IjntMlir Farming Staff LAMPETER (Lancaster Co.)— Goats and sheep competed simul taneously in the showting at the Lampeter Fkir on Wednesday. The sheep show was similar in numben to other years, but the goat show grew to 30 entries. Amanda Grebe’s 3-year-old Toggenbuig caught the judge Rich Stonebret’s eye as the best goat of the “lovely doe Classes.” Eight year-old Amanda, daughter of Tim and Roxanne of Lititz, said that she has about a 25-head herd that she has been showing since she was three yean old. Topping the competition in fit ting and showmanship was Nicole Goat show Judga Rich Stonsbrsi names Amanda Grubs, right, for having tha bast dot of tha show. Nicola Elsen* hauar holds tha reserve this arid Is both champion show* man and fitter. A Bushelful Of Sizes And Styles. j 11 ■j | ■ J l l jj , i liJi 1 Lampeter Holds Sheep And Goat Shows Eisenhaner of Lititz. Nicole, daughter of Roxanne Eisenhauer. said that she has been raising goats for three yean. Nicole’s LaManc ha was selected as the reserve winner. At die Lampeter sheep show, a supreme champion is not chosen but dual winnen of 4-H and FFA sale lambs are named. In the 4-H competition, Lisa Reiff of Stras burg took die trophy with a medium weight Suffolk named Tom. She also was named tops in showmanship. A newcomer in the winner’s circle is Kyle Hamish with his medium and lightweight Suffolks, which took the FFA side champion and reserve titles. Kyle, a 16 : year-old Penn Manor FFA'er from Washington Boro, said that this was his third year rais ing sheep. For the last 154 months. Kyle has been walking his Suffolk up and down deer bails near his home. The ton of Larry and Paula Hamith it grateful his dad lets him use space in die dairy bam for. his five sheep. Kyle also placed sec ond in senior showmanship. In his first year of showing, Tim Walker of Quarryville took the championship filter tide. Rosie, his Corriedale, is no easy sheep to clean up according to judge Mela nie Hocchler of Lebanon. The 9-year-old Tim is the son of Jeff and Joanne Walker. In no-sale market lamb competi tion, Kerrs Men erf Manheim took the championship title with her Suffolk. Blackie. The 12-year-old daughter of Keith and Kendy Allen has five sheep and her sister Katye has several more. LAMPETER QOAT A SHEEP SHOW Ooata Shawmanahlp; 1. Nicola Elaanhauar; 2. Amanda Gruba; 3. Kim Ebaraola. Rtttng: 1. Nicola Elaanhauar; 2. Kim Ebaraola; 3. Amanda Gruba. Kid Birth To 8 Mantha: 1. Amanda .Gruba; 2. Kimbarty Ebaraola; 3. Jaaalca KM > Martha Undar 1 Yr.i 1. Tim Grubo; 2. Moola Elaanhauar; 3. Nicola Elaanhauar. Daa, 1 Yr. A Undar: 1. Nloola Elaanhauar; 2. Jaaalca Hoataßar. Oaal Yr. A Undar 3:1. Kim Ebaraola; 2. Amanda Gruba; 3. Kim Ebaraola. Doa 2 Via. OM A Undar 3: 1. Kim «- bDMON. Daa 3 Via. OM A Ovar. 1. Amanda Gruba; 2. Nloola Elaanhauar; 3. Roxarma Elaanhauar. Sr.FMlns: I.UaaßaSfl; 2. CarolHamlah; 3. Karra Allan. Choose from a wide range of standard or And the support of the nation's leading custom Lester wood frame agricultural building company. buildings. Each features value engineered Reap the benefits of quality, affordable