St-L'Cl 0 * tt : , A»l VO -i %VI VY«\W>'i 848-Lancaster Farmlhg, Saturday, Octefeft 14, 19M Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication .61 ACRE LANCASTER CO. FARM. (West Donegal Township) PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1995 Auction Time 8:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE 11:00 A.M. Location; 655 Stone Mill Dr., Elizabethtown, Pa. 3 Miles Weat of E-Town. Take Rt. 743 So. I’/» miles to Stone Mill Dr., turn right 2nd farm on right. W. Donegal TVirp., Lancaster Co., Pa. PROPERTY OFFERED AT 11:00 A.M. 45 ACRES TILLABLE. BANK BARN. 38 STANCHIONS. 52 Free Stall Barn: MILK HOUSE, 3 SILOS (20x72-12x55-12x50) 60x80 Ft. Shad; (2) 32x40 Ft. 2 Story Sheds (1-100 AMP) Corn Crib; Bunk Feeder; 3-Car Garage; Pasture w/Stream & Woodland. Lg. 2V, STORY Stucco & Frame Dwelling, Slate Roof, Ist Floor-Lg. Modern Eat-In Kitchen - Dishwasher - Range w/Eye-Level Oven; DR; Double LR; Family Room; Two Stairways; 2nd Floor; 4-Bedrooms • Hall; Full Bath; Attic, Laundry w/Closets; Enclosed Porch; Attached Furnace House; Lausch Coal Stoker Hot Water Radiator Heat; Well & Septic System, Road Frontage. OPEN HOUSE DATES Thurs., Sept. 28 - 6 to 8 P.M. Other Times By Appointment CALL (717) 733-8192 Or (717) 367-2113 8 TRACTORS - SKID LOADER DX 120 DEUTZ TRACTOR w/Cab, Air & Heat, New Rubber, 1734 Hours; 2840 JOHN DEERE Rabbit & Turtle Range, 2000 Hrs.; 265 M.F. w/Quick Tach Loader, 1844 Hrs.; 530 John Deere w/Factory 3 pt.; 520 John Deere Factory 3 pt., New Rubber; 420 John Deere w/Sauder Loader 3 pt. Wide Front: Farmall 200 w/Culti., Fast Hitch; Farmall Super C w/Cultivators; JOHN DEERE 125 SKID LOADER (D) 3 BUCKETS & PALLET FORK; Nl 709 UNISYSTEM Power Assist 4 Wh. D.; Nl 717 Combine - 744 w/Corn Head - 838 Corn Husker w/ 16 Roll Husking Bed, 740 Fast Hitch Feeder House. FARM EQUIP.- N.H. 489 Haybme; NH 451 Sickle-Bar Mower; 346 JD Baler w/Thrower; NH 258 Hyd. Rake (dolly wh.); 2 18 ft. Bale Wagons w/10 Ton Running Gears; 2 Flat Wagons; 4 Bin Wagons (3 McCurdy); 24 Ft. & 36 Ft. Farmec Elevators; 20 ft. Skeleton Hay Elev; AC Corn Drag w/Motor; Harvest Handler; Woods 500 Finish Mower; Woods 6 Ft. Rotary Mower; N.H. 336 Flail Chopper; Massey 12 Tooth 3 Pt. Chisel Plow; White 548 5 B. Auto Reset & White 348 3 B Auto-Reset Plows; 2 B. J.D. Roll-Over Plow; 14 ft. Int. Trans. Disc; 14 ft. Bnllion Trans. Field Harrow; 3 pt. Weeder; Athens 137: Disc; 4-Row Massey Cultivator; Pull Type McD; Disc; Int. 4-Sec. Rotary Hoe; White 4-R Corn Planter w/Liquid Fert. & Monitor; J.D. Gram Drill; Hanson 3 pt. Field Sprayer; TWO 550 Gal. Nurse Tanks; Helix Gram Cart; Grove Dump Wagon; J.D. 54 Manure Spreader; 3 pt. Tool-Bar Cultivator; 3 Pt. Power Buster Log Splitter; Lincoln Welder; Air Comp.; Torch Set; Roll-Away Jack; Drill Press; 3/4” Socket; Platform Scales; Reddy 30,000 BTU Heater; Hand Pallet Jack; PTO Cement Mixer on Wheels; Sauder Snow Plow; Wheelbarrow; 36 ft. Ext. Ladder; Stepladders; Silo Pipe; 4 Sections 4xB Mason Scaffolding; 3 Pt. Crane w/Cyl. Tractor & Truck Chains; Suitcase Wts; J.D. Top Link; Rockwell Table Saw; Radial Arm Saw; 5 hp. Rototiller; Echo Weed Eater; Hedge Trimmer; Etc.; 610 McCullough Chain Saw; Plus Items Not Listed. H.H. GOODS & ANTIQUES OLD ROLL-TOP DESK: Mirrored Hall Rack; BR. Suite w/Dresser; 100-Yr.- Old Poster Bed; Blanket Chest; 2 Oak Washstands; Marbletop Chest of Drawers; Dough Tray; Auto Harp; Early Victorian Chair; Sq. Claw Foot Table; Cane & Plank Chairs & Rockers; Drop-Leaf Table; Clothes Tree, 2 Old Cribs; Old Child’s Sq. Playpen; Croquet Set; Sleds; Seth Thomas Mantel Clock; Child's Rocker; Carpenters Toolbox; Sm. Sprinkling Can; Porch Swing; Benches; Clothes Dryer; Enterprise Grinder Etc.; Cast Iron Trough: Agate; Old Tin Cans; Smoked Lard Tins, Milk Strainers: Old Rnd. Chick Feeders; Butcher Tables; Green Jars, Space Heater; Berry Crates; Corn Dryer; 1914 Farmers Directory, Lane. Co.; Towel Rack, Meat Hooks. AMANA 25 S/S Refrig-Freezer; Frig. Dryer; Apt. Size Coal/Wood Cook Stove; 2 End Tables; Plus Useful Items Not Listed. TRUCKS ‘B4 DODGE RAM PICKUP, Heavy Duty 360 4-wh. Drive 50,000 Miles; 76 FORD 900 Cab-Over Dump Truck, 477 Motor (LP Gas); 70 DODGE 600 Truck w/Closed Bed, Equipped w/Dump (LP Gas) One Owner 66,000 Miles; 12'/ 2 Ton Tandem Duals Tag-Along Trailer; ‘BO 4-D Buick Century Car; 1020 Truck Tires 900x20 w/Rims; 12-4.36“ Tractor Tire, Ford 900 Truck Rear End.; Most Farm Equip. Purchased New By Mr. Kreider & Is In Excellent Condition. SALE ORDER - 8:30 A.M. H.H. Goods & Sm. Tools; 9:30 Furniture; 11:00 Real Estate; 12:00 Farm Equip. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS Unless Accompanied by a Bank Letter or Known By Auction Firm. Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Printed Material. TERMS-10% Down Day of Auction. Balance Jan. 1,1996. Owner Financing Upon Prior Approval. Conditions read day of sale take precedence over printed material. SALE BY WILMER H. & LOIS J. KREIDER ATTORNEY: ALSBACH & RYDER LANCASTER, PA AUCTIONEER: WOLGEMUTH AUCT. SERVICE MANHEIM, PA PH. (717) 733-8192 LIC. #2357 Dennis Bob (717)733-8192 (717)665-6684 SAT. NOV. 11-213 Acre Huntington Co. Farm, Household,' Collectibles. Located at Blairs Mills, PA. Estate of Helen R. Clayton, Glen L. Clayton, Shirley J. Goshron, Executors. Bryan D Imes Auct. John Hess App ,\ W\V £&*•* .•■!•■*■■■ • i*,.**i?i***. REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURS., OCT. 26, 1998 12 Noon 1223 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 2'A story attached brick townhouse, the entry is from front porch, which leads to separate foyer. The second entrance leads to front living room. Stairway to second level is to left front along wall with living room to the right. Living room opens to the dining room to the rear, which leads to sitting room. Off the sitting room is first floor bath. Located to the rear is eat-in L-shaped kitchen, equipped with ceiling fan and small side area for stove and refrigerator. A door exits to a rear covered porch and yard that provides access to a one car garage in rear. Garage accesses from alleyway. Second floor has 3 bedrooms, with possibility of kitchen, rear bedroom has balcony with access door. Third floor has 2 bedrooms. Basement unfinished, and dry, humidity free, is used as sitting room and houses all utilities in rear, new hot water heater recently installed. TERMS: 5,000 down/day of sale in guar anteed fund. Made payable to PA Auctioneering Associates. Balance due 45 days at settlement. Sale to owners confir mation. Inspection by appointment only, please call Auctioneer 717-697-1490. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Dwelling is ready for immediate occupancy as single home or separate apartment units. All carpets, drapes, and most appliances will be left in place. Seller has lived in this beautifully, well kept and well maintained home for 41 years. This property must be seen to be appreciated. MARK YELK AUCTIONEER 2933 L 717-697-1490 PUBLIC SALE For Witmer Implement and Mrs. Rezford Frey Milking, Feeding, Butchering and Farm Equipment, Misc. Hand Tools SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1995 9:00 A.M. Sale held at James Seibert Farm, 1453 Bedford Rd., Shippensbura, Franklin Co., PA. Directions: From Shippensburg take Rt. 11 South, 1/2 mi., turn right onto Rowe Rd., proceed 2 miles to R.R. track, farm on right. Watch for yellow sale signs. MILKING AND FEEDING EQUIPMENT Surge 800 bulk tank w/washer and compressor, Sunset 445 GaT bulk tank; Boumatic double 6 parlor w/feed mangers, 2” glass line and receiver jar; Surge 60+ vac pump; Surge Alamo 1200 vac. Pump w/oil reclaimer less motor; Delaval 75 1 1/2 hp. vac pump; Chore Boy vac. pump; FR3 Boumatic vac. Pumps; Boumatic vac. pump for 7 1/2 hp motor; DeLaval DV3OO milkers; Surge floor style milkers; 3-conde floor pail milkers; 4-Conde Satellite claws w/shutoffs; magnetic 35 lb. pall unit; 3-Wakito pipeline milk meters; Surge receiver group for 2” pipeline; Boumatic and DeLaval takeoffs; Mueller tank washer; several auto pipeline washers; 2 dumping stations; Sentenel vac. controllers; 20 Delaval alignment arms; collector series cans; 6-double wash vats; 2-solid state timer converters; misc. Milker supplies. 