up. ? /Equipment & Tools - 3 large air compressors, 12’/ step ladder, shop vac, Lube system, B&D valve/ f'resurfacer, 225 amp Lincoln welder, solar 550 6-12 / /charger, Coates tire changer, Nortron balancer, S&R/ It deployment harness, Hotsy steam Jennie, tap and die/ /sets, trans. axle tool set, SP-200 Lincoln welder,/ /various Kent Moore service specialty tools /equipment, Kent Moore quad 4 DOHC special/ / service tools, transmission jacks, GM computer test / /center, Sun Engine performance tester, Universal? • breakout box, arbor press, drum lathe with automatic/ / feed, MDL 3000 AMMCO, floor jacks, tube pumps, A /drill press, Kent Moore air conditioner Service units,? /Sure-Start charger, Acetylene units, torque angle/ /tester, bench grinder, shop foreman’s desk, chain/ /hoist, work bench & vise, floor jack stands. / /Signs - Oakland Pontiac, General Motors, Neon Silver/ / Streak, Neon Pontiac sign and various other signs of/ / interest from the past. / /Parts - Large assortment of parts for older model/ > autos and later models. GM & other large variety/ r manuals also variety used bumpers, hoods, and doors/ /(stored indoors), transmissions, large assortment newt /and used exhaust pipes, new belts, hoses, filters, rims,/ f tires, brake shoes and parts, scrap metal and old/ /engines. ? / Office items - desks, chairs, file cabinets, micro fiche,/ C computers, show room furniture, glass in oak show A ‘/cases, 4 drawer file cabinets, 2 ice cream freezers,? /Lance snack set, trophies, various pictures. Also/ \ numerous items of value not listed. / / Auction by order of: i / Richard A. Umbanhauar Eaq./ / Receiver: William B. Fry’s/ I WtmXA n / 23 North WMtr Btnot|/ LICENSE NO. MW. (717) 12M17S or (717) 625-2531 LHHz, Pmmylvanla 17543 FAX (717) >2747177 AFFRAIttM and ADVIIOIW Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. NOV. 11-9 AM 2 trac tors, 3 trucks, large amt. of small farm tools, farm equip, guns & household goods. 2HG crawlers. Turn off Rt. 183 S. of Bemville onto Bemville-Robesonia Rd. for Vi mi. past Ski Resort and right onto Christmas Village Rd. for 2Vi mi. and left onto Sta tion Rd. for 2/10 mi. to auc tion. Berks Co., Pa. For the late Paul Foose, Ken Leiby, auct. 1 i { SAT. NOV. 11 - SAM Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques, Car & Riding Mower. Located Approx. 12 Mi. East of Lancaster, Take Rt. 30 to Rt. 41 on 41 go 'A »MtBBßt. 741 (Opposite Gap Town Clock) - On 741, Cross Railroad Bridge to Stop Sign - Turn Left on Mine Rd. - 'A Mi. to Sale, Watch (or Sale Signs. Salisbury Twp., Pequea Valley School District, Lane. Co., PA. Terms by: John ’Jack" M. McClure Est. Robert E. & .Jeffrey R. Martin Aucts. SAT. NOV. 11 - BAM Farm Machinery, personal prop erty for Melvin M. & Jane S. Nolt, 422 East of Myerss town turn right Millersville Rd. to Riley Rd. Turn left to farm on left. Kline, Krekfer & Good Aucts. SAT. NOV. 11 - BAM Real Estate 12NOON Personal Property. Perry County, COMPLETE oN£ SERVICE AUCTION Mon. f October 16, 199 s 6:00 p.m. • Real Estate • Home/Commercial Building - 10.58 Acres Directions: From Harrisburg travel north on Route 11 & 15, Just north of Liverpool turn left onto Route 104 and continue approximately 4 miles. Just past covered bridge turn right at auction sign and continue 1/4 mile. Auction on left. Perry Township, Snyder County. Just 2 mlks south of ML Pleasant Mills. The home consists of 3 bedrooms. 