Dl4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1994 JD pull type S' rotary JD MT, Good Rubber and mower. $425; Temple Tin Plows. Cult. Corn stone chipper tail gate for Planter. Sicklebar Mower, dumo truck/ $125; 3pt. 6' After 6PM (717)363-2133. JD A 1938 717/534-1253. S/N468357 Restored, New jD’s FOR SALE: 1949 GW Tires . Frontißear Plus w/fender; (3) unstyled A. Factory Steel. Rebuilt Mo (1) on skelton wheels; MGS, Dual Axle 1941 G, engine rebuilt; Trailer. (609)758-6726. 830; 7301 evenings. John Blue 500 gallon sprayer, ground driven JD no-til 1440 com planter, pump, 34' boons, good 4R, 30'. dry fertilizer, shape, $2,100. Call $l,BOO. (301)898-7426. 717-243-5768. FOR A FINAL FINISH ONE-TIME-OVER YOU NEED A VIBRA SHANK FIELD CULTIVATOR BY CASE IH! Wc Have Larfer Discounts For The Purchaser Who Make* A DecUon And < V. V In Stock 9'A Fool Wide Transport Type, Tow Away A Quality Case IH Vibra Shank Today! BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Located V? Mile North of RothsvUle (717) 626-4705 1-800-IT PAYS U JD Modal B, new paint, runa good; JD AW disc, new disc* & bearing*, 9' cut; Case 2 bottom plow; transmission A axle hous ings for JD B. 717/284-4924. NH 1469 Haybine $3OOO 080 (717) 653-6701 mo CASE IH UNILOADERS IN STOCK! Model 1840 SO HP Diesel JD 620, 2 cylinder, mid- jq plow, 3pt, 2x14 trip west tractor, runs excel- back, $350. lent, 3 pt. available, (301)888-7426. $3,200. 410-833-9091 -—— JD 7000 conservation, hn Deere Model 21514' 4x30", liquid fertilizer, n<Hil J rans P°?. D»c coulters, markers, monitor. ®o l j°" • S2BOO. (610)381-3043. (607)792-3876. Oliver 60 water pump rebuilt w/new shaft 8 bearing, seal, and Impeller, 6 mo. warranty $145 exchange Farmer's Service 216-482-4180 ■ Naur power tor mora pcoductMy ■ IWa hand lavart (noparWs) control dlrocUon. «aad. ■ Rang* ol cparaUng ■H teador luncllont toada; 860 to iHydrowatlodrhra ,700 Ba. forward and wans ■ Conatnidian aqup ■ 4M> traction baWi mart walgW and tlppary fooUng atianglh ■ Qraw dun? roach ■ Ona-stcp Casa M at msslmum halght parts and sarvtoa Model IMSC <0 hp dteeel NOTICE TO THE BUYER WHO THINKS AHEAD! Purchase A New Case IH 8830 Self Propelled Mower Conditioner or 8312 Center Pivot 12’ Disc Mower Cond. or 8570 Square Baler Within the next 20 days and save with an additional 5% Preseason Discount Mushroom Hay Growers We Have A Large Square. Bale In Stock For You CASE INTERNATIONAL 8570 Bala Stza: Croti (action -in. Bala length - in. Pickup: Width Tlne-to-tina - In. Intida panal - In. Outaida panal - in. Numbar of Una bars Numbar of Una* Auger dlamaiar - In. Protection Plunger: Spaed - Strokaa/mlnuta Length of stroke - in. Mounting Flywheel: Diameter - in. Weight - lbs. Tying Mechanism: type tie Twine storage capacity Baler Dimanalana: Weight - lbs. Length w/bala chute Length w/bala thrower Overall width Tire Size: Standard Optional Pickup gauge wheal* - In ider Requirement*; PTO Speed • rpm ASAE-SAE 1000 Recommended PTO hp 90-150 hp In Stock With Centralized Lubrication System and Bale Chute. Let’s Get Together Nowl Come in and Save Dollars Today!! Harvester Knives 1-800-WEAVER D BINKLEY & HURST IS YOUR UNI LOADER DEALER WITH SERVICE & VOLUME SALES FOR A SUPER DEAL! 8870 31.5x34.4 Up to 08 70.2 77.5 01.2 56 Double tines Slip I over-running dutches 27.05 4 Tapered roller bearings, 2 sealed ball bearings 20.5 360 Twine (Double knot) 16 Balls 10.700 28.0 (8.53 m) 8.05 ft. 21.SLX16J Flotation NA 4xlB Pnaumade John Dsere 170 skid loader, needs some work, $2500. 717/463-3535. Itictor Carburetor Rebuilding All Models 6 Month Warranty Return UPS Anywhere Rebuilding Water Pumps, 8N Oil Pumps Fenner’s Service 4212 Lower Elkton Rd. Leetonia, OH 44431 (216)482-4180 Compact, Yet Tough See Binkley & Hurst Bros. For Case IH 95 Series 4 Wheel Drive Tractors (3) 4 Wheel Drive Tractors In Stock Model 395 AD Wheel Drive 33 HP Model 495 AD Wheel Drive 42 HP Model 595 AU Wheel Drive 32 HP See Binkley & Hunt Soon! See Binkley & Hurst Bros, for a Handy, Quality Case IH 2 Wheel Drive General Purpose Tractor Now! H««vy Hll |||^|p|| ««. . -«M -TMIRIIIt BuMtolM* ■My ft* iftfltl 46 HP Diesel Special Offer! Rugged power in a compact size This New Case IH Spreader Is In Stock Available For Immediate Delivery! With T Rod Apron, Hyd. Endgate, 2 Speed Worm Gear Drive, 362 Bushel, 1 Only Come & See JD 336 Baler Ford tractor, 1954 (2) Wisconsin Motors, VH4, VG4 1971 Chevy Truck, C3O, No Motor 717-393-4683 New Case IH 450 Spring Automatic Trip & Reset Plow 3 Bottom 16" With Steel Trash Boards, Coulters, Don’t Miss An Opportunity Only Two Available Model 395 2 WD 35 HP Model 495 2 WD 42 HP Make Your Deal Soon! The new Case 1838 skid steer puts power where you need it.
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