P3B-LII JD Flnancln NEW JD 9500 JD 9500, like new, low hrs. 'B5 JD 6620 Sidehlll Titan 11, excellent $46,500 ’B4 JD 6620 Sidehlll, excellent $38,000 75 JD 7700, 2,900 hrs., good $15,000 78 JD 6600 Sidehlll, good $18,500 79 JD 4400, dsl., 2,163 hrs., air, good J&tfiWT sls,soo 74 JD 4400, dsl., 2,025 hrs., good $12,500 73 JD 4400, gas, good $ 7,500 Gleaner L, good w/platform 0,000"$ 7,000 Gleaner K, good w/platform -$ 4,SQO~S 4,000 Nl 329 Shelter $ 2,500 Nl 324 2 row picker $ 2,800 Nl mounted picker $ 1,000 COMBINE HEAI MF & AC Cornheads 4R & 6R Nl 843 N 3 row snapper head JD 244 corn head, good $ 1,800 JD 920 flex platform ..Coming In JD 643 corn head just In Nl 868 Harvester, grass head, 774 N corn head, excellent condition for Uni System sia,eoa $ll,OOO You’re In Control The Model 900 forage harvester puts you in control of your harvest: • Rugged 21-inch, 12-knife cutterhead for a uniform chop. • Exclusive flip-up feedrolls provide convenient access to the shearbar and smooth roll scraper. • Electromagnetic clutches provide instant response in controlling feedroll and attachment drives. • Optional Metalert* 11 metal detector protects cutterhead and your valuable animals. Let us show you how the Model 900 puts you in control. LaUiiiSaSO QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • NH 1495 Hay bine, Diesel • IH 700 Plow Auto Reset Engine, Hydro, cab. Air Semi-Mount Cond. • NH 488 Haybine • (2) NH 489 Haybines • NI7 Ft. Cut-Ditioner • NH 358 Grinder Mixer • Hesston PT7 Mower w/Hydraulic Drive & Scale Conditioner •NH 311 Baler w/75 Kicker •NH 315 Baler w/Thrower RECONDITH [NED Available - Interest Free Till Jan. 1. 1995 Or Low Rate Flnandm '.1914 ln Stock MAHONING OU “The Natural Wa Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emissions by 90% Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnacel 3 Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) 35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FUEL USED IN STANDARD UNIT: WOOD & COAL & WOOD BY-PRODUCTS (SAWDUST, PAPER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MULTI-FUEL MODEL: SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS Models and specifications subject to change without notice TODAY’S MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACE WILL HEAT YOUR HOME, BARN, POOL, BUSINESS, GREENHOUSE, & DOMESTIC DRINKING WATER TOO! WE CAN CUSTOMIZE A UNIT TO FIT YOUR PERSONAL NEEDSI Site • Efficient • Durable Al Look it whit nuktt the Mihonlni Outdoor Fnniict i pal purchne... CLEAN.AII dirt, dust, fuel and (Ire Is outside No chance of chimney fire or flue fire. ELIMINATES AIR POLLUTION IN THE HOME.Smoke, fuel odors and other causes of allergies are outside the home SAFE FOR MOBILE HOMES.EHmlnates danger that other furnaces contained in a mobile home can cause. NO DANGER OR EXPLOSION.ThIa is a aero pressure furnace. ENCLOSED COMPONENTS.The circulation pumps and electrical connections are enclosed in an Insulated cabinet on the back of the Mahoning Outdoor Furnace. ADAPTABLE.InstaII our furnace in any forced air heating or hot water system ★ The only outdoor ftirnace made with a Catalytic Combustor. ★ Mahoning Catalytic Combustor Will Holp In tha Following Ways; 1. Burn one cord of wood which equals 166 gallons of oil. 2. Your fuel source becomes enormous inexhaustible and poses few risks to public safety. 3. Over all efficiency of 85%, which means the heat no longer goes up the chimney! 4. You get more neat from a log compared to the non-cat furnace. 