AtUncastar Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 New York Egg Market Wed, March 9, 1988 Prices were unchanged under a no better than steady undertone. Movement of car toned eggs was about fair with some improvement noted in areas of retail prom otional activity Supplies were readily available for trade needs PRICES lO RETAILERS - SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, CONSUMER GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR A EXTRA LARGE .58- .60. A LARGE .55-58, A MEDIUM .48-51 National Egg Market Wed, March 9, 1988 AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged Trade sentiment was generally unsettled and no belter than steady Traders remain cautious as floor stocks continue to grow. Cartoned egg demand ranged from slow to fairly good, best m areas with aggressive features. Supplies were mixed, mostly fully adequate to ample Breakers continued to bid lower while maintaining necessary schedules LANCASTER FARMING STAFF Everett R. Newswanger, Managing Editor Patricia S. Purcell, Staff Writer Lou Ann Good, Staff Writer Lisa Risser, Staff Writer NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Sally B. Bair, Lancaster County Columbia 717-285-4926 Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys 717-428-1865 Ginger Myers, Adams Littlestown 717-359-7542 Bonnie Brechbill, Franklin Chambersburg 717-369-2916 Barbara Miller, Lycoming Hughesville 717-584-3892 Jodi Richard, Centre Stale College, 814-865-5486 Craig Bingman, Snyder, Union, Juniata Beaver Springs 717-837-0085 Margie Fusco, Cambria Johnstown 814-255-6115 Betsy Yoder, Huntingdon Huntingdon 814-667-3413 Helen Kelchner, Columbia Berwick 717-752-4691 Sharon Schuster, Maryland New Windsor 301-635-2654 Sue Crow, Maryland Kennedyville 301-648-5687 Debbie Stiles, West Virginia Huntington 304-525-0980 Carolyn Gillea, Crawford Meadville 814-724-4269 Beth Gray, Bedford Schellsburg 814-733-4445 Kart Berger, Special Maryland 301-473-5178 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price: $8.50 per year; $15.00 - 2 years $l5 00 per yeai outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA 4 WV $26 00-2 Years Second Class Postage paid at Office in Lititz Record Express Building Rear 22 E Main St Lititz, PA 17543 ISSNOO23-7485 Phone Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 For address change form or new subscription see Mailbox Markets. Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone 203-966-1746 PUBLISHER'S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, March 10, 1988 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: PRICES WERE UNCHANGED. TRADE SENTI MENT WAS BARELY STEADY TO STEADY DEMAND FOR CARTONED EGGS WAS SLOW TO FAIRLY GOOD, BEST WHERE FEATURED WERE EITHER PLANNED OR IN PROGRESS. LOOSE EGG MOVEMENT WAS GEN ERALLY FAIR. SUPPLIES WERE FUL LY ADEQUATE TO INSTANCES AMPLE. PRICES TO RETAILERS: SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS. CONSUMER GRADES WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR: A EXTRA LARGE 55 .58; A LARGE 53- 56; A MEDIUM .46’/. -.48 Eastern PA & NJ Poultry Wed, March 9, 1988 Prices were generally unchanged. Spent I Icn offerings were lighter but adequate for this week’s schedules, increased and gener ally ample for next week and later Raw meat sales varied but most sellers were able to keep product clearing satisfactorily The undertone was just steady at best LIVE LIGHT TYPE HENS ATEARM3-4 1/2 MOSTLY 3 1/2-3 3/4 Heinsey’s Poultry Roots, E. Petersburg Tues., March 8, 1988 Muscovy Ducks, Drakes 72- 82 Hens .68-.76 Pekin Ducks .30-.44. Pullets 6-8# .42-.54 Red Fowl 4-4.5# .18-.28, 5-6# 32- 60 Crossbred Roosters 4-6# .32- 74, 7-12# .40-.72. Crossbred Fowl 5-9# 30- 54 Banly Roosters 1.50-4.00 ea Banty Hens 1 00-2 00 ea Guinea Pigs 1 00-5 50 ea. Goats 3000-50.00 ea Guinea Fowl 1 20-1.60. Geese 10-15# .SS-.72 Pigeons 1 25-1 60 ea. While Pigeons 3.00-4 00 ea Rabbits 4-6# .90-1.10,7-11# 80-100 Turkeys 13-38# .3S-.56. Leghorn Roosters 30-.48 Leghorn Hens .10-21. Bunnies I.SO-6.00 ea. Dwarf Bunnies 8 00-15 00 ea Doves 3.00-5.00 ea. Chukars 5.50-5.75 ea Silkies 5.50-7.00 ea. Total Coops Sold 1,028 Prices were unchanged Trade sentiment was just steady Cartoned egg movement was generally fair with several dealers not ing that activity was as expected for this time of year Build ups of while eggs for the upcoming holidays were detected Supplies were fully adequate for errent needs and no problems were anticipated in getting holi day stocks PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS FOR LOOSE BROWN EGGS AT FARM. CASES EXCHANGED. GRADE YIELD BASIS. CENTS PER DOZEN JUMBO 62 65. EX LARGE 48 51. LARGE 46- 49, MEDIUM 34 37, SMALL 10- 13 BOSTON PRICES TO RET All ERS - SALES lO VOLUME BUYERS, CON SUMER GRADE BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR A EX IRA LARGE 67- 69, A I ARGE 65- 67, A MEDIUM 53- 55 Prices were generally unchanged under a cautiously steady trade sentiment Trading activity and breaking schedules were both limited Floor stocks were in good balance to easily handle the current light buying interest. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (PER POUND IN 30 LB CONTAINERS) U S D A. INSPECTED CLASS TRUCK LOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT) WHOLE 37-40 MOSTLY 38-39 41-49 BLENDS (/) - - 49-60 WHITES 28-30 MOSTLY 28-29 30-38 YOLKS (MIN. 43% SOLIDS) SUGARED 49-52 MOSTLY 50-51 52-58 SALTED 47-49 MOSTLY 47-48 - (Z)-WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS “We not only give you what we have; but what you want," SPECIALIZING IN: • Grain Drying • Handling • Storage • Milling Equipment At 608 E. Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 274-5333 New England Shell Eggs Wed, March 9, 1988 New York Philadelphia Frozen Eggs Tucs, March 8, 1988 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From Fri., Mar. 4 to Thurs., Mar. 10 FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THURS, WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUMS OFF GRADE UNDERGRADLS AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS: 48-50 LBS FRI. 31 00-33 00, 50 LBS. UP 33.00-35.00; WEDNESDAY 48-50 LBS 31 00-32 00. 50 LBS UP 33 00-34 00, THURSDAY 48-50 LBS 30 00-32 00. 50 LBS UP 33 00-34 00 N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, March 8 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES N. HAMP. MOSTLY R.I. MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY MAINE Delmarva Broiler- Fryer Wed, March 9, 1988 Demand for ready lo cook whole birds has slowed and was light and unaggrcssive Seller offerings were adequate and slow in clearing In the parts complex demand had also slowed on dark meal, particularly leg quarters which were difficult to clear Cut lets were in fairly good balance while whole breasts were generally fully adequ ale Wings cleared easily at higher prices Less than trucklol asking prices were unchanged at 48 to 61 cents and several sellers were willing to negotiate on trucklol volumes in an effort to stimulate move ment Live supplies were generally mod erate Weights were mixed but mostly desirable Slaughter schedules were reduced in spots and very light in total The undertone was unsettled and about steady at best ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL ACTUAL AVERAGE WEIGHTS 3/09 3/02 3/07 3/07 2/29 1,620 1,893 1,842 4604 68 NEW YORK MULTIPLE DROP BROILER REPORT: CURRENT BROILER/FRYER NEGO TIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF TJOuf&l 4 CHICKS, INC. ftnh \ Chirks &■ Started Pullets TPtcy&it Brown & While Lasers Broilers PHONK (215) 536-1155 266 E. PMETOUN HI) Ql \KKR TOWN. PA 18'»5l 66 66 66 66 65 63 63 ,63 63 63 60 60 60 60 60 .53 .53 .53 .53 53 41 .41 41 .41 .41 48 48 48 48 48 .73 73 72 .72 .70 68 68 67 .67 65 60 60 59 59 .57 .23 23 EX. LARGE .74-/78 .76-/77 77-81 77 .84- 89 84 LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 72- 76 60- 64 36- 40 .74- 75 62- 63 38- 39 75- 79 63- 67 .39- 43 75 63 39 82- 86 70 75 82 70 81- 88 79- 87 67- 74 43- 50 BRANDED AND WING TAGGED 10 NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED US. GRADE A RANGE 46-61 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 51 99 NO OF BOXES 8,962 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Haekellstown, N.. 1. Tuesday, Mar. 8, 1988 Report Supplied by Auition HhAVY FOWL 10 55 LEGHORN FOWL 01- 15 ROASTERS 20 1 35 PULLE'IS 50 GEESE 20-35 BANTAMS 1 25 ROOSTERS 20-2 00 TURKEYS .70 BUNNIES (EACH) 1 50-6.00 DUCKS .75-1 00 RABBITS .65-165 PIGEONS 2.10 GUINEAS 55-1 15 EGGS GRADE A WHITE JUMBO X LGE 62-.69, 39- 60, MEDIUM .40- 45 BROWN JUMBO X LGE. .59-68, LARGE .45-.58, MEDIUM .40; SMALL .38 NEW JERSEY’S LARGEST RINGNECK PHEASANTRY FOR SALE Turn Your idle Buildings & Land Into Cash! Breeder stock, equipment, current contracts for ’BS>’B9 season, fresh & smoked meat market included. Turnkey operation. We’re retiring, will train. Our facilities available temporarily. Call 201-735-6501 or 201-249-5990 (leave message) LARGE
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