NEXT REPOSSESSION SALE SAT., APRIL 9th, 1994 At 10:00 A.M. Approximately 200 Repo’s & Off Lease Vehicles Will Be Offered ISO Dealer and Public Units KEYSTONE PUBLIC pUtSfl EXCHANGE AH-0000S7-L Susquehanna County’s Largest Farm Machinery Auction Located: Pram Exit 641-81 (Lenox Exit) West On Rt. 106 2ML To Ist Left At Acre Lake 3 ML To Sale Site, From Hop Bottom, Pa. US Rt. 11 2 Ml. East To Sale Site. Watch For Signs. TRACTORS IH 1086 IH 1066 w/Cab IH 2060 IH 6560 IH 560, 13204 IH 230 Farmall A Farm all H (Sharpest One In The County) Farmall Cub w/Family MF 1105 MF 165 G MF 50 MH Mustang Oliver 1055 w/Cab Oliver 1755 Oliver 1650 Oliver 770 Oliver 77 Case 300 Case DC Case SC Belarus 611 w/Cab Deutz OXI6O w/Cab TRACTORS W/LOADERS David Brown 990 Case 530 Industrial David Brown 1200 IMF 165 IH 340 Ford 600 MF 150 FORKLIFTS Marshall (Powered By Ford) COMBINES MF 300 10 Ft Grain Head 2 Row Com Head ROUND BALERS 5540 Hesston 330 JD SQUARE BALERS 2-NH 315 #7O Thrower JO 336 w/#3O Ejector IH 440 JD 14T IH 27 MOWER CONDITIONERS NH 411 Discbine Gehl 2170 JD 1209 NH 486 NH 477 NH 469 NH 479 IH 990 Hesston 6450 12' SP Windrower Cab w/Air (Lika Naw) New Idea 5209 Diecnwwar (Mowed 300 Acre*) TEDDERS * RAKES 2-Kuhn 4 Star Tedder* NH 258 w/Dolly'B A Rubber Teeth New Idea (Cream A Orange) JD Side Rake NOTE: Come Early, Bring Your Bool* And Let'* Have A Fun Day. TERMS: Caah Or Good Check w/Proper I.D. Not Reaponalbla For Los***, Theft, Damage* Or Accident*. ' Kurt Kulick, Auction Manager RR 1, Hop Bottom, Pa. 18824 717-289-4349 Auctioneers: Ed Goodrich Jr., James MacFadden Jr. SALE LISTING SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS FOOD STAND Lenox Farm Supply, Ist Annual Spring Auction Sot., April 16, 1994 9 A.M. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., APRIL 23 ® PJI. Unit MSB Crestwoode Dr. Located In beautiful Pi neorest RMort In the Pooono Mountains. Lovely Townhome wAnany emeniUei incl. 2 fire place*. Convenient to N.Y.. PUL, A Md. jott off Rl 940. Auction to be held at BEAVER BROOK RECREA TIONAL CENTER. Property open for inspection; Sun day Ap. 10 2:00-4:00 or 1 hr. before auction. Auction by: /■ ermvood A fiction Co. Auctioneer: Jim McClellan AU2S3I Call for Information A a brochure 717-933-S2S4 or 933-4201 DRILLS JO 13 Hole IH 510 IH 410 SPREADERS JO 780 Hydro Push NH 304 Side Throw Hawk Barret Case #95 Ground Drive BLOWERS NH 28 Farmhand Burr Mill Ford Blower PLOWS IH 10 Tooth Chisel MF 880 Reset 4 Bottom MF 880 Reset 5 Bottom Pittsburgh 5 Bottom White 548 5 Or 4 Bottom DISKS IH 35 12' Athens Offset 16' Kewanee Rock Rex 10' Krause Offset CULTIVATORS Oliver 4 Row IH 4 Row CHOPPERS 700 Gehl w/Grass & 1 Row Com Heads NH 717 S w/2 Row Com IH 350 w/1 Row Com Papec 35A 1 Row Com NH 718 w/Grass Head - WAGONS New Steer Pipe Wagons New & Used Wood Wagons NH #8 Forage Papec Forage Grove Forage PLANTERS JD 7000 6 Row JD 494 A Oliver 543 LAWN TRACTORS MF #l2 IH 85 Hydro Gilson 11 HP 10-20 More Expected TRUCKS 1979 Ford 350 Flat Dump 1979 Chevy C3O Flatbed Several More Expected MISC. 18.4x34 Snap On Dual* 8‘ Front Mount Snowblower Loader To Fit FarmaDs PATZ Model 1400 Heavy Duty Bam Cleaner Drive Unit w/Chain 400’ CLAY Bam Cleaner Model B Drive 3 HP Motor, 16‘ Chute So‘ Chain, Comer Wheels, Etc. Large Quantities Of New DeLaval IV4 x2* Glass rlPfritflO Pate 988 16'-20‘ Silo Unloader New Jamesway Silo Unloader Parts (Complete Drive Rings For 16-30') Too Many To List Leo’s Deep Well Public Auction Register APRIL SAT. APR. 2 15th Anhu- SAT. APR. 2 -10 AM Trac al Consignment Sala Of tors, Forklift, Irrigation Farm Maehinary, Tractors. Equip., Trucks. From Eas- Tools, Lawn A Garden, Etc. ton, |M. follow Rt. 331 to Located Fulton Co., Pa. Bethlehem, Md. turn right Just Off Of Rt. 655 SMI onto Bethlehem Rd. and go South Of Rt 30 Or 5 Ml' to Marsh Creek Rd. turn North Of Rt. 522 On Upper right and sale will be on the Timber Ridge Rd. Floyd left - Mrs. owen Quidas, Davis A John Downin owner. A. Curtis Andrew Aucts. ' Auction, Inc. Spring Machinery Consignment Auction AY43L At Cowanesque Valley Livestock Market, Knoxville, Pa. Route 49, Tioga Co. Sat., April 9, 1994 10:30 A.M. Already consigned, IHC Lowboy Cub trac tor, w/hyd. loader and bucket, MH tractor, NH 254 rake-tedder, IH 1490, 12 ft. mower-oond., JD1240,4 row com planter, IHC 400,4 row corn planter, 2 IHC trans port drags, 6 ft. JD mower, Kubota wood splitter, buzz saw for Ford tractor, Nl man ure spreader, Nl 214 spreader, Lely 2 T. fertilizer spreader, 8 ft. truck cap, 16 ft. tan dem wheel stock trailer, Century