ES-Lancasttf Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994 Sale Reports WISHARD SALE A Public Sale of anti ques, Tramp Art china, folk art and primitive items from the collec tion of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Wishard of Chambersburg was held March 26 at the Horst Auction Center, west of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 290 registered bidders at the sale. Some items sold were: Tramp ARt china were: church) with stee ple $lB5O, several frames $l4O to $825, several jewelry boxes $l9O to $650 and sever al sewing boxes $l4O to $360. Children’s Tramp Art china pieces included: 3 toy dressers $450, $250 & $240 and toy washstand $275. Also sold were: Red ware jars $165 to $270, Redware dog $2lO, Yelloware ink well w/ bird decoration $290, 3 Yelloware milk pitchers $lOO, $290 & $475, large jardineer w/stand $540, pitcher and bowl set $5OO, pair of Staf fordshire, china dogs $l4O, Staffordshire meat platter $370, 3 Carnival glass water sets $l6O, $270 & $290, 2 Satin glass lamps $220 & $3OO, boot umbrella stand $225, 2 Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $19.75 per year or $37.50 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $30.00 per year, $58.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs day 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancas ter Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: a $19.75- 1 YEAR □ $37.50- 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP + 4 sets of sleigh bells $225 & $295, set of horse collar bells $330, toy carousel $775, 3 hang ing lamps $llO, $l2O & $220, Art Nouveau light $5OO, large Car ousel china rooster $260, and miniature folk art privy $l5O. Other items brought: 2 shaving mirrors $4lO & $625, mahogany par lor set $470, teak settee $875, group of several teak chairs $45, folk art whimsy $3lO, folk art carved rooster $1275, 2 carved hunting scenes $325 and $370,3 scrim shaw carvings $2OO, $250 and $1275 and 2 linen samplers $430 & $670. The auctioneers were T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst. DOSTER SALE A Public Auction of real estate and antiques was held March 26 for Elsie M, Doster, (Mrs. Alvin Doster), Michter Rd., south of Schaeffer stown, Leb. Co., Pa. The 56 acre farm with a house, bank bam and com bam was sold for $254,000. Other prices were; Elgin pocket watch $240, jelly cupboard $7OO, Singer sewing machine $3lO, low dry sink $ll5O, cane bottom rocker $260, • RENEWALS (Chock Appropriate Boxes) STATE COUNTY NON-REFUNDABLE slant-front desk $275, high dry sink $675, old feed chest. $450, hame bell $9O, sleigh bells $l7O, decorated crock $l2O and copper kettle $l9O. G. Harvey Weik and Arlin R. Weik were the auctioneers. KROUT SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held March 26 by Edwin D. Krout Sr., Susquehanna Trail, southern York County, Pa. There were 425 registered bidders. Some prices included: Farmall 756 D tractor w/wide front end and weights $10,250, Farmall 674 D tractor w/wide front end $lO,OOO, Farmall 460 G tractor w/2 pt. hitch (needed rubber) $2200, Farmall H tractor $825, Int. 710 4-B semi mounted plow $2600, Case Int. 8530 inline hay baler $BOOO, J.D. 7000 4-row com planter $5OOO, J.D. 215 12 ft. disc $3500, Brillion 14 ft transport cultipacker $3700, 1936 Dodge car (unrestored) $2525, Int. set of cultivators for Farmall H $3OO and Int 2-row mounted corn planted for Farmall H $250. The auctioneers were Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman and Russel Wright HOSTETTER SALE A Public Auction of farm equipment was □ $30.00-1 YEAR □ $58.00- 2 YEARS held March 26 by Carl and Mary Hostetler and Tim