PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES . HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., APRIL 9. 1988 9 AM. Located From Quarryvllle, Pa. Take Rt. 472 South 6 Miles to Kirkwood, turn East on Maple Shade Rd., turn left on Farmdale Rd. approx. 2 Miles to sale. TERMS BY GERTRUDE I. WEICKSEL Auction Conducted By: Kreider ft Kline Auction Service AUOOOSI3L, 717-786-3394 iXSL-O- KUWU A KLIN! AUCTION!!** « @ SNYDER COUNTY J r m PUBLIC FARM SALE Saturday, March 19, 1988 | | ' starting at 9:00 a.m. EARL HASH AUCTIONEER To be held at the Robert B. Hoilenbach Farm located 6 miles north of Selinsgrove or 1 mile west of Kratzervllle or 5 miles south of New Berlin off Rt. 204. FARM REAL ESTATE Real Estate consists of approximately 70 acres of which approximately 55 acres are tillable. Improve ments include a 4 bedroom frame dwelling with living room, bath, kitchen and dining area on first floor. Oil fired hot air heat, full cellar. Also a large bank bam with straw shed. Cement block garage with work shop and several other outbuildings. Also 2 story summer house. A spring supplies water to house and the bam has a well. A swell place to live and do full or part time farming. Located in Jack son Township, Snyder County and recorded in Snyder County Court House, Middleburg in Deed Book Vol. 84, Page 109. TERMS: 10% DOWN, BALANCE IN 45 DAYS. FULL TERMS DAY OF SALE. REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD AT 1:00 P.M. I INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT. | CALL ANY PHONE NUMBER LISTED BELOW. Farmall 560 Diesel N.F. Tractor; Case 500 Gas W.F. Tractor with Loader; Ferguson T. 0.20 Gas Tractor; Ferguson Jack; Swinging Drawbar; 3 P.T. Lift Boom; 3 P.T. Ferguson Belt Drive Cordwood Saw; J.D. 4-14 Trailing Plow on Rubber Tires with Hydraulic Lift; J.D. 2-12 3 P.T. Plow: 2 Row 3 P.T. Cultivator; 7 ft. Rear Blade 3 P.T. Pittsburg 12 ft. 3 Section Spring Harrow; Case 4 Section Harrow; J.D. 12 ft. Transport Disc; IH 455 4 Row Corn Planter; Ontario 13-8 Grain Drill on Rubber (No Fertilizer): M.F. 7 ft. Trailing Mower with Hydraulic Lift; Case 550 9 ft. Mower Conditioner; M .F. 10 Baler with #22 Bale Thrower; N. 1.5-Wheel Wheel Rake; 20 ft. Single Chain Elevator with Motor; N.l. 30 ft. Elevator with Motor; 20 ft. Harvest Handler Alumi num Elevator with Motor; Bale Wagon; Silage Rack with Unloading Unit; 2 Gravity Bin Wagons on Wide Track Gears; N.l. 3231 Row Corn Picker; J.D. 30 Pull Type Combine with Auger Header; N.H. 36 Crop Chopper; 3 P.T. Safeway Field Sprayer; N.l. 2153 Beater Man ure Spreader; N.l. 4 Wheel #lO Spreader on Rubber; 3 P.T. 7 Ft. Snow Lander Snow Blower #610; 2 Wheel IHSpreaderTrailer; Cyclone Grass Seeder; N.l. 1 Hole Corn Sheller; 1 Horse Cultivator: 2 Oliver E Walking Plows; 2 Double Action Hydraulic Cylinders; Parts for #5O M.H. Clipper Combine; 2 Row Marker. Lincoln 225 Welder; Welding Table with 4 in. Vise; Bench Grinder; Blacksmith Forge and Bellows; Homelite Weed Eater; Homelite XL2 Power Saw; Electric Fencer and Fencing; Grapple and Harpoon Hay Forks; Tow Cable; Vi H.P. Electric Motor with Switch; 4 Bale Twine; Potato Fork; 2 Crosscut Saws: Ice Saw; Miscellaneous Angle Iron; 4”x15”x15’ H Beam; (2) 10 Hole Chicken Nests; 4 Metal Chicken Feeders; Miscellaneous Pony Bridles and Buggy Harness; Milk Cooler Coils and Compres sor; Electric Incubator with Auto. Turner; Plus! Plus! BUTCHERING TOOLS Wellsaw Model 404 Meat Saw; Metal Scalding Trough; Wood Hog Cleaning