f Public Auction Register ABSOLUTE AUCTON Due to the death of my husband, Nor man L. Cook, I will sell at public auction my trucking equipment located between Cheswoid and Kenton, Del. on county Route 42. From Dover, Del. go north on route 13, 5 miles to Bishop’s Corner, turn left and head west on Rt. 42 to Cheswoid, go straight about 1 mile to sale location. Signs posted. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1988 At 11:00 A.M. 1976 GMC Tractor-Cummins Engine - 10 Speed Trans-10:22 Tires; 1977 White Tractor- Cummins Engine-10 Speed Trans. 295/75R22.5 Tires; 1969 Fruehauf Van Trailer 40’ (2); 1976 Morgan Dump Trailer 30’; 1966 Fruehauf Dump Trailer 30’; 1972 Fruehauf Van Trailer 45’ (2); 1973 Fruehauf Flat Trailer 42’; 1969 Heil Stainless Steel Tank Trailer (Recondition by Heil Factory); 1963 And 1966 International Tractors For Parts. Good Used Tires, Mechanical Tools, Truck Supplies and Parts, Testers, Grinder, Battery Charger, Drill Press, Lights, Anvil, Special Tools & Wrenches, Chain Binders, Jacks, Hand Tools, Oil And Grease Equipment, Misc. Parts, Some New Parts And Equipment And Much More... COOKS TRANSPORTATION ANNE COOK, Owner R.D. #5, Dover, Del. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Sales Manager, Auctioneers, Real Estate Broker Galena, Md. 21635 Phone: 301-648-5601 ÜBLIC UCTION TRACTORS. FARM MACHINERY. CATTLE LOCATION: RD #l, Box 340, Annville, N. Londonderry Twp., Lebanon County, Pa. First farm on left east of Palmyra along Route 422 and apprx. 2 miles west of Annville. over-under hydraul shift 18.4R38 tires 3050 hours OLIVER 1555 gas wide front hydra power 3390 hrs. 15.5x38 tires WHITE 244 gas utility w/#5BB heavy duty loader MASSEY 300 gas combine w/10’ grain platform LAHMAN Little Dipper skid steer w/manure fork PLANTING and HARVESTING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA 2 row wide #324 corn picker w/12 roll bed; JOHN DEERE #8350 grain drill —lB double disc w/dry fertilizer & grass seed attachment: NH #489 mower conditioner (1 season); (2) KASTEN 16’ forage wagons: FOX #546 harvester w/1 row corn head & pick up; (2) McCurdy gravity wagons: DEUTZ KH3OO tedder; OLIVER #95 conditioner; OLIVER #B2 mower; JD 494 A 4 row corn planter w/insecticide; NEW IDEA #402 rake; NEW HOLLAND #273 baler w/54A thrower; dryer wagon; hay wagon w/sides. AC 16”#1200 transport wing fold field cultivator; BRILLION 3 pt. 7 tooth chisel; OLIVER #548 semi mtd. 4x16 plow; BRILLION 12' cultipacker; bale conveyor; OLIVER disc harrow; OLIV ER 3 pt. 4 row cultivator: KASTEN #250 manure spreader; LITTLE GIANT 34’ bale elevator; 4"xl6’ grain auger; FOX #1440 shredder; (2) Harvest Handler conveyors: flat bed wagon w/ water tank; WOODS 3 pt. 7’ rotary mower; transport sprayer w/boom; SURGE 15 KW alter nator on cart: GEHL trough blower w/pipe; 3 pt. 8' rear blade. BEHNI2OO bu. wire corn crib; 150 gal. & 280 gal. fuel tanks; 4 stall calf hutch; Oliver pto belt pulley; Gandy 12V applicator; barn fans; hog feeder; 4 Surge milkers; milk cans; 2 cow clip pers; dehorner; fogger; water heater; SS tubs; (2) Surge vac. pumps; bag wagon; water bowls; shovels; forks; neck chains; 2 feed carts; log & tire chains. Single & double trees; walking cultivator; 2 hole corn sheller; old plow; butcher furnace; scalding trough; cookstove; misc. jars; desk; cedar