F32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM of each week s publication SAT. MAR. 26 -12 NOON Special Sale Of Lambs & Goats For Easter Trade. Also Rabbits, Poultry Eggs, No Produce Sale Times. Westminster Livestock Auction 3 Miles S W. On Rt 31 SAT. MAR. 26 - IPM Hog man's Hog Sale Approx 150 Head Sell. At The Farm, 9 miles South of McConnells burg, Pa on US Rt 522. Guest Consigners Ja|ckA Clark, Blue Mt. View Farms, Charles Bomgard ner. Harry Bachman, Auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - Kenneth H Eshleman, 680 Cloverleaf Rd. Elizabethtown, Pa. H H. Goods, Antiques, Some Farm Equip. ’/. Mile South off Rt. 283 (Rheems Exit) Comer of Cloverleaf and Schwanger Rds Wol gemuth Auction Service, Aucts. MON MAR. 28 -10 30AM Farm Machinery Located in Blair Co., Turn West Off Route 453 Between Water Street and Tyrone. Pa, Onto Sinking Valley Road, 3V4 Miles to Farm Albert (Bud) Shoenberger, Own er. Mark Click and Dale Gibboney, Aucts. MON MAR 28 - 4 30PM HH Goods, Garden Tractor, Cars & Trucks. 1220 Swamp Bridge Rd, W Cocalico Twp , Lane Co , Pa. Rt 272 n of Ephrata to Schoeneck Rd to Cherry Alley to Swamp Bndge Rd By Leon B. Redcay, Dor othy F Redcay T. Glenn Horst & Sons, Aucts TUES MAR 29 - Located Along North Shirk Rd , Near Hmkletown Farm Equip & Household Goods Frank N & Emma Z Hoover, Owners Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff, Aucts TUES MAR 29 - 9AM Farm Equipment, Sm Tools Located at RD#2 Mt Joy, Pa Elizabethtown & Rheems Exit off Rt 285 turn North on Cover Leaf Rd to Mt Pleasant Rd to Grand view Rd Sale by owner, Clair & Vincent Mummau Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auct TUES MAR 29 - 9 30AM Livestock, Farm Equip ment, Com Fodder, Dairy ing Equipment located three miles east of Lancas ter, '/« mile West of Locust Grove Mennomte School Just south of Route 340 at 133 Buckwalter Road, East Lampeter Twp, Lancaster, Pa for Jonathan & Lizzie Ann Fisher Diffenbach Aucts TUES MAR 29 -10 AM Farm Equipment, Skid Loader, Trucks, Gram Equip , Silos, Real Estate (West Of Allentown) 1 Mile South Of Trexlertown & Rt 222 Turn East Off Rt 100 At The Traffic Light Onto Spnng Creek Rd 'A Mile To Farm, Lehigh Co Pa Kidd Bros , Owners Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIP. AND FARM RELATED ITEMS SATURDAY. MARCH 26th. 1988 10:00 A.M. SHARP From Blinker Light In Frystown, Berks Co. Go West To Transformer, Met Ed, Turn Left For About 4/10 Mile. From Myer stown, Take Kutztown Rd. North About 5 Miles. I.H. 510 Grain Drill, I.H. 430 Baler w/No. 10 Thrower; I.H. 450 4 Bottom Plow; I.H. 21’ Transport Disk, Farmall H Tractor; I.H. 315 Combine; I.H. 990 Haybine; IH 275 Manure Spreader, IH 55-9 Tooth Chisel Plow. M.C. Harvester, 32’ Little Giant Elevator. Watch For Full Listing Sm. Items Will Sell First. Auctioneer: Auction For Dwight d. Miller elwood steinhauer au-002414-l ELSIE STEINHAUER * TERMS: CASH OR PA. CHECK 717-933-5736 TUES MAR. 29 -10 AM Farm Machinery Located Of Modem Farm Machinery The undersigned quitting farming will sell on; ) FRI., MARCH 18. 1988 Sale at 10:00 A.M. j Located off 81 Interstate exit 2-1 'A mile south i of Greencastle on U.S. 11 -V* mile turn west on 1 Milnor Road to first farm lane on right. In | southern Franklin Co., Pa. Watch for sale • signs. » JD 4240 diesel tractor with quick range transmission, wide front with cab heater & air conditioner 2160 hrs. on good rubber; Deutz 6806 diesel tractor wide front with cab, 18x30 tires, 2369 hrs.; JD model M tractor, barshare plow; cultivators; blade & wheel weights for same; Hydra-Mac 14C skid loader with 6 ft. bucket: Gehl 4400 gas skid loader with manure fork; JD 45 self propelled combine with 10 ft. gram head; JD 38 forage harvester with 2 wide row corn head & 6 ft. wind row pickup head; Hesston PT 10 haybine; AC 4 row no till corn planter: JD 300 PTO corn picker with #244 two row wide head electric