Hostetler, R.D. 2, Annville, N. Annville Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. There were 1315 regis tered bidders at the sale and over 500 ,in attendance. Some prices included: J.D. 5720 self-prop, harvester w/2 heads $79,000, J.D. 8630 tractor $21,700, I.H. 986 tractor $10,900, A.C. 5050 tractor $4750, Kilbros gravity wagons $l4OO to $lBOO, Gehl 1580 blower $3850, Gehl scavenger spreader $5lOO, Gehl skid loader w/4 buckets $lO,BOO, hay wagons $775 to $1825, Gehl 970 forage wagons $6500 to $6950, Rhino 30 ft. disc harrow $7OOO set of dual wheels $950, J.D. 7200 corn planter $BOOO and 1986 Ford 4x4 pickup $9700. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. ARNOLD SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held March 25 by Adam and Myrtle K. Arnold, 1661 Grace Avenue, Leba non, Pa. The 86 acre farm with a farmhouse. 40x100 bam, block gar age and equipment shed was sold to a neighbor, Gary Marks, Sand Hill Rd., Lebanon for $300,000. Nelson L. Ebersole was the auctioneer. BEE SUPPLY CO. SALE A Public Auction of trucks and trailers was held March 26 for the Bee Supply Company. Cain Twp., Chester County, Pa. Some items sold were: ’B4 Blazer w/ snow plow $3BOO, *BO Mack concrete mix truck $7200, *79 Ford ,* ,» ,» ,» nf**‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Good’s Auction PUBLIC SALE OF Building Supplies, Tools, Hardware, All IVpe Trees & Evergreens, Shrubs, Flowers WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, AT 9:00 A.M. AT GOOD 'S AUCTIONS 111 NORTH MAPLE AVE, LEOLA, PA 100 interior pine doors 6 and 4 panels pine Lover doors pine by folds, exterior pine doors patio doors, French doors, double doors, 200 windows, casement and double hung, bow window lot of screw cabinet sets vanaties, shower stalls, moulding .and trim tileboard, wallboard, spindles, plywood, lumber, trussess, treated posts, pincboards solidtex counter tops, all kinds of trees and shrubs tools and hardware lawn and garden equipt. steel beams steel plates 1/2 ton chain hoists, work benches, lot of steel pipe. WILL BE SELLING WITH 4 AUCTIONEERS THROUGH-OUT THE DAY HAY AND STRAW SALE EVERY WED. AT 10 A.M. Terms - CASH • NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS • NO OUT OF TOWN CHECKS. MOWER SALE MONDAY APRIL 25th AT 4 P.M. FBOO dump truck $l9OO, ’77 Ford F 350 'dump truck s26t)o, Owatonna 880 rubber tired loader $10,500, Hyster tow motor H-40 $2300, Hyster H-70 $lB5O, concrete boom truck $6OOO, ’6O trail mobile flat bed trailer $l3OO, ’76 Int. boom truck $4500 and A.C. track loader $3lOO. Glenn S. Frame Auc tion Co. conducted the sale. BLATT SALE A Public Auction of a combine, tractor and farm machinery was held March 23 by Ken and Hilda Blatt, R.D. 1. Jonestown, Swatara Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. on Shirksville Road. There were 206 regis- toed bidders at the sale. Some prices received were: Case 1070 tractor $9BOO, M.F. 550 com bine with 2 heads $16,200, N.H. 870 man ure spreader $5700, Wic manure spreader $6lOO, Brillion seeder $4400, N.I. transport packer $2900, N.I. 4-row corn planter $10,600, Zimmerman elevator $2OOO, Dion forage wagon $3BOO. Gehl forage wagon $2BOO, Top Air sprayer $3050, Gehl 750 harvester w/2 heads $4700, hay wagons $825 to $1625, N.H. 316 baler $6900, and Pequea tedder $l2OO. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. WEAVER SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery and feed was held March 24 by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Weaver, 7 miles'southeast of Everett, Bedford Co., Pa. There were 505 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included; SO KW gener ator $3650, 2 bale wagons w/racks $575 & $825, ear com $9l per ton, straw $125 pet ton, alfalfa $l2O per* ton, gravity bin $775, grain bin wagon w/auger $2075, J.D. 2-row com picker $2675, J.D. grain drill $440, hoof trim ming table $2OOO, sldd laoder $4OOO, J.D. round baler $BOOO, N.H. haybine $2600, J.D. 4020 tractor $6750, Gehl tandem forage wagon $7lOO, J.D. for age wagon $5lOO, bale wrapper $4300, J.D. 4020 tractor w/bucket $BOOO and J.D. 3020 tractor w/cab $3600. Claycomb and Mis hler and Assoc, man aged the sale. L.E. FRIEND & SON FARMS SALE A Farm Auction of tractors and farm equip ment was held March 26 for L.E. Friend & Son Farms, Sang Run Road, near McHenry, Maryland. Some prices recieved were: J.D. 4955 MF WD tractor (190 hrs), $69,000, J.D. 2810 7-B on-land plow $BOOO, J.D. 4450 tractor w/ duals & weights $42,000, J.D. 2955 trac tor w/canopy $25,500, J.D. 2440 tractor w/146 loader $15,000, J.D. 1520 tractor $7500, J.D. 712 mulch tiller $5200, J.D. 1250 3-B mounted plow $l4OO, J.D. 235 18 ft center-fold disc $6500, Brillion IS ft roller harrow $2900, Brillion 16 ft transport harrow $1750, J.D. 26 6-B semi-mount plows $3OOO, Avco N.H. 214 manure spreader $3200, J.D. 3940 forage harvester w/grass & com heads $8325, Gehl 99 forage blower Q*enn^pacLer-C^inJrtwt Estate Auction From Harrisburg & Others Located at Gouglersville Fire Co. Just off Rt. 222, Mohn’s Hill Rd. Wednesday, April 6, 1994 af 4:00 p.m. Ford Model A Car Parts, Like New Hechin ger Riding Mower 12. S H.P., Power Hammer, Lg. Level, Sm. Hand & Power Tools, New Hardware, Wheelbarrow, Ingersol-Rand Com pressor, Scaffolding. Cement Tools & Pans, Garden Tools, Gas Operated Weed Wacker, G.E. Washer, RCA Dryer, Upright Freezer, Microwave, Sm. Elec. Appliances, Console Color TV, Port. TV’s, Uphol. L.R. Furniture, Mod. Queen Size B.R. Suite, Black Lacquer Cabinet, Ptd. Credenza, Mahog. Bkcase & Desk, Rocker, Chary Arm Chair, Kitchen Sets, Wall Unit, New Bedding, Oak Chest of Drawers & Dresser, Cedar Lined Blanket Chest, Schwinn Bike, Gun Cabinet, Coffee & End Tables, Sm. Breakfront, Like New Red wood Porch Furniture, Mirrors, Pictures, Linens, Collector Plates, Regulator Clock. Records, Playboy Books, Powder Homs, Glassware, China, Estate & Sterling Jewelry. Coins, and Many Box Lots. Come prepared to Buy and Load. We are Full! 10% Buyers* Premium Cathy M. Pennypacker-Andrews Lie. #AU-001254-L Luke R. WKman (610) 777-6121 or 777-5890 $1150,3 J.D.716A for age wagons $6400 to $7600, J.D. 510 back hoe $11,900, J.D. 4-row conservation corn planter $7300, J.D. 1219 mower condition er $9200, N.H. 315 hay baler w/thrower $4650, Fahr hay tedder $l5OO, N.H. 256 hay rake $1650, N.H. 489 mower conditioner $2BOO, J.D. 1008 rotary mower $3600, 3 Bale King 18 ft. hay wagons $lBOO each, J.D. 1210 grain cart $3lOO, Filson lives tock squeeze chute $lB5O, 5 Farmco 24 ft feeder wagons $llOO each, J.D. 392 spin spreader $9OO, J.D. 10 ft. front mount blade $3lOO, Danuser post hole digger $BOO and Shaver post driver $lOOO. Custers Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Auction of horse drawn machinery was held March 24 by Jacob K. and Lydia B. Stoltzfus, 4 miles east of Wasingtonville near White Hall. Some prices received were: M & M Special UB tractor $4OOO, hit. WD 9 tractor $B5O, McCormick Deering corn binder $1450, Little Giant grain eleva tor motor $l5OO, N.H. 273 baler w/Wisconsin engine $2300,2 forecarts $3OO & $4OO, EZ manure spreader $7OO, McCor mick 2-row com planter $400,2 flat bed wagons $5OO each, horses up to $l5OO and 5 cows $1350, $1425, $1375, $1425 & $970. Bryan D. Imes and John Esh were the auctioneers.
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