Philly Fruit Market Thursday, December 8, 1988 GRAPEFRUIT STEADY FL carton Seedless Indian River Red 23s 13.00- 14.50 27s 13.50-14.50 32s 12.00-12.50 mostly 12.00 36s 10.00-10.50 mostly 10.50 40s 850-900 48s 700-800 mostly 750 White 32s 10.00 36s 800 40s 700 48s 650. LEMONS ABOUT STEADY carton CA one label 115 s 24.00 140 s 20.00 165 s 16.50 200 s 15.50 fair quality 95s 18.00 115 s 15.00 140 s 14.00 165 s 12.00-12.50 200 s 12.00 AZ fair quality 95s 13.50-15.00 115 s 13.50- 14.00 140 s 13.00-13.50 165 s 12.00-13.50 mostly 12.00 200 s 11.50-12.00. LIMES ABOUT STEADY Persian Seedless 10-lb carton FL 48s 700 54s 7-750 63s 650-750 mostly 650-700 MEX ICO 48s 550-600 fair appearance 48- 63s 4-450. ORANGES ABOUT STEADY CA car ton Navel 56s 18.00-20.00 72s 14.00- 17.00 88s 12.50-14. 00 113 s 10.00-11.50 fair quality 56s 14.00- 72s 10.00-12.50 88s 900-11.00113 s 7-750 FL 4/5 bushel carton Hamlin 64s 900 80s 9-950moslIy 900100 s 8-850 mostly 800 125 s 650-700 mostly 700 Navel 40s 11.00 48s 10.50-11.50 mostly 11.00 56s 10.50-11.50 mostly 10.50- 64s 10.00-11.50 mostly 10.50- 80s 950-10.50 mostly 10.00 100 s 850-900 125 s 800. TANGELOS SLIGHTLY LOWER FL 4/5 bushel crate & carton Orlando 64-80 s 11.00- 100 s 10.00-11.00 120-125 s 800-900. TANGERINES HIGHER FL 4/5 bushel cr*te & carton Dancy 120 s few 21.00 150 s 17.00-19.00 176 s 14.00-15.00. APPLES ABOUT STEADY carton tray pack WA Red Delicious WA Extra Fancy Hanty Brand* C6ni will do tto job on your form, too. Main Hinty Brand 9 your hybrid. Maks «v«y Kvrntl count preferred labels 48s 18.50 56s 18.50-19.00 64s 19.00 72-88 s 18.50-19.00 100 s 17.50-19.00 113 s 16.50-19.00 US Extra Fancy 88-12Ss 14.50 138 s 14.00 Golden Delicious WA Extra Fancy 80-88 s few 18.50 100 s 16.50 113 s 15.00 US Extra Fancy 64-113 s 14.50 CA Granny Smith US Extra Fancy 88s 18.50 100 s 16.50 PA Combination USExtra Fancy- Fancy Red Delicious 72s & 88s 11.00 Golden Deli cious 88-100 s & 125 s 11.00 ID IDExtra Fancy Red Delicious 88-100 s 15.00 Gol den Delicious 88s 17.00 100 s 16.00 VA Combination USExtra Fancy-Fancy Red Delicious 100 s 10.50-11.00 113 s 10.00 125 s 900-10.00 FRANCE Granny Smith 80-88 s 23.00 100 s 19.00-20.00 12-3 lb film bags US Fancy 2-1/4 inch minimum PA Stayman 800 Red Delicious 720-800 2-1/2 inch & up Red Delicious & Stayman 8-850. APRICOTS SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE 2-layer lug Katy 88s few 26.00. AVOCADOS SUPPLIES LIGHT FL 1-layer carton various gteenskin varieties 12-14 s 600 CA 2-layer carton Hass 48s 35.00 Fuerte 40-48 s 25.00. BANANAS Imports carton approxi mately 40-lb 11.50 fair quality 950 film wrapped 11.50 InsUtutional pack Peute 150 s 11.00. CHERRIES SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE 11-lb lug Bing 9-10 row size 24.00. GRAPES-TABLE CHILE LOWER. CA ABOUT STEADY CA 