Philadelphia Vegetables Philadelphia, Pa. Wednesday, December 14,1988 ARTICHOKES SUPPLIES INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE. ASPARAGUS SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE 12-lb crate bunched 12a exlge 35.00. BEANS HIGHER various bushel con tainers Round Green type unless otherwise stated FL 16.00-20.00 mostly 18.00-19.00 handpicked 21.00 22.00. BEETS ABOUT STEADY NJ crate bunched 12s 650 topped bushel baskets 11.00 TX crate bunched 12s 650-700 24s 11.00 2S-lb film bags topped 6- 650. BROCCOLI ABOUT STEADY carton bunched CA 14s 10.50-12.00 mostly 11.00 AZ 14s 11.00. CABBAGE SLIGHTLY HIGHER 1-3/4 bushel carton & crate medium Green unless otherwise stated FL 700-800 mostly 750 Savoy type & Red 900 NJ Red 700 50-lb sks NY large 500-550 mostly 550 Red type small-medium 600- 700. CARROTS ABOUT STEADY 48-1 lb film bags in film sacks CA medium- large 10.50 CANADA medium 650-800 50-lb sacks loose jumbo CA 550 CANADA 550-600 mostly 600 Carton bunched 24s CA 10.50 Miniature type CA carton bunched 24s 11.50 FL 20-12 oz film bags 600-700. CAULIFLOWER SLIGHTLY HIGH ER CA carton film wrapped 12s Count On Cargill! f* £ snml iiMbt {' wW% ' , 4imaW,. s Wfc f^v |||^ '&m** I!A fNiiNr Outwas^M I|«MWMWM>PA iXIWM J&i^NW sttwwnww, pa PmtfcKiiiw U*te, PA ItolMri KifaUcr PA fcqrMftW ■WWIIffWJ| £9R. tp* 'lUtf %wtyia*,fA Cfc*«t»r 8» IWt)»Jr. *j>ri»» City, PA Pfl»*rtW«rri«r MODtAMNIf FA *.*. Wow A C*. Cilm MiJi*, PA SuOiK WttMM 13.00-15.00 16s 11.00-12.00 TX carton film wrapped 9s 10.00 12s 12.00. CELERY ABOUT STEADY CA carton 2 dozen 11.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 2 1/2 dozen 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.00 3 dozen 850-900 mostly 900 4 dozen 850- 900 FL carton & crates 2-1/2 dozen 900-10.00 TX 2 & 2 1/2 dozen 900- 10.00. CHINESE CABBAGE ABOUT STEADY FL celery crate 600 CA carton 24s Nappa & Bok Choy 11.00 50-lb crate Nappa small 7-750 MEXICO 30-lb carton Bok Choy 7-750. CORN WHITE HIGHER, YELLOW STEADY Wirebound crate approx 4-1/2 dozen FL Yellow & White 11.00. CUCUMBERS HIGHER FL 1-1/9 bushel carton waxed medium 16.00-18.00 mostly 18.00 fair quality 12.00-14.00 MEXICO 1-1/9 bushel crate waxed medium 16.00-18.00 fair quality 13.00-14.00 1-1/9 bushel carton small 17.00. EGGPLANT bushel and 1-1/9 bushel carton and crate FL medium 600- 700 fair quality 400-600. ENDIVE ABOUT STEADY FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 500-650 mostly 550-600 CA carton 24s 950 BELGIUM Witloof type 10-Ib canon via air few 16.00. ESCAROLE STEADY FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 500-650 mostly 550-650 CA carton 24s 950. GREENS ABOUT STEADY crate approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise slated PA Collards, Mus tard & Kale 550-600 NC Collards, Mus- MUaWrMHtt* C»|KU*«v * „ iwfaicsnsr *• »» .- M«fc,„v.,» A. ffefc ttMHMbAkA ifcA. niw«wf|. fsft. ' i*i»**>« m lllMiuHtfitdbMtt Hft ' MIMi *»»«<* PA' 6wr P*w * ttomt Son* illuuuliujjMu Ml[ i lifp«stvp«lk BA m« Known* AbDoOntown. !