AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 10,1988 Indiana Livestock Homer City, Pa. Thursday, December 8 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 195. Cows steady, Choice steers 67 00-69.50, few Select 63 75-66 00; few Standard 57.50-60.00, heifers few Choice 66 00-68 00, Select 61 00-63.00, few Standard 54.00-57.50, cows Breaking Utility & Commercial 45.00-49.00, Cutter & Boning 43 00-46 50, Canner & Culler 37.50-43.50, shells 29.00, bulls YG 1, 1200-2140 lb 51 00-56.00, few No 2, 1100-1400 lb. 49 00-50 50 FEEDER CATTLE: Sleers Med 1, 360-550 lb. 66.00-75.00, few Med. 1. 400-660 lb. heifers 58.00-68 00; few Med 1, 400-550 lb. bulls 57.00-68 00. CALVES: 112. Few Good vealers 70.00- Standard & Good 90-120 lb 70.00- 65-85 lb. 60 00-74 00, few Utility 50-70 lb. 50.00-60.00; hoi bulls 90-125 lb. 90.00-140.00; beef eras bulls and heifers few 80-115 lb. 70.00-83.00 HOGS: 230. Steady 1-2, 220-255 lb. 38.75-39.25; 1-3,225-250 lb. 37.75-38.75; sows 1-3, 370-840 lb. 29.00-33.00; 2-3, 300-650 lb. 27.00-29.50; boars 21.00-32.00. FEEDER PIGS: 18. 1 lot 1-3, 75 lb, 26.00 per held; 1 lot Utility 20 lb. 5 00 per head. SHEEP: 25. Few High Choice 88-95 lb wool lambs 74 00-76.00, few Choice 110-140 lb 58 00-69 00; si sheep 17.00-22.50. GOATS: 5 Couple Large 48 00 &49 00; few Med. 38.00; all per head. Peoria Cattle Peoria, Illinois Thursday, December 8, 1988 TRADING MODERATELY ACTIVE DEMAND GOOD. COMPARED WITH LAST WEEKS CLOSE SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFER SOLD STEADY TO 1.00 LOWER ON MONDAY AND WERE NOT TESTED LATER IN THE WEEK. IN MODERATE TRADING SLAUGHTER COWS SOLD WEAK TO 3 00 LOWER BULLS 2 00 TO 4 00 LOWER. SUPPLY MAINLY SELECT Green Dragon Livestock Sales ftv 1 Location: Ephrata RD 4. 1 mile N. on North State St. ” Ephrata. C o* s COWS X SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows ■ - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb. 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00 P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call; Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit from bank. TO AVERAGE CHOICE SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS WITH ABOUT 13% COWS. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS THIS WEEK ABOUT 1600 AS COM PARED WITH ACTUAL RECEIPTS OF 1395 A WEEK AGO AND 1914 A YEAR AGO. SLAUGHTER CLASSES- STEERS CHOICE 2-3 1350-1450 LBS. 68 50-70 00 CHOICE 2-4, MOSTLY 3. 105 a 1200 LBS. 70.00-72.00 900-1050 LBS. SELECT & CHOICE 2-3, 1000-1200 LBS. 67.0a70.00. HEIFERS; CHOICE 2-4, MOSTLY 3. 95ai 100 LBS. 69.00-71.00 800-950 LBS. 68.00-70.50 SELECT & CHOICE 2-3, 90ail00 LBS. 66.00-69 00 COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-3 40 00-43 00 CUT TER AND BONING UTILITY 1-2 42 0a48.00 CANNER AND LOW CUT MARSHALL CLARK’S FARM SUPPLY DUNKLE & GRIEB MACHINERY INC. ° FARMERS SUPPLY n nrcTniij'iMDi pmpmt Hon«sd«i». pa 717*494-0660 .7,!, ,T,, n. COMPANY CLUIG ® T ° N IMPLEMENT 717-729*7117 nrwwou , Miil teii PA WMimlnster, UD 717-726-3115 301-848-6776 DINSMORE'S SALES & SERVICE McDonald, PA 412-356-7593 TER 1-2 36.00-40.00. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1-2 1500-2000 LBS. 52.00-58.00. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Thursday, December 8 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: Esl. 300. Cows about steady; 1 Select steer 63 25; cows Breaking Utility & Commercial 45.75-48 60; Cutter & Bon ing Utility 44 50-47.75; Canner & Low Culler 41 00-45 00, shells down to 38.00, bulls few YG 1.940-1850 lb 51 85-58.75 FEEDER C AITIv Few Med & Large 1 steers & bulls 63.50-83.50. CALVES; 475. Few Choice 87 00-94.00; Standard & Good 70-100 lb 63.00-70.00, Utility 60-85 lb. 55.00-65.00, t V" \ N r ».