5. More burn time - less reloading timel 6. Zap 90% of pollutants, made from fire source. 7. Saves you a lot of money! 8. User friendly, emits no smokel Proudly Built in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania MAHONING MANUFACTURING Mahoning Outdoor Furnace Co. RD 1, Box 250, Mahaffey, PA IS7S7 (814) 277-6675 - (814) 277-6675 Dealer Inquiries Welcome - Call Your Local Dealer Today and Find Out How Mahoning Can Save You Dollars.- Slgnorlroa Douglas FMtal, Jr. William Stahl TlmStalra Arnot, PA Gettysburg, PA Loyavillo, PA 17047 Somerset. PA 15501 717-834-2 MS 717-334-2475 717-7to-3244 114-443-419# Stan Wtnaol Barree. PA 16615 !14-*BO-4558 Gary Schonly Blrosboro, PA 810-889-5*30 Sloopvhtad Power Equipment Brookville. PA 15825 814-849-3200 Jimn Doitch Carlisle, PA 714-480-3805 Chariot Hooting Clearfield, PA 16830 814-7*5-8833 Clarks Plumbing 8 Hooting Clearvllle, PA 15535 814-7*4-5710 Odin Troo Farm (Horry Fox) Coudersport PA 16915 Now York Distributor Gary's Inc. Falls Creek, PA 15840 814-371-4885 SIX SIZES: Model lOOSbotb supply up to 100,000 BTU’s per hour IOOMF 24 inch lone fire box Model 200Sboth supply up to 200,000 BTU’s per hour Model 300Sboth supply up to 300,000 BTU’s per hour 3OOMF 48 inch lone fire box Model 400Sboth supply up to 400,000 BTU’s per hour 4OOMF 60 inch lone fire box Model SOOSboth supply up to 500,000 BTU’s per hour SOOMF 60 inch lone fire box Model 1-millionSboth supply up to 1,000,000 BTU’s per hour Dava taundars Glllett.PA 16925 717-806-2353 Now York Distributor Roger Hurtle Grove City, PA 16127 412-458-0045 Kevin Holfman Hadley, PA 16130 814-780-9382 Corlo Hooting Imler, PA 16655 814-276-3065 Vines Sobrato Jeffersonville, NY 014-807-63*7 Snow Gordon Shop (Doan Snow) Kama City. A 16041 412-445-2705 Charlsa Bowmen LebanoOjPA 17046 717-2*3-8332 Clarks Healing Sarvica Lloonler,PA 15658 412-2*B-5122 KEITBR'S PARK IIACHZNBRT Halifax, PA 17032 (25 miles North of HBG) 717-362-9006 HAYEfIVg. JD 3800 harvester Ford 3pt„ belt driven mower NH 54A bale thrower, very nice NH 477. T hayblne, nice NH 495. lV hayblne. rolls like new JD 34T baler w/chute. Held ready IH 1190 hayblne NH 771 IRcom head NH 36' elevator IH #lO, 7x16 grain drill. DD w/grass IH 510, 3x16 semi-mount plow, Held ready JD FBB, 7x15, SD grain drill w/grass JD 2NR corn head NH 155 30' elevator Cehl 99 forage blower for parts IH 56 forage blower for pahs JD 2KW corn head w/sllp clutch, good $650 IH 1 ISO grinder mixer, nice 1 , \! I I•' . 1 i U 1 :|M s i [ \U\ I 1 l 1/s |nu \K 1 WI - M||' I I"-. DOOR FURNACES to Heat Your Home” 60 inch lorn 1-millionMF Shi Whitney Plumbing I Hilling Lucinda. PA16235 114-226-4319 McNamara Heating Meadvlllc. PA 16335 114-724-6711 Ocorg* Duncan Millville. PA 17846 717-08-4837 Clyde Aldutar Mt. Pleasant Mills 717-539-6466 Mlki Hollcnahaad Nsedmore, PA 17238 * 717-466-4936 Hmry Klncingcr Oakland, Matyland2lsso ' 361-334-6616 Davi Scott Orbisonla, PA 17243 614-447-6489 H 6 6 Industries Shlppenville, PA 16254 114-762-3332 fire boxes Merrill Stains Three Springs, PA 17264 114-4403847 Tony Llllar Cumberland, MD 21502 301-717-6666 Mark Hula Berryvllle.VA 22611 703-825-2744 6111 Linti Aurara, West Virginia 26705 304-736-6638 Walter Simmons Brandywine. WV 26802 304-240-8206 Rodnay tlradar French Creek, WV 304-624-6284 Randy's Repair Service Mlllcreek.WV 26280 304-328-6068 Frank Kursalaa Ohio Distributor 1-600-618-HIAT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers