1992 Lebanon Fair Review Builds Anticipation For 1993 From the left, Lebanon County Fair Queen Allison Martin presents a first place plaque for the junior division of the 1992 Fair leadline competition to Ann Leed. Also shown is runnerup winner Debbie Klelnfelter. ll t From the left, Anita Meek, Pennsylvania Beef Council representative, presents a champion ribbon to Seth Meyer for his grand champion market steer, while Allison Martin, 1992 Lebanon Area Fair queen, right, holds Jason Shirk's reserve champion ship ribbon. LJL JJUCICKK /^UBLIC Auction Early Notice Lebanon Valley Auction Co., Inc. will be holding its annu al Fail Farm Machinery Auction at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 Call now with your consignments or see Harry Bachman, Dennis Grumbine, Dave Wenger or Glenn Wenger at the Lebanon Area Fair. We Have Developed A Good Market To Sell Your Equipment. The Earlier You Consign, The Better We Can Advertise. AUCTIONEERS HARRY H. BACHMAN AU-000033L GLENN T. WENGER AU-002510L LEBANON VALLEY AUCTION fj DAVID WENGER K 717-866-2135 H GLENN WENGER U 717-866-2130 COMPANY, INC. RY-000014L MONDAY SEPT. 13, 1993 HARRY BACHMAN 717-867-1809 DENNIS GRUMBINE 717-272-4641 The annual auction of youth market animals Is a large part of the Lebanon Area Fair every year. In 1992, support from representatives of Peoples National Bank (now Meri dian) came in the way of paying $1,350 for Jason Shirk’s grand champion market swine. HBH EVERGREEN SI TRACTOR . CO., INC. Stop By Our Display At The Lebanon Area Fair Sat., July 24 Thru Sat., July 31 Lebanon Fairgrounds LebP" PA Store Hours PARTS- Mon. Thru FH. 7:30 A.M. To 4:30 P.M. Sat. 8:00 A.M. To Noon SERVICE- Mon. Thru Frl. 1:00 A.M. To 4:30 P.M. 30 Evorgroon Rd„ Lobonon, PA., (717) 272-4(41 or Toll Froo 1400-441-4450
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