Public Auction Register FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY ; MARCH 19, 1988 - 9:00 AM. Sharp! Located In Cumberland Co., north on Route 233 from the red light In Newville, Pa., sec ond road to left (Wildwood Road), 3rd farm on Wildwood Road: MACHINERY- 12:30 P.M. J.D. 3020 Diesel- Narrow front- Good Rubber-Runs Good!; J.D. 520.P.5. with 145 Loader with manure forks and dirt bucket; J.D. 24T Baler with kicker; J.D. 1209 Haybme; J.D. 640 Hay Rake with front-wheel; 2 Wooden rack Bale Wagons: J.D. 16A Flail Chopper; Kingwise 26’ Hay Elevator; Fillrite Blower; N.H. Table Blower; Athens 7-chisel 3 pt. Chisel Plow; J.D. 3 14" Bottom 3 pt. Trip-back Plow; Pittsburgh 3 pt. 4-bottom Plow; Oliver 4-bottom Trip-back Plow- Semi-Mount; Asst. Metal Gates & Feed Troughs; 2 Western Saddles & Bridles; Traps & Stretcher Bds.; Cast Iron Cat & Dog Troughs: Winco 25 KW Generator - pto on cart; J.D. #lO Side-Mount Mower; J.D. 3 pt. Sub-Soiler; J.D. KBA 10 ft. Transport Disc; Huskee 300 Gal. Field Sprayer; I.H. 13 Disc Drill; I.H. 105 3-beater Forage Wagon; J.D. #lB Single-row Corn Picker; J.D. Front-Mtd. Cultivators; 2 Gas Tanks; A.C. 2-row No-till 3 pt. Corn Planter (Planted less than 200 acres- Very Good Shape); N.l. Single-beater Manure Spreader; Hawk-built Tank Spreader; Round Bale Feeders: Oliver 540 4-row Corn Planter; 8 ft. Disk & Cultipacker; J.D. RX7S Riding Mower (Less than 1 yr. old); Agway Roto-tiller; Wagon Load of Misc. Farm Items. HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES (9:00 A.M.) Cowden & Wilcox Flower Crock with Lid; Oak Buffet; Jelly Cupboard; Old Toys & Games; Ranch Oak Extension Table & 5 Chairs; RCA Color T.V.; Panasonic Stereo: Gibson Frost free Refrigerator; Amana Ceramic-top Stove- Good Shape; Kitchen-Aide Portable Dish Washer; Kelvmator Chest Deep Freeze- 3 yrs. old; Several Metal Beds: Blankets & Bedding, Kitchen Table & Chairs; Dolls & Toys; Avon Collection in the boxes; Bottle Collection; Gold Pocket Watch-Key Wind; Port. Sewing Machine; Typewriter; Jewelry Boxes; Small Kitchen Appliances: Kirby Vacuum with all attachments: Hundreds & Hundreds of all Kinds of Books; WWI 28th Division Roster & Books & Records; Horse Bleeder; Drawing Knives; 2 Compart ment Wood Box; Baseball Cards; Original Currier & Ives (ready for an offer); Coin Collection & Coin Books (Silver & Foreign): Buffalo Nickels; Lots of Collectibles; Pine 6-Gun Cabinet; Tables & Stands; Maytag Auto Washer; Wards Dryer; Recliner Chair; Sofa & 2 Living Room Chairs; 2 Oak Chests of Drawers; Cedar Chest; 2 Oak Dressers; Blanket Chest; Oak Library Table; Record Collection (2 Elvis Albums): Arrowheads; Iron Skillet Collection; 25 Logo Cap Collection; Asst. Depressionware; Ironstone; Milk Glass; 5-pc. Jamestown Lounge Bedroom Suit: Boxes of Asst. Glassware; Pots, Pans & Dishes: 2 Aquariums complete with fish; Old Collectible Books & Papers; Pa. License Plates from 1919 and up. Sale Order- Household & Antiques (9:00); Real Estate (12 Noon); Machinery (12:30) Not Responsible for Accidents I.D. Required for Bidder’s No. 39 Sale By: Landisburg, Pa. Lie. #5OO Buckley Farm Complete Dispersal JD Tractors- Grain And Vegetable- Machinery- Trucks- Trailers- Irrigation Mon. Mar. 21, 10:00 A.M. Marlboro, New Jersey (Monmouth Co.) (Blizzard Date: Wed. Mar. 23) Sale to be held at the farm on Moore Road, off Dutch Lane Road. DIRECTIONS: