EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. HOURS APRIL MAY JUNE To Better Serve You During The Busy Planting Season BlNKLEmurst -«»■“ BROS. INC. < n, > u “ 7 « APRIL PARTS DEPT. SPECIAL BEARUNK Replacement Top Link Improves The Performance Of Tour Three Point Tractor! The IEARUNITe eeoen Inch ediuehnenl Uoki mom* «Wi hydraulic pomr, eutomcdcdly locking In piece wherever you MM lueniring ynu tripe bock behind N tecter..eicking hocking hnplemenle or tckbig diem off hedr end cnIer...IEAAtJHK •mete Ml ot chortenlng (a hydraulic Ink edile turning eraund el tw ende cl IMde wring demegn to equipment end nicking In-Add engte edjudmenlc wltiout • topping.,. It’s Your Turn TO Profit! | INTRODUCTORY OFFER Oticrc report hookupe end unhocke without the ueud heeelee of freeing up the Ihrccdc end nl die ueucl menucl Ichor neccdnled with Iheir mochendd top link. Etwety duller you eevc In Ichor com, dme, end demego to equipment or mop... goce directly to your bottom line. Die REMOTE MASTER lets you use one outlet to control wo sets of hoses by moving a three-position toggle ■witch from circuit A to circuit B, then operating your Misting tractor lever for directional control. IDKLEMBRE t-BROSJNC.-' Rhino dl«e mowars fssturs an May access oudarbar The Imovabva dssign of »ta eultsrbsr alcwi access to die diae spindls shaft and gaar modulo without disas- sambiy of ha antira outtorbar, reducing mainlananea coals and dewndma Tha hardanad rock guards ara daaignad to hafp protaot lha antira landing adga of lha oudarbar from damaga and. along with t>a skid shoas, ara aaaHy replaceable A heavy-duty CAT I*ll* Cat II offaal three-point hitch mada of 4‘«J‘ hick-wall tubing la standard to provida dapandabla sarvtoa A aafaty brartaway ayalam la buiN in to provida malnframa pro faction against suddan Impacts whan mowing With 5* pil||lA of Wads overlap and Hade dp spaad of 1 S.tt 4 FPM nlllllV Rhino disc mowars provida a daan smooth out Rug gad eon eduction and Ngh parformanoa ara two reasons Rhino disc mowars ara ita idaai choice lor fast, aßoant grasa mowing BTNKLEMUftST^“ * JSSfftSSv m Afttr Hrara Brnigmf CdU (717) nMW (717)«aMlU (717) NH7M , p| an MmUmit Mhi M-r 7to ■ Ml. 7to lltM Mu. CUm4- Lnl'l Dc? Ctj aX^lSikiSJ' MON * TUES * THURS * FRI. 7:00 AM • 8:00 PM WED - 7:00 AM • 5:00 PM SAT. 7:00 AM • 3:00 PM I rad of climbing down from your Remote Master tnetw Jim to twitch Imm? DOES IT ALL! Sovo tlma« monay and Maps! . Kttav • Now you control two circuits fgt wtth tha flip of a awNchl 'hJi. • Stay sofa - Map IWtfv proasuro hydrauHco out of your cob. IMvonol - mo aO tractors Capacity - II (pm 139 RathoviHa Station Rd. [JjS| Utllt, PA 17543 LSB4U (717) 626-4705 1-800-IT-PAYS II Bng?7>»r>!sS' Couplers Included $399.49 RDM DISC MOWERS Hw iNMMIn Mrifn * N wnrttof Mon mUm •ohm to ■» «k apMto Ml wto fMr aompM to ■MM MmpMllw UIM. TM fan nn In tn OMtaMd ai bMh k» wnMM luMoaiai H» WaNn an ravanMa an< aaM|r nflaaaMa la lowa malnknanaa aaato tut mMmrt dawnrtwa Binkley & Hurst Stocks Parts For John Deere Corn Planters We’ve got your PARTS JOHN DEERE® ROW UNITS 3 BOTTOM ECONOMY PLOW SPECIAL $340 080 Also Special Offer On A New 3 Pt. Bush Hog Rota-Tiller c ■ ■* ?- •*'•"* •ii iMi -4* f^ : - y jmiwmsTm m -BKOmC.- orarmMri 133 Rothavilla Station Rd. O-mww Utita, PA 17543 (717) 626-4705 1-800-IT PAYS U The new Rhino RDM Series Disc Mower Is designed for faster, efficient mowing of grass pastures and hay meadows and offers fea tures not found on many competitive units. Th# euttorbar eon bt tartly rrtttd to N import pod ion hydrtuletly from too trader aaat A ptddni aland fa •laniard for tartar unit atorafa and ‘hook*** * TWI2O/144 Performance and Durability for Larger Acreages! 120” end 144" Cut; 120 HP Center Gearbox; 100 HP Outboard Gearboxes; Pan Blade Carriers; Updraft Blades; Cat. 4 Driveline with Slip Clutch Protection; 540 or 1000 RPM; Lift or Pull-Type; 10-Gauge Deck; '/« ”xl0” Side Skirts; Replaceable Skid Shoes; Rated for 2” Diameter Material; Safety Deflectors Standard. Model TWI2O In Stock Not Only Do We Have Your riiKl O. • . We Can Also Test Your Finger Pickup Rov Units On Our Co mterized Test Stand « KINZE* JOHN DEERE « NEW IDEA « KINZE • “[have YOUR CORN PLANTER READY FOR SPRING' £ “ Now Testing 3 • KINZC • JOHN DECK I ’•* • CASE Ml • NEW IDEA M O m For KINZE and John Daara* Plantar Row UnHa And Naw Idaa Bum ay KINZE m ’ yCk TwJBwSSh rphd/vK; I HPHD “ | SPHD I Post Hole Oigpn Featuring Quality and Ruggednesil Five-Year Gearbox Warranty; 6", 9", 12", 14", 11”, and 24" Augere (Dongle Flight except 6"); Shear Bolt or Radial Pin Clutch Driveline Protection; CAT I (RPHD); CAT I, II (HPHD and SPHD); 42" Digging Depth, 7” or 14" Auger Bxlenaion (extra); S4O RPM; Shielded Driveline (Gearbox Input and Output Shieldi); Shielded Auger Drive; Replace able Bite and Lead Sorewa. I" ae4 IT Aapr hi to* < iimiHilerUal leuinn Shuns More I or ) our Mum \' FINGER ROW UNIT PLANTER PICKUP SEED MONITORS BOW COUNT UNITS SENSORS Drop Them Off Or Ship Them into Us WE REPAIR AFTER ROW UNIT IS REPAIRED WE TEST I RUN EACH ROW UNIT ON OUR | COMPUTERIZED TEST STAND TO MAKE SURE EACH UNIT IS PLANTING TO MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY • THEN WE RIVE YOU A READ OUT OF EACH ROW UNITS 1 PLANTING ACCURACY IQ MHOr « JZKOM « V3QI M3M « 3M3! SPECIAL SIZES INSTOCK SEE BINKLEY * HURST SOON!
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