F26-Lancast«- Fanning, Saturday, March 12, 1988 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM ot each week s publication THURS. MAR. 24 -11 AM Dan-Lu Farms Inc. Machin ery Dispersal. Barre Cen ter. NY. At 12923 Park Road, 4 miles west of Barre' Center and Rt. 98, 10 mi. south west of Albion. Dan Zinkievich, Owner. William Kent, Inc. Sale Manager and Auctioneers. THURS. MAR. 24 -11 AM Five miles east of Cochran ton on Carlton & New Leba non Road, follow sale arrows out of Cochranton at main red light or Exit Off 1-79 at Geneva Exit *35. take Rt. 285 east to Rt. 173, turn right or South 2 miles to MHledgeville Road, turn left or east on Milledgeville, fol low sale arrows. Or: turn west off rt 173 at New Lebanon (6 miles north of Sandy Lake) go approx. 5 miles. Sale site is located just east of Wilcox Farm. Outstanding Farm Equip ment for George Yurkanin. Bob ReimokJ, auct. THURS. MAR. 24 12NOON L.H. Brubaker, Inc. Farm Machinery, Equipment & Parts, 1964 Ford Truck. Loc. 350 Stras burg Pike, West Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. (Corner of Strasburg Pike & Rockvale Road). Park Lafever, Owner. Howard Shaub, Auct THURS. MAR. 24 - 12:30PM Brads lead Farms Complete Registered Herd Dispersal. Kish Valley Dairy ABSOLUTE FARM AUCTION OUTSTANDING FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 24 At 11:00 A.M. Sharp FOR GEORGE YURKANIN COCHRANTON, PA Located: Five miles East of Cochranton on Carlton & New Lebanon Road. Follow sale arrows out of Cochranton at main red light. OR: Exit off 1-79 at Geneva Exit #35, take Rt. 285 east to Rt. 173, turn right or south 2 miles to Milledgevllle Road, turn left or east on Milledgevllle, follow sale arrows. OR: turn west off Rt. 173 at New Lebanon (5 miles north of Sandy Lake) go approximately 5 miles. Sale site Is located just east of Wilcox Farm. COMBINE AND TRACT MF #750 Diesel Combine with cab w/air, heat, & 354 turbo charge Perkins engine, all hydrostatic, quick attachment heads, w/13’ grain head, #44 four row com head, w/#63C six row (N) com head, 23.1x30 tires. MF #lBOO Diesel Tractor 185 HP, 4x4, duals, cab w/air, heat & radio. Articulated steering caterpillar 638 cu. in. engine, double action, all hydraulic. MF #ll5O diesel tractor 140 HP, w/duals, w/cab w/air, heat & radio. New 1155 diesel Perkins Engine w/755 Hrs., 12 speed multi power w/PTO 540 & 1000,18x4x38 tires. MM G9SS Tractor, 98 HP, cab, O/U hydrostatic shift, live power, power, 1000 or 540 PTO, double hydraulic, 18x4x38 tires. MF #BBO seven btm. 16” spring reset plow, on land hitch, semi mt. Glenco chisel plow 9 tooth soil saver w/all new chisels. Klause 20’ hydraulic wing disc #l9OO w/spike tooth harrow. FH #315 13’ cultimulcher. Vicon 3 ph. van-spreader fertilizer & grass spreader like new, 1400 lb. capacity, whipper type. JD 13 hole grain drill on rubber. Century 500 gal. sprayer w/42’ boom, hydrostatic drive, new tires. 3 Kilbros Century #350 gravity wagons & gears, 2 one yr. old. Haybuster Rock-Eze #H-106 rock-picker, 10’ wide, hydrostatic optional, picks rocks 2” to 15”. Bear cat grinder/mixer w/blower to fill silo. M-C 9’ farm equipment 9E rotary scythe. NH 7’ sickle bar trail mower 45-46-47. IHC side delivery rake. Gehl total density control #1450 baler like new. Little Giant 38’ hay/grain elevator w/motor. Hydraulic fertilizer auger. Hydraulic auger for gravity wagon. Unloading wagons for parts. Spring tooth, fertilizer spreader as is w/4 good flotation tires. Two farrowing crates, small pig feeders, 9 hog feeders four 8 hole, 5 round. Hog water pans, milk cans, fuel tanks, cow stanchions, platform scales, walking plows, cultivators, evener, double trees, many other items not listed. NOTE: Please Bring Letter of Recommendation From Bank On This Big Equipment If You Are Not An Established Customer Of Reimold. This is a Nice Auction, With Some Outstanding Equipment. Yuikanin or Reimold not responsible for accidents, should any occur. Reimold Brothers Auction Service Transfer, PA 16154 Bob Reimold Auctioneer Lie #AU-000753-L Telephone: 412-962-2653 or Toll Free: PA. 1-800-752-7653 or USA & Ohio 1-800-772-7653 Sales. Located on me cor ner of South Walnut St & Front Mountain Road, Bel leville, Pa. William H. Brad ford, Owner. Bryan D. Imes, Auct. THURS. MAR. 24 -S:3OPM Community Sale. Farmers ville Fire Company. T. Glenn Horst & Timothy Horst, Aucts. FRI. MAR. 25 - Modem Farm Machinery, Feeder Cattle, Bred Gilts & Feeder Pigs. Located RD 1, Port Trevorton. For: Paul R. Martin. Bryan D. Imes,. Auct PUBLIC AUCTION SAT.. APRIL 2. 