1 3/4 baths, living room, dinning room, kitchen, full basement with I car garage and 3/4 bath, deck off of dining room with sliding door Also on the property is a 40x80x16 It lully insulated garage with oil hot air heat and separate sewer facilities and well Complete with office and parts room This real estate is very versatile with possible subdivision possibilities Call Auctioneers for showing ownen: David and Kathy Varner KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY McClun, PA 17141 Richfield, PA 17086 (717)658-3586 (717 539-8791 AU-0D1532-L AU-002651-L COMPLETE PUBLIC AUCTION Wednesday, October 18,1995 11:00 a.m. • More Than A Touch Of Lancaster • A very picturesque productive 68+/- acre farm, 99% tillable, located in Lewis Township, Northumberland County near McEwensville, PA. Directions: From 1-80 exit toward McEwensville, in town take Route 44 South, auction on the right. Lots located justjoff Route 44 South on Rovenolt Road. From Lewisburg take Route 405 through Milton to Susquehanna Trail, continue to Route 44, proceed south, auction on the right. Signs posted. REAL ESTATE 68+/- acre farm in hi state of cultivation situ ed on the property is 1/2 story 5 bedroi home with large kitchi sun room and pari hardwood floors, 1 basement, large f r porch. The main barn . bank barn 64x64 with 26 stalls for cows and 10x12 milk house with 400 gal lon bulk tank, 40'x3r horse barn, 24x54 c t barn, farm mark 26’x40', 432 sq. ft. 2i residence. Large irrig* tion tank and strong wei Currently in product tobacco, alfalfa and corr This is a must see property. It's Just right to produce a good farm Income or for the person who wants a show place. Terms: 10 % down, balance in 45 days. Call auctioneers for showing. KENNETH E. MASSINGER RR 02, Box 985 McCluro, PA 17841 (717) 658*3536 AU-001532-L Uncwtar Fjmtlnfl, Saturday, Octobw 14, IWS-849 Between Milleratown and I ekes burg Along Rt 117 West Carl Yoder Estate. Russell M. Wright and Frank Swartz Aucts. SAT. NOV. 11 - 9:3OAM Antiques, HH goods, trac tors, guns, furniture. From Rt. 272 at Ephrata lake Schoeneck Rd. north to Schoeneck, stay left at the Y in Schoeneck. continue on Coealioo Rd. approx. 4 miles to SO S. Coealioo Rd., Denver, Pa. By Emma R. Fittery. Aaron Martin, auct. SAT. NOV. 11 -10 AM Inventory reduction auction for T.L. James Enterprises, Inc. Rt. 46 Belvidere, NJ. Farm tractors & skidsteer loaders, construction equip & trucks, farm & landscape equip, implements. Route 46, Belvidere, NJ. Petrows ky, aucts. SAT. NOV. 11-11 AM Real Estate. Rapho Township, (Rt. 72 - Near PA Turnpike Exit 20) Located at 65 Leh man Rd., Rapho Township, Lane. Co., PA (Directions: Rt. 72 - Just North of PA Turnpike Exit *2O. Turn West onto Lehman Rd. Left Owner: Ben Stoltzfus to Property). Terms by; Duaine D. Hauck A Dons M. Hauck T. Glenn Horst Aucts. SAT. NOV. 11 - IPM 2 Acre Wooded Lot w/Mobilo Home Located Along Ham mertown & Edwards Rds., Caernarvon Twp., Lane. Co. Inspection; Sat. Oct 21 1-3 PM. Terms by: Jerald & Elizabeth Marlin. Homing Farm Agency. TUES. NOV. 14 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Lives tock Market Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 turn S. then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. NOV. 15 & THURS. NOV. 16 - Large Two Day Sale of Farm Equipment. Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt. 914, '/. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold a Gloria Oaks. Marion Auc tion Service. WED. NOV. 15 - 7:3OPM Feeder Cattle Sale, Hager stown, MD Four States Livestock Sales. THURS. NOV. 16 - 9AM Farm Machinery, tools, Suburban 4x4, 313 W. Meadow Valley Rd., Lititz. Paul C. & Ruth Bucher, Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. THURS. NOV. 16 - 2PM Real Estate. Located Adja cent to Monroe Valley Golf Course North on Rt. 72 From Eixt 30 of 181 to Right into Monroe Valley. Watch for Signs. Femwood Auc tion Co. FRI. NOV. 17 -11 AM Dansville, New York. C&R Farms (Charles and Robin Potter), Herd dispersal of Milking herd, bred heifers, and breeding size heifers, 180 head sell. Pirrung MUCtS. FRI. NOV. 17-7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. SERVICE NEIL A. COURTNEY R.D. #1 Box 239 Richfield, PA 17086 (717) 539-8791 AU-002651-L
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