closet; spool shelf; double laundry tubs; Kenmore sewing machine. HOLSTEIN ID grade heifers (13) short bred, (6) open, (2) calves. Health charts day of sale. Good, well grown heifers. (13) feeder calves 350# to 500# inc. 10 black baldies. HARRY H. BACHMAN—Auctioneer AU-000033-L (717) 867-1809 FOOD: Farm Women #l9 TERMS: CASH checks by approval only Be sure bring letter of credit. PARKING; We would appreciate if you would use off street parking area. Signs to be posted on auction day. TRACTOR! COMBINE. SKID STEEI OLIVER 1855 diesel wide front TILLAGE and MISC. EQUIPMENT FARM RELATED ITEMS ANTIQUES and HOU CATTLE Auction for LESTER & MARLENE BLAUCH (717) 838-1710 SAT. MAR. 26 - 10:30AM of Mkfdtebura, PA 5 mis ConsignmentHorae Sate at w. of Selinsgrove. PA. Don Keisters Mkfdteburg Auc- 4 Walt Keister Owners tion Sales, Rt 522,3 mis. E. TROXELVILLE AUCTION GALLERY FANTASTIC ONE DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION 2 SESSIONS. 10:00 A.M. & 2:00 P.M SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 TROXELLVILLE, PA. 25 MILES WEST OF SELINS GROVE. PA.. OFF RT.-522 AT BEAVER SPRINGS. PA., 4 MILES NORTH ON RT.-235 TO AUCTION. IST SESSION 10:00 A.M.: HIGH WALNUT BED, 1840 WAL. CHEST, M.T. WAL. STANDS, VICT. WICKER, PC. OAK BED ROOM SUITS, MANY OAK DRESSERS WASHSTANDS- HIGH BOY CHEST, ROUND AND SQUARE OAK TABLES, OAK SIDEBOARDS, OAK HOOSIERS, FLAT TOP OAK DESKS. MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITS, PLUS MUCH MORE FINE FURNITURE. 2ND SESSION 2:00 P.M.: ORIGINAL DOCTORS SLEIGH, EARLY BUTTER BOWL SLEIGH, FRUIT CUPS, 2 COR NER CURBS., BLANKET CHEST. FARM TABLES. EARLY QUILTS, UNUSUAL SMALLS IN PRIMITIVE ITEMS. LEADED WINDOWS, LARGE AMOUNT OF GLASSWARE & COLLECTIBLES, EARLY GLASS TOP GAS PUMP, PLUS SO MUCH MORE. AUCTIONEERS: C.P. JACOBS, JR.: PA. #AU-002333-L ROY L. MARTIN: PA. #AUOOOSB-L SAVE THIS AD SAVE THIS AD HOUSEHOLD GOODI IDS >LD G lEHi TUESDAY MARCH 22, 1988 9:30 A.M. SAT.' -MAR. 26 -10:30AM lJnCMtor F,rmln fl' Saturday, UlfCh 12, 1988-F3l Tractors, Trucks, Farm Machinery & 5 Head Cattle. Located Mechanicsburg 217 E Winding HiK Rd. south of exit 17 of Pa. turn pike, behind Plantation Inn PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, Location: From Shlppensburg take Rt. 696 N. to Ridge Rd. Turn right, follow 2 mi. to sale on left. Cumberland Co., Pa. Sale signs posted day of sale. FARM MACHINERY HYSTER MODEL SSOC FORKLIFT Propane, monotrol auto., 2'A ton lift, load height 106”, a compact machine in very good cond., used in small seed warehouse. JOHN DEERE 520 TRACTOR Very good cond., original paint, sharp Front end weights for JD 520, 2-row cultivators to fit JD 520, Woods Cadet #72 6’ rotary mower w/stump jumper and slip clutch, like new, NH 7’ semi-mount sickle bar mower, IH 9’ disc w/like new discs, 9’ Brillion Cultipacker, JD 3-bottom 16” trip back plow, MF #35 3 pt. sub-soiler, heavy duty, New Idea 3 pt. fertilizer spreader, 11 h.p. Murray lawn tractor w/mower, NH Conestoga B’xl6’ flatbed wagon w/new bed and new imple mcnttires & tubes, Cobey B’xls’ flatbed wagon w/new bed, Grove7’3 pt. blade, 2 Robinson 36” hay fans w/heavy duty 5 h.p. motors w/overload switches and 50 ft. cords, JD 2-way hydraulic cylinder, paint sprayer tank w/hoses and spray gun, Ford CTN 100 space heater, 225 amp Lincoln wel