inning, Satordty, -Augi iIMKTOM n=n EQUIPMENT We are anxious to meet you and help you with all your farm ■ - power rake machinery needs. Call us today. ■ w _ SHIP eg * Ask for Ken Nolt, Ray Peters, or Gene Walker H ® Good Selection ■ USED COMBINES Landis Bros., Inc. welcomes you to our... I Local Trades Choice of Heads Q&A Combine Clinic I Ig^pri Date: Monday, August 29 I Place: Our Service Shop, Manheim Pike R | 0% Interest Till Jan ‘95 Q . Questions I 21 As a combine owner and operator, you arc interested in maximizing your performance. If you have one I ■ 6.9% Financing question or many, we would like to hear them. This is your clinic. ** A-■ MF 760, V 8 Diesel, Hydro, Chopper, = /answers ■ 2850 Hours, 15’ Flex $15,000 Certified employees from all dealership departments will help to answer your questions. Many of you know these employees personally, but if you don’t, this is your opportunity to get acquainted. Wc will be jp ggQQ Diesel Variable Speed 2800 assisted by representatives from our John Deere Salcs/Scrvicc office in Columbus, OH. w/15fl Platform ' $9 000 ~Z~7T ■JD 7700, Diesel, Hydro, 3492 Hours $ll,OOO “The New Legend in Corn Harvesting” see and hear about ... ■ JD 4400, Diesel, Variable Speed, Straw JOHN DEERE 90 Series Corn Heads I Spreader, 2333 Hours $17,000 * Smoother feeding H JD 4400, Diesel, Variable Speed, Straw y *Lcss ear loss H Spreader, 2357 Hours $17,000 M I • Faster harvesting speeds fTT •*/ * Narrower transport widths ■ JD 772 0 Diesel, Hydro w/JD 220 20 ft. H Flex Platform $30,500 ■ JD 9500, Hydro, Chopper, ■ 2759 Hours $68,000 Parts Dept. Specials Where Every Part Delivers It All I 172^ s Hours ydro .’. Ch ° PPor ’. $77,000 Utenlng knives shoes — ____ 1 USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT W~W j W HJD 3970 Forage Harvester w/Electric 4 m controls: $17,500 KNIFE SECTION NUMBER LENGTH Frrs 20Q.900 H JD 3970 Forage Harvester w/Electric AH 140180 • 9 section without head RRjBBWBWBBI _ 9 mm m ___ AHI4OIBI - 2’9" section SERIES COHuOIS $12,500 platform heads ahi38236 - Bo* of hardware HJD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Electric Complete Knives starting As Lo W As . nn $ lB6 ,0 <»mplele »35«“.3,„0, ■ J 7 -500 B JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Electric ■ Controls $5,750 MISCELLANEOUS USED EQUIPMENT ■ r- trvrvfr v ff <■ ■ Nice Selection of Used Forage Heads JD 300 Husker w/2R30 $10,500 ■ Brady 168014 Ft. Flail Shredder....s3,7so H _ rana B . iar 0 ~- n Krause 15 Ft. No-Til Drill $10,500 ■ NH 30 Fora 9® Blower $2,350 Brillion 15’ Flail Shredder $5,750 Gehl 7200 Flail Chopper $1,500 JD 750,15 Ft. No-Til Drill $17,500 ■ UncMttr Fai Itffet 2T.IH44WJ
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