From Exit Bof New Jersey Turnpike take Rte 33 east to Freehold Ist red light past racetrack turn left off Rte 33ontoCo Rte 537 At upper end of Mam Street bear left onto Rte 79north Infront of the high school, turn right onto Dutch Lane Road and follow to Moore Road, turn right and farm is at end of road From Rte. 18 at Marlboro, take Rte 79 north to first red light, turn right onto School Road east to first right turn, turn onto Buckley Road, first left onto Moore Road Having sold their 3 generation farm to developers, selling will be the following desirable line of machinery wooden rack 4-wheel wagons with fold down sides, Holland 2 row pull type transplanter with water barrels, 1-row pull Tractors- Combine: type asparagus ndger, 22m widexl4m ft filled belt conveyor, Hallock 14 m widex2ott flat belt conveyor, 30 in x36(t 2JD423o's(amatched pair) purchased new in 1978(1977 model years) both with Sound Guard cabs with air and heat, belt reversible conveyor, 36 in xl4 ft mesh chain feeder conveyor. 30 in xl4 ft flatbedconveyor.Homebuilt hydrocool quad range trans ,18 4-38 rubber, JD 3020 diesel with 15 5-38 rubber, JD 4010 gas tractor with 4020 kit and 16 938 erwith cover and 42 in wide x 44 ft long slat type box conveyor with slow speed reduction head motor, Electric hydro rubber, McCormick Super AV Cultivision tractor with ‘ touch control", 1-row cultivator and side dresser, JD4400 diesel cooler circulating pump with Bln auger, 16 ft van body "ice house" with single phase cooling compressor, Platform combine, 15 ft hume reel head, #444 4 row wide corn head, straw chopper, air conditioned cab scale, TEW 16 in vegetable washer with round sorting table, Few roller conveyors, Various roadside stand tables and Trucks- Trailers: displays, 2 aluminum dock plates, 2-3 phase 5 ton warehouse cooling units 1975IHTranstarwithsleeper,tandemaxle,318Detroitengine, 13sp Road Ranger trans ,22 5 radial tires, alum front Irrigation Equipment: budrfms.etc Agoodlookmgrlgl, 1972 Great Dane 40 ft insulated van trailerwithNWD-30 Thermo-King unit, 2-40 ft flat A quantity of 6in alum pipe in 40 ft lengths, A quantity of sln alum pipem2oft lengths, A quantity of 4in alum pipem bed trailers with wooden gram sides, 1 -36 ft flat bed trailer with alum floor and wooden grain sides, 1974 Ford Louisville 40 ft lengths, (Pipe Is either Shur Ram or Anderson Miller) Various sprinklers, couplers and accessories, Irrigation pipe single axle delivery truck with 361 gas engine, 5/2 trans ,20 ft van body with curbside door and curtain rear, 1961 Chevy trailer, 6x6 pump with big Chrysler Hemml engine power unit on trailer, Gardner Denver 6x6 pump on trailer with blown Spartan 70,10-wheel tag axle, 348 V-8 engine, 5/2 trans .with overdrive, 22 ft flat deck body. 1954 Ford F-600 with flat Read Seal engine, 2-275 gal pump tender fuel tanks mounted on 2-wheel trailer, 4x4 pto pump on trailer bed, 1965 chevy v. ton field truck with fiat rack, 1966 chevy 30 with hoist General Machinery Line: Grain Equipment: 2JDS-16semi-mountplowswithcoulters, 1 JD4-16(#145)semi-mountplowwithooulters,JD#9sol2ft transportculti- JDB3OO 23diskx7ln grain only drill, JD 7000 4-row wide corn planter with dry fertilizer boxesand bug boxes. Also bean mulcher, Krause 12 ft transport disk, 1H17% ft #475 folding wing transport disk with hitchhiker, Royal (sold by JD) 21 ft boxes for 7000 planter to be sold separately, Butler (4000 bu) grain bin with false floor and aerator, app measurement folding “field conditioner" (transport harrow) with carrier, Ford 2-row 3pt cultivator, JD 6ft pull type rotary mower, JD #39 18ft dlam x 5 rings (44 In each) tall, plus roof, Allied Bln x4lft transportaugerwlth lOh p 3 phase motor, Mayrath 6m 3pt powerwlth7lt sickle bar, JD 4-row quick attach cultivator for 20 series tractors, 200 gal poly tank with 3pt hltchcar x 40 ft. p t o transport auger, Mayrath 6 In x 32 ft transport auger with 5 h p 3 phase motor, 4in x 16 ft gram auger, rler, 200 gal poly tank trailer type boom sprayer, 1000 gal stainless steel tank, 4 tractor frame mount 8 ft blade snow Hanoe small size grain cleaner, Nl 30 ft bale-gram transport elevator, Nl 36 ft bale-gram transport elevator, 3 gravity plows, Set of IB 4-38 quick clamp-on duals, Set of 16 9-38 quick clamp-on duals, 18 JD suite case front weights. 22 ft flow boxes, JO 7000, 4RW corn planter w/llq fert & bug boxes van body lor storage, 40 ft SeaTralncontalnerforstorage,NewMoonOeluxe(l96o'svmtage)loft x4Bft camp-house Specialized Vegetable Equipment: . u . Pixall 1-row pull type snap bean harvester, Pixall snap bean shaker, Homebuilt 41 In diam x9B in long squirrel cage bpfiCIBI Mention type snap bean tumbler, Sweet corn packing line 30 in widex47ft longflatbeltconveyor.Overheademptycratehang- 17-Ioft 6ln x32ft prefabricated concrete walls and 7-5 ft x32ft of the same, Brand new wide flange steel I-beams Ing conveyor, Cole 1 -row precision planter on JD 3pt tool bar, John Bean #3O air crop air blast sprayer on tandem axle consisting of 30 pcs 12 in wide x (14 lbs per foot weight) xl2 ft long, 23 pcs Bin wide x (24 lbs per (ootweight) xlO ft gear,4oo gal' tank.JD RG43pt cultivator with 2JD planter boxes mounted as deluxe side dresser unit, Cole 4-row side long, 16 pcs 14and16ln wide x (various weight ratings) x app 20 ft long,3pcs IB In widex(solbs per foot weight) x dresser, 4sweetcornself-unloadingtrailers((alseendgatetype)2areslngleaxle 12ft.,2aredualwheel 16(t ,2-12 ft 28 ft long NOTE: This is a good lino up of mostly JD machinery that offers something for both large and small farm operations in an area with very few farms remaining' Trucking Arrangements to any destination can be made at a reasonable loaded mile rate Air Accommodations: Newark International Airport at Newark, New Jersey Auction Motel Headquarters: Econo Lodge at Hightstown, NJ, phone 609-448-3200, located on Rte 33 east, off New Jersey Turnpike Exit #8 STRICT TERMS OF SALE: CASH-CERTIFIED OR CASHIERS CHECK in U S funds' Honorable personal or business checks will be accepted from those persons who have established favorable relations with the Buckley family or the Auction Company Those persons unknown shall present to Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc, upon registered to bid, a current letter from their bank attesting to the customer s good faith and prompt payment practices and stating the amount they may spend at the Buckley Auction. This document becomes the property of Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc , until check clearance The owners and the auction eers reserve the right to deny immediate removal of any item until check clearance Lunch available at sale site' Owned By: Buckley Farms Office 201-462-6996 Denny Buckley 201-462-7937 Tom Buckley 201-462-9880 Auction Conducted By: PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. P.O. Box 365 Wayland, New York 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Plrruna Auctioneers. Inc. ere specialists In the sale of potato/vegetable farm machinery end are willing to travel anywhere! ii_n..i I-li un-iiT-irkii-» i—n —i —i i~ ~i r g i i —i —i ' — “* 1 I—>1 —> r->trbii mi n ~ i I? ' *■«. » da »•. * n f «w ■ UES. MAR. 29 - 9AM turn W. onto Oavidsburg rarm Eg, Tools, etc. Take Rd 1 mi., then take Admire Rt 74. 5 mis. Nof York, Rd ’/. mi. in York Co., PA AUCTION OWNER, HERBERT B, SHUGHART R.D. 2, Box 25, Newville, Pa. 717-776-3402 .'V ' , ;uVi (f,r :j\< r.i/i !*;« nr* >-V ciaTr r R nk s"a^a^h°A[S r Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 12, IW-F33 TUES MAR. 29 -10 AM (Just N of Phila. border). JDM Materials Co.. Inc. Vilsmeier Auction Co. Absolute Auction. At main tiice wad 5o iopm CMisnarpS FOURTH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Sale Sponsored for the Benefit of the Dauphin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Center SAT., APRIL 2, 1988 9:00 A.M. On the Gratz Fairgrounds - Gratz, Dauphm Co, Pa. THIS IS AN AUCTION FOR EVERYONE Tractors - Tillage - Seeding - Harvesting and Misc. Equipment - Trucks - Lawn & Garden Tractors - Shop & Garage Tools - Lime - Concrete - Stone - Straw - Horses & Tack - Household Items - Antiques & Col lectibles - Travel Trailer - Building Materials - Nursery Trees - Other Miscellaneous Items. This is an ALL DAY Auction - Watch March 26th issue for full listing. Mervin W. Adams - AU-2-L Auction Sale Service - Phone (717) 692-3076 Adams, Adams, Imes, Murry, Murry, Deibert, Dietrich, Dockey, Deibler, Shoop and other Auctioneers. Lunch Stand By; The Upper Dauphin 4-H Welsome and the Sheep and Goat Clubs Baked Goods By: The Society of Farmwomen Quarryville on Rt 472. Take Puseyville Rd. right just S. of Black Rock Retreat, VA mi. to sale, or 4 mi. S. of Quarryville on 222 go by Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren & turn left on Puseyville Rd. Ago IV4 mi. to sale. E. Drumore Twp. on the Fred Frey farm. By Leslie Barnes. J. Everett Kreider, Stanley Bucher, Marty Heaps, Aucts. TUES. MAR. 29-4 PM HH, Farm Tractor & Tools, Livestock. Located 455 S. Cocalico Rd., West Cocali co Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (Between Rt 272 & 897, approx. % mi. Sof Rt. 897) By John Q. Wenger, Minnie H. Wenger. Auct- T. Glenn Horst & Sons. TUES MAR. 29 - 7:3OPM Public Consignment Sale Of Feeder Cattle Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc Exit 12 Off 1-81. Phone 717-249-4511 Or Evenings Jim 249-2359 WED. MAR 30 - Tractors. Farm Equip., Combine, Household Goods at York County, Pa Off Interstate 83 at Exit 7, go east on Rt 124 to top of hill and turn in lane on nght at Poorbaugh sign to 2nd farm By Mr and Mrs. James L Gable Blame N Rentzel, auct. WED MAR 30 - Modem Farm Machinery, 3 Trac tors, etc. Located 2 mis. NE of White Hall, Columbia Co., PA. Walter B Lau bach, Sr. Fraley Auct. Co. WED MAR. 30 - 9 30AM Farm Equipment & House hold Goods. Don & Ruth Crouse, Shippensburg. Sale conducted by Sense nig Auctioneers. WED. MAR. 30 -10 AM Farm Machinery & Tools. Located Washington Boro area, Manor Twp., PA Funk Bros Inc., Sellers Kreider, Bucher & Heaps, Aucts
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