A2B-L»nca»t»r Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 How»Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —These data are calculated using information pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-week summary representing approximately one fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from about one-fourth of the herds across die state. DMA Averages for all herds processed between 9/03/94 and 9/10/94 Number of Herds Processed Number of Cows Processed Number of Cows Per Herd Milk Per Cow (Lbs) %-Fat Fat Per Cow (Lbs) %-Protein Protein Per Cow (Lbs) Average Days in Milk Per Cow •Value for CWT Milk(s) •Value for CWT Grain(s) •Value for CWT Hay(s) •Value for CWT Silage(s) ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) •Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) •Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Ycar(Lbs) A; Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Day Pasture Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or ■ Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal. Oil i or Gas TBp~ • Corning Catalytic Combustor Option BH Available on all Models LbJ y Clyde K. Alderfer -r 717-539-6456 Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available 30th ANNIVERSARY Winross Trucks s9^oo m + Tax wimmdss Are In! HENRY B. HOOVER INC. 1731 W. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 AGWAY QUANTITIES 717-733-6593 limited 1964-1994 (Continued from Pag* A 18) buildings, hoping that when auc tioned it would bring a good price. It did—$200 from Dr. Thomas Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help farmers across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s this week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Com, No. 2y - 2.55 bu. 4.56 cwL Wheat, No, 2 - 3.15 bu. 5.25 CWL 963 56,895 59.0 18,436 3.69 680 3.20 591 318 13.20 8.20 4.27 1.55 .29 Barley, No. 3 • 1.71 bu. 3.66 CWL Oats, No. 2 -1.42 bu. 4.43 cwL Soybeans, No. 1 - 5.47 bu. 9.13 CWL 2,434 Ear Com 69.83 ton 3.49 cwL Alfalfa Hay - 91.25 ton 4.56 cwL 6,889 2,138 14,555 61 Mixed Hay - 97.25 ton 4.86 cwL Timothy Hay - 107.50 ton 5.38 cwL m Mon *Fri 7 30«m-8 00pm Sal. 7 30am-5 00pm Somerset Fall Classic •Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Pasture •Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) •Income Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) •Grain to Milk Ratio •Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) Avg Level For 887 SCC Herds *Mnabtr.gniraM dgurw Ldi Worldwide by AT&T, LCI, Excel & others Calls to anywhere in USA for as low as ' %* * ir* '4*,'X *;^*'4**^vl fa it 50% Off AT&T rates Guaranteed No sign up costs No monthly fees No minimum requirement on residential use Business accounts from $l5O to $50,000 for as low as .0837 per minute daytime For comparison, bring your phone bill to Saturday Sept 24 at 1:00 PM Tuesday Sept. 27 at 7:00 PM Saturday Oct. 1 at 1:00 PM Tel-Com Phone Service 520 Prescott Rd. Lebanon, Pa. (located south of Intersection In Prescott) Managing Representatives need Up to 10% monthly residual and 40% bonus income. $lOO for signing up and more for training MG’s anywhere in USA. For more information call 717-866-6520. Gretz of Ml Pleasant. “I’m going to hang it over the fireplace man tel,” said the dentist. So the juniors added $1,600 to 565 91 226 18 901 1,533 1:2.6 4.89 413.323 Atlantic Dairy (Contlnusd from Pago At) Lester C. Jones & Sons Inc, Medford, N.J. District 3 Marlin R. Brubaker & Gordon Herr, Quanyvllle. Abner L. & Sarah B. Stoltzfus, Peach Bottom District 4 Frank Covey Family, Federalsburg, Md. Wm. Blan Harcum Family, Mardela Springs. Donald I Mills, Milford, Del Howard A. & Katharine C. Webb, Lin coln, Del. William T. & Jeanne White, Princess Anne, Md. District 5 John W & Phoebe J. Good, Lancaster, John H. & Susan A. Howard. Willow Street. Wilmer L. Shertzer, Columbia. Dale G. & Ruth Ann Stoner, Lancaster. Garbei Family, Lancaster District • David S. & Annie S. King, Gordonville. J.S. Smucker & Sons, New Holland. F. Mark Weber, Mohnton. District 7 Paul S. Sauder, Lancaster Thomas L & Shirley L Krall, Lebanon. Phares Z. & Francis Musser, New manstown. John K Peters & Son, Manhelm District 8 Raymond L & Kevin R. Kulp, Kutztown Timothy S. & Deborah S Kurtz, Elver son. Ammon N Leid, Kutztown Districts Leon C & Christine M G Boltz, Lenhartsvllle Knauer Brothers, Robesonia George S Troutman Jr, Myerstown District 10 George E & Ellen H. Mason, Waynes boro District 12 Curtis E & Gary L Akers, Quarryville Elmer & Sylvia Lantz Jr, Paradise J Carl & Dons J. Zander, Quarryville. District 14 John B. Byler, Allensville their treasure which should kick in some interest by the time it’s needed for room and board in the Steel City. Clark Yoder, Salisbury, was the auctioneer. Bender, from Acci dent. Md. did pedigrees. Ringmen were Steven Pheasant and Rick Foreman. Sale co-chairmen for the spon soring organizastion, the Somerset County Holstein Club, were Dan Kimmel and Greg Coleman. Cooperative J. Lester & Ray L. Yoder, Belleville. Frank J. & Edith K. Hartzler, Belleville Roland T. & Amy C. Pecht 11. Mllroy. District 14 David S. & Rachel Glick Jr., Howard John V. & Todd Ishler, Spring Mills. District IS Evan J. & Lori Burkholder, Fayetteville Laban J. & Elaine R. Burkholder, Cham beraburg. Lloyd D. Chamberlin, Shippensburg. John J. & Chrystal A. Conley, Cham bersburg. Harold J. & P. Jane Qoahom, Dry Run Hissong Family, Mercersbutg. Fred E. & Dale E. Rice, Chambensburg. Franklin & Carol L. Doyle Jr, Lit tlestown. Robert H. Jamison, Carlisle. M. Thomas Sheaffer, Carlisle. Merle L. Stambaugh, Mechanicsburg. Rhode Wltmer, Carlisle. District IS Oscar & Winifred Campbell, Newport Perry M. Kretzlng, LoysvWe. District 19 Dale F. & Susan A. Faust, Halifax. Carl F. & Marian L. Hosier, Jr., Berwick Wilbur & Lorraine Kishbaugh, Nescopeck. Dale E. Lehman, Milton Duane E. & Betty J. Shuman, Blooms burg Gary L. & Claudia L. Bechtel, Curryville Ernest & Anna Bert, Martlnsburg. Glen R & Cathy D.Over, Williamsburg Gerald E & Linda Kay Smith, Martms burg District 21 Jan P Cowan, Neelyton Ronald & Ruth Dibert, Everett Lon & Kathy Gates, New Enterprise R Lynn & Julie F. Knepper, Three Springs John W. Ritchey, Everett District 22 Terry Lutz, Troy David & Katherine martin, Granville District 23 Francis J Hibbard & Sons, Dimock Just what makaa tha "Reel Auggla” battar? You can finally mix and fead all of your ration Ingredient! including long alem dry hay and other tough roughages that previously coul not be included In your mixed ration. Used Knight 2250 Mixer Feeder Excellent Cond., 1 Yr. Old SPECIAL* 11.900 • 5-600 Bale Proceaaor - Demo $1,850 • Weightronlc Scales, Modal 700 E, Fits Any Brand Mlxar, S Yr. Warranty • VD 3000 Gal. Manure Tank, For Sale Or Rent «Van Pals Manure Pump A Agitator We Will Service All Brands Of Electronic Scales A Most Brands Of Mixers MILLCREEK farm systems 2285 Old Philadelphia Pika Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 396-8987 District IS District 20
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