A24-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, September 25. 1993 Reiff Repeats Previous (Continued from Pago A 22) Middleweight Clmo 4:1. Kendall Ralff; 2. Kendall Rain; 3. Liea Rein, CtaM S; 1. Ryan Donough; 2. Travli Donough; 3. Amy Bolllngar. Claaa •: 1. Ryan Donough; 2. Ryan Donough; 3. Travla Donough. Champlan Mlddlawalghl: Ryan Oonough*» Raaatva Champion MlddlawalgM: Ryan Donough Haavywalght Claaa 7:1. Tracy Bollingar; 2. Jaaon Stdt zfua; 3. Darick Bolllngar. Ctaaa •; 1. Llaa Raiff; 2. Tracy Bolllngar: 3. Travis Donough. Champion Haavywalght: Lisa Ralff. Raaarva Champion Haavywalght: Tracy Bolllngar. Grand Champion Markat Lamb; Llaa Ram. Reserve Grand Champion Markal Lamb: Ryan Donough. Palm Claaa 1:1. Garald Boyd; 2. Connie Zelaet; 3. Sarah Zunn. Claaa 2: 1. Ryan Donough; 2. Kendall RelfT: 3. Derick Bollinger. Claaa 3: 1. Travis Dongugh; 2 Lisa Relff; 3. Tracy Bollinger. SHOWMANSHIP Senior: 1. Lisa Relff; 2. Jerry Bollinger; 3. Jell Bollinger. Champion Senior Showman; Lisa Relff. Reaerve Champion Sanlor Showman: Jerry Bollinger. Inlarmedlale; 1. Gerald Boyd; 2. Jenny Hoover; 3. Connie Zeiset. Champion Intermediate Showman: Gerald Boyd. Reaerve Champion Intermediate Show man: Jenny Hoover. Beginning: 1. Sarah Boyd; 2. Joleen Her bert; 3. Derick Bolling ar. Champion Baginning Showman: Sarah Boyd. Raaarvo Champion Beginning Show man; Joleen Herbert. GRAND CHAMPION SHOWMAN: Lisa Relff. RESERVE CHAMPION SHOWMAN; Jer ry Bollinger. CHEVIOT Ram Lamb: 1. Keith Bollinger. Champion Cheviot Ram: Keith Bollinger. Ewe Lamb: 1. Keith Bollinger. Yearling Ewe: 1. Keith Bollinger. Champion Cheviot Ewe: 1. Keith Bollinger- Ewe Lamb. Aged Ewe: 1. Keith Bollinger. Pair of Cheviots: 1. Keith Bollinger. Chavlat Fleck: 1. Keith Bollinger. Breeder's Yeung Fleek: 1. Keith Bollinger. DORSET Rem Lamb: 1. Jessica Stoltzfus. Champion Derael Ram: Jessica Stoltzfus. Ewe Lamb: 1. Jessica StoHzfua; 2. Jessi ca Stoltzfus. Yearling Eure: 1. Sarah Zurln; 2. Jessica Stoltzfus. Aged Ewa: 1. Jessica Stoltzfus: 2. Sarah Zurln. Champion Deraat Ewe: Jessica Stoltzfus- Ewe Lamb. Fair Of Daraala: 1. Jessica Stoltzfus; 2. Sarah ZUrln; 3. Jessica Stoltzfus. Deraat Flack: 1. Jessica Stoltzfus. ■raodar'a Yeung Fleek: 1. Jessica Stoltzfus. HAMPSHIRE Ewa Lamb: 1. Travis Donough. Yearling Ewe: 1. Ryan Donough. Champion Hampahlre Ewe: Ryan Donough. SHROPSHIRE Eero Lamb: 1. Tracy Bollinger. Yearling Ewe: 1. Tracy Bollinger. Aged Ewa: 1. Tracy Ballinger; 2. Tracy Bollinger. Champion Shrepahlre Ewa: Tracy Bollinger- Yearling Ewe. Pair Of Shrepahlraa: 1. Tracy Bollinger; 2. Tracy Bollinger. SUFFOLK Ram Lamb: 1. Jeff Bollinger. Yearling Ram: 1. Jerry Bollinger. Champion Suffolk Ram: Jarry Bolllnger- Yaarling Ram. Ewa Lamb; 1. Jeff Bollinger; 2. Jerry Bollinger. Yearling Esso: 1. Jeff Bollinger; 2. Jerry n-Jii-.- m • uonmqf. Aged Ewe: 1. Travis Donough; 2. Jeff Bol linger; 3. Jerry Bollinger. Champion Suffolk Ears: Jeff Boilingor- Ewe Lamb. Pair Of Suffolk*: 1. Jerry Bollinger; 2. Jeff Bollinaor; 3. Jell Bollinger. Ag Secretary Appoints Deputy HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) The state secretary of agriculture has appointed Anthony E. Wagner as deputy secretary in charge of administration. Boyd Wolff, secretary of agri culture. announced Wagner’s appointment late last week in a news release. However, Wagner has been working as adminstrativc deputy for the past three weeks. For Wagner, die move is a later al promotion in state government He is leaving a post as executive assistant to Governor’s Budget Secretary Michael Hershock, a Sullolk Fleek: 1. Jorry Bollinger; 2. Jeff Bollinger. Orend Champion Ram: Jorry Botllnoer- SufWk Yeerllng Ram. Roaarva Champion Ram: Joaaica Stoltttui- Doraot Ram lamb. Orand Champion Euro: Joaaica Stoitzfua. Raoafvo Champion Emm: Jolf Bolllngor. ORAND CHAMPION BREEDING SHEEP: Jorry BoHngor. RESERVE CHAMPION BREEOINO SHEEP; Joaaica Stolßfua. position he held for more than three years. Wagner is replacing Michael Aumiller, who transferred within stale government to take a position as deputy secretary of safety and standards within the state Depart ment of Labor and Industry. Aumiller had worked previous ly with the labor department prior to taking the agriculture position. According to the press release, Wagner, 33, of Carlisle, had served in the U.S. Navy as a diver from 1979 to 1983.
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