Rack; Metal Hooks Butcher Kettles; 3 ft. Stands; Scrapers; etc. Kalamazoo Range; 3 Burner Oil Stove; Quartz Heater; Wood Plant Stand; Pole Light; Coffee Table; Bevel Edge Mirror, Hair Dryer with Chair, Baskets; Tupperwarc; Canister Set; Orange Juicer; Elect ric Skillet; Waffle Iron, French Fryer; White Sink with Drain Board; 2 Built In White Bathtubs; Jig saw Puzzles; Curtains; Doilies; Scarves; Feed Bag Towels; Rugs; Christmas Decorations; Canning Jars and more. Oak 5 Leg Extension Table; Round Pedestal Table; Dropleaf Table; Flour Chest with Dough Tray; Highams Rocker Lid Jug Box, Pat. May 23,1883; Fatso Round Bellystove with 2 Lid Flat Top; Agen cy Philadelphia Underwriters Granite Sign; Wood Towel Rack; Dinette Table; Chodivich Fishery Wood Box, Lavallett, N.J.; Comic Magazines; Granite Coffee Pot; Organ with Top; Unique Organ Stool: Maytag Gas Engine; Sonoro Victrola; RCA Battery Radio; Zenith Console Radio; Picture Frames; Child’s Table; Large Trunk; Wood Box; Wood Storage Chest; Gibson Ice Box; Clothes Tree; High Chair; Signed Crocks; Nipple Shield; Ironstone China; Records; Lightning Glider Sled; Apple Butter Stirrer; Glass Lightning Rod Balls; Chicken on Nest; Horse Shoeing Box with Tools; Horse Shoes; Grain Cradle; Woodgrain Rake; Cast Implement Seats; Wood Rope Pulleys: Wood Rat Trap; Sickles, Draw Knife, 2 Pumpkin Knives; Wood Wagon Jack. Plus Primitive Items. SALE ORDER: 9:00 a.m. - Household and Antiques; 11:00 a.ra. - Farm Related or Wagon Items; 1:00 p.m. - Real Estate; 1:30 p.m. - Farm Machinery. TERMS: CASH, PROVIDE I.D. FOR BUYERS NUMBER NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS Owner and Auctioneer are not responsible in case of accidents or damage. ROBERT B. AND THELMA M. HOLLENBACH, OWNERS R.D. 1, Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870 717-374-9126 LAIRD GEMBERLING, Attorney, Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870, Phone 717-374-6321 EARL EASH, Auctioneer: AU00244L, Phone 717-966-2569 BILL MATTERN, Auctioneer: AU002260L, Phone 717-966-2722 [ABLE AND USEFUL FARM MACHINERY FARM RELATED ITEMS HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINI ANTIQUES AND COLLECT] Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM ol each week s publication SAT. MAR 26 - SAM 12th Annual Gap Fire Co. Spring Auction. HH, Quilts, Lum ber, Groceries, Furniture, Tools, lots more. Terms by: Gap Fire Co Local Aucls. For info Elvin Beiler 717-442-9549 SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM 3rd Annual Farm & Home Con signment Auction. Benefits' Schuylkill Co. Fair, Rt. 895 East of Summit Station near Berks Co. line SAT. MAR 26 - 9AM Farm Eq Along Roxbury Rd , VA mi. E. of Roxbury, 7 mis. W of Shippensburg, Franklin Co, PA. Robert & Ruby Fortna, Owners Sensenig Aucts. SAT. MAR 26 - 9AM Real Estate- 83 Acre Farm, Farm Equipment, Etc Located west off rt. 11 & 15 at Port Trevorton, Big T Tastee Freeze, 7 miles south of Selmsgrove. Pa. (Snyder County) or 40 miles north of Harrisburg. Pa. onto Deep Hollow Rd. Then travel 2 miles and make a left onto Silver creek Rd. Then go '/> mile to Dundore Road on left Then travel ’/» mile on LUNCH „ J , Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 12, 1988-F29 Dundore Rd. to site of auc- •’ ' tion. (Located 3 miles west of Rts. 11 &15 on Dundore Rd. in Union Twp., Snyder County, Pa). Albert E. Stahl, Owner. Longacre & Lauver, Aucts. SAT MAR. 26 - SAM 6th Annual Consignment Sale of Farm Machinery, Con struction Equipment, Tools, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Etc Hay and Straw, located at the Perkiomen ville Livestock & Sales Inc., on Route 29, Perkiomenvil-' te, Pa. by Robert Landis NC. Weidenbaugh, auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - SAM Third Annual Consignment Auc tion To Benefit The Schuy- J s 717-569-4264 717-569-4264 Lie. #AU-532-L Licensed & Bonded PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1988 @ 9:30 AM Location: Kettle Rd., RD, Altoona, Blair Co., Pa. Directions: Rt. 22 toward Altoona, turn right on Rt. 453. Go 3.2 miles and turn left toward Arch Springs. Go 1.7 miles, keep left after church tow ard Fort Robedeau. Go 2.2 miles and turn left onto Stone Rd. Watch for auc tion signs. FARM EQUIPMENT consists of J.D. 60 Gas Tractor, AC WD w/3B Mtd. Plow; JD L; J.D. Graindrill, 13 hole; J.D. 45 Combine; J.D. 7’ Mower; J.D. 24T Baler w/Thrower #2; 2 Tractor Cabs; Tractor Chains; Case Com Pick er; J.D. 3 Bottom Plow, Auto Trip; J.D. 110 Transport Disk, 12’; J.D. 4 Bottom F 325 Hyd. Reset, 16”; New Idea Hyd. Endgate Spreader f/217; Gehl Blower w/40’ Pipe; J.D. 72 Com Harvestoer, 1 Row; Farmall M w/2 Row Mounted Picker; Smoker 20’ Elev., N.I. Wagon 18’ w/Hayrack; Cobey Wagon w/ Racks; Case Wagon w/Dump & Hayracks; J.D. 640 Hayrake, 5 Bar; N.I. Hay Crusher, PTO, 7’; 2 - 275 Diesel Tanks and 1 - 275 Gas Tank on Frame: Field Sprayer and SS Tank, 20’ Booms; Homemade Wagon w/Hayrack; John Deere A; J.D. 730 w/Trans. Problems, Diesel; 2 N.H. Crop Carrier Forage Wagons w/Front & Rear Unload; I.H. 455 4 Row Dry Fert. w/ Insecticide Dispensers; Misc. Cars and Trucks for Parts; Maverick, Good Engine, 302, V-8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Oak round ext. table, milk cans, Victorian chairs & rockers, misc. plank bottom early chairs, old oak bed w/claw feet, old tires, barrel pump, wood barrels, copper & iron kettle, Hoo sier style kitchen cabinet, meat grinder, early drop leaf table, old ladles & dipper, early dry sink, crocks, wash boiler, old benches, old bureau, GE refrigerator, WESTINGHOUSE auto washer, 40” range, wood cabinets, early rocker w/sculptured lion’s head, dining room suite inc. 6 chairs & sideboard, old records, single bned, exercise bike, sweeper, old car bide lights, very early kas w/rattail hinges and original paint, chain hoists, parlor table, Frank lin stove, books, pictures & frames, gooseneck rocker, early sofa, coffee table, misc. table, walnut dining rm. suite w/ext. table & china closet, mantle china clock, magazine rack, 6 light pine comer cupboard, lamps, 2 oak washstands, cherry drop leaf table, oak serpen tine front dresser, clothes tree, maple bed, early oak mantle clock, comb, bookcase & writing desk, old oak bevel edge mirrors (round and oval), carpet, 3 oak dressers, cane chair, old high chair, old Victrola case, old cherry pitter, 2 sleighs (1 has spread eagle on back and 1 has springs), other articles too numerous to mention. _ . . Sale by: JACK R. SNARE SANFORD G. LEAMAN, CAI AUCTIONEER Lie. #AU-532-L (717) 569-4264 Food Stand 101 White Oak Dr., Lancaster, PA 17601 IkiN County Fair. New Sch. Co. Fairgrounds, Route 183 To Route 895, Proceed 1 Mile East of Summit Station orßoute6l to 895, Proceed 7 Miles West of Auburn. Former Happy Holiday Park near Berks County Line. George Blum, Steve Toro la, T erry McGlone, Owners Jay Riegel, David Satti zann, Jerry Faust, Thomas Maidenford, Aucts. SAT. MAR 26-9 AM Many Fine Antiques, Furniture, Clocks, Watches, Guns, Glass, China, Lot Of Adver tising Items, Household, Tools. Borough Of East Berlin at 330 West King St., Adams County, Pa Mrs Romaine M. Myers, Owner. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Tools And Other Dairy Equipment. From Duncannon, Perry County, Follow Rt. #274 West, 1.7 Miles to Hickory Rd. (Across From Duncan non Health Center), Turn Left Onto Hickory Rd. And Immediately Bare Right Onto Faculty Rd., Follow this Road Vi Mile To Sale Location Or From Carlisle, Follow Rt. #34 North Approx. 25 Miles To Meeks Comer. Turn Right Onto Rt #274 East. Follow This Road 5Vi Miles To Hickory Rd , Turn Right Onto Hick ory Rd., Bare Right Onto Faculty Rd And Follow This Road Vi Mile To Sale Loca tion Estate Of Luther H and Jean H Carnes, Own ers Paul M Games and Nancy J. Urich- Co- Executors Ed Shull, Auct SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM New Equipment, Tractor & Trucks, Shop Tools Located east end of New Holland at 505 East Main St behind Homing Dodge. Allen H Matz, Owner. Robert E. & Jeffrey R Mar tin, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM 1979 Int Scout, German-Military- WWII Items, Gun Collec tion, Hunting & Fishing Sup plies, Oak Furniture, Jim Beam Collection, German Beer Steins, Household Items and Tools. Located indoors at the Lees port Far mer's Market Banquet Hall just off Route 61 at the North end of Leesport, Berks Co For Elsie Moyer and Harold F. Moyer, deceased Kenneth P. Leiby, auct SAT. MAR 26 - 9:OOAM Tractor, Farm Machinery, Tools For Mrs. Roy Bergey at the intersection of Allen town & Lower Rds, Souder ton RD Pa IV> mi S. of Franconia, Pa across street from Mopac Henry K Freed, auct. SAT. MAR 26 - 9AM Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction, Farm Machinery & Lawn & Garden. Located from Exit 21 PA Turnpike, take 272 S to Ist light, turn left on Church Street, thru Ream stown to Red Run Road, turn left on Red Run Road, 1/10 mi left on Steffy Rd , approx. Vi mi. on left. Roy Good Jr., Randall Kline & Lloyd Kretder, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 -9.30 AM Farm Equipt., Gas Engines, Lumber. Located from New Oxford, Pa. take Route 30 West Approx 1 mile then turn left onto Bon-Ox Road. Travel approx '/> mile then turn left onto Fleshman Mill Road and go short distance to sale site Mary V. Sneer inger, Owner. Dennis J Plunkett, Auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM Real Estate, 1986 Cutlass Ciera Auto , Household Goods & Antiques Located At 39 Hershey Avenue, Paradise, Pa. Approx 9 Miles East Of Lancaster Milton Hershey, Owner. Ron Funk & Gordon Ressler, Aucts SAT MAR 26- 10AM Valu able Farm Machinery, Trac tors, Trucks, Tools. Lawn & Garden Equip. For Banner Farms located approx 3 miles northwest of Stew artstown, York Co, Pa from Exit 1 of 1-83 go east on Rt. 851 approx 5 miles to Zeigler Rd on the left & proceed 2/10 mile to Center Rd. bear left & proceed 8/10 mile to Orwig Rd Or north of Stewartstown turn off Rt. 24 at Wilson Service Center on the Plank Rd , go to Cen ter Rd on the left & proceed 8/10 mile to Orwig Rd. & sale on right Sechnst Auc tion Service, aucts. SAT. MAR 26 -10 AM Con crete, Hand & Power Toots, Carpenter Tools, Antique International Engine Located in Lane. Co. Pa. 2 miles East of Intercourse. From Route 772 go South on Osceola Mill Rd. Mose & Sadie Lapp, Owners Steve 4 Steve Jr. Petersheim, Aucts
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