Keister’s Middleburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, December 13, 1983 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 288... REPORT IS SUP PLIED BY THE AUCTION ...Choice slaughter steers 70.00-74.00, Select 65.00- Standard 60.00-64.75; Choice holsteins 65.00-67, Select 58-64.75, Standard 448.00-57.75. Choice si. heifers 70.00-73.60, Select 65-69.75, Standard 55-60.75. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47.00-51.75, few 54.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 46.00- Canner & Low Cutter 42.00- Shells down to 40.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1200/1860 lbs. si. bulls 56.00- No. 2. 800/1200 lbs. 52.00- Feeder Cattle: Few 400/750 lbs. steers 60.00-80.00. Few 400/800 lbs. heifers 50.00-62.00. Few 400/850 lbs. bulls 48.00-67.00. CALVES 204...Ch0ice vealers 100.00- 14.00, Standard and Good 90/110 lbs. 70.00-85.00, 60/90 lbs. 60.00-70.00. Faim Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100.00- Hoi. heifers 90/120 lbs. 90.00- HOGS 334...8arr0ws at)d gilts; US No. 1-2,215/245 lbs. 41.00-42, No. 1,225/245 lbs. 42.00-42.75, 1-3 200/250 lbs. 40.00-41, 2-4 190/270 lbs. 38.00-40.00. US No. 1-3 275/600 lbs. sows 27.00-29.00, few light weights to 37.00, 2-3 275/575 Make every kernel count. Hardy Brand Hybrid Corns are varieties for these times, when reduced acreage and slimmer profit margins are your big concerns. We’ve built a strong reputation on our outstanding yields, superior standability and high disease tolerance. Get the best return on your investment. Go with Hardy Brand! " farmer brokerage 8l SUPPLY P.O. Box 458 Allentown, NJ 08501 609-209-7324 KOCH’S FARM LEHR’S FEED & FARMER BROKERAGE SERVICE FARM & SUPPLY R 0 #1 10 Snyder Ave. 800 N. Church St. Temaqua, PA 18252 Pina Grove, PA 17963 Mooraatown, NJ 08057 717-668-3849 717-340-3309 609-230-7878 NORTHAMPTON FARM UMBERGER’S OF S * BUREAU CO-OP FONTANA, INC. M 8 S 2S|L 300 Buahklll St. , RJ> #4, Box 545 PA 93M Tatamy, PA 18085 Lebanon, PA 17042 * /T 390 210-208-2871 717-867-0181 .aio-BBW-4414 KAUFFMAN'S FARMER SUPPLY CO. MILFORD FEED CO. JOHN M. HERR FARM SUPPLY i 215 . Railroad Ave, Box 4 Box 2260, Rt #1 Route 104 South M,1,0rd ’ NJ 08848 Grantvllle, PA 17028 Ml. Pleaeant Mills, PA 17853 717-394-7127 201-990-4090 717-469-0988 717-039-4071 lbs. 22.00-27.00. Boars 25.75-28.00. FEEDER PIGS 300... US No. 1-3 20/40 lbs. feeder pigs 15.00-25.00, 40/60 lbs. 25.00-32.00 all per head. SHEEP 82... Choice 80/110 lbs. word slaughter lambs 63.00-75.00, Good 60/80 lbs. 58.00-65.00, few Choice 40/60 lbs. 200.00- Slaughter ewes 19.00- GOATS 8...34.00-85.00. Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, December 13,1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 174...PDA...Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Slaughter cows mostly steady to .75 higher. One Select slaughter steer 65.25; one Choice holstein 64.75, two Select 60.25&61.25, few Stan dard 59.25-62.50. One Choice holstein heifer 50.00, few Select 56.00-66.75, one holstein 55.75, few Standard 44.25-57, few Utility 37.25-46.25. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47.00-49.75, few 51.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 43.75-48.75, few to 50.00, Canner & Low Cutter 39.50-43.50, few 44.25, few Shells down to 34.25. Few Standard si. bullocks 54.00-57.75. Feeder Cattle: Few Medium Frame No. 1-2, 745/825 lbs. steers 60.50-64.50. CALVES 212...Vealers uneven. Few Choice vealers 99.00-101.00, few Good 797 XS - 120 days 760 XS - 118 days 680 XS - 114 days See your local Beachley-Hardy Seed dealer. K & K FEED 23 N. Park St., Box 99 Richland, PA 17087 717-866-2324 63.00- Standard & Good 85/110 lbs. 66.00- 70/85 lbs. 60.00-68.00, Utili ty 60/110 