How Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —This data is pulled from Pennsyl vania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week.-It is a one-week sum mary representing approximately one-fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from almost 1,400 herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 6/26/93 and 7/03/93 Number of Herds Processed Number of Cows Processed Number of Cows Per Herd Milk Per Cow (Lbs) %-Fat Fat Per Cow (Lbs) %-Protein Protein Per Cow (Lbs). Average Days in Milk Per Cow DRASTIC FUEL COST REDUCTIONS WITH THE ATTRACTIVE OUTSIDE WOOD I COAt HEATING SYSTEM No Dirt or Smoke Inside jSi I) Huge Savings On Fuel Cost a Safe C Pressure System Hea^s Domestic Hot Water Hot Air or Hot Water Compatible gayfljfc; Square Or Oval Models Oil or Gas Backup (Optional) SALES ft SERVICE Air ft 12 Volt Operation R & K SERVICES Call For Fme Ltterature RD #4 Box 4262 A 215-886-1386 Mohnton, PA 19540 Rod or *«*hy BARN COOLER FANS 20**. 24”, & 36” IN STOCK COOL DOWN WITH A COOL PRICE fft/S. Cedar Crest Equipment red Two Convenient Locations WE CUSTOM MESIGTV SYSTEMS FOR YOU 61.3 ’ 18,383 3.70 680 3.19 588 317 SCHAEFER Ventitation Equipment 608 Evergreen Rd. RD 2 Box 271 Lebanon, PA 17042 East Eari, PA 17519 (717) 270-6600 (717) 354-0584 Garrity Named meeting in Edinboro. James Garrity, director of finance and personnel, has been appointed interim manager. Pa. DHIA is a leading provider of dairy management services and intends to move forward with the programs they are currently work ing on. Laptop computers allowing on-farm data entry and same-day, on-farm reporting are currently being introduced through the technicians. 1,132 69,469 WILL SHIP ANYWHERE Receive Year-Round Benefits For You And Your Livestock w/a Schaeffer Barn Kooler (Continued from Pogo Al) A recently installed laboratory ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) ♦Value for CWT Grain(s) ♦Value for CWT Hay(S) ♦Value for CWT Silagc(s) ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Ycar(s) ♦Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Ycar(Lbs) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Day Pasture ♦Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A; Grain B: Hay C; Silage D: Pasture ♦Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Ycar(s) ♦lncome Over Feed Costs Per Year(S) ♦Grain to Milk Ratio ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) Avg Level For 999 SCC Herds pninM flfurti AIR TOOLS IN STOCK! Please write for prices. Prompt UPS Service Seller’s Pneumatics 718 Vintage Roa 1 . Cii.ttiana, PA 17501 contrail system is helping Pa. DHIA to become one of the most efficient labs in the DHIA system. A help center is being set up to have technicians and members get answers to their problems and assist in adjusting to the new tech nology available to help handle the dairy herd. Pa. DHIA is committed to serv ing the members needs. Communi cation between members and directors and staff is very impor tant as DHIA nationally enters a competitive environment. Expert Conservation * Excavation * Restoration of Your Land in York & Northern Harford Counties SOIL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION * Waterways ‘Diversion Terraces * Drainage System Melntenance A Repair * Farm Panda PROFESSIONALS M THE PROFESSION OF LAND IMPROVEMENT Call: 717/382-4878 or mobile 873-3333 luincisiir Farming, Saturday. July 17,1993-Afl The Pa. DfflA board greatly appreciates the support of mem bership and the effort of the Pa. DHIA staff. Related DHIA stories appear in this issue on the following pages: "Pa. DHIA Appoints Field Staff on C 4; "Aden Accepts Manager Role’ ' on C 4; ‘ ‘Bigelow Is Coordina tor” on C 5; and " Shenk Accepts Manager Role ' ’ on C 6. Also, the list of the top producing herds for Pen nsylvania in June starts on page CB. 12.98 7.85 4.27 1.53 .29 2,387 7,252 2,150 15,113 62 569 91 231 18 911 1,475 1:2.5 4.96 359,034 More Pa. DHIA Stories This Week PA DHIA Calendar of Events JULY 23,24 Technician Summer Conference, Danville AUGUST AgProgress Days, Rock Spring SEPTEMBER 29,30 Stale Board Mtg, State College NOVEMBER 1 SE District Mtg., Berks Ag Center 2 SW District Mtg., Ramada Inn, Somerset 3 C District Mtg, FamllyHouse Restaurant, Miftlintown 4 NE District Mtg., Pink Apple Restaurant, Tunkharmock 5 NW District Mtg., Bonanza Restaurant, Franklin FARMSTEAD RENOVATION * Fence Row Removal * Land Clearing & Reclamation * Meadow Mowing * Septice A Foundations
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