storage. Uni-Frame* construction. Top quality Call your local Lester dealer or 1-800-826-4439 materials. The industry's leading warranty. today. Contact One Of The Dealers Below For A Quote Today... " i PENNSYLVANIA i -■ COUNTRY DELAWARE VALLEY FOUR COUNTIES CONSTRUCTION STRUCTURES, INC: CONTRACTORS, INC. MontourevHto Watt Chatter Cotlport (717) 355*1715 (215) 344-7242 (514) 572-6751 (500) 472*1503 LEBANON BUILDINQ SYSTEMS, INC. Labanon (717) 272-4440 VALLEY VIEW CONBTH Morgantown (210) 2044407 MARYLAND ■. RASCHE BROS, CONTRACTORS Tanaytown (410) 7M-4487 QOMPP JanMftvil* (410) 002-4UO Reynolds* YELLOTT RririMitovn (411) 020-1040 LESTER RIVERS EDGE CONSTRUCTION, MC. CtwMMmn (410)0454570 LmcaMar Farming, Saturday, September 2S, IN3-A2S Sr. Shawmanohlp: 1. Um Raid; 2. Kyi* Hamlah; S. J*mlo* Schmidt Jr. mtlng- Id Yr.: 1. Tlmolhy Wakor; 2. JMilea Nam 3. Mater* MoCardal. Jr. Showmanship lal Yr.; 1. Mallaaa McCarda); 2. Jaaalca Naff; 3. Timothy WWhar. PMor 2 Yr.; 1. JonnHor Kandlo; 2. Polar Ruah; 3. Aprl Laaman. Jr. Showmanship-2 Yr.: 1. Joa Douglas; 2. Brand* Wafcar, 3. JannHar Kandlg. Champion Fhtar: Tlmolhy Wakar. Raaarva: Uaa Radi. Champion Showman; Uaa Raid. Marital Lamb (N* Sad) UgMwaigM: 1. Bath Wahnar. HaavywwgM: 1. Karra Alan. Champion Marital Lamb: 1. Karra Allan. Champion ChavM: 1. Karra Allan. Oaraal Ram: 1. Jaaalca Schmidt. Ewa, 1 Yr. Undar 2:1. Jaaalca Schmidt. Bar* Lamb: 1. Jaaalca Schmidt; 2. Jaaalca Schmidt Champlan Em: 1. Jaatica Schmidt Outtalk 1 Yr. a Undar 2:1. April Laaman. Ram Lamb: 1. a 2. Kara Allan. Champlan Ram: 1. April Laaman. Raaarva Ram: 1. Kara Allan. 1 Yr. a Undar 2; 1. Kara Allan. Em Lamb: 1. Kara Allan; 2. Brad Laa man; 3. Katya Allan. Champion 4-H tala lamb Is shown by Lisa Rslff and champion FFA sals lamb Is shown by Kyis Hamlsh. NAZARETH BULOINO SYSTEMS Nazareth (215) 137-7700 - H.R. WEAVER BUHJRNO SYSTEMS AnnvNla (717) 5954753 ■ MATTSON ENTERPRISES, INC. Ml. HoHy (500) 2514500 (505)5194500 Champlan Em: 1. Karra Alan. Raaarva; 1. Kara Allan. ■sw Lsmb; ITimothy Wshsr, 2. Brand* VMtor. YssrtbM: 1. Brands VMtor. Chsmslan gsra: 1. Timothy VMtor. Bsssrvs: 1. Brands Wdtor. Yssrdng Kara: 1. John Schmidt Undra 1 Yr.: 1. John Schmidt; 2. Jswlcs Schmidt Mr: 1. John Schmidt Champltn: 1. John Schmidt. Raaarva: 1. Jaatica Schmidt. LlgMwalgM; 1. Kyis Hsmlsh: 2. Tins Hsnry; 3. Tins Hanry. Msdlumwslghl: 1. Kyis Hsmlth; 2. Tins Hsnry, 3. Grag Hsu. HssvywslgM: 1. Jsnlcs Nsll; 2. Jsnles Nsff; 3. Jos Oouglss. O. Champlan Sala (Madltanwalghl): 1 Kyla Hamith. Raaarva Sale: 1. Kyla Hamith. 4-H Ssls Llflhtwslght: I.Llasßsiff. Msdhimwstghl: 1. U«s Rslft 2. Pstsr Rinh. Haavyrnlphl: 1. April Laaman. Champlan 441 Sala: 1. Llta Haiti. Raaarva; 1. April Laaman. THE BRAND THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. <gs7i*>~ LESTER BUIUMNO SYSTEMS A Division ot BwMr Manufacturing Company LANCASTER DAIRY FARM AUTOMATION UHBAUQH BUILDINGS, INC New Oxford 1-400-222-0047 NEW JERSEY I FM Sala Ram Lititz (717) 527-4824 WISE CROUP, MC. Centre Hell (•14) 344-1000 RUETER NBTRUCTIONOa DemerdevMe (Mt) 744-6024
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