elevator control; JD 2 row trailer corn planter with fertilizer attachments on rubber; JD Van brunt 15-7 grain drill; JD 14 T baler with thrower: JD 200 hay stacker; JD stack mover; NH 256 roll bar side rake hydraulic lift; MM 5 bar side rake; 300 gal. fiberglass trailer field sprayer; 36 ft. bale & corn eleva tor; bale mow conveyor; Bear Cat 72A flail chopper: Fox drag ensilage blower; 9 in. silo pipe; Dion 10 ton 3 beater forage wagon with metal roof; 2 JD 8 ton wagon gear with Dion forage boxes; green chop wagon; Bear Cat PTO grinder mixer; Bear Cat hammer mill for parts; NH 346 PTO flail spreader; Lely A'A ton 2 wheel trailer fertil izer spreader; Mohawk 10 ft. chisel olow; MM 4-16 in. bottom 3PH trip plow; JD roll over tractor scoop: Pittsburgh 12 ft. trans port disc; JD 210 transport disc, IH heavy double disc; JD double disc; two JD 2 row cultivators; 16 &24 tooth spring harrows: 2 farm drags; dual wheel PTO hydraulic steel bed dump farm trailer; Grove PTO 3 PH 6!4 ft. snow blower: 3 PT post hole digger; alternator generator on trailer; 6 in. 21 ft. small gram auger; 4 m. 21 ft. small gram auger; road scraper & ditcher; J&L 2 wheel trailer with 20 ft. steel feed trough; 2 steel bale feed racks; 2 APS liquid supplement feeders: 2 wooden feed carts; good milk cans: fanmg seed cleaner; concrete mixer; Hobart electric welder; electric bug & fly killer; tractor PTO wire winder; wheelbar row; small farm tools & misc. items; 55 gal. of Agway 20-40 motor oil; two 120 lbs. multi service grease; 45 geese. LESTER & J. GENEVIEVE MUSSELMAN. OWNERS Auctioneers: Edgar J. Stull, AU-000921-L Lynn Dietrich, AU-001464-L Rodger Wildeson, AU-001012-L along Sunhill Road, Man heim. Pa. Directions; From Lancaster take Rt. 72 north to Manheim Chrysler Ply mouth and turn left onto Sunhill Road, take Sunhill Road 9/10 of a mile to auc- tion Watch for auction signs J. Harold Buckwalter, Owner. E.M. Murry Associ ates. Auct FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUES.. MARCH 15. 1988 2:00 P.M. In Farmersvllle, 3 ml. east of Brownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. General Household Goods and Collecti bles Sale. 30 Dolls, Postcards, Childrens Books, Iron stone Pieces, Kerosene Lamps, Pressed Glass, Carnival Glass Dish, Goblets, Baskets, Old Waffle Iron, Bellows, Etc. Furniture Sells at 7:00 P.M. See Lane. Newspaper Sat., March 12 for complete listing. WE SELL ON COMMISSION cal. JOHN J. RUTT (717) 354-5095 Auctioneer: Larry Rutt AU-2455-L PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, CAR TOOLS, EAR CORN WED., MARCH 16. 1988 9:30 A.M. Located along Erlsman Road, Rapho Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Directions: From Lancaster take Rt. 283 West to Manhelm-Mt. Joy exit (Rt. 772) turn right (east) go to third road turn left, first farm on left. Watch for yellow sale sign. Six Tractors Ford 5000 Diesel, 2800 hours with weights: Ford 4600 Diesel, 1700 hrs. with Dunham Loader; Ford Jubilee, good rub ber; Ford BN, good rubber; John Deere 60; John Deere A. Farm Equipment, Tools 2- Ford 3x14” Trip Bottom Plows. Case 1800 7 Tooth Chisel Plow; Pittsburgh Transport 23 Disc; Dunham 12” and Bnllion 10' Cultipackers; Ford 311 4 Row Corn Planter; Hershey Two-Row Transplanter, like new; Stauffer Two-Row Transplanter; Dearborn Two-Row Cultivator: 2- Ontario 14-Hole Grain Drills; New Holland 327 and Ford 130 bu. Manure Spreaders: Ford 515 Dynabal 3 pt. Mower; Co-op Side Delivery Rake and Tedder; New Holland 77 Baler with engine; Zimmerman 32’ Bale-Corn Elevator. 