• Set of fendcn off - F«™«»400 • IH 1456 new rubber. TA, 3 pt hitch, rebuilt motor • Famuli 400 • New IH fertilizer attachments for IH 6R 800 planter • Gleaner G, dsl., AC. grain head w/FCB, low profile 630 com head, good condition • IH 5100 Soybean special, 18x7 ®1 cultivator ~4SODJiI lompaon 12-1186 92-3287 r ******** SAVE s’B ?! * ON TIRES! J J Many good used * J tires In stock: * 4 Tractor Trailara » 3 Light trucks & J Farm Equipment Passenger Vahlclaa j Airplanes *1 u; Construction Equip. *1 JJ* Forklifts * YES WE *1 * MOUNT TIRES *1 Ithb tire ranch*] 1 610/286*0887 *J T Located at the T Intaraactlon of Tj * Routes 23 AlO * In Morgantown M ********* 1 PLANTER Onion, Flower Bulbs, Shallots or Seed Pieces, 4R, 3 Pth, Gandy and Liquid Fertilizer Attachment. 65 Bu. Hopper. Like New, Only Planted 50 Acres $3,500 Reduced To $2 ( 905 (516)722-3727 ! 115* Tractor 32761 Hra. w/Cab, AC, Multi Power 12l Spaed, Dual Hyd.j Controls MF 330 plow I bottom 16" trip hyd. raaal MF 320 disc It ft. trans port, dual wheels I wings, disc blades I era atm 24" dla. f Taylorway 13 or IS tooth chlaal plow transport [Above equip, slasd right for thsMF 1155 1, tractor [MF 1035 tractor 2335 j , hra. w/sun roof, roll bar, multi power 12 spaed, dual hyd. I controls [Above equipment pur chased new Reason lor selling, no longer farming I Call 717-848-7986 1H TRACTOR PARTS ■■ Including Crawler & Construction Parts B BATES CORPORATION m 14th AND FIR RD„ BOURBON. IN 46504 PARTS DISMANTLED, CLEANED A READY FOR SHIPMENT WE SHIP UPS. TRUCK, BUS Beet Price* On Factory Rebuilt TA’* & Clutches' NEW REPLACEMENT PARTS H CALL THE IH PARTS SPECIALISTS mbs TOLL FREE 1-800-248-2955 H FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambsrsburg, PA 17201 ■ Phone: 717-263-0705 CSS Sales • Parts • Service CSS BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS Ford 8N Ford 600, 5 Spd. Ford 3910 Ford 4000, 1964 Diesel Ford 4000 Ford 6610 Ford 66405. 4WD Ford 7600 w/DP & Duel Remote JD 1120BSSD-P -JD 4010 545 Dion Silage Blower 10’ Oliver Transport Disc New 6 Row White Cultivator 10' Ford Field Cultivator Hours: 8:30*5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30-12:00 Saturday I USED EQUIPMENT UST % I Clip and San This Ml , ■ Full Listing Will Only Appnnr \ I Ist Saturday of Each Month I I TRACTORS I ■ IH 656, Diesel - H/S, 2WD, WF I ■ Fiat 160-90,4WD, 150 HP, 847 Hrs., Cab & ■ I Air I ■MF 2705,2WD, 125 HP. 1900 Hrs., Has ■ I Been Thru Our Shop I !AC 7060,2WD, 162 HR 3900 Hrs., Has ! I Been Thru Our Shop I | GEHL Equipment 1 1850 Round Baler, 2140 Mower Conditioner ■ M 5322 Scavenger V-Type Manure V Spreader 7600 SP Forage Harvester w/6’ Pickup and 3-Row Com Head 7140 Forage Harvester 1095 Mower Conditioner, 