If Your Fields Are Rocky, You Need To Own A Heavy Duty Rock Rake With Replace Wear Paddles. Note, They Work Well Enough To Prepare Large Landscaping Projects. ROCK RAKE The Oegeiman Rock Rake it designed to windrow smalt to medium sized rocks and other ground debris (or easy picking Rock-free fields mean less down time, greater profits action. thandtaiN thsm it! convaniMly and saafly mF ROCK PIC Hi-U«t The Hi-Lift makes Held piling and the removal of rocks by truck simple and . , effort f J less Prong Type Man handles 'OKLIMUftST ,MR LK;?rS°, nRA BROSJNC.-' (717)nM7#5 1-800-U PAYS U SBStyISQ- 9H (8 BlNKLemursj ’"'asrr.rr" 1 mm BROS: INC, ar. igaasap TIME IS MONEY and when your equipment is down, It costs you plenty. That’s why Dengelman engineered farm implements are a wise investment. Call 717-626-4705 OR 1-800-IT PAYS U Boonomlenl Ineeetment. Th» Perfecta II if in avoidable choice thet keep* paying dividanda. Maintenance k minimal and dm Perfecta II handka traah and racka like no other took can, ao coolly downtime k viitually eliminated. Initial invmhnant k one-ddid that of a compamUe akad dkk. McCurdy Tour Best Buy in Fertilizer & Grain Handling *• Most Sizes In .We Sell In Stock For Quick Volume isaf 230 sr 275 Bl 325 Bl Model 190 Model 230 * SEE Vl ~t, .BINKLEY S JVOH7 < “ uSERnSr* 1 gasM BROS,INC,-' t Saißsf i- Farmers rediscover new uses for an bid tool ’ Land hoe! Farmers across the country are taking a new look at an old tool, the rotary hoe Using a rotary hoe is not only a great defense against weeds, it can also help meet compliance by bringing residue back to the soil surface Some innovative farmers have already proven the value of the high-speed rotary hoe in aerating their reduced tillage fields before planting Used ahead of planting, the rotary hoe breaks the seal or crust that may have formed in the soil. This enables the soil to dry and warm up faster to give you a day or two jump in planting It also creates a mellow, uniform seedbed for better emergence Yetter has designed new models to work specifically in heavy crop residue Binkley & Hurst Has A Quality New Rotary at Pre Season Prices, Buy Now and Save! ‘133 Rothsvllle Station Rd. r oi^K) SINKL|X 6 HursT OIH BROS. INC, -f i-«ooitpav"ii ffleamßas Pcrfecta n This May fee Just The Machine You Are Looking For! Available In Sizes From 4’ Up To 28’ Model ainnlngi Gtan j With ‘ ‘Yw Axlt ! Warranty lodei 325 These new models operate in row crops or bedded plants with equal pase and without implement modifi- cations In many areas, growers are finding rotary hoes can help reduce wind erosion, while others are using rotary hoes to incor porate broadcasted wheat and other small grains Taking gristing technology and expanding its usefulness is what makes innovators successful The usefulness of rotary hoes is not limited to farm fields You might sur prised, but Yetter Rotary Hoes are being used by ski resorts to break up the crusted snow on downhill ski runs Lanumr Farming, Saturday, April 9.1994-Dl3 Effective weed control and soil aeration can he done quuklv However, even with all these new ideas, don't overlook why the rotary hoe was originally built Each pass of a rotary hoe can go a long way in reducing herbi cide applications by incorporating the her bicide into the weed root zone to enhance its effectiveness !n fact, many preplant herbicide labels call for rotary hoeing if the weather is dry five to 14 days after application Check youi herbicide labels for details JO 4 bottom reset plow. 717/484-5590 Lancaster Co. JO 503 rotary mower; JD 3pt. 7-shank chisel; 3pt. 1-shank subsoiler. (610)489-3827. JO 520, gas, nice condi tion. PS, $3,200. Factory 3 pt. available. 410-833-9091 JD 55 combine needs mo tor parts or whole. (609)393-5947. JD 724011 R com and soy bean planter w/dry fertilizer and cross auger fin, new condition; Large 2 door safe.6lo-868-6781. JD 'B4o' 2 cylinder earth mover paddle scraper pan, 24 volt direct start, PS, low hours, good tires, not den ted or beat up, engine starts instantly, everything operates well. Very nice unit, will demonstrate. $10,850. (513)423-4000. Middletown, OH. JD 850 diesel MFWD, 1987, 395 hr., very nice condition, with JD 135 5' rear blade, also two bottom plow, $8,600. Call even ings 717-286-5247. JD FB-B 15x7 grain drill, grass seed & fert., $750; IH 656 Farmall, WF, runs good, $4BOO. 717/423-6719. JO factory roll bar and ca nopy w/llashing lights, like new condition, complete, fits 2640 and many others. $975. Shipping available. Daytime (304)772-3741. JD liquid herbicide spray attachment (or banding or broadcasting w/7000 or 7200 planter, $l5O. 717/437-2156.
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