< Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Sat., Mar. 5, 1988 Report supplied by auction 927 HEAD. US #l, 215-255 LBS., 47.00-48.00. US #1&2’5,200-240L85., 46.00-46.75. US #l&3’S, 210-260L85., 45.00-45.75. US #2&4‘S, 200-255 LBS., 44.00-44.75. SOWS: 300-500 LBS., 30.00-34.00, 500-600 LBS., 33.25-34.75. BOARS: UNDER 300 LBS., 34.00-36.50. 300-650 LBS., 27.00-28.75. State Graded Feeder Pig Sale at Westminster Livestock Auction Friday, Mar. 4, 1988 1029 PIGS, 2 WKS. AGO 1047, COM PARED TO LAST SALE, PRICES WERE STEADY TO 5.00 HIGHER. MOST ADVANCE FOR PIGS WEIGHING 40-55 LBS. ALL PIGS WEIGHED ON ARRI VAL AND SOLD BY THE POUND. GRADE 1: 170 HD. 39-48 LBS. 114.00- 220 HD. 50-57 LBS. 102.00- 83 HD. 60-66 LBS. 91.00- 8 HD. 82-92 LBS. 73.00- GRADE 1&2: 72 HD. 31-38 LBS. 95.00-130.00; 175 HD. 41-49 LBS. 100.00- 163 HD. 50-58 LBS. 96.00- 18 HD. 60-64 LBS. 88.00- 32 HD. 73-74 LBS. 81.00- GRADE 2: 41 HD. 29-36 LBS. 101.00-130.00; 34 HD. 42-47 LBS. 95.00- NEXT SALE: MARCH 18th 1:30 PM New Holland Hogs Lancaster, PA Monday, March 7, 1988 HOG RECEIPTS TODAY 1101 LAST WEEK 899 LAST YEAR 895 TREND: Compared to last Monday bar rows and gilts 25-50 tower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb 44.75-46.00. US 1 210-250 lb 47.00-47.50 US 1-3 210-250 lb 42.75-44.25. US 3-4 280-305 lb 36.25-40 50. PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI., MAR. 18 1:30 P.M. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wettmiiwlcr, MO Now holding 2 salM aach month on lat & 3rd Frldaya. Phone (301) 84S-0820 or 301-887-1170 Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ ★ Direct off the farm ★ ★ ★ Give us a call whether you are buying or selling Graded Feeder Cattle Sale FrL, March 25 at 11:00 A.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast With The Times New Holland Feeder Pigs New Holland, PA Monday, Mar. 9, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction 850 HEAD. I’S AND 2’S; 30-39 LBS., .94-1.26; 40-49 LBS., .80-1.16; 50-59 LBS.. .89-1.07; 60-69 LBS., .79-.97. . 2’S AND 3’S: 40-49 LBS., .80-.84. Peoria Hogs Peoria, 111. Wed, March 9, 1988 HOGS 2400 TRADING MODERATE BARROWS AND GILTS .50 HIGHER THAN TUESDAY EARLY, LATE SALES MOSTLY STEADY. US 1-3 220-250 LBS 43 50-44.00 100 HEAD 44 25-44.50 EARLY LATE SALES 43.00-43.50 200-220 LBS. 41 50-43.502-3 240-260 LBS. 43.00-43.50 EARLY LATE SALES 42.50-43.00 260-280 LBS. 41.00-43 00 280-300 LBS. 39.00-41.00. SOWS: UNDER 500 LBS. MOSTLY STEADY; OVER 500 LBS. 1.00 lO 1 50 HIGHER 14%. US 1-3 350-500 LBS. 36.00-37 00 500-650 LBS. 37.00-37 50. BOARS OVER 350 LBS. 38 00-38 30, UNDER 350 LBS 33.00-37.00 HOG 214. JIB 42 00-44.50 lIC 43.00- HD 43.00-44.50 HE 43.00- HH 42 00-44 00 HI 43.00- HI 43.00-44.00 HK 43.00- HQ 42 50-43,50 HR 42.00- HS 39.00-42.00 VV 36.00- WW 36.00-37.00 XX 37.00- YY 37.00-37.50 ZZ 38.00- 30. St. Louis Hogs 3500- TRADING VERY SLOW. ♦COMPARED TO WEDNESDAY’S CLOSE, EARLY SALES BARROWS AND GILTS .75-1.25 LOWER. MOSTLY 1.00 LOWER, CLOSING DAY SALES 1 00-1.50 LOWERS US 1-3: 220-260 LBS. 42.75-43 25; MOSTLY 43.00 EARLY; ♦LATE SALES 42 