£s(>• Lancaster Fanrinq. Saturday, March i£'isBd Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday bOO P M ot each week s publication LARGE OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SALE MANY FINE* ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, CLOCKS, WATCHES, GUNS, GLASS, CHINA, LOT OF ADVERTISING ITEMS, HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1988 AT 9:00 A.M. SHARP! Due To Having Sold My Home The Undersigned Will Have Public Sale On The Premises Located In The Borough Of East Berlin At 330 West King St., Adams County, Pa. MRS. ROMAINE M. MYERS, OWNER EAST BERLIN, PA PHONE: 717-259-7145 CLAIR R SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer Idaville, PA PA Lie. #BS6L Full Antique Listing Week Of 14th OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Gasoline Engines & Bee Hive’s & Misc. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1988 Location: Off 1-83 Exit 2 Glenrock, go East on 216 to the first road on the right, Patosi Rd., proceed through 2nd stop sign, first dirt rd. on left, or off Rt. 111 at Hametown,- turn left on to Haln Rd., proceed across bridge to first road on left app. VA miles to Patosi Rd. turn rt. go through stop sign to first dirt rd. on left. Follow the signs to the sale. 5 TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY Farmall #560 diesel w/WF & NF, PS, 1 Fast hitch dual hyd. + torque amp. very sharp, Farmall M w/PS, live hyd., very sharp, Farmall H w/live hyd., sharp. 1936 Faimall F-30 Restored - 2nd owner, rare. 1936 Farmall F2O restored - both tractors are very nice, have like new rubber. ALSO F-30 parts some new, F-20 parts, & F-20 for parts no motor. New Ideal #327 2 row pull type com picker w/12 roll husking bed set for 32” rows very nice, I.H. #56 4 row com planter w/disc openers & insecti cide boxes very sharp, IH #lOl self-propelled combine w/10’ cut nice, 1H #430 PTO baler very nice, IH #5404 bottom 16” semi mtd., trip back plow. Woods 6’ pull type rotary mower, NH #404 hay crusher, Huskee 200 Bu. bin wagon w/8 ton running gear, King Wyse 40’ elevator w/10’ lay down drag & shoots, like new, IH 13 disc grain drill, 3 pt. PTO 900 lb. fert. spreader, IH #27 10’ transport disk nice, 10 tooth pull type chisel plow, Huskee 280 gal. trailer sprayer w/high power pump, 10’ cultipacker, PTO clover seed sower, DB side delivery rake on rubber, 24’ hay elevator w/220 motor, (2) 14’ hyd. dump wagons w/sides - 1 DB & 1 IH, 16’x4” grain Auger w/hopper, IH 2 row cultivators, DB com sheller w/cob elevator & belt driven, IH hyd. cylinders, Farquhar steel wheel 1 row potato digger, and much more!! (10 Bee Hives & Equipment - new extractor - bee boxes & more) 1977 Chevy Blazer 4 WD, 350 Engine, 4 Speed, PS, PB, Nice. 7 ANTIQUE GASOLINE ENGINES McCormick Deering l‘/i hp on truck, Stover VA hp. on truck, Hercules VA hp. on truck. Associated I'A hp. on truck, Ottawa 2 hp, Cushman 4 hp, Fairbanks Morse I'A hp, engine truck. Cooper wash machine tub, Wooden hay track & hay fork, 35’ 6” endless belt like new. MISC. Barrel cement mixer, rolls of elect, fence wire, metal fence post, IH M&H parts, sm. sandblaster, Briggs gas engine w/gear reduction, Crafts man belt sander, Fairbanks Morse platform scales, storm windows, wooden sash windows, gas cans, (2) 5 gal. buckets of 90wt. gear oil, (2) grease pumps, burlap bags, several pcs. of cherry lumber, hog troughs, 12’ +l4’ metal gates, butcher kettle - 3 leg, log chains, lawn roller, misc. him-, ber, 2 Arctic cat snowmobiles & trailer, Rokon dirt bike, square wood stove, old, new portable paint sprayer, new elect grass seeder and much more! Plus 1 wagon load of small items found around the farm!! AUCT. NOTE: Most all items at this sale are in very nice condition & are field ready. "DON’T MISS THIS SALE” ORDER OF SALE: Small items, misc., farm machinery, gas engines & bee equip. must have letter of good credit from the bank. Owners: MR. & MRS. GORDON BOWMAN RD #2 Glen Rock Box 204 17327 Ph. 717-235-3416 Auctioneers: Melvin Haines 764-2241 Ralph Brenneman 717-741-1728 Lie. «379 L 708 L ** Inspection of machinery will be Sat, March 26 & 27 or week of sale ** NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE! Refreshments will be served! At 9:30 A.M. SAT. MAR. 26 - 9:3OAM Tractors, Hay Equip., Til- lage, Produce. Locust Grove Rd., off Pitlstown Rd., 2 mi. S. of Pittstown, N.J. From Rt. 78 use Pitts town Exit. 7V4 mi. N.E. of Flemington, N.J Use Rt. 12-W to Pittstown Rd-N. to Sale. Melda C. Snyder, Owner Col Fred R. Daniel Aucts. Inc. SAT. MAR. 26 - 9:3OAM Farm Machinery And Other Items Of Mrs. Marie J. Beir ly. Of Boonville, Pa. 3 Mile West Of Loganton, Pa, Clinton County Along Rt. 880. Earl W. Weaver, Auctioneer. SAT. MAR 26 -10 AM 23 Acre Farm, Personal Prop erty & Antiques located along Vinemont Rd. between Fritztown and Adams town. From Read ing: S on Fit. 222 to Slime line Rd. (at Mike's Diner), turn west, then right onto Vinemont. Spring Town ship, Berks Co., Pa By Edward Kleinhans. Homing Farm Agency. SAT. MAR. 26 -10 AM Mod ern Farm Machinery Between Lebanon and Reading on Route 422 at Womelsdorf Take Route 419 North 2V< Mile to Reichert Rd., turn left to first farm on left Berks County, Pa. Clarence Z. & Eria M Zimmerman, Owners.' j&P Auctions. SAT. MAR. 26 -10 AM - 2 tractors, farm equipment, 1973 Pontiac, riding tractor, horse drawn equipment & gear, on Rt. 222 North of Reading at Bob's Subaru in Temple turn onto Lees port Avenue to the first farm on right, Berks Co., Pa Travel- C A VDV'C ANNUAL AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 19 at 9:00 A.M. MENDON, N.Y. Sale will be held at the dealership Rt. 251,1 mile East of Mendon, 5 miles West of Victor, 3 miles S.W. of Exit 45 N.Y. Thru way. Selling will be this good line of machin ery, lawn & garden equipment from Sax by’s and other consignments from area far mers. Call to consign. SAXBY IMPLEMENT 180 MENDON-VICTOR RD. MENDON, N.Y. 14506 716-924-3200 RoyTeitsworth, Inc. rjTpWOFEMIONAI AUCTIONEERS | |~ CPOVELANO P O GENCSCO N Y 14454 TEL 714-243-1543 " 'i ;— LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION To be held, located 2 miles East of Blglervllle, PA or 3 miles West of Heldlersburg, PA- along PA Route 234 (at W. Stevens Farm Equipment)- on SATURDAY. MARCH 19- 9:00 A.M. The undersigned having sold farm and for convenience of sale, will sell his full line of machinery, with several farmer consignments at above sale site. TRACTORS- CRAWLER- TRUCK- SKID LOADER- John Deere Model 2940 diesel, 4 wheel drive, 18.4-34 rears, 3 pt., 2 remotes; John Deere Model 4430 diesel, 38 in. rears, 2 remotes, 3 pt., power shift; John Deere 720 diesel, tricycle, pony motor, 38 in. rears, 3 pt.; John Deere 2010 crawler, gas, 5 roller w/8 ft. angle blade; Massey Ferguson Model 1080 diesel, 3 pt., 2 remotes, W/MF246 loader; MF Model 180 diesel, 16.9x38 rears, 3 pt., remote, multipower; MF Model 175 diesel 18.4-26 new rubber, 3 pt., remote; Farmall Model 300 tricy cle, TA, gas w/4 row cultivators: John Deere Model 40 tricycle, 11.2-34 rears, weights & 2 row cultivators; Oliver Model 88 gas tractor; Allis Chalmers Model D-17 tractor (150 hrs. since overhaul): John Deere Model 24-A diesel skid steer loader; 1977 Chevrolet C-50 series truck, 25,000 original miles w/12 ft. Omaha dump grain & cattle body; 3 axle low-boy trailer. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT- MF Model 129- 9 ft. chisel plow; MF Model 82- 4x16 in. trip back 3 pt. plow; MF Model 82 4x14- 3 pt. trip back plow; Bush Hog Model 1439-12 ft. HD disc harrow: International Model 550,5-16” semi-mount plow; John Deere Model 125,3x16 trip back plow; John Deere 12 ft. cultimulcher; Pittsburgh 12 ft. trans disc harrow; 2-John Deere 2-14" pull type plows: 1 btm. plow for Farmall A; John Deere 3-12" 3 pt. plow; four section spring tooth harrow; 3 pt. subsoiler. PLANTING EQUIPMENT- IH Model 10 semi-mount 13x7 grain drill w/grass; White Mod el 5400 no-till 4-row planter w/dry fertilizer- Gandy & monitor; John Deere Model 1240 4-row wide corn planter w/Gandy; JD- FBAIS-7 combination grain drill; JD Model 290 corn planter; White Model 543, 4-30” row corn planter; Case 2-row corn planter. HARVESTING eqttipmicnt- New Holland Model 495, 12 ft. rolo-reel haybine w/ transport: NH Model 256 hayrake; Kuhn pull-type 14 ft. hay tedder; MF 7 ft. dyna-balance sycle bar mower; JD No. 9 7 ft. sycle bar mower; IH Model 990 haybine w/newguards & knife; New Holland 269 hay baler w/thrower; New Holland Model 717 harvester w/1 row corn head & pick-up head; New Holland Super 77, PTO hay-baler; New Holland Model 770 harvester w/2 row narrow corn head & pick-up head; New Holland Model 962- 4-row wide corn head; New Holland Model 77 PTO hay-baler; VN lot bale wagons consist of 2- 8x9x16 ft beds on New Idea chassis; 2- 8x9x16 ft. beds on Electric chassis; BxBxl6 bed on Oliver chassis; bale throw wagon w/IH chassis; lot other nice bale throw wagons; Kools PTO 60” silage blower; Grove chassis w/new flat bed wagon ; IH 9 ft. haybine; steel wheel rake; John Deere hay crim per; 2-Lamca 16 ft. 2-beater silage wagons; King Wyse 32 ft. bale & grain elevator w/110 electric motor; Case 21 ft. bale elevator w/motor; JD 4-bar side delivery rake. MISC. EQUIPMENT- Papec Model 880 grinder-mixer, PTO w/16” mill; Nesseth 20 ft. combination agitator & lagoon pump; 3 pt. post driver; 8 ft. by 8 ft. dual wheel steel hyd. dump cart w/PTO pump; Badger Model 205 manure spreader; NH Model 513 manure spreader w/ hyd. endgate; Martin 2000 gallon liquid manure spreader; Century 300 gallon field sprayer w/22 ft. booms; International 8 ft., 3 pt., angle blade; International 3 pt., 6 ft. cut rotary mower; Horn manure loader w/manure & electric snow bucket; 300 gallon skid gas tank w/Gas Boy pump; nice hyd. fertilizer auger for gravity bin; New Holland Model 346 tank spreader; 16 ft. aluminum Harvest Handler conveyor; 2-200 gallon fuel tanks w/Gas Boy hand pumps; New Idea 12-A manure spreader; lot new JD parts for older model JD tractors & machinery; 2-LN Yellow Bird rear tine roto-tillers; Challenger snowmobile; saw mandrel; roto-tillers; riding lawn mowers; electric motors; nice silage cart; 3-wheel feed cart; 2-Nu-Pulse 60 lb. pail milk ers; Surge 45 lb. pail milker; Sputnick milk transfer unit; 4-unit milk washer; stainless steel single wash tub; Thermocane refrigerator unit; lot misc. tools, hardware, etc.; Auctioneer’s Note: This sale consists of the complete line of farm equipment of Mr. Cornett’s and several real nice farmer owned consignments- Many pieces like new & in excellent condition- Most all field ready- Tractors and equipment all off the farm- Pian to Attend- For Information Call undersigned or Wayne Stevens at 717-677-9486. Terms: Cash or Check With Bank Letter of Credit Owners- E. RAY CORNETT & OTHERS PH: 717-677-8089 C. David Redding- Auctioneer- PA License No. 742-L Gettysburg, PA- Ph: 717-334-6941 Dennis Plunkett & Douglas Redding- Assistants Refreshments Rights Reserved in'll-,!* i n/,«4 thj ing on Rt 61 2 rnHec South of Lees port at Good's Furni ture Store, turn onto Game Commission Road to Lees port Avenue to first farm. Watch for auction signs. For Paul A. Fox Dennis F. Wagner, auct. SAT. MAR. 26 -10 AM Trac tors, Combines, Farm Equipment braterf along |e Hollow Farms. 4 Others Glenvilte Hoad in Manherm Owners, CC , Miner Sons Twp„ York Co., Pa. Glenvrl- Auct.
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