M.'.L fit'X MAMh 1 T m WAN U P Propane refrl freezers in oooi leralors & cond., also want 1961 Lincoln Conti nentals in any cond. Ocean Co. N.J. 201-929-4358. Toys of any kind. Cars, trucks, planes, boats, robots, soldiers, etc., 1960's & older, cash paid. York Co. 717-292-5573. One 2,3.4 & 5 burner new perfection & Ivanhoe ker osene cookstoves. Gideon Stoltzfus, Blain, Pa. 17006-9714. Perry Co. MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE We adopt and/or buy exotic animals: Deer, Pygmy Goats, Elk, Buffalo, Leo pards, Cougars, Peafowl, etc. Berks, 215-374-2114. Sale Reports HORNING SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held March 22 by Earl and Ellen Horning, 1451 Union Grove Road, East Earl, Lane. Co., Pa. The 6/10 acre with a 2/4 story frame dwell ing, new 2 story bam and frame woodwork ing shop was sold to James Burkholder, East Earl, Pa. for $115,000. Kline, Kreider & Good managed the sale. KENNEDY SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held March 26 by Philip and Anna Kennedy. 1793 Hykes Road, Greene as tle, Franklin Co., Pa. There were 155 regis tered bidders. Some prices were: N. 1.. harvester system $10,450, stainless steel milk tank $Bl5, stain less steel milker line $B6O, Massey Ferguson #65 tractor $3500, sub soiler $lO5O, Gehl 99 silo blower $775, J.D. disc $lO5O and Farmall H tractor $lOOO. J. Robert Jeyers was Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale Will lay over old concrete pirc * °°n *f cl Levi Zook, 3452 Qordonville. “a. 17529. Lane. Co. Liquid manure haulings. You need someone to haul? Give us a call. Lane. Co. 717-354-8232. Aaron M. Hoover. Cabin to farm needs tenant must keep milk cow & gar den. Paul Yerger Sr., Auburn, Pa. 17922. 717-754-4661 eves. Builders/Realtors: Do you have $6O-$60,000 town house to trade for 7 acres? Develop 2 parcels. Mount Joy, Lane. 717-653-0520. Majestic Canadian Rockies Aug. 9 to Aug. 21 free itinerary. Snyder Co. Call 717-743-6911 or write Russ Hummel, RRS Box -154, Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870. the auctioneer. YODER SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery and Antiques was held March 26 by Abie S. and Lena R. Yoder, near McClure, Snyder Co., Pa. Some prices were: Team of sorrel mares $6600, milk cans $l5 to $4O each, grain binder $2OO, tedder on steel $lO5, hay loader $l3O, Remington 270 rifle $415, Marlin 30-06 gun $225, double barrel sherry seeder $lOO, but ter mold $4O and blind door comer cupobard $5OO. Kenneth E. Massin ger and Neil A. Court ney were the auctioneers. WHITE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held March 26 for Emma Angelini Estate, 768 Centerville Road, Lan caster Co.. Pa. in East Hempfield Township. The 1 story brick dwelling with attached 1 car brick garage on a 75*xl6S* lot was sold AD FORM Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice for $82,000 to Kathleen Stoltzfus of Ephrata, Pa. Miller & Siegrist were the auctioneers. LINDAMUTH SALE A Public Auction of wall and shelf clocks and household goods was held March 24 by Mrs. Leroy Lindamuth, at A 1 Starr Firemen’s Building, Willow Street, Pa. Some prices were: Ingram regulator clock $320, Schoolhouse clock $2OO, Ansonia shelf clock $l5O, Regu lator clock $250, cradle $3OO, duck decoy $llO, lanterns $42.50 to $75, Mountville trough $4l, block plane $5O, car riage lamp $BO, spitton $135 and pot belly stove $lO5. Miller & Siegrist were the auctioneers. MAURER TOY SALE A Public Toy Auc tion was held March 26 at the Ridge Fire Co. blue room along Route 23 between Phoenixvil -Ic, Pa. and Route 100. Some prices included: Smith Miller Mack w/p.i.e. trailer $4OO, Smith Miller Mack custom wrecker $450, Smith Miller Mack Blue Diamond dump truck $575, M.I.C. dump truck w/ snow plow $5OO, Smith Miller custom tanker $950, Wally Hooker gooseneck $375, restored Doepke M.G.T.D. $275 and restored Doepke gag roadster $325. Ted Maurer was the auctioneer and manager. KREIDER SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery and antiques was held March 25 by Lloyd G. and Ruth Kreider, east of Strasburg