lbs. 50.00-60.00. Farm Calves: Hoi Bulls 85/135 lbs. 73.00-138.00, Hoi. Heifers 90/110 lbs. 68.00-125.00. Few Beef cross bulls & heiers 70/100 lbs. 62.00- HOGS 189... Supply included 44 sows, Barrows and gilts $2 to $4 higher. US No. 1-2 210/260 lbs. 42.50-43,1-3 215/240 lbs. 40.85-42, small lot 43.10, few 2-3 250/260 lbs. 40.85-41, few 3-4 200/225 lbs. 29.00-30.75,1-3 165/175 lbs. 30.00-34,50. Sows .50 to $1 higher. US No. 1-3 285/625 lbs. sows 26.00-29, few 30.50, few Medium 265/555 lbs. 14.0-23.50. Few Boars 23.00-24.00. FEEDER PIGS 26...L0t US No. 1-3 27 lbs. feeder pigs 51.00, lot 30 lbs. 31.00(included few ruptures)....all per hundredweight SHEEP 1,..0ne Slaughter buck 17.00. GOATS 2... Medium 21.00 and 24.00 all per head. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, December 14, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 100...PDA...Compired with last week; Couple Standard slaughter steers 59.25 & 61.25. Select holstein heif er, individual 63.25. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 46.50-50.50, 545 XS - 108 days 370 XS - 103 days NEW H 86713 - 106 days TERRY STAUFFER ANNLICK FARM RD #1 Box 954 SUPPLY Cochranvllle, PA 19330 210 M „ ford Stree , 210-093-6668 p ort R oya)i p A 17082 Cutter and Boning Utility 46.00-49.00, few Canner and Low Cutter 40.00-43.50, Shells down to 37.00. Couple Yield Grade No. 1. 1500 and 1250 lbs. si. bulls 54.85 and 58.00. CALVES 132... Standard and Good 70/95 lbs. 55.00-65.00, couple 67.00, Utili ty 60/85 lbs. 45,00-60.00. Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 70.00-146.00, mostly 100.00-130.00; few Hoi. Heifers 95/120 lbs. 73.00-75.00. HOGS 137... US No. 1-3 205/245 lbs. barrows and gilts 43.00-44.10, lot 1-3 195 lbs. 41.25. Few US No. 1-3 360/450 lbs. sows 26.50-36.00, few Medium 300/400 lbs. 20.00-27.50. Boars, individual's 20.00 & 25.50. FEEDER PIGS 126... US No. 1-3 30/60 lbs. feeder pigs 15.000-21.00 all per head. SHEEP 16. ..Few Choice 55/75 lbs. new crop lambs 99.00-118.00, few Choice 85/115 lbs. 64.00-74.00. Few Slaughter ewes 24.00-38.00. GOATS 6... Few Large 44.00-58.00 - per head. HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS $590.00-$1060.00 ALL PER HEAD. Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, Pa. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction BEEF COWS: UTILITY AND COM MERCIAL 45.50-49.50 CUTTERS WEST PERRY FARM SERVICE RD 1 Box 108 Blaln, PA 17006 717-036-3301 SHAMROCK MILLS Paxlnoe, PA 17860 717-082-4739 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988-Al7 41.00-45.00; CANNERS 35.00-40.00; SHELLS 32.00 LOW. HEIFERS: GOOD 61.00-63.75; STAN DARD 56.50-59.00; COMMERCIAL 51.00-54.00. STEERS: SELECT 59.00-60.50; STAN DARD 53.00-56.00. BULLS: GOOD 53.00-56.00; STAN DARD 50.50-52.00. FEEDER CATTLE; NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. VEAL CALVES: GOOD 75.00-82.00; STANDARD 65.00-74.00; UTILITY 40.00- FARM CALVES: BULLS 100.00- HEIFERS 90.00-110.00. HOGS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. Peoria Cattle Peoria, llHdol* Thursday, December 15, 1988 FEDERAL-STATE OPENING, MID SESSION AND CLOSE CATTLE: 25 NOT ENOUGH SALES OF ANY CLASS FOR A MARKET TEST. FOR SALE Wood Shavings & Sawdust * Delivered To Your Farm * Excellent Dairy Bedding * Economical * Year Around Supply Call For Price Martin Grain Co. Mt. Joy, PA 717-653-1085 SOWS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. BOARS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. SHOATS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. LAMBS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. SHEEP: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST. GOATS: NOT ENOUGH TO TEST.
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