*A Ed Ifogut Et»o*i«*, PA K»Wl<*Mmlw OMMtaKfeM ftM&i SWn» (Mbit, r A AwOaWI, ML i V flPffViy |i. i^sss^si WlwW. KnA MajvSfcPA MWtoßqutpMOtt liiAMkwflA.PA ttirf. Turnip Top*, kale ft Rape 650 GA Collardi. MusUrd, Turnip Top*, Kale ft Rape 6-6 SO TX canon 24* Collardi 6-6 SO Kale 600 CA canon 24s Kale 600 Red Kale IS.OO Swiss Chard incl Red 850 Broccoli Rabe 20-lb carton 26.00-30.00 previous commitments 24.00. LEEKS ABOUT STEADY CA crates bunched 12s 11.00 FL carton bunched 12s 11.00 MEXICO canon bunched 12s 11.00-12.00. LETTUCE-ICEBERG ABOUT STEADY carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 18.00-20.00 mostly 18.00 film wrapped one lot 18.00 AZ 18.00- 20.00 mostly 18.00-19.00 film wrapped 15.00 30s 12.00 FL 15.00. LETTUCE-ROMAINE ABOUT STEADY CA carton 24s 12 00-14.00 crate 16.00 AZ carton 24s 13.00 FL carton 24s 800-10.00. LETTUCE-OTHERS BIG BOSTON FL carton 24s 800 CA canon 24s 10.50 AZ carton 24s 700-800 LEAF CA carton 24s 800-10.00 Red 700-900 FL carton 24s 600 AZ carton 24s including Red 700-850. LETTUCE-PROCESSING No supplies. MUSHROOMS STEADY PA 4-quart basket medium-large 525-600 few 700 small-medium 425-525 10-lb carton medium 925-10.25 mos 950 large 10.75- 11.00 extra large 11.50-12.00 packages 10-12 oz 950. OKRA TOO FEW SALES TO QUOTE. ONIONS-GREEN ABOUT STEADY TX carton 24s med-large bulb 950 CA car ton bunched 48s 800 MEXICO carton 6227 New (108-111 Days) Excellent yield potential and very good standability. Disease tolerance insures excellent stay green and harvestability. Responds to good management, soils, and fertility. Has tight husk for less kemal damage. Final Populations: 18-24,000. 7877 (112-115 Days) Outstanding yield potential and yield stability. Has an excellent stay green quality. Exhibits a veiy dark green color characteristic. Responds to good management. Final Populations 20-24,000 SX 352 (115-118 Days) Produced the all-time NCGA yield record in 1986 with 347.61 bu/acrc. Responds to good manage ment and highly fertile soils. Excellent perfor mance under irrigation. Demonstrates excellent emergence. Final Populations 18-24,000 *EddW>t»*,PA PA. Wmk&fyarn .QSmaUtH. LytiaplMr ha Tm ft* fwJPPHf frßPiH^r s^xfttMilkPA »Hmi QmNwi ckwtor Ilanl IMft f*m S«r*k» *s) W«w*r F«iqj»y f wnimi tinht Lojtvffle.l'A IstMMnbw** fA TlPk rmm Y«k Sjrtfc|* M •Wo»t«tttr r«r»» SKWtfyJß*. Hinovw. PA #»» AM For More Information On: I CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS j ■ Call 1-800-222>5407 or complete this coupon I 1 Q Yea Send me more information on CarjUl Hybrid Seeds | ] Q I'm nttrolKi in heaoag (bail t Ctrpll Dealer OppoiUaly to my area L I i 1 AAHwee I X*«Mwg, PA CW,Br»** CJWMittc 6<«rtr Inc. CUjKw.l* CheHertOlpn, MD LwlinKtwr Sjfcwuft* MO (AMtPM fM* I Miii to CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS Gcmstcne Dnvc, Lmciitr. PA 17601 717-285-4227 SAVE UP TO 12% OR MORE 1. Quantity Discount Plan Total Dollar % Value all Seeds Savinas 0% 2% 3% 4% 5% $ 0- 900 $ 901-2000 $2OOl-3000 $3OOl-5000 $5OOO plus All spring planted crops including Corn, Alfalfa, Grass Seed, Sunflowers, Sorghums can be totalled by June 15 2. E ment D 1 If Payment Postmarked Jan. 16 March 15 April 14 3. PIK Certificate Redem Cargill, Inc will maintain an aggressive daily cash bid for generic PIK certificates This bid price is available through your Cargill Hybrid Seeds dealer Farmer customers may apply PIK