1988 9:00 A.M. Located: Vlneland-Brldgeton Pike West of Vineland Rt. 56 and Landis Ave., Bridgeton. SCHAFER BROS. 15th ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT SALE Of tractors, farm implements and machin ery, construction vehicles, tools and other GOOD salable items. Consignments are now being accepted. FOR INFORMATION CALL: (609) 455-1640. Sale Conducted by: Wolgemuth Auc tioneers (717) 664-3893 Dennis 2357 Clyde Bob - - FRI. MAR. 25 - 9AM Special Easter Rabbit And Poultry Sale. Receiving 7:00 Until 9:00 AM. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 Off 1-81. Phono 717-249-4511 Evenings Jim 717-249-2359. FRI. MAR. 25 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Butchering Equipment & HH. 12 miles so. of Lancaster, along Rt. 222, in the Village of Hess dale. (1615 Beaver Valley Pike) or 5 miles north of Quarryville along Rt 222. By Jere L. and Jane E. Groff. Kreider & Kline Auc tion Service. FRI. MAR. 25 -9.00 AM Tractors, Self Propelled Combine and Modem Farm Machinery located in Snyd er Co. at RDI, Port Trovor ton, Pa. 3 miles west of Rts. 11 and 15 at Keller Marine RS and 7 miles east of Rt. 104 FRI. MAR. 25 - 9:3OAM at Whispering Springs Fruit Farm Machinery, HH. Farm; approx. 45 miles Chester Co., 3 mis. S. of north of Harrisburg, Pa. Atglen, PA along Highland Direction signs day of sale. Rd. Flaymond & Loretta For Paul R. and Dorothy Z. Jane Stoltzfus, Owners. Martin. Bryan D. Imes, auct. John Umble, Auct. 6th ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, Tools, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Etc. HAY and STRAW Saturday, March 26, 1988 Sale Time 9:00 A.M. Consignments accepted March 22nd to 26th. Located at the Perklomenvllle Lives tock & Sales Inc., On Route 29, Per klomenville, Penna. Please note: If you have any equipment or mis cellaneous items to sell contact MANAGER & OWNER, ROBERT LANDIS 215-234-4733 AUCTIONEER: N.C. WEIDENBAUGH 215-327-2475 Pa. Auctioneers Lie. #AU-00986-L Farm Equpment Sale Saturday, March 19,1988 At 10:00 A.M. 5 miles south of Oakland, Md., off Route 219 South. Turn east on Jasper Reily Road, follow signs Vh miles. JD 3010 Diesel Tractor; JD 2010 Gas Trac tor; JD 17* Disk, BWA; JD 1219 Haybine, 9’3”, used 2 seasons; JD FB-B Grain Drill, 13 disc.; JD 216 Forage Wagon; 12 ton NH tan dem wagon; NH 975 Combine (reserve bid); Grove running gear, Hesston 2200 gal. tandem manure spreader, 2 wheel bale carrier; 1 round bale fork, 3 pt hitch; 6’ 3 pt. blade; 7’ 3 pt. blade; 14’ high x 14’ diam. round Com Crib (at Jim Gower farm); 34” snap on Tractor Duals; Tractor Cab for 4020 JD; 20’ flatbed wagon w/10 ton gear; Ford skid steer; JD 40 tractor, 800 Ford Tractor; 12’ wheel disc; NH 273 baler w/kicker; NH forage wagon; NH forage blow er, wheel rake, 3 pt 3-14” plow, 4-14” plow; HESTON round baler; NH manure spreader; Kuhn tedder; JD #6 Harvester; JD #34 manure spreader: 4 row front mounted cultivator, fits Farmall M; 3 pt. folding harrow; 24 ft. skeleton elevator; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; 300 gal. 3 pt. field sprayer w/hydraulic pump; 20 ft. 5” grain auger; 3 pt. pig pole; Stihl chain saw; 3 pt. blade; chain hoist; calf puller; Silo pipe w/ gooseneck; Danauser post hole digger; Clipper seed cleaner; cement mixer; 2 sets JD tractor fenders; Maternal Robot veal feeder; 2 wide spreads for JD manure spreader; (2) 300 gal. fuel tanks; (2) Ritchie Water fountains; (1) 30 gal. natural gas water heater; (1) 30 gal. prop ane gas water heater; Gas Furnace, Chainsaw, 1 hp Air Compressor, 20’ Grain Auger (4”) w/ motor; NH forage blower for parts; Ford forage harvester for parts; hog feeder; S bicycles; shovel plow; platform scales; sump pump; lot S 3 gal. drums; (2) pressure tanks; lot tires; chicken crates & feeders; 1 horse sulky; Ford 8 truck bed (good); truck bed trailer; trailer axle; new 3 ton long ram jack; 2 horse scoop; JD 13”x38” rims and centers; Oliver 3-16” trailer plow, ex. cond; 10’ E-Z How lime spreader, ex. cond.; windows; lard press; Enterprise meat grinder, earthenware crocks; oil burning hea ter, scrap iron, used brick. Not Many Small Items. 109 acre Dairy Farm and 70 acre Heifer Facility are for sale; Private Treaty. Contact owner or auctioneer for more information. Terms: Cash or good check. Lunch available Owners: MR. & MRS. JOSEPH J. ZOOK Oakland, Md. 21530 (301) 334-3679 Auctioneer: Clark A. Yoder AU-001048L Salisbury, Pa. 15558 (814) 662-2901 PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Equipment, Etc. SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 11 A.M. On The Premises At The First Farm Out Of Kleinfeltersvllle Along Mlllbach Road. 3000 Ford Diesel w/Sauder Loader, Ford Dextra Diesel, Oliver 650 Tractor, Farmall 300 Gas, 300 M.F. Combine (Diesel), 2 Row Gehl Harvester w/Snapper Attachment, 707 N.H. Harvester, Gehl Grinder-Mixer, 2 Row New Idea Picker (Narrow Row), 444 A.C. Baler, New Bale Rack Wagon, Gehl & Badger Unloading Wagons, Int 110 Forage Wagon On 10 Ton Gear, New Gravity Bin Wagon, Port able Grain Bin, Coby Wagon, Gehl Blower, Int. 510 And J.D. 15 Disc Grain Drills, M.C. Chopper, Ford 3 Bot. 16 Plow, 3 Pt. Cultivator, Int. 10 Fl Disc, Dunham 8 Ft. & Other Culti packers, 8 Ft Spring Tooth Harrow, Spike Har row, Smoker & Little Giant Elevators, King Wyse Com Drag, Scalding Trough, Sausage Stuffer, Meat Grinder, 2 Portable Feed Troughs, 3 Auto. Water Fountains, Auto. Chlorine Well Feeder, WaterTrqugh, Roof Ladders, Air Compressor, Lincoln Welder, 2-50 Gal. Drums Of Astrol, Power Take Off Seeder, 2 Fencers, Asst Small Tools, Etc. Conditions by: EARL B. HORST Sale Time: 11 A.M. Clerks: Ogurcak & Horst Aucts. Welk & Welk «AU-000988-L Refreshments By Local School 705 Uni System w/717 combine unit, 13 ft. grain platform, 744 NR com head, fast tach system: TD 9 Int dozer w/blade; 1974 CMC, 30,000 lb. w/air brakes; 10 ton, 350 bu. McCur dy grain wagon; Int. 400 cyclone air drop, 6 row planter; Int. 8 row planter; parts for both planters; 5000 alternator w/Kohler gas engine; 4 row crust breaker, 3 pt. hitch; 26 ft. vertical, 6” auger elevator w/hopper; new DC elect 6 ton winch; Lincoln welder, grain aerators; tobacco hoes; rotary grain scale; rotary grain scale: 12 ft. John Deere cultipacker; A.C. hay crimper, 15 KW PTO generator; new 18 ft. diameter grain storage bin, needs roof and doors; 3 pt. lift boom; 3 pt. carrier, 2 wheel trailer; 2 dump carts for lawn and garden trac tor; new 100 gal. water pump w/gas motor; new sump pump; auger flighting; rubber tire wheel barrow; 36 ft aluminum ext ladder; fence panels; bam fan; 13-6-38 used tractor tires; electric motors; 10-0-20 truck chains; tarps; Poulan chain saw; buck load of farm related items & tools. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 400 gal. per minute, irrigation pump w/ Wisconsin motor; 21 pieces, 20 ft. aluminum irrigation pipe; 1000 ft V* inch plastic pipe; 70 - 20 ft sections, 4 inch, high pressure plastic pipe; water gun stands and elbows; aluminum fittings. ANTIQUE TRACTORS John Deere B tractor, unstyled, restored, spoke wheels; John Deere B tractor, restored, needs paint TERMS: Cash or Good Check, No Out Of State Checks. Lunch Stand Not Responsible For Accidents LAURENCE METZLER Owner For Info., phone 717-527-4974 Long’s Auction Service Ph. 717-527-2405 or 4458 AU-001702-L Stongs, Clerks AUCTION ' Machinery, actors and Equipment MARCH 23 A.M. south of Sporting rty, on Cole Brook sign along Man- HINERY AND \TED ITEMS Ample Parking
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