Aie-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988 Philly Fruit Market Philadelphia, Pa. GRAPEFRUIT ABOUT STEADY FL carton Seedless Indian River Red 23-27 s 13.50- 32i 1030-13.00 mosdy 12.00 36i 10.00-10.50 mosdy 10.00 40» 800-950 moady 850-900 48s 650-800 S6a 500-600 fair quality 23-27 a 600 32-36 s 6-650 40-48 s 500-600 White 36s 850 fair quality 23-27 s 800 32a 550 36s 500 40s 450.* LEMONS ABOUT STEADY carton CA 115 s 18.00-19.00 140 s 16.00 one label 95s 26.00 115 s 24.00 140 a 20.00 165 s 17.50 200 s 16.00 fair quality 95s 18.50 115 a 14.00-16.00 140 s 13.00-14.50 165 s 10.00- 200 a 11.50 AZ fair quality 95s 15.50 115 s 14.50 140 s 13.00-13.50 165 s 12.50 200 a 11.00-11.50. LIMES ABOUT STEADY Persian Seedless 10-lb carton FL 42s 900 48-63 s 850 MEXICO 48-S4a 700. ORANGES ABOUT STEADY CA car ton Navel 48s few 19.00 56s 20.00 72s 16.00- 88s 13.00-14.00 113 s 950-1130 mosdy 11.00138 s 800 fair qual ity 56s few 16.00 72a 12.50 88s 1030-11.50 113 s 950 138 s 750 FL 4/5 bushel carton Hamlin 64s few 950 80s 9-950 mosdy 900 100 s 8-850 125 s 7-750 moady 700 Navel 36s 11.00-12.00 40s 11.00 48s 10.50-1130 mosdy 11.00 S6s 10.50- 1.00 moady 11.00 64s 1030-1130 moady 11.00 80s 1030-11.00. TANGELOS ABOUT STEADY FL 4/5 bushel crate & carton Orlando 64s 1130 80s 11.00-1130 100 s 10.00 125 s 8-850 Nova 100 s 10.00 120 s 800 Mmneola 64s 15.00- 80s 14.00-16.00 mosdy 16.00 100 s 14.00 125 s 12.00 AZ 1/2 bushel car ton Orlando jumbo 900-10.00. TANGERINES SLIGHTLY LOWER FL 4/5 bushel crate & carton Dancy 120 s 18.00-20.00 ISOs 15.00-19.00 one label 80s 24.00 100-120 s 23.00 ISOs 21.00 176 s 18.50. APPLES ABOUT STEADY carton tray pack WA Red Delicious WA Extra Fancy 72s 17.50 80s 15.50-16.00 preferred labels 48s 19.00 S6s 18.00- 19.00 64s 18.00 72-88 s 18.00-19.00 100 s 18.00-18.50 113 s 16.50-18.00 US Extra Fancy S6s 14.50 88-100 s 14.50-15.00 113 s 14.50 125 s 15.00 138 s 14.50 WA Fancy 88s 14.50 100 s 13.50 Golden Delicious WA Extra Fancy 88s 17.00 100 s 16.00 113 s 15.00 IDEAL LEAF TOBACCO CO. Joe Irving is in Lancaster Co. to purchase 609 tobacco paying top dollar at auction or on the farm. Mobile Truck Phone - 717-575-2525 Warehouse Phone - 717-786-4888 \A > one label 80-88 s 20.00 100 a 17.50 US Extra Fancy one lot 64-88 s 16.50 100 s 1530 CA Granny Smith US Fancy 88s 18.00 100 s 16.00 113 s 14.00 ID IDExtra Fancy Red Delicious 88-100 s 15.00 VA US Fancy Red Delicious 125 a 8-850 FRANCE Granny Smith 100 s 20.00 12-3 lb film bags US Fancy 2-1/4 inch minimum PA Red Delicious 720-800 Golden Deli cious 900 NJ Red Delicious 750. APRICOTS SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE 2-layer lug Casdebrite 98s 12.00-13.00. AVOCADOS ABOUT STEADY CA carton 1-layer Bacon 20s 900 2-layer car ton Hass 40-48 i 28.00-30.00 Fuerte 40-48 s 18.00 FL flat carton various greenskin var ieties 10-14 a 700. BANANAS Imports carton approxi mately 40-lb 11.50-12.00 fair quality 10.50 film wrapped 12.00 Institutional pack Petite ISOs 11.00. CHERRIES SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE No sales reported. GRAPES-TABLE ABOUT STEADY CA 23-lb lug Emperor 900-11.00 one label 1230 Ruby Seedless 10.00-12.00 Calmeri a 10.00-11.50 moady 11.00 CHILE 18-lug wrapped Prriette 25.00-28.00moady 25.00 Flame Seedless 18.00-20. KIWIFRUIT STEADY CA 1-layer Hat 36-39 a 750. MANGOS NO SUPPLIES. PAPAYAS SUPPLIES LIGHT HAWAII carton via air 11s 10.00. PEACHES ABOUT STEADY CHILE 2-layer lug Springcrest 60-66 s 16.00 78s 13.00-15.00. PEARS ABOUT STEADY WA 4/5 bushel carton US#l D’ Anjou 70s 20.00 80s 20.00-21.00 90s 19.00-21.00 