00-42.50, ♦MOSTLY 42.50 US 2-3; ♦260-270 LBS. 42.25, FEW 42.50. US 3-4: 270-300 LBS. 40 50-4200. US 1-3: FEW 200-220 LBS. 41.50-42.50. SOWS, 300-500 LBS. 2 00 LOWER. OVER 500 LBS. 1 00-2.00 LOWER ABOUT 8%. US 1-3: 300-500 LBS. 35 00-36 00; OVER 500 LBS. 36.00-38 00. BOARS; OVER 300 LBS 37.00; UNDER 300 LBS. 36 50-37.00. Midwest Flashes Thurs., Mar. 10, 1988 Indianapolis Hogs HOGS. 600 - BARROWS AND GILTS MODERATELY ACTIVE .75-1 00 LOW ER SUPPLY US 1-3 225-275 LBS. US 1-3. 225-260 LBS 43 00-43.75 SOWS; MODERATELY ACTIVE ,50-1.00 LOWER, 5% US 1-3 450-625 LBS 36 00-38 00. BOARS OVER 400 LBS 35 50 (GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS CORN FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR. MAR 88 199'/. 200’/. 201 V. 198’/. 197’/. MAY 205’/. 207 V. 207’/. 206 204'/. JULY 208’/. 211’/. 211 209’/. 207’/. SEPT. 210'/. 213 212'/. 211’/. 210'/. DEC. 214 216’/. 216’/. 215’/. 213’/. SOYBEANS FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR, 615 619'/. 628’/. 630'/. 629'/. 640’/. MAR 88 MAY JUL AUG SEPT NOV 613’/. 619’/. 628'/. 630 632 642 JAN. 89 648 648'/. 652'/. CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUBS 43.60 43.72 47.80 48 22 47.65 47.95 46.25 46.42 42.22 42.30 42.55 42.85 FUTURES MARKET TRfJVDS GRAIN AND LIVESTOCK APR. 70.22 71.55 72.92 72.92 72.92 JUNE 67.67 69.05 70.00 69.75 69.70 AUG. 65.80 66.95 67.42 67 05 66.97 OCT. 64.60 65.47 65 77 65.75 65.70 DEC. 65.55 66.45 66.65 66.60 56.62 Acres Corn Update: com futures narrowly mixed from gams of 3/4 cent to losses of 3/4 cent Pressure was attri buted to an increase m movement and sales by C&D of 6 million bushels. Support came from yesterday’s announcement of a 300,000 metric tonne sale to the USSR March closed up 3/4 at $2 01-1/2 while July lost 1/4 at $2.11. Acres Soybean Update: s oy beans futures settled higher, but off session highs. Buying near the close was thought to be short-covering in front of tomorrow’s USDA supply and demand reports. Further support came from ideas that the pit had become oversold and was due for a correc tion. Old crop beans were supported by tight supplies and good export demand, with upside potential limited by the upcom ing South American onslaught. March beans traded m a 5 cent range and closed m the middle at $6 17, up 3-1/2. Departments Editorial Farm Calendar Classified Ads 1 Business News Mailbox Markets Sale Reports Public Auction Register Home and Youth Homestead Notes Home On The Range B 6 Cook’s Question Corner B 8 Kid’s Korner 810 Farm Women Societies 812 Features E-lown Young Farmers Banquet 814 MAMMA & Beef Councils 816 Fisher Goat Farm C 9 Milk Tank That OvcrflowcdD 6 Lebanon 4-H’ers F 2 (Dally closing bids; Friday, Mar. 4 through Thursday,- Mar. 10) 606'/. 613’/. 620 V. 622’/. 624’/. 634'/. 641’/. 617 623’/. 632’/. 633’/. 635’/. 