PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1988 Starting at 9:00 A.M. Having decided to move west the undersigned will offer at Public Sale located In Snyder Co. at R.D. 1, Port Tre vorton, PA, 3 miles west of Rts. 11 and 15 at Keller Marine and 7 miles east of Rt. 104 at Whispering Springs Fruit Farm; Approx. 45 miles north of Harris burg, PA. Direction signs day of sale. Tractors, Self-Propelled Combine and Modem Farm Machinery M.F. 1130 dsl. with 18-4-38 duals and heat houser; J.D. 730 dsl. with electric start; J.D. 4400 dsl. combine with 1500 original hours, 13’ grain head with floating cutter bar, 444 4 WR com head and 443 NR com head, all in good condition; Bush Hog 8 tooth 3 pt. chisel plow, new; White 3\16” 3 pt. high clearance trip plow; NH 269 Super Sweep hay baler, good; Better Built 1100 gal. honey wagon; 2-J.D. 1240 plateless com planter, 30” and 36” rows; N.H. 354 portable grinder/mixer; Pres sure King 200 gal. field sprayer with centrifug al pump; N. 1.212 PTO manure spreader, Pitts burgh 12’ drag harrow; Pittsburgh 2 row 3 pt. cultivator, M.F. 13’ transport disc; Ford 118 4x16” plow; I.H. 2 row 3 pt. cultivator, J.D. 8’ KBA disc; N.H. 469 haybine; J.D. 8 ton chassis with E-Z Flow gravity box; Krause 10’ disc with new front disc; N.H. 512 PTO manure spreader; 30 gal. 3 pt. produce mist sprayer; 300 gal orchard sprayer with wooden tank; N.H. Super 55 hay rake; N.H. flail chopper; 4-16’ flatbed wagons; Cross 28’ hay and grain elevator; J.D. 7’ draw bar mower; J.D. FBB 15x7” drill; Sears seed cleaner with electric motor, like new; 18’6” grain auger with V* h.p. elec, motor, dbl. hole com sheller, portable cement mixer; Black Hog 13 hoe grain drill; 275 gal. fuel tank with hand pump; Wards roto tiller; pony cart; M.F. No. 7 lawn and garden tractor with Honda engine, 32” mower deck; twin cylinder 3 A h.p. air compressor; pot belly stove? new tubular gates; I'A h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine, just over-hauled; 2 bale feed ers; big round bale hay feeder; Oyster pipe threader set, USA complete: MF 3 pt. 10 tooth chisel plow, Oliver 13’ disc; platform scales. Feeder Cattle 50 Acclimated Angus, Holstein and Charo lais cross feeder steers weighing from 400 to 700 lbs. Dairy Cattle 12 yearling vaccinated open Holstein heif ers; one yearling Holstein stock bull; Jersey cow due with second calf; 2 Jersey yearling open heifers, above all sell with charts. Swine 20 Three way cross gilts weighing 350-400 lbs. bred to purebred Duroc boars due to farrow in April; 20 crossbred second and third litter sows bred to spotted boars; 2 spotted boars; 100 head of 8 to 10 week old feeder pigs weigh ing approx. 50 lbs. This is a disease free herd of swine, sows averaging 10 pig litters. 2 purebred Duroc boars. Horses 5 year old sorrel gelding, all purpose horse, broke to ride; 2 yr. old black riding horse, gentle; 7 yr. old paint pony, for experienced rider; several good broke work and driving horses. Feeds Approx. 20 ton wheat and oats straw; 15 ton timothy mixed hay; 50 ton com silage. Household Black Magic Chef gas stove; Kelvinator refrigerator; cast iron kettle and furnace; Ig. modem oak hutch, very nice; bedroom furni ture; pots; pans; ice cream freezers; pole light; many other household items. Honda 200 three wheeler. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied by Bank Letter of Credit. Lunch PAUL R. AND DOROTHY Z. MARTIN Owners Phone 717-374-2250 Lyter and Horst, Clerks Bryan D. lines, Auct. RD 2, Port Royal, PA 17082 Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L mm ~m "**%■«. JB ■»■ IST ANNUAL INDIANA FARMERS LIVESTOCK MARKET CONSIGNMENT FARM EQUIPMENT SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1988 TIME: 10:00 A.M. FARMERS & DEALERS- All consign ments welcome! To consign your items for this sale call (412) 397-2300 or (814) 257-8272. Mail inquiries to Box 697 Piumville, PA 16246. TERMS: Cash or acceptable check - jm Mt« «• Public Auction Register 2nd Annual Pieffer Hill CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Farm Machinery, Lawn & Garden Tractors Saturday, March 26, 1988 Auction Time: 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: From Exit 21 PA Turn pike take Rt. 272 South to first light. Turn left onto Church St. thru Ream stown to Red Run Rd. Turn left go 1/10 ml., turn left on Steffy Rd., approx. 'A ml. on left. Watch for auction signs. FARM TRACTORS JD4020 Diesel w.f.; JD 720 Diesel 3 pt.; MF 65 Diesel; JD 50 on Steel; Deutz 6006; Oliver 70 on Steel; MF 35 Gas; JD 60