9’3* 1060 Disc Mower Conditioner, 106” 430 Square Baler w/#lO Thrower 110 Forage Box on IH 335 Running Gear 120 Forage Box 4-Wheel 3-Point Rake 1630 Disc Harrow, 12-Ft. 714 A Forage Box w/Tandem Running Gear 718 Forage Harvester, 366 Tank Spreader 495 Haybine (2 available), 489 Haybine 479 Haybine, 469 Haybine Martin 1678 V-Type Manure Spreader White 253 Disc Harrow Ml 290 PT Mower Cond. Befco Flail Mowers (2) Seko 3 Pt. 750/K Bale Processor Zimmerman 12-T Tandem Gear Martin 1257 V-Spreader Unverferth 28' S-tine Harrow MF253-Pl. Hay Rake John Blue 307500 gal. Sprayer Call tha atom naaraat you tor availability and more Information 1 MI Uttar's J MR CtamkßaM I ySSJ WMtalsstsr, MO 21157 ” HCmllCMatr. ' | 41M4MSN . WtkMnCMaty: | 4IM7MIZI j 514* Capita* MM FMM*k,Mtl7lt FnMakCaMty: SOl/471-42N WMhk«tMC«MtF ni/aun Ibi hb mb h wmm m 10' Brillion Culti mulchar Grove 14’ Forage Wagon NH 479 Haybina NH 489 Haybina NH 488 HaybiESS] NH 495 Haybina, 12’ NH 770 Choppar w/Hay Haad & 2 Row Com NH 770 Choppar & . Grass Haad Tya No-Till Drill, Grass & Broom Naw Tya DriIIJBEBB NH 278 Balar w/Throwar NH 315 Baler w/Throwar Two Dion silaga wagon W-12-ton Kory tsndom 14' wrtoofe, good running or der. Price $1,500 each. (717)749-3873 7am-Bpm. No Sunday calls. USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. HUI- T Farm Sales - Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. TRIPLE H EQUIPMENT Waktfleld, PA 717-548-3775 or 717-548-2094 NEW VICON /irs EQITTPMEVT 800-Gallon Sprayer w/4S' Hydraulic Fold 800 Gallon w/62* Hydraulic Fold (2) PS 603 Spreaders (3) PS 503 Spreaders (1) 500 Gal. Sprayer w/Hyd. Fold Boom (1) 500 Gal. Truck Ml Sprayer KRONE-NIEMEYER (1) KR 130 Baler (1) HR34OD Rakes (1) R 5425 Rake (2) HRS2OD Tedders (1) HR 771 Tedder. 24’ (3) RS32O Rake (2) RSSOO-D Rake, 15’ (1) 283 Mower-Cond. (2) AM 283 Mowers (1) 323 Mower-Cond. BLUMHARDT (2) Blumhardt 500 Gal. Sprayers (2) Blumhardt 240 Gal., 3 Pt. w/47‘/j ’ Booms (2) Blumhardt 160 Gal., 3 Pt. w/31' Booms (3) Ag Chem 500 Gal. Tank and Frame VM’IDCM’ (1) Rental Vermeer 147 Drill, 1156 Acres (1) New Vermeer 906 Brash Chippers, 3 Pt (1) 606 Brush Chipper (Trail Kits Available For (1) R 23 Twin Rake, / „^ v l Chip | e f s) Used (!) R 23 Twin Rakes (1) 605 K Baler, Demo (2) D s ® 4 Su P er 1 Sila 8 e (2) 604 K Balers Balels USED EQUIPMENT (1) Krone 161 Used Baler, Excellent (1) Vicon 6-Basket Rotary Tedders (1) New Idea 5 Ft Disk Mower (1) Kuhn 4 Star Tedder (1) Speed King 32' Elevator Unctsttf Firmtofl, Saturday, April 9,1994-Dll John Deere 210 14’ disc, new 22* blades, with dual wheels, excellent condi tion, $3200.717/445-5046. John Deere 1250 plateiess com planter w/diak open ers. Good condition. $450. Frystown, Berks County, (717)933-8764. John Deere 1952 R, origi nal and nice, $4,600.1946 AR restored and excellent, $3,750. (717)872-5007. John Deere 50 3pt hitch with loader and plows, $3,000. (717)436-6857. Vicon KM24O disc mower conditioner, $1995. 