on Esben shade Road, Lane. Co., Pa. Some items sold were: J.D. 2030 tractor $4900, J.D. H tractor $2250, A.C. D IS trac tor $2OOO, N.H. 273 baler w/thrower $lBOO, bale wagon $l4OO, Kil bros bin wagon $7lO, N.I. #323 1-row com picker $1875, N.H. #478 7 ft. haybine $l4OO, N. 1.206 spread er $770, Zimmerman 30 ft. elevator $BOO, Nick elson hay tedder $5OO, two 4 month old Hols tein heifers $3OO & $325, marble-top table $290, six-leg cherry table w/13 boards $285, 5 pc. Maple bedroom suite $5OO and two hole com shelter $l6O. Kreider, Kline and Good were the auctioneers. BENDER SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery was held March 22 by Roy and Ruth ann Bender, south of Cochranville along Route 926, Londonder ry Twp., Chester Co., Pa. Some prices were; InL 656 tractor $2700, Farmall 350 tractor $l3OO, N.H. 310 baler $2900, Farmall Super C tractor $1625, N.H. 488 haybine $1850,1.H. 10 ft disc $875, N.H. man ure spreader $1450. 14 ft. disc $950, Kuhn rake $l6OO, generator $790 and 7 ft. sickle bar mower $3OO. Leon Kurtz and J. Omar Stoltzfus were the auctioneers. glass sale A Public Auction of real estate, tractors and farm equipment was held March 21 by Wil liam L. and Debra F. Glass, Route 74, south ern York Co. on Atkins Road. The 89 acre farm with a frame house, bam, metal shed, 3 silos FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILUNQ OUT FORMI Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed "one' free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 6) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to rafact any Mailbox Mark* sts that do not mast thasa requirements. ** Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets PJO. Box 009 11. Main 8L Ephrata, PA 17022 No Phene Call Plea sal and automatic egg lay ing operation was sold for $290,000. Other prices were: Case 970 tractor $6500, Case 1294 tractor & loader $9lOO, Case DC tractor $950, N.H. 354 mixer mill $3025, Int. 8420 round baler $5500, Case thrower wagon $l3OO, N.I. 2-row narrow corn picker w/sheller $9OO, N.H. 3,11 baler w/kicker $2600, N.H. 456 sickle bar movyer $ll5O, Bril lion 7 tooth chisel plow $650, Rhino disc $l7OO, N.I. hay rake $4OO, N.I. tandem axle manure spreader $l2OO and Danhuser post driv er $7OO. Rentzel’s Auction Service conducted the sale. NEWCOMER SALE A Public Sale of trac tors and farm machin ery was held March 26 by Harry Newcomer, 265 Big Rock Drive, Dover, Pa. near Ross ville. There were bid ders from four states and 455 were registered. Some prices received were: 1929 model A Ford pickup truck $4500, 1930 model Ford A pickup $3150, Oliver 77 tractor $1750, Caterpillar D 4 crawler loader $4200, King Cutter mower $4OO, Farmall H tractor $725, Farmall Super C tractor $l3OO, Farmall Super C plow $BO, gravity bin wagon $5OO, J.D. 3020 tractor $5900, N.H. haybine $2600, Farmall A tractor $1125, 2 butcher kettles $lOO each, disc $525, J.D. plow $l7O, wheel weights $45 to $B5 each and steam jenny $215. Little IKE Eichelber ger was the auctioneer. HABERLAND SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery and tractors was held March 22 by Ted and Diane Haber land, 10 miles west of York, Pa. on Route 30. north of Holtzschwamm Church Road. Some prices included: J.D. 6600 combine w/grain head $16,500, J.D. 643 com head $5300, Pequea Some prices header wagon $1250, included: 40 ton Weidc- J.D. 4440 tractor mann punch press $24,000, bale grabber $2OOO, power hack saw $B5O, J.D. 4320 tractor $1250, tire changer $9500, Int 544 hydro $270, bench grinder utility $6600, J.D. 7000 $l2O. drill press $320, 6-row planter $5OOO, hydraulic punchs $BOO Case Int 2250 loader & S6BO, Dewalt arm $3950, Gchl 4610 skid saw $675, steel binder loader $B2OO, J.D. 3970 $3lO. welding table harvester basic machine $475, Hobart welders $12,200, J.D. pickup $650 & $675, 1 ton head $3300, J.D. 3-row chain hoist $135, 15 corn head $4500, KW generators $1550 Richardson dump & $1250, Zimmerman wagon $7900, N.I. tan- skid loader $5600, Zim dem axle spreader merman tedder $9OO, $2200, Int 5100 grain Zimmerman 10 ton gear drill $4500, Sunflower w *th folage box hyd. & soil saver $6200, Case roof $5lOO and open Int. tub grinder $5850, sleigh $3BO. N.H. 499 haybine Robert E. & Jeffrey $5500, N.H. 855 round R- Martin and Randall baler $12,500, N.H. 162 L. Ranck. tedder $2700 and Case PLANK SALE Int. 600 blower $2400. A Public Auction of Rentzel’s Auction machinist tools and Service managed the equipment was held sale. March 26 for the estates laneaslw Fuming. Saturday, April 2, 1994-E7 SMITH SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held March 26 by Mr. and Mrs. Revere Smith, 6'/j miles south of Tyr one. Pa. in Blair County on Sinking Valley Road. Some prices were; M. 285 tractor $BlOO, Farmall 460 tractor $2500, Case skid loader $14,550, Farmall 656 tractor $4OOO, Farmall H tractor $950, Int. disc $1550, White 4-row corn planter $lOOO, field sprayer $6OO, N.H. flail chopper $1475, N. 56 rake $875, N.H. 311 baler $3600, bale wagon $ll5O, N.H. #477 & #489 hay bines $l2OO & $2OOO and DeLaval pipeline milker w/3 units $l6OO. Mark Click and Dale Gibboney were the auctioneers. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Sale of hone drawn machinery was held Match 19 by Jacob and Sylvia Stolt zfus, near New Market off Dixie Lyon Road, York Co., Pa. Some prices received were; pair of 5 & 6 year old work horses $3300, harness $l9O per set, McCormick com binder $ll5O, Papec ensilage cutter $2OO, J.D. 2-row com planter $650. fore cart $l5O. Pequea hay tedder $750, Case roto bar rake $1125, McCor mick riding cultivator $225, N.H.273 baler w/ engine $1325. N.I. manure spreader $725, N.I. elevator $825, Frick threshing machine $875, McCor mick 2-wau horse plow $325, 1-bottom riding plow $7OO and McCor mick #9 sickle Bar mower $425. Rentzel’s Auction Service conducted the sale. ZIMMERMAN SALE A Public Auction of shop tools and equip ment was held March 24 by George M. Zim- merman, 1 mile north of Rt. 23 between New Holland and Leola on Voganville Rd., Lane. Co., Pa. of Wilbur L. Bank and Francis T. Plank, at the rear of 48 and 50 South Street, Gettysburg, Pa. Some prices were: Int 424 tractor $6700,3 pt. blade $l5O, 1961 Pontiac car $lB5O, Old smobile car $BOO, draft- ing table $l7O, desks up to $l4O each, four drawer file cabinets up to $l2O each. Delta drill press $740, Machinist surface plate $2lO, small metal lathe $7OO. large amount of lathe accessories up to $lO5 each, Sarrett 2 ft. gauge $lBO, set of Sar blocks $5lO, View machine $500,12” shearer $2lO, large amount of collets $l5 each and Bridge port milling machine $2700. C. David Redding was the auctioneer. CROUSE SALE A Public Auction of farm equipment was held March 21 by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Crouse, 4 miles south of Gettysburg, Pa. on Basehoar-Roth Road. Some prices included: J.D. 4240 D tractor $15,000, J.D. 4030 D tractor with loader $16,100, J.D. 3010 D tractor $5200, J.D. 6600 combine $16,900, J.D. 643 com head $7400, chopper $550, straw spreader $250, J.D. 2600 plow $2900, Brillion packer $2600, J.D. model 400 rotary hoe $1350, J.D. model 740 cultivator $l2OO, J.D. 7000 com planter $6600, J.D. model 8350 grain drill $3450, N.H. model 411 discbine $B6OO, N.H. hay 6 tedder #162 $2OOO, J.D. 660 hay rake $2025, J.D. 346 hay baler $5lOO, N.H. 40 ft. hay conveyor $l2OO and 5 hay wagons up to $975 each. Other items were; 1976 Int. truck $7OOO, Brock 6000 bushel grain bin $3600, Unico 900 bushel bin $1350, gas grain dryer $5OO, Woods 214 rotary mower $1750, Snap-On Tools $825 & $775 per set, acetylene torch $370, antique VA h.p. engine $6OO and hydraulic cylinders up to $llO each. C. David Redding was the auctioneer. HUMMER ESTATE SALE A Public Auciton of farm equipment was held March 26 for the estate of Charles L. Hummer. 423 Cole brook Road, Manheim, Lane. Co., Pa. The following items were sold: J.D. 4440 D tractor $25,500, J.D. B Tractor $l7OO, J.D. #4420 combine $lB,OOO, J .D. 7000 com planter $B5OO, J.D. 8200 grain drill $3OOO, J.D. skid loader $7lOO and ’72 Int. truck $2200. The auctioneers were Jonathan B. Hummer and Jan M. Waltz.
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