* •" f *■ # " BRATTLEBORO. Vt. Not since the days of Meredith Farm’s sales has there been so much stir in the Ayrshire breed, according to many who attended the Plumbot tom sale on August 13 in Belle ville. The event ended up being much more than just a sale, said Nicki Bozlinski, Pennsylvania Ayrshire coordinator. “It was promoting, merchandising, socializing and improving relations among Ayr shire breeders from across die world,” Plumbottom Farm decided to share their genetics and successes with other Ayrshire enthusiasts by dispersing four-fifths of their herd, which totalled about 75 lots. Another eight lots were “paired” lots, which means that the bidder takes the animal they wanted, while the other animal stayed at Plumbottom. Since John Rodgers is continuing dairying with his Ayrshires, he also kept one-fifth of his herd. John Rodgers, an avid Ayrshire breeder, said he believes in pro motion. “We believe in milk and pure bred sales,” said Rodgers. “We BST USERS and HIGH PRODUCING HERDS PURINA MILLS Has A Line Of Products Developed And Manufactured With Your Cows In Mind: increased milk production improved breeding better body condition more palatable than other high energy feeds CALL US TODAY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE PRODUCTS HIGH BROS. Plumbottom Sale have had Ayrshires for 10 years— and this is our second time around. And they are producing a profit for us." The Plumbottom Farm’s 1993 DHIA average reached 17,960 pounds of milk, which earned them the Ayrshire Breed er’s Association’s coveted French Trophy award in 1993. Following his own advice, Rod gers designed what attendees deemed a “first class” promotional event, not just a sale. Long before the sale, he adver tised in the Ayrshire Digest and other publications regularly, and enrolled his herd in Ayrshire Breeder’s Association’s award programs. On the evening before the sale, Plumbottom hosted a Friday “Fun Night.” which included a free buf fet dinner, bagpipe bands and door prizes. Guests came from many differ ent states and countries, including Florida, lowa and Maine; four guests hailed from Kazakhstan. The socializing lasted well into the early morning hours. Saturday’s sale began with a pre-sale brunch, served to all 175 people who attended. When it was 441 Centerville Road Gordonville, PA 17529 Phone 717-354-0301 Averages $1,096 over, the animals travelled to nine states —and paitial interest in one of the bulls was sold to the breed ers from Kazakhstan. Having been raised to an excel lent 91 score after being classified two days before the sale, Baytree Famtom Pepsi, topped the sale at $3,600. “Pepsi is headed for her second record of more than 17,000 pounds of milk and is due in De cember to Trident,” said sales manager Tom Whittaker of Ver mont She went home with Don and Michele Bevis, of West Paw let Vt. The Bevis’s found and bought many of the top animals at the event, and eventually took home four of the most sought-after ani mals in the sale, for a total of $9,150. One of the most recognized ani mals of the Plumbottom herd was Ardtossan M. Boy NoNo. Having held her classification score, and now holding as a 3 E 91, Rodgers sold a half interest in her. Gary Zumbach of Monticello, lowa, was the purchaser (not in cluded in the sale average), “Her last service date was June 25; by sale day. she had gone 42 days Lancaster Farming, Samtday. Sspfehtfear If, 1994-As3 without a repeat heat” said Whit taker. “Because of her being past nine years old, it was decided not to do a pregnancy test at this time. If, by die end of December, she is safe with calf, the half interest transaction will be completed. If she is not in calf at that time, the purchaser's down payment will be returned, and the transaction will be closed,” The sale average for all 63 head bred heifer, hurriedly took her to sold was $1,096. Sixteen cows Huntington County Fair and took averaged $1,206. Nineteen cows die junior champion award, aged two and three years averaged Whittaker said he was very o 34g pleased with the quality of cattle Bred heifers brought an average offered. “This sale was for dairy of $905. and the open heifers aver- men who wanted to milk rows for aged $B5O. The five heifer calves a living, not as a hobby, he said. Junior Livestock Sale At Wayne County HONESDALE (Wayne Co.) National Bank. Overall. 186 hogs The largest Junior Livestock sale averaged $1.44 per pound, in the history of the Wayne Coun- Tb® grand champion lamb was ty Fair was held recently at the shown by Miriam Ryback, Da- Wayne County Fairgrounds. mascus, and sold for $8.25 per One hundred eighty-six hogs, pound to Wyalusing Livestock. 46 lambs, and 34 steers were sold Th® reserve champion lamb by 4-H members for a total of 266 was shown by Mike Korb, Hones head. The sale grossed more than dale, and sold to Wayne BAnk for $114,864 for the 4-H members. $ 4 -50 per pound. Overall. 46 Auctioneers were Wayne Weaver, lambs averaged $1.94 per pound. John Regan, and Pete Robinson. Th® grand champion market The grand champion market steer was shown by Melissa Neb hog was shown by Scott Lewis, zydoski and sold for $2.65 per Pleasant Mount, and sold for $4 pound to Marshall Machinery, per pound to Dr. Henry Nebzydos- Beach Lake. Reserve champion ki. Pleasant Mount. Reserve steer was shown by Scott Lewis champion hog was shown by Eric <md sold to Nanowsburg Feed & Smith, Honesdale, and sold for Grain for $1.65 per pound. Steers $3.95 per pound to the Honesdale average $1.06 per pound on 34 head. • Quality Controlled Concrete Conveyor • Uniformly thru Automation >, • Radio Equipped Fleet For p rom p t courteous Service Call: • Front Discharge Mixers 800-422-8107 • PA DOT Approved Plant 717-336-7591 • Crushed Stone or 7^-33t^o»i • Asphalt Paving mjr • Black Top & mil Asphalt Materials m/L 74 Kurtz Rd., Denver, PA Problem Water? Odor? Bad Taste? Stains? Iron? Manganese? Mineral Buildup? Color? Bacteria? Virus? Harmful Micro-organisms? Hydrogen Sulfide? THM Precursors? Other Contaminants? Do You Have Any Problems With: * Scours * Digestion * Mastitis * Breeding * Small Litter Size * Too Much Medication * Milk Production * Poor Feed Efficiency * Algae in Drinking Cups * Bad Conception Rate Could Water Be Your Problem? Complete Farm Water Treating System A Farm Water System that is designed to clean the water on your farm with one of natures most powerful purifying agents Condensed Oxygen (Ozone). MHAd 17 338 Quarry Rtf., Laola, Pa. 17540 IMKE/UUIi 717-656-8380 WATER CONDITIONING INC. brought a $730 average, and three bulls averaged $l,OOB. The highest selling embryo package, with three embryos by Heligo, sold for $4OO to Hickory Grove farm in Wellington, Ohio. The dam, by Johnnie, had records of 22,270 pounds of milk with a test of 4.3 percent and protein tests of 3.7 percent. Dick Witter of Taurus Service, Mehoopany, purchased a Trident ► / t
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