F34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 siaybaugh, Auct Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday. 500 P M of each week s publication WED MAR 30 -10 AM Antiques, Household Goods, Farm Related Items. Located along Route 322 appx Vi mile wst of Campbelltown & 3 miles East of Hers hey, Lebanon Co By Marlin, Leroy, & Leon Bell Harry H Bach man, auct. WED. MAR 30 -11 AM Farm Machinery App 6mi W of Millersville on Rt 999 to Central Manor Church Bear left go 1 block & turn left on Gamber Rd Go app 17* mi & turn nght on Anchor Rd , go to Prospect Rd & turn left to sale By Funk Bros. Inc. J Everett Kreider, Stanley Bucher, Marty Heaps, Aucts WED. MAR 30- IPM Sup er Clean Modern Farm Machinery, 3 Tractors, Small Items, Etc Located On Farm 2 Miles W Of Jerseytown. Pa 1 Mile E Of White Hall, Just Off Rt PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY AND HEIFERS We will sell the following at 1495 McKinstry’s Mill Road, Carroll County, Union Bridge, Maryland. Directions: Take Rt. #75 to Llnwood, located between New Windsor and Union Bridge, Go South on McKinstry’s Mill Road, Follow Sale Signs: SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1988 Beginning AT 10:00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING THREE TRACTORS 2-85 White (1750 hrs.), 540-1000 RPM, Dual Rear Spools, Curtis Cab, Front and Wheel weights. 2-62 White (2150 hrs)., 540 RPM, Live PT and Ground PTO, M.F. 65 (diesel) and Soudcr Loader with Forks, and 6’ Material Bucket. EQUIPMENT J.D. 55 Sq. Back Combine, 12’ Gram Head with Hume Reel, and 2 Row Com Head, 5400 While Four Row No-Till Air Planter with Fer tilizer and Insecticide Boxes, Dickcy-John, J.D. 3 Pt., 2 Row Com Planter, Kools K-B 30 Blower, N.H. 847 Round Baler, N.H. 477 Hay bine, N.H. 55 Rake, N.H. 355 Grinder-Mixer (540 RPM), N.H. 14’ Grain Table Elevator, J.D. 3 Bottom Trip Back Plow, Oliver 3xlB Auto Reset Plow, 8’ Cullipacker (good for parts), Century 300 Gal. Sprayer with 14’ Booms, Single Axle Horse Trailer (No title), Aircn’s 7 hp Rear Tine Tiller, 8’ Utility Truck Body, 1000 Gal. Storage Tank, 400 Gal. Mojonmer Milk Tank (No compressor), 14’ Frey Feeder, Mineral Feeders, Round Bale and Square Bale Hay Racks. SMALL ITEMS Unico High Pressure pump, H.D. Reese Hitch, C.I. Kettle, Steel Fcnceposts, Prongs for 2000 Loader Bucket, Old-Style DcLaval Milk er Claws, Stanchions, Alum, and Wooden Lad ders, Elec. Motors, Chicken Feeders and Nest Boxes, Burlap Bags, Riding Mower & Push Mowers, Misc. items too numerous to mention. Unico 2,000 Bu. Grain Bin with Aeration Duck and Unloading Auger, Butler 5 Ton Feed Storage Tank with Motor and Auger (like new). To inspect contact the Auctioneer’s. SOLD AT 12:00 P.M 12 Holstein Yearling heifers and 1 Brown Swiss bull. HONDA 185-S THREE WHEELER Auctioneer’s Note: The machinery is all in good condition and ready to go to the field. TERMS: Cash or approved check on day of sale. No Out of State checks accepted unless known by us or recent Bank letter of Credit. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for any accidents. MR. AND MRS. BERNARD ANTHONY Owner Marvin Curtis, Auctioneer Ph. (301) 662-6111 or 775-7751 Delbert Null, Auctioneer Ph. 662-6161 Leslie Hutzell, Clerk 44 Near State Game Lands 12 Miles NW Of Danville Watch Auction Arrows Off Rt 44 (Col Co ) Walter B & T Jane Laubach, Sr, Owners. Fraley Auction Co WED MAR 30 & THURS , MAR 31 - 3 30PM Garden Tractors, Rototillers, Riding & Lawn Mowers, Cham Saws, Hardware Items Located At 1755 W Mam St, Ephrata, Lancaster Co , Pa Hollmger's Lawn & Gar den, Owners T Glenn Horst & Sons, Aucts THURS MAR 31 - 9AM Complete Line of Farm & Dairy Equipment, Cattle, Horses, Trucks, Shop Equipment, Etc (6-Trac tors). Midway between Get tysburg and Heidlersburg on business Route #l5 thence turning south on Woodside Road 7. -mile to sale m Adams County, Pa (Safesigns posted) William H. Winters, Owner Clair R THURS MAR 31 -11 AM of Anna M Keeney Village Sons, Aucts THURS MAR 31 - Complete Milking Head of 0 f Bethel, Pa Berks Co r— ——-— SAT APR •> RinakiOa 10 30AM Late Model Gram 75 Holstems and some Dwight Miller, Auct » A I APR T 2 ‘ F f rm Estlte FarS * ram Uarhmorv in 7 Van Hay Located in Huntingdon Machinery, Tractors, Anti- „ a !®’ 7 n "d ues . ™m & RH Co sml East of Petersburg FRI APR 1-1 30PM Pigs ques, Oxford, Chester Co Butcher Items & Personal r.tv imlp n< MaH or 10 mi West of McAlevys State Graded Sale West- H Lee & Judy K Brown, Property At R D #2. Red rl i -K qi to Pmm Fort . Pa .turn S oft Rt 305 minster Livestock Auction Owners Steve & Steve Jr Lj ° n - Penna at corner a N N J /-f u " , p,£» F ?:, * E ’“****••"■ *** SSS‘,S!: 9to fit 18-E to Rt 79-N DateGif Dr/oHing S Warehouse SAT APR 2-Wing's Anno- undersigned Execuloreof (Matawan-Marlboro) From , Aucte &D Gb Located At 105 Rock Road, al Farm Machinery Con- the Helen M Warner Estate South-NJ Turnpike to Exit ’• Clay Township, Lancaster signmentSale, Landisburg, will sell at absolute auction 7A to 195-E to Exit 16 to Rt Co ,Pa (Directions Rt 322 PA the following Fred Ritten 537-N to Rt 79-N to Van- Approx 2 Miles West Of xr T add o rs. : house Samuel S taurkc derfourgßd Farm Soldi Lin- APRIL Ephrata Turn South Onto | A 7 A . P i R 2-Consignment j Executors Brian L Gil' ford Stevenson, Owner Rock Road) Richard L Rit- o i n Lar |® F^ m f q At bert A GNber' Col Fred R Daniel Aucts FRI APR 1 -10 AM Real ter & Virginia R Ritter, id F » arm ' Samuel S Laucks Jr' Inc Estate, Antiques Property Owners T Glenn Horst & Jac obstown-Cookstown b Laucks ' Jr ■ Located just off Route 44 between Allenwood and Elimsport, Pa., Lycoming County: five miles from Route 15 and ten miles from Route 1-80. If you are traveling 1-80 get off at Exit 30 and go north on Route 15 to Allenwood, Pa., then left on Route 44 approx. 7 miles. Watch for Auction Signs along Route 44 on the Allenwood to Elimsport Highway. Farmall 560 Tractor with Wide Front End and 3 Pt. Hitch—Narrow Front End for Same —John Deere “A” Farm Tractor—62o John Deere with 3 Pi. Hitch, Live PTO, Power Steering, Good Rubber—GEHL 880 Mower, Condition Like New —John Deere 30’ Grain or Hay Elevator with Heavy Duty Motor—David Bradley Hay Rake—J.D. Two Row Com Planter with 3 Pt. Hitch Ontario 11 Hoe Single Disk Grain Drill New Idea Trailer Mower—Calhoon Fertilizer Spreader—Saw Mandrel for Tractor David Bradley Loader for J.D.A. or International M. or H. Tractor Tractor Chains Woods 3 Pt. Hitch Tractor Blade Set of Spring Tooth Harrows Set of 16” Oliver Three Bottom Plows —Three Rat Beds for Farm Wagons—Two Sets of Side Boards for Farm Wagons Cultipacker—Good Hay Drying Fan Portable Feed Bin ACORN Cable Bam Cleaner with Motor Switch and Transmission Chop Cart. 30 Gal. Copper Apple Butter Ketde in Excellent Condition Log Stamps Various Slaw Cutters Sad Irons Apple Butter Stir Stick Meat Cleaver Dated 1886—Old Apple Peeler Old Lightning Rod with Glass Bell Small Hand Butter Chum —1941 J.D. Price Book—lce Tongs—Cow Bells Bam Augers —Tin Match Safe Signed M.S. Adams, Watsontown, Pa. Air Gauge—Hog Scrapers—Good Shenendoah Wood Stove —Lead Pot—Horse Harness with Brass Hames—Bull Lead Cow Kickers Surge Stainless Steel Milk Pail Milking Stool Metal Egg Basket Horse Collar Good Aliens 5 H.P. Roto Tiller —'A H.P. Electric Motor—Other Electric Motors—Old Wooden Carpenters Chest—Set of Stewart Cow Clippers Stainless Steel Double Wash Tubs Hog Hangers Old Hand Com Sheller Wooden Pulleys Old Harness Makers Bench—Log Grabs—Neck Yokes —Iron Tractor Seat—4o Qt. Milk Can Cross Cut Saw—Lots of Scrap Iron—Wooden Cider Barrel—Two Heavy Log Chains —Two Ton Roor Jack —Two Animal Cages—Tin Doughnut Cutter—Husking Pegs —Lard Cans—Old Ladle—Meat Saw Meat Sheer—Meat Grinder—Old Crock —Remington 222 Cal. Rifle with Clip— Bone Handle Hunting Knife Unusual Nut Cracker War Ration Book Vapor Lamp Hand Saws 24 Volt D.C. Air Compressor—Electronic Testers and Books Hog Book Nice Bicycle Built for Two—Electronic Dog Trainer—Pr. Size 10 Chest Waders—Electric Lawn Mower—Mans 10 Speed Bike—Lawn and Garden Tools—Beam Scales—Hot Shot Cattle Prod. Bronze “Humpty-Dumpty” Bank Stainless Steel Milk Strainer Lots of Fox and Muskrat Traps Twelve Hole Candle Mold Hucksters Scales—Two Cyclone Seeders—Farm Lanterns Egg Scales—Old B.B.Gun Brush Hook Wire Stretcher Hand Sleds Splitting Wedges Sausage Grinder and Stuffer Two Bales of Binder Twine Power Takeoff Shaft—Large Belt —Hammers Wrenches—Forks—Rakes—Nail Kegs—Electric Chick Brooder —1976 Sub aru D.L. Four Door Sedan. Painted Oak Dresser with Fancy Mirror Five Drawer Oak Chest of Drawers with Mirror Three Nice Old Brass Trimmed Beds Odd Stands Set of Four Oak High Back Chairs Swivel Desk Chair —Old Childs Rocker Nice Old Pictures and Frames—Hand Painted Pansy Picture Signed A.L. Young—Old Sheet Music Nice Old Forest King Iron Wood Stove —Old Wooden Trunk Wooden Wardrobe Nice Daveno Bed Ball and Claw Foot Organ Stool Electric Sewing Machine Knick Knack Shelf—Wooden Silverware Chest Vanity Dresser with Bench Electric 220 Volt Healer Osier Meat and Food Grinder Carrom Board Plank Seat Chair “Boys Life” Magazine Lots of Ice Skates Various Games Vari ous Toys Various Old Books Hammock Two Barbeque Grills Large Storage Chest Nice Baby Crib Bisscll Sweeper Old Moose Pitcher Dinette Set with Four Chairs; Floor Lamp Coffee and End Tables Plant Stand Large Tapestry Chimney Floor Saver Double Laundry Tubs Two Bird Cages New Cast Iron Bath Tub Copper Fishing Line Some Glassware Pols and Pans, Etc. 15’ Penn Yan Fiberglass Fishing Boat Like New Boat Ladder Snowco Boat Trailer Like New Minn Kota 36 lb. Thrust Electric Trolling Motor—Gilbronscn Electric Piano Organ—Good V.O.X. Essex Base Guitar and Amplifier—Gibson Electr ic Guitar and Amplifier Two Spanish Guitars EVETT and Schaeffer E. Alto Saxaphone Good Set of Crown Drums Whitehall Tambenne Hohncr Piano Accordion Jews Harp. We will offer this fine farm for sale at 1:00 P.M. day of sale. Farm is located in the beautiful White Deer Valley in Lycoming County, near the village of Elimsport, Pennsylvania. Excellent trout stream joins property and farm practically joins state land with some of the best deer, bear, and turkey hunting in Pcnna., and all within short walking distance. Farm has one hundred and thirty-four acres, with approx. 90 acres tillable. This farm has a lot of road frontage and a beautiful view of the mountains. Large two story frame house with kitchen, dining room, living room, one bedroom and bath on first floor, and four bedrooms and bain with plenty of closets on second floor, two enclosed porches, basement, oil hot water heat, some storm windows and doors. Good never failing well, large bam, outbuildings, etc. Don’t fail to look at this farm for farming, or development purposes. To look at this farm phone (717) 584-4945. Terms of real Estate $lO,OOO down day of sale and balance in 60 days or upon delivery of good deed. Other terms and conditions will be made known day of sale. TERMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cash or good check day of sale. AUCTIONEER: KENNETH D. YOUNG R.D. 1. Box 45. Hughesville. PA 17737 Phone: 584-4d45 (AU-001501-L) Licensed and Bonded Apprentice Auctioneer: Scott A. Young (Lie. #AA-001429-L) 76 East Houston Avenue, Montgomery, Pa. For your “AUCTION SALE” call YOUNG , you will glad you did. - FARM SALE - SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1988 BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M. (Sale under tent in case of Storm - Bring Chairs) FARM MACHINERY SMALL FARM ITEMS - PRIMITIVES - TOOLS ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC. BOAT - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 134 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OWNERS: DONALD R. & ALETHA M. WRIGHT R.D. 1, AUenwood, Pa. Rd, Wrightstown, NJ LUNCH
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