*\ Cows Crops And a Scavenger® spreader The three essentials for higher productivity and a more successful farm operation Manure is money. According to ag experts at the University of Missouri, the average dairy cow produces 70 pounds of manure every day—up to 13 tons a year Worth about $5 00/ton, that equates to $65 00 per cow a year. If you own a 60-head herd that’s almost $4,000 of free fertilizer And in today’s farm environment that adds up to big savings Scavenger—good to your crops, good to you. To get the most from your manure you need a spreader to efficiently manage PENNSYLVANIA HISTAND’S FARM & HOME IVAN J. ZOOK O.D. BARNETT & SONS MARYLAND Rome, PA Belleville, PA Boswell. PA H.B. DUVALL 717-744-2371 717-935-2948 814-629-5009 Frederick, MD 301-662-1125 BENCE S FARM EQUIPMENT Bedford, PA 814-623-8601 CL *d«?.l!? N F t RM HINES EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT CrMton, PA Needmore, PA 814-886-4183 717-573-2250 TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO. MELVIN J. SHEFFER, INC. INC GUTSHALLS INC, Carlisle, PA 717-249-2313 Loytville, PA 717-789-4343 Farm Essentials. manure A spreader that works with you A spreader designed and built for today’s farming. You need a Scavenger. Scavenger loads quickly and spreads fast And thanks to advanced engineering, Scavenger spreads all kinds of manure —liquid, semi-solid, pen pack (even frozen) —all year ’round. But more importantly, Scavenger’s patented moveable square auger and Vanflo discharge combine to let you choose your optimum rate of application—from top dressing to heavy springtime spreading You get the kind of spreads your crops need nice and even, without damaging “hotspots” With Scavenger, your crops The right spreader no matter what the job. ZIMMERMAN FARM SERVICE Bethel, PA 717-933-4114 BARTRON SUPPLY, INC, TunKhannock, PA 717-836-4011 Halifax, PA 717-362-3132 hoi. bulla 90-125 lb. 74.00-139.00, mostly 90.00- heifers 90-130 lb 69.00- HOGS: 10. Few US 1-3, sows 300-500 lb. 27.00-34.75. SHEEP; Est. 25. Few Good & Choice 75-90 lb. wool lambs 57.50-66.00, ewes 18.50-25.50. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Thursday, Dec. 8, 1988 RETURN TO FARM CALF 85.00-125.00. GOOD VEAL 65 00-85.00, COMMON VEAL 45.00-65.00. CHOICE STEERS 68.00-72.00 SELECT STEERS 63.00-67.00. ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. New Berlinville, PA LONE MAPLE S&S INC. N 215-367-2169 New Alexandria. PA 412-668-7172 Hanover, PA 717-637-3808 COMMON STEERS 48.00-52.00. COMMERCIAL COWS 44.00-50 75 CANNERS-CUTTERS 38.00-40.00 SHELLS 32.00-37.00. CHOICE HEIFERS 65.00-70.00. SELECT HEIFERS 58.00-64 00. COMMON HEIFERS 48.00-57 00. ROPE IN v* SOME EXTRA a, CASH! Advertise With A iff Lancaster Farming T ' , CLASSIFIED AD L' Phone 717 394 3047 |> ' or 717 626 1164 /'! i. receive the essential nutrients to produce better yields. See Scavenger for yourself. Don’t be misled by claims of other manufacturer’s spreaders that say they do it all. See Scavenger for yourself and compare actual capabilities We think you’ll find your choice obvious— you’ll choose Scavenger® For a firsthand look at Scavenger, see your local Hedlund/Martm dealer Or for more information write Hedlund/Martm, Inc., A Gehl Company, 741 Kutztown Road, Myerstown, PA 17067 Telephone 717-933-4151 JONES DAIRY SERVICE Madtofd, NJ 609-267-7172 eHS« s ' Greenwood. DE 302-349-4327 :W JER! EQUIPMENT Eglon. WV 304-735-5239
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