der, 1 section lever harrow, 1 row com planter, Syracuse plow, wooden beam plow, dump rake, bag wagons, wheelbarrow, 36’ aluminum ext. lad der, 36’ wooden ext. ladder, large wooden ramp to load pickup truck, 2-3/8 chain binders, pipe threader w/die, tractor funnel, 1 set car ramps, 2 clevis, - 50’ 220 amp extension cord, 250 ft. 5/8” garden hose, cattle water tank, like new, axle w/steel wheels, heavy 25’ log chain w/hook at each end, tractor chains, truck chains, car chains, platform scales, battery cables, 1 pr. 600x16 tires, air ducts for com cribs, wooden 4-H box w/handles, good cond., 7 large wooden bins for parts, forks, shovels, milk can w/drop hand les, cast iron hog trough, wooden gates, homemade air compressor, used roofing tin, 24 used 4xB sheets of plywood & chip board, assortment of lumber, assortment of new bolts, all sizes, gas heater, barrels, 4’x4” oak posts, locust fence posts, steel posts, 40’ telephone pole, IH roto-tiller, electric fencer, Cyclone hand seeder, wooden lime spreader, firewood, wagon load of small items. Quasar microwave oven, like new, living room suite, very good cond., 4 drawer filing cabinet, 2 drawer card file, RCA floor model stereo, sud saver for auto, washer, bed and chest of drawers, cedar chest, La-Z-Boy recliner, 2 end tables, new king-size electric blanket, Ker-O-Sun heater, 2 bar stools, wooden crib, wooden high chair, porch swing, piano bench. Bookcase with glass doors, very nice, refinished wooden chair w/ matching rocking chair, radio w/speaker stands, treadle sewing machine cabinet, wall case telephone, wooden flour chest, wooden ice box, 2 stoves, meat bench, school desks, wooden rockers, crocks, desk w/bookcase, needs refinishing. Sale Conducted By: Sensenig Auctioneers Shippensburg, Pa. Ph. 532-9160 or 776-5054 Lie. #AU-001803-L Lunch Stand by Ladies Of The Ridge Church Not Responsible for Accidents andgotf course. Rt 15 onto Winding Hill Rd. Joe Eberty Sr., Owner. Dennis L Brow nawell, Auct. SAT. MAR 26 - 10:30AM Farm Eq. & Tods. Located At 9:30 A.M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES Terms by: DON & RUTH CROUSE Shippensburg, Pa. Ph. 717-423-5260 along Wide Hollow Rd., between Terre Hill and Fivepointville, PA. Mrs. Jacob Z. Sensenig, Owner. Nevin Martin & Lewis Groff, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 - 10:30AM Farm Equip., Sm. Tools, some Household Goods. Located at RD#l Washing ton Boro. Rt 999 to Central Manor Church of God to Blue Rock Rd. to Gamber Rd. to Hostsrtter Rd. Sale by Marlin & Elsie Kreider. Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auct SAT. MAR. 26-11 AM Valu able Farm Machinery, 4 Tractors, Combine, Butcher items, Etc. Located On Farm 3 Miles S. Of Lairds ville, Pa., 10 Miles SE Of Hughesville Near Star School House Along Star Road. Watch For Auction Arrows Off Rt 118 In Vil lage Of Lairdsville. (Lyc Co.) Frances Sones, Own er. Fraley Auction Co. SAT. MAR. 26-11 AM Sen dots Annual Consignment Auction. Sdota, Monroe Co., Pa. Dick & Dan Seidof, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 -12 NOON 70 Head Reg. Holsteins For Andy Lucus, Centre Co. Belleville Livestock Mkt, Belleville, Pa. Belleville LS. Mkt. Mgr. For Andy Lucas. Mark Click, Auct. Howard Hammond, Pedigrees. 1988
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