certificates to Cargill Hybrid Seed purchases and realize additional savings CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS V PO Box 5645 >Minneapolis, MN 55440 All products subject to CARGILL’S warranty limitations. AmCorty **««. *»t»r Buffalo mg. PA Jrnmm T. Bej»r Ujipwco, M& fttekattwnw Kfchaop«Bj>. PA 'ijncasfer FihtMftg, SiHtUNiay, ftewriber'l7, T9BB-Al5 bunched 48s 800-900. PARSLEY ABOUT STEADY bunched 5 dozen Curly unless otherwise staled FL crate 850-10.00 Plain 10.00-11.00 CA car ton Plain 950 KS carton 700-800 TX crate Plain 11.00. PEAS-GREEN MEXICO 1-1/9 bushel crate one lot 20.00. PEAS-SOUTHERN SUPPLIES INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE. PEAS-SUGAR ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton per lb MEXICO 150 GUATEMALA 150- 180. PEPPERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crates ft cartons California wonder type Green unless otherwise stated FL extra large 900-10.00 large 850-900 medium one lot 900 Mixed Red large fair condition 300-400 Red large 18.00 medium 12.00-15.00 NETHERLANDS 5-kilo carton Red large few 22.00. RADISHES SLIGHTLY HIGHER car ton Red 30-6 oz film bags FL 600 14-1 lb film bags 625 FL carton bunched 24s 600-700 MEXICO carton bunched 24s 600 FL White 24-8 oz film bags 600. SPINACH ABOUT STEADY NC Savoy type 1-1/4 bushel crate 800 CA flat type carton bunched 24s 800 Savoy type 11.00 MEXICO flat type carton bunched 24s 700. SQUASH ABOUT STEADY FL 1/2 bushel canon Zucchini small-medium 600- 800 medium fair condition 400 Yellow Straightneck small-medium 800-900 MEXICO 28-lb lug Zucchini small- Early Pay , ATTENTION FARMERS , The New Way To Market Your Livestock HATFIELD p MOYER PACKING CO. PACKING CO. Will Receive Hogs * Will Receive Cattle, Drone*, PA medium 700-800 moitly 800 Yellow Straightneck imall-mediiim 800 NY 1-1/9 bushel carton Acorn 700-800 Butternut 10.00 bushel baskets Butternut 12.00. SWEET POTATOES ABOUT STEADY 40 lb carton Jewel type cured US #1 NC 12.50-13.00 fair quality 800 large 800 DE 900-10.00. TOMATOES ABOUT STEADY 25-lb carton Pink to Light Red 85% US#I or bet ter unless otherwise stated FL s*6s 750-900 6x6s 6-650 6x7s 5-550 mostly 500 fair quality sx6s 600-800 6x6s 500-600 mostly 550-600 REPACKED LOCALLY FL sx6s 11.00 6x6s 900 6x7s 700 CHERRY TYPE 12-1 pmt flats FL 800 MEXICO 700-900. TURNIPS topped 25-lb film bags medium PA 350 1245 e MAG North Jersey Livestock Hackettstown, NJ Tues., Dec. 13, 1988 Report supplied by auction CALVES .22-1.58. COWS .32-.56. EASY COWS .14-.4BV*. HEIFERS .45’/. -.6414 . BULLS .44-.62'/«. STEERS .50-.64'/». HOGS .18-.35. ROASTING PIGS, EACH 5.00-36.00. BOARS .15-.38. SOWS .18-.21. SHEEP .19-.60. LAMBS EACH 25.00-83.00. LAMBS PER LB. .S5-.87. GOATS EACH 33.00-93.00. KIDS EACH 16.00-60.00. At The BLAIR-BEDFORD BUYING STATION RD 1 Martmsburg. Pa MONDAYS - Hogs 7:30 AM to 12 Noon Cattle & Calves 7:30 AM to 4 PM THURSDAYS - Cattle & Calves 7:30 AM to 4 PM • No commission or yardage fees deducted from check • Livestock weighed and paid for immediately • You may call our office sale day for prices DALE R. HOOVER - Owner Business 814-793-3077 Residence 814-793-2657
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