23-lb lug Ribier 12.00 one label 16.00 Emperor 950-12.00 mostly 10.00 one label 12.50 Ruby Seedless 11.50 CHILE 18-lug wrapped Perlelte 25.00-28.00 Flame Seed less 19.00-20.00. KIWI FRUIT ABOUT STEADY CA 1-layer flat 36s 800 39s 750-850. MANGOS NO SUPPLIES. PAPAYAS SUPPLIES LIGHT HAWAII canon via air 11s 900. Ifonfv RramT rurvi nattv 91411111 win mssmm iw wiif v;^ - PEACHES SUPPLIES LIGHT CHILE 2-layer lug Springcreit 60s few 16.00 88s 13.00-14.00. PEARS ABOUT STEADY WA 4/5 bushel carton US#l D’Anjou 70-80 s 21.00 Ms 20.00-20.50 100 s 17.50-20.00 110 s 17.00-18.50 120 s 15.50-16.00 mostly 16.00 135 s 14.00-14.50 OR 4/5 bushel car ton wrapped US#l D’Anjou 100 s 17.50 110 s 16.50 120 s 14.50 135 s 13.50 150 s 12.50 165 s 11.50 Bose 80-90 s 23.50 100 s 22.50 110 s 21.50 120 s 19.50 135 s 16.00 ISOs 15.00. PERSIMMONS CA 1-layer carton Hachiya 30-32 s ordinary condition 300- 500. POMEGRANATES CA 2-layer lug Wonderful 40-42 s 800-10.00 48» 600-800 SOi 600. RASPBERRIES SUPPLIES LIGHT CA flats 12-1/2 pint trays film ovenvrapped Red via air one label 45.00 NEW ZEA LAND flats 9-7 oz film overwrapped trays Red via air 36.00. STRAWBERRIES LOWER flats 12-1 pint trays FL medium-large 18 00-2200 medium 18.00-20,00 CA medium-large via air 24.00-26.00 mostly 24 00 MEXICO mostly medium 12.00 9-12 oz film over- TZIm ys vu air medlum - large CANTALOUPS SUPPLIES LIGHT CA 1/2 canon 23s fair condition 10.00 DOM INICAN REPUBLIC 1/2 carton 9s fair condition 900 HONDURAS 1/2 carton 18s 16.00. HONEYDEWS TOO FEW SALES TO QUOTE. MISC MELONS SUPPLIES LIGHT 2/3 carton AZ Crenshaw 5-6 s 800-900 GUATEMALA Mayan Sweet 6-9 s 13.00. * "V ~ < < y Oil # *• # M.#r gtfaMNL and Shell it for’«fil||M#M|& toe. *l*e*«ij jeers experience with Hurtfc iripßttpPar «m earthing we've tried.” on yield.. “We originally triediferdy beceuee ofwtiat our neighbor told ue. He eektwe didn’t have a measure of the yields, bothf fast. So we tiled It, and he we* right That wee the first time I hid to ride the clutch dropping com allege, it was that heavy. How allow com ecieege Is Hardy - we like those yields." ah nrifo vif • • * “I’ve been with Hertjy Brand Com tor to win now. Weoet«lot longer gretawith Hardly S7OXS, end it ie»W alwKfts pelt, AaA Warty has » better etalk then mmm'm seen. It* s greet touting corn, good perfop mance at • good price. PLUMS NO SUPPLIES, ' * mm, uim imJKm liMi Frank and Nek T«l«sz taumranwOtNinty. FA m&nmttm RWrfWd. FA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 10,1988-Al7 Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wed, Dec. 7, 1988 Report supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER: FED STEERS SELECT 62.00-68.00; STANDARD 54.00-62.00. FED HEIFERS: CHOICE 63.00-66.75; SELECT 55.00-62.00; DAIRY CULLS 48.00-54.00. COWS: HIGH YIELD 47.50-50.75; UTILITY-COMMERCIAL 43.00-47.00; CANNER-CUTTER 39.00-43.00; SHEL LY 39.