trailer sprayer, 3 pt, 3 bottom plow, rotary mow er, 16 ft. spring tooth harrow, 4 row AC corn planter, front end loader, fits most Farmall tractors, complete satellite system w/10 ft. fiberglass dish, 1981 Dodge van, 1978 Jeep. This listing may vary due to dealers business. Clyde E. Beard and Son, Knoxville, Pa. Lie. AU-000051-L Ph. and FAX, 814-326-4188 PUBLIC AUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL Thursday, April 14th At 6:30 P.M. Directions: From Morgantown take Route 23 west one mile, right on Red School Road, left on Valley View. Caer narvon Township, Lancaster Co. Briggs & Stratton generator 4000 watt; 2 white large truck tool boxes, metal; 8 sq. of shingles; post hole auger; 4 hog feeders; air fit tings and hoses; air nailers 8 tools; 60,000 lb. heavy duty press; 8’ overhead door, new still in box; air compressor, (2) 10,000 lb. trailers; (1) 16,000 lb. Gooseneck trailer, 26’; pole jacks: spouting accessories; propane heater, 2000,000; lots of small wrenches & tools: (6) shutters: post anchors; 6’ curtain; overhead door parts: bam windows; curtain parts; drop ceilings; latches: screws; large steel barrel saw; shop hand lift, 5000 lb.; small electric refrigerator, new; truck accessories; windows & doors, new & used; pole building trim; vinyl siding; 6x6 posts, 12’&14’; various painted & gal. metal roofing & siding; 1 stairs; silo pipe; Craftsman planer, fir.; insulation; all kinds of parts for buildings; (2) windows; 8 hp. diesel; 36” concrete blade; window panes for jalusey windows; cabinet doors & fronts; misc. lum ber; misc. nails: kerosene tank; truck cap; truck bedliner; truck racks; spring wagon; lawn mowers; wire; spike harrow; baskets; seed planter; carriage wheels; fertilizer; bin der, hog crates; cattle wire; silo elevator; road side stand; air tank; copula; (16) S’x7’ tender foot; hot cart; 2 pallets sUo staves; electric motors; battery & electric fencers; (2) water heaters; awning; chairs; misc. items; oil hea ter, couch 7 chair; wood stove; plus many other items not listed. Auction will be held inside. Refreshments available. Terms by: STEVE STOLTZFUS Valley View Construction (610) 286-5407 IB HMUOO HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. M* Alvin Horning AU-433-L Merle Eberly AU-2417-L P.O. Box 251, Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of cacti week’s publication Sale Reports MARTIN SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery and tractors was held March 15 by Earl E. and Eli zabeth Martin, 40 Wab ash Rd., Ephrata. Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices were: fuel jank $2OO, small wooden-wheel farm wagon $4O, 3 pt. spreader $3OO, Wick bale chopper $250, 24 ft. Smoker elevator $525, N.I. manure spreader $llOO, Kinze 4-row cornplanter $7600, Zimmerman field spryaer $800,3 pt. sickle-bar mower $475, Pequea tedder $ll5O, Case IH 600 blower $l7OO, Bush Hog mow er $350, N.H. 56 rake $llOO, N.H. 474 7 ft. haybine $2600, N.H. 782 harvester base unit $5500, N.H. 2-row cornhead $3OOO, Krause disc $4OOO, Int. 4500 field cultivator $1175, Case 970 tractor $B5OO, Int. 784 tractor $9BOO, Case 530 G trac tor $4700 and 1972 Chev. pickup $1525. The sale was con ducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider and Roy Good, Jr. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Auction of blacksmith tools was held March 16 by Samuel S. Stoltzfus, 3 miles southwest of New Holalnd on Centerville Road, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices included: S h.p. com pressor $6OO, hydraulic pump & tank $4OO, 30 h.p. diesel $2OOO, 300 gal. air tank $3OO, band saw $340, air hack saw $2BO, cut-off saw $390, 10” table saw $625, 2 horse hitch $22 & $44 and anvil $2OO. Robert E. Martin, Jeffrey R. Martin and Randall L. Ranck were the auctioneers. RINTZ SALE A Public Auction of antiques and household goods was held March 26 by Joyce E. Rintz, 8 N. Lime St., Quarryvil -Ic, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 180 registered bid ders attending the sale. Some prices received were: butcher’s block S4BS, children’s roll top desk with chair $275, oak wall tele phone $3OO, walnut marble-top dresser $6OO, Sellers kitchen cabinet $lOOO, dry sink $275, school desk $B5, Kenmore sewing machine $275, square oak china closet $460, mantel clock $l4O, siz ing box $BO, agate green & white strainer $275, and advertising box marked “Glove and Rubber” $155. The auctioneers were Lloyd Kreider, Randal Kline and Roy Good Jr.
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