645'/, WED. THUR, TNa warm kaarmslian praaWa d to *CMS ACRES » a to*yn*laod mactiat intar matian uma daaalapait Us Hi* Amtrican Farm luraau amt smllablt to Farmsytvama lanmrs on a dads basis through Faimsylvima Far man’ Association Farm Manaaamanl Sarwcaa Far additional martial commamt and trading sanka contact FFA Commodity Folurat Sarvica <7171741-2740 Acres Wheat Update: wheat futures closed from lower and at session lows as heavy selling by C&D Commodi ties pressured prices. Pressure on the open ing was generated by lower-than-expected export inspections and ongoing concerns relative to the CCC auctions. March closed 4-1/4 lower at $2.99 while July lost 4-3/4 at $3.13-3/4. Acres Cattle Update: Live cattle and feeder cattle futures closed sharp ly higher again this afternoon as prices were boosted by strengthening cash fundamen tals with reports of sales at $71.50. April live cattle met stiff resistance at $72.40 but broke through and settled near the top Buy ing was also attributed to advances in cut out values Spillover strength from the live cattle fueled advances in feeders but large gains were pared by lower trending cash prices FEEDER CATTLE SETTLEMENT PRICE 03/04/88 $8093 dn $ .25. ACRES NEXT DAY OUTLOOK cash -steady futures-steady to higher. % in this AIO 827.C10 C 2 F 4 FI2 r Fl 4 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday,. March 12, 1988-A3 WHEAT MAR 88 301’/. 304 MAY 310’/. 314'/. JULY 315'/. 318'/. SEPT. 322’/. 325 DEC. 333 336 SOYBEAN MEAL MAR MAY JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. DEC. 603’/. 610'/. 618V4 618'/. 618’/, 628’/. 636 CHICAGO HOGS FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR. APR. JUNE JULY AUG. OCT. DEC. tssne Six Sections Columns Now is the Time AlO On Being A Farm Wife B 5 Have You Heard.... Microwave Minutes Ida’s Notebook Business Seminar.... Livestock Latest Broiler & Turkey Talk F 2 Dairy ,B 2 Yules Pride Farm Lancaster DHIA.., Holstein Progressive Breeders D 8 Juniata DHIA DIO Milk Check Dl2 Tioga DHIA Dl4 Soybeans for Cows Dl5 Md. Holstein Winners E 2 PA Holstein Winners E 7 Improve Reproductive CostsE 8 ABC Honors Franklin Dairy Farmers E 9 Dairy & Livestock Sales F4O FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUI 299 V. 308 V. 313 V. 319’/. 330 FRI. MON. TUBS, 186.30 186.00 187.40 184.90 184.30 183.80 185.00 183.10 183.80 183.40 184.70 182.80 184.50 183.70 185.20 183.80 184.50 184.20 185.00 184.10 185.70 185.50 185.50 184.90 188.00 188.50 189.20 187.80 42.40 46.55 46.62 44.97 41.80 42.30 Acres Hog Update: Live hog futures settled from 8 to 42 points higher with buying featured on fuming cash fun damentals and spillover strength from the cattlepits Losses in pork bellies and ideas that cash hogs would trade lower tomorrow pared further gams Buying enthusiasm was restrained by concerns over sulfamethazine residue levels in U S. pork shipped to Japan Bellies were pressured by specula tion that the weekly out-of-town storage report would be higher than earlier expected ACRES NEXT DAY OUTLOOK cash steady to lower futures - steady to mixed. 294’/. 304 310*/i 315’/. 327 290 297 X 303’/. 309 320 V. WED. THUR, 182.70 180.60 180 60 181.50 182.00 182.20 184.70 43.22 47.57 47.42 45.37 41.90 42 55 43.60 47.67 47.52 45.60 42.05 42 50 AlO 813 815 822 ,E 5 ,F 2 A2B .C 3
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