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG#l 54.00-56.50, YG#2 50.00-54.00. VEAL CALVES; CHOICE (1) 270 LBS. AT 107.00; GOOD 80.00-90.00; CULLS 80-120 LBS. 68.00-73.00, 60-80 LBS. 62.00-69.00. HOLSTEIN BULLS: 100-125 LBS. 110.00-140.00, 90-95 LBS. 80.00-95.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: 85.00-99.00. BEEF X: 85.00-111.00. LAMBS- CHOICE 100-120 LBS 60.00-65.00, 60-90 LBS. 70.00-77.00 SHEEP: 19.00-23.00 GOATS; LARGE 50.00-74.00. MEDIUM 33.00-50.00. STEERS; 300-400 LBS. 80.00-94.50, 400-600 LBS. 73.00-88 00,600-800 LBS. 70.00-85 00. 800-1000 LBS. 64 00-72 00; HOLSTEIN & HOLSTEIN X STEERS 700 LBS. 56.00-59.00. HEIFERS; 300-400 LBS 65 00-75.00, 400-600 LBS. 52.00-73.00, 600-800 LBS ATTENTION FARMERS The New Way To Market Your Livestock HATFIELD p MOYER PACKING CO. PACKING CO. Will Receive Hogs Will Receive Cattle At The BLAIR-BEDFORD BUYING STATION RD 1 Martinsburg. Pa MONDAYS - Hogs 7:30 AM to 12 Noon Cattle & Calves 7:30 AM to 4 PM THURSDAYS - Cattle & Calves 7:30 AM to 4 PM • No commission or yardage tees deducted from check • Livestock weighed and paid for immediately • You may call our office sale for prices DALE R. HOOVER - Owner Business 814-793-3077 Residence 814-793-2657 FRIDAY, DEC. 16 - 1:00 PM ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 4 miles east of former loca tion, 1 mile off 472 midway between Quarryville & Oxford, PA, 1 mile south of Kirkwood, turn west off 472 at. Union Church (Street Rd.) 1 mile to crossroad turn left, 2nd farm on right. Hill Road. Watch for sale signs. 24 H F’2s due Dec. 20- Jan. 1 10 H F’2s due Jan. 1-15 Plus 15 H 3 May Cross York & Landrace & Duroc We will no longer have White Dia monds, it will be the next generation or F2's crossbred to Chester White. Very nice gilts. 56.00-70.00. BULLS: 300-400 LBS. 72.00-85.00. 400-600 LBS. 70.00-80.00,600-800 IPS 60.00- 800-1000 LBS. 55.00-64.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS: SPRING ING HEIFERS SMALL 635.00; FRESH COWS UP TO 610.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS BY THE LB. 400-700 LBS. 60.00- SERVICE BULLS: PUREBRED HOLSTEIN 1100 LBS. AT 72.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: BY THE HEAD 20-30 LBS. 7.00-15.00, 30-50 LBS 12.00-20.00, 50-70 LBS. 26.00-28.00 BY THE POUND: 160-195 LBS. 33 00-38.00. STOCK BOARS; 230-330 LBS, 25.00-27.00. SLAUGHTER HOGS: 215-245 LBS 38.00-39.00, 245-260 LBS. 36 00-40 50 SOWS: 350-500 LBS. 25.00-29.00. SOME UP TO 32.00. BOARS: UP TO 23.75. This Sale Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 50 to 60 Head Vaccinated for Lepto, Eryslplas, Rhinitis, E’Coli, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE FRI., JAN. 13, 1:00 P.M.
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