100 s 17.00-19.00 110 s 16.50-17.00 120 s 15.50-16.00 135 s 15.00-15.50 OR 4/5 bushel carton wrapped US#l D’Anjou 80-90 s 18.50 100 s 18.00 110 s 17.00 120 s 15.00 135 s 14.00 150 s 13.00 165 s 12.00 Bose one lot 80-90 s 25.00 100 s 24.00110 s 23.00 120 s 22.00 135 s 16.00 150 s 15.00. PERSIMMONS ABOUT STEADY CA 1-layer carton Hachiya 30-32 s one label few 10.00. PLUMS CHILE Too few sales to quote. POMEGRANATES SUPPLIES LIGHT CA 2-layer lug Wonderful 42s 800 48-Sos 500. RASPBERRIES flats 12-1/2.pint film overwrapped trays Red via air CA one label few 45.00 CHILE fair condition 24.00. STRAWBERRIES LOWER flats 12-1 pint tnys FL medium-large & medium 12.00-13.00 one lot high as 15.00 CA medium via air 12.00. CANTALOUPS SUPPLIES LIGHT PANAMA 1/2 carton 12s 18.00-20.00 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1/2 carton 12s & 23s 18.00. HONEYDEWS SUPPLIES LIGHT CA 1/2 carton 10s 500. MISC MELONS SUPPLIES LIGHT 2/3 carton GUATEMALA Mayan Sweet Ss 15.00 9s 14.00. IHMMIEp MWUEwUPWLjPWL hoober EQUIPMENT, INC. iHMHHHHHHHMHMH Middletown, DE ** TWO LOCATIONS (302)378-9555 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via UPS - T»> :Jg M a CHRISTMAS TOY SALE Now Thru Dec. 31st HOURS ■ Mon.-Fri. 7AM-SPM; Sat: 7 AM-Noon KIA CALL US L “JS™ IfCtaUßtWiHtmlf UPS Station TOBACCO GROWERS 2 Milos east of Intercourse at the junction of New Holland Rd. & Rt. 340, (the original Pennsylvania Tobacco Auction Barn) starting Monday, November 28, 1988 We invite each of you to contact us after 10 a.m. at our hew tele phone number for new developments & prices for your 609 tobacco crop. We feel our reputation, to be one of the most honest & reliable deal ers in Lancaster Co., guarantees you rewarding sales for your 1988 609 tobacco crop. We ask only that you call our company before you sell. For those of you who desire to sell your tobacco at auction, we promise our full support in the auction system as we have since its opening in 1985. We also support private sales if you. the farmer, so desire. We advise you to grade your tobacco by color and not too damp for top prices. The outlook is good, please consider us as your buyer this year. Philly Potato & Onion Philadelphia, Pa. ONIONS-DRY STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l or generally good quality and condi tion Yellow unless otherwise stated CO Spanish Hybrids jumbo 950-10.00 mostly 950 White jumbo 11.00 25-lb sacks Red Urge 11.00 White Boilers 900-10.00 ID OR Spanish Hybrids Colossal one lot 11.00-11.50 jumbo 950 some 10.00 NY Globe type medium 7-750 small-medium 600-700 MI Globe type small-medium 6-650. The Saving Place PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. ATTENTION Golden Leaf Tobacco Company Will Be In Our New Location MARTIN’S SALE BARN 717-768-3074 Mac Bailey Golden Leaf Tobacco Company PO Box 218, Intercourse, PA 17534 POTATOES STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l size A washed or brushed unless otherwise stated Round Whiles LI 6-625 Urge 7-725 ME 575-625 mostly 575-600 large 7-750 CANADA CD#l Prince Edward Isle 6-625 mostly 600 Urge 7-725 mostly 700 Round Reds MN-ND 850-900 size B 12.00 Russets 50-lb carton count ID 80s 12.50-14.00 mostly 14.00 90s 11.50- mostly 13.00 100 s 10.50- mostly 12.00 WI 90s 10.00 100 s 950 MT 100 s 950 CANADA CD#l Prince Edward Isle 90s 11.50 100 s 10.50 100 s 10.00 New Brunswick 70-80 s 11.00-11.50 90s 10.75-11.00. YOUSTAYPUT Pick Up Your Phone And /\SVPl ace Your I *a i Parts A*"* kvrt Order I— -/ I With I us
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