614-765-3044 or 814-765-4666. HONDA Pi i Wi* r E(]ninmmt Engines Itpkcemml Amw to* Cm That GlOO 2.2 HP saas.oo oxl2o 4HP $374.00 oxl6o 5.5 HP $303.00 0x270 5.0 HP $474.00 0x390 13 HP $BBO.OO oxslo 15 HP $878.00 0x520 20 HP $060.00 All Units Havs “Oil Alert" Exeopt 2.2 HP Postpaid Pa. Residents Add 0% Tax • Send Cheek With Order To: Blue Mt. Small Engine Serv. Throe Sq. Hollow Rd. Nawburg, PA 17240 717-423-8388 Lett Phens Ring 10 Ttmas WHEEL LOADER AC 940, $8,500. 410-833-9091 White 5400 notill corn planter, dry fertilizer, insec ticide & monitor, $1450 OBO; Case IH 12* trans port disc, $lOOO OBO; Ford loader model 778, fits 30-40 hp tractor, $350; 42* wide manure bucket, $l5O. 410/922-5160. White 549 5-6 Bottom Plow, Spring Resets, $3500. Delivery Available. (216)482-3660. Woods 315 batwing $3,000. JD 709 rotary mower $750. NH 489 win drower $3,900. (301)432-2974. Wood splitter, JD, 5-ton, 3pt hitch, 717/382-4756 Fawn Twp., York Co. Woods RM 48 Cat-O, 3pt finish mower, never used, $575. (717)534-1253. lot 3688 w/Cab, 3388 w/Cab, (2) 1486 w/Cab, (2) 1066 w/Cab; (2)1066 w/Cab, 1066 Black Stripe, (2) 986 w/Cab, 966,966 hydro, 884,856,786,766, 656,684,585 w/loader, 574 450,460 w/picker, 400, Cub w I mower, New 7195 Cub Cadet 4WD JD 4430 w/cab, 4000,4020; 3020, 2940; 430; JD 410 Backhoe Loader; JD 550 dozer, Ford BN;AC2OO CsaMws JD 3300, JD 40, MF 550; 510; IH 205 Baton: Rani (2) NH 855, NH 852,(3) NH 851, NH 850, NH 849, (2) JD 330, Nl 456, Hesston 5500 Bslffss lyifi NH 278 w/lhrower, NH 273 w/thrower; NH 320 w/thrower Blanton Ini 800 air 4R. (2) IH 800 4R.1H9004Rair.1H56, JD 7000 4R.JD 1240 4R; MF3pl 2R Drills lot 5300, (2) Ini 510, JD Van Brundt Plan 2 thru 5 bottom, discs, chisel plows, Farmco feeders, Hurst trailers, and all other types of (arm equipment Mae. NH 489 haybine r.nMnwn re IH 756; 656; JD 3440 From Leader's Farm Equipment FORD TRACTORS Used 7000 NEW HOLLAND New 6SO Round Baler New 40 Forage Blower New 816 Forage Box New 463 disc mower Used 770 harvester Used 272 Baler w/SS Used 469 Haybine Used 442 Disc Mower OTHER TRACTORS New Bolens HIS 2 Dsl. Used Faimall Cub w/Mwr. OTHER EQUIPMENT New Kuhn FC3OO Disk Mower Conditioner ‘New Ford 140 3x16" Moldboard Plow New Ford 133 High Clear ance Chisel Plow New Ford 151 48x16” Auto Reset Plow New Ford 152 58x16” Auto Reset Plow Used IH SOT Baler w/ engine Sweigard Bros. Inc. 3U2 Peter* Min. Rd. Halifax, PA 17032 717-896-3414 Since 1937
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers