PAADS Judges From U.S., Canada (Continued from Pago A 1) ton, Ky., is to judge Milking Shor thorns, Guernseys, and Ayrshires, with Joy Crothers, of Oxford, judging showmanship for those breed shows. Exhibitors are reminded that they will need to present animal registration papers, health papers including BVD vaccination documentation, and a signed chaperone card at check-in today and Sunday. All entries must arrive by 3 p.m. Sunday. In addition to the youth dairy shows, for the second year in a row a junior dairy show Olympics is to be held in the Small Arena Sunday evening. Registration for the Olympics is to be available at ani mal check-in. Ayrshire Judge Judge for the Eastern National Ayrshire Show, scheduled to be held 9 a.m.. Sept. 28. in the Farm Appatoosa Hone Show Drift Hone Hitch Show .Stockman's Trade Show 2-730 3p m .Anlmahof OMtnction 4 pm Opening Ceremony and Awards 6 pm Bleeding Swine UnUrace, Poland China fc Spoiled Swine, In order 6 30 „. ....Animals of Distinction Southdown ft Suffolk Breeding Sheep 8 * m Draft Hone Hatter Show 9 am Breeding Swine Hampshire, Yorkshire, Berkshire, Chester While and Duroc, In order Wool Judging Stockman’s Trade Siiow Shropshire Breeding Sheep Animals of Distinction Slmmlnlal Capital Futurity .... Dorset Breeding Sheep . Wooljplnnlng Demonstration^ Draft Horse Hitch Show . Montadale Breeding Sheep Animals of Distinction . . Feeder Calf Show Ramboulllct €r Hampshire Breeding Sheep Keystone Classic Sale • Hampshire & Yorkshire Swine Animals of Distinction Glatfelter Challenge of the Breeds, plus registered marcs • Stallions hitch classes 10 am 10 730 11 am 12 noon 12 30 pm 1 pm 2 5 pm 2 pm 2 30 pm 3 pm 4 30 6 pm 6 pm 6 30 pm 7 pm Jam . .. Draft Hot* Youth Clairai B am Junior & Intercolkg tale Uvralock Judging Contest Sam - - - National Merino Show 10 - 7 30. Stockman's Trade Show noon Keyalone load Una noon Lebanon Valley National lank frt*Kld Olympic* . 12 30 Umourin Medal of Excellence Show | Show Complex’s Large Arena, is Linda Hansen of Good Ridge, Minn. A long time Ayrshire breed er and grain grower, her family farm operation, Good-Vue Ayr, consists of 40 milk cows and more than 2,000 acres of wheat. As a judge, Hansen’s experi ence is deep, including judging while attending lowa State Univer sity, and working as a sire analyst in the artificial insemination indus try for several years. Currently she serves on the board of directors of the National Ayrshire Breeders Association, and her family also shows Ayr shires, showing the champion at the Minnesota State Fair several times. “The cows are the passion part of our farm operation,’’ she said. Officiating the Eastern National Brown Swiss Show, scheduled for 2*5 pro. 3 pm Animals of Distinction 3 pm.. Yearling Bred Ewe Sale: Hampshire, Southdown, Dorset Shropshire, Montadale and Suffolk In order Evergreen Tractor Kiddle Pedal Pull feeder Calf Sale • feeder Calf Pens .. ..Shorthorn PACE Show .... .Animals of Distinction Draft Horse 4-Hone and d-Hone Hitch Show (Belgian, Clydesdak/Shlre and Petcheron) 3 pm * 4:30 pm., m 6 pm 4.30. ... 7 pm 8 am Cheviot Breeding Sheep, followed by junior Breeding Sheep Tunis, Dorset, Southdown, Shropshire, Corrledale and Oxford in order junior Beef Breeding Cattle Quarter Horse Show 8 am .Oxford Breeding Sheep followed by Junior Breeding Sheep Ramboulllet. Suffolk, Cheviot. Hamp Angus Breeding Cattle shirr, Monladale and Merino, in order 9 am Duroc Barrows On Pool followed by Crossbred and Purebred Barrows of oilier breeds Stockman's Trade Show Junior Steers (4 H & PPA) !0 • 7 30. 11 am 12 noon 12 30 1 30 pm junior Barrows followed by Production Clast for jr Barrows ft Truckload of 6 Market I logs 2 • 5 pm Fleece to Shawl Demonstration 6 30 pm Oi i M) 9am Open Barrows On Foot Berkshire, Chester While, Hampshire, Undrace, Poland China, S|m(ted Swine & Yorkshire In order , .. Keystone Stockman's Contest . , Stockman's Trade Show Salers Breeding Catile Keystone Stockman's Contest Awards 9 30 am 10-4 Animal* of Distinction 12 noon 2 30 pm Brown Swiss , Pmo Flno Horse Show Wool Spinning Demonstration Family Sunrise Service Animals of Distinction live Hog Fvaluatlon Contest Polled Hereford SOP Show Animats of Distinction Animals of Distinction Arabian Horn Show Keystone Arabian Hone Judging Contest for Youth Breeding Sheep Cortiedaie, Columbia Si Tunis In order Slmrqenlal Breeding Cattle The supreme champion at the 1993 All-American is C-Allanvale Inspiration Tina owned by Ernest A. Keulfner, of Keuffner Holstelns, Winston-Salem. North Carolina, and was bred by Alan McCutchen. Ontario, Canada. 9 a.m., Sept. 27, is to be Steve Tuman, owner-operator of Willow Wells Farm, also located in Min nesota, where he milks SO head of registered Brown Swiss. A frequent shower, the Tuman family was named this year’s pre mier breeder and exhibitor at the Minnesota State Fair. They showed the champion there, four out of the last six years. Last year the Tumans showed the grand champion Brown Swiss at the Cen tral National Show. Guernsey Judge of the National Guernsey Show, scheduled to be start 9 a.m., Sept. 28, is Bertram Stewart, of Hornby, Ontario. Stewart is active in cattle selec tion for sales, is a former manager og Agro-Acres Farm, and has judged all the national shows two times and is working on a third. He has traveled abroad, as well, to judge major shows. Holstein The Eastern National Holstein Show is set for 8 a.m.. Sept 29, and returning judge is to be Richard Lancaster Firming. Saturday, September 24, 1994-A27 Keene, of Gilbertsville, N.Y. Keene and his daughter own and operate Keeneland Farm, a 400-acre farm with registered Holsteins. He also serves as national director on the board of the Holstein Association, and travels extensively judging shows in the United States and abroad. Jersey Judging the Mid-Atlantic Reg ional Jersey show is to be Wayne Sliker, of Top Acres Brown Swiss Farm, in St. Paris, Ohio. Well known to Brown Swiss enthu siasts, out of his herd he has shown 72 All American and 68 reserve All Americans. Sliker is well-versed with the Stephen Spencer To Be Honored HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Stephen B. Spencer, pro fessor of dairy science extension with Penn State University’s Col lege of Agricultural Sciences, is to other cattle breeds, and has judged all breeds of cattle, in the United States and abroad. Milking Shorthorn The judge of the Eastern Nation al Milking Shorthorn show is to be another Minnesotian, Eidl Bent ley. who milks 70 head of Milking Shorthorn and raises grains on his more than 600 tillable-acres farm. The show is to start 4 p.m., Sept. 27. A past president of the National Milking Shorthorn Society. Bent ley is well known to fellow breed ers, competing in four major shows per year, and taking the pre mier breeder and exhibitor banners at this year’s Minnesota Slate Fair. be recognized as the 1994 Image Award winner, during this year’s Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show. According to Patty McMurray, chairperson for the award commit tee, Spencer is known for his attention to detail and diligent service to the dairy industry. He is to receive a specially crafted stained glass hanging mirror which is to be inscribed, “Awarded to an indivi dual who has enhanced the image of the Pen nsylvania All-American Dairy Show by signific ant contributions toward its reputation, prestige and welfare.” The mirror was crafted by Leslie Rhoades, of Tunkhannock. Spencer is to be pre sented with the award during the All- American buffet, held Wednesday evening in the Small Arena of the Farm Show Complex. According to McMurray, Spencer has spent ‘‘countless hours each year since the beginning of the PADDS assuring that the milking equipment is functioning properly and that dairymen visit ing the show practice (Turn to Pago A3l)
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