16’ Flatbed Wagon with 2’ Sides; 17' Flatbed Wagon; New Idea 323 One-Row Com Picker; 2- McCurdy and 1 Dunham Gravity Bins on gears; McCurdy Corn Drag: Sauder Loader and 7’ Blade; Huskee 200 gal. Field Sprayer; Century 500 gal. Field Sprayer: 2- Double and 3 Single Tobacco Ladder Wagons: One-Row Tobacco Hoer; 14,000 Tobacco Lath; 6’ Bush Hog Stalk Cutter; 3 pt. Weeder; Lime Drill; Wiard 106 Walking Plow; 16’ Alum. Elevator; Bobsled: Spike and Shovel Har row; Ford Tractor Bumpers: Two-Hole Corn Sheller with electric motor; Portable Loading Chute; Tractor Chains; Drawbar Seeder; 15-Ton Jack. Dynamark 1036 Riding Mower; Murry 30” Lawn Mower; Parker Lawn Sweeper; Scott Seeder; Lawn Roller; Wheelbarrow; Planet Jr. Garden Tractor; Lincoln 225 Amp. Welder; Redline Ready Heater; Port able Air Compressor and Tank; B & D Vac uum Cleaner: Bench Grinder and Vise; Platform Scale; Ext. Ladders; Tobacco Boxes, Shears and Spears; Potbelly Stove: Log Chains; Baler Twine; Battery Charger: Firewood: Car Ramps; Handy man Jack; Hoes; Shovels; Rakes; Scrap Iron; plus more farm related tools. App. 60 Ton Ear Corn 1977 Ford Granada, 4 Door Sedan Car Out of State buyers need cash or a current bank letter of credit. Come early and enjoy the day with us. Sale for ISAAC S. CARMAN Aucts.: Nevin Z. Martin 1078 L Lewis B. Groff 1471 L Lunch Served Not Responsible For Accidents Jr PUBLIC ,«a|L a AUCTION ***** REAL ESTATE TWO AND ONE-HALF ACRES IN SADSBURT TOWNSHIP, TWO STORY HOUSE, TWO STORY BARN Tuesday, April 5, 1988 7:00 F.M. Open House - March 19-10 a.m. to 5 p.m. LOCATED 1 MILE EAST OF GAP ON STRASBURG ROAD. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, full bath, laundry, storage room on first floor, 1 bedroom with storage room on second floor, cement basement, fireplace, picture window, insulated, spring water, septic system, barn has box stall, forebay, work area, second floor stor age, (nice place). 10% down sale day, final settlement 30 days. Announcements and written agreement at sale site April 5 take precedence over ad. Terms by NAOMI F. LAPP Auctioneer IK jr. Petersheim AU001349L 215-593-2828 OF FARM EQUIP., HARVESTORES, SLURRYSTORE, MILK EQUIP., FEED AND HAY SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 At 9:30 A.M. Located between Rt. 340 & Rt. 30, turn off 772 on Hensel Rd., south of Pequea Valley School, Lane. Co., Pa. Harvestores & Feed Equip. 20x60 Harv. w/Goliath Unloader, 15 yrs.; 20x30 Harv. w/Gravity Row, 13 yrs.; 14x42 or 146,000 gal. Slurrystore, 5 yrs.; Triton Hi-Pro Pump w/20 h.p. motor; 50 ft. Belt and Brush Harv. Feeder w/Motor; 62 ft. and 24 ft. Double Chain Conveyors; Harv. Roller Mill w/Side Auger; Harv. Forage Weighter; Harv. Mineral Feeder, Weavcrline Battery Feed Cart; Acorn 12 ft. Silo Unloader. Tractors & Machinery 1066 Farmall Turbo w/3200 hrs.; 450 Far mall w/Pulley & Fast Hitch; NH 489 Haybine; NH 256 Rake w/Rubber Teeth; IH 720 Harves ter w/Pickup & Elec. Snout; 2 - IH 120 Forage Boxes w/3 Beaters & Roof w/Heavy Farm Built Chassis; IH 56 Blower; NH 271 Baler w/ Thrower & Liquid Appli.; 2 -18 ft Steel Rack Farm Built Chassis Hay Wagons; IH 550 Spreader w/Tailgate; 2204 Krause Disc; Bril lion 11 ft Cultimulcher; Brillion 8 ft. Seeder; IH 510 disc w/110 Gal. Tank; IH 56 Com Planter w/Dry or Liq. Fert. & Gandy Boxes 4 Row; 3 PL 120 Gal. Sprayer w/Booms; 400 Gal. 3-18-18 & 9-18-9 Liq. Fert.; Farmec 30 ft. Elevator; 1970 Chevy Pickup, Auto., 97,000 mi.; Platform Scales; Com Sheller; Hay Preserve. Dairy Equip., Feeds 600 Gal. Mueller Tank w/Compressor; Mueller Malic Washer, like new; 50 Gal. Mueller Fre-Heater; 50 Gal. Elec. Water Hea ter, like new; Kesco Dump Station & Jar, 3 Westfalia Milk Units; S.S. Buckets w/Lids; 50 Plus & SP 22 Surge Pumps; Ritchie Water Fountains; Cow trainers; 130 Ton High Moisture Shell Com; 100 Ton Haylage; 80 Ton Com Silage; 50 Ton 2nd & 3rd Alfalfa Hay; and many more items. NOte: Items in good condition. Harvestores and feeds 10:30. Not many small items. TERMS: No out-of-state checks. Harves tores & feed 50% down day of sale, balance when removed. Terms by JOHN A. HARSH 717-442-4446 Auctioneers: Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin 717-656-7770 - AUOOOSBO-L Gerald Hoover, App.
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