52-New Michigan style freestalls; Patz 9427 14 hp Bedding chopper; Harvestore 3 hp. Roller mill, 40’ Starline conveyor; Clay 30’ belt conveyor; Cornell elevator and chain; 80 ft. Big Dutchman feeder track and parts; 16-Delaval S.S. parlor feed mangers; parlor/stanchion Autocords; 90 Delaval Rationmaster II transponders; 4-hospital pen headlocks; 30 ft. Rissler conveyor w/motor; 1 set M-4 Sahlstrom-Delaval manure injectors; Clay double 6 parlor stalls w/curb; mineral bowls; various size electric motors; lots of 3’xB’ wooden crates and pallets; plus several truck loads dairy related items. Sale for Witmer Implement 717-532-6139 FARM EQUIPMENT - ANTIQUES - TOOLS Minneapolis Moline 445 gas tractor w/3 pt. and Hyd.; Int. 4-16” semimount plow; Oliver 4-14” trailer plow, J.D. 3 p.t 2-14” plow; N.H. 363 flail tank spreader; Case P.T.O. trailer mower, 3 pt. 6 ft. blade; flat bed wagon; corn drag elevator; Perry harrow; cultivators for M.M. “R” magnetos, starters, heads and oth er M.M. parts. John Deere one hole corn shelter; straw cutter; crosscut saw; wood auger; draw knife; wooden pulleys; pea scales; ice tongs; cow chains; 2-tinsmith anvils; standing seam tools; chain hoist; small metal lathe; sickle bar sharpener; bench grinder; bench drill press; several electric drills; 4” jointer; table saw; glue clamps; chain saws; handyman jack; ladder jacks; misc. rope; log chains and binders; cant hook; scythe; dehomer; nuts and bolts; misc. Hand tools; scrap iron; plus more. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT AT 12 NOON 2-Butcher furnaces; 4 butcher kettles; sausage stuffer; #22 meat grinder w/motor; wooden and galv. tubs; 2 butcher benches; meat hooks; ladles and dippers; hog spreaders; stirrers; etc. Sale for Mrs. Rezford Frey 717-532-8761 (Rex. Jr.) Note: Two auctioneers selling simultaneously. Come early and enjoy the day with us. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch served. Auctioneers: Andrew and Nevin Martin AU-1078-L 7~)7-532-5382 EQUIPMENT AUCTION SELLING TRUCKS, TRACTORS St TRAILERS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FOR CONTRACTORS & SECURED CREDITORS (Partial Listing - More Items Coming In Daily) Sale to be held at BEL AIR AUTO AUCTION 803 Bel Air Road, Bel Air, MD 21014 FRI., OCT. 20 > 10:00 A.M. Inspection; Wed. Oct. 18th -9 AM to 5 PM NOTE: NO THURSDAY INSPECTION OR REMOVAL CURRENT LIST INCLUDES; 4 Tandem Axle Dump Trucks, 7 Single Axle Dump Trucks, 7 Conventional & COE Tractors, Flatbed Dump & 5 Flatbed Trucks, 5 Pickup/Van Trucks, Bucket Truck, 5 Various Capacity Goose Neck & Flat Bed Trailers, Yard Jockey Tractor, 4 Crawler Tractors, 5 Crawler Loaders, Hydraulic Excavator, Excavator. 2 Motor Graders, 2 Loader Backhoes, Rubber Tire Wheel Loader, 3 Skid Steer Loaders, 3 Rollers/Compactors, Front End Loader, Trencher, Shear, PLUS LANDSCAPING, PAVING, WELDING AND OTHER RELATED ITEMS. CALL TO CONSIGN YOUR LATE MODEL EQUIPMENT OR TO HAVE A CURRENT LIST FAXED TO YOU. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, Certified Check or Company Check with appropriate Bank Letter of Guaranty. Items sold “As Is-Where Is” with no warranties express or implied. Full settlement day of sale. rUTUHiiUUCTUHIS.IHC. 20 PARK AVE. • SUITE 100 BALTIMORE, MD 21201-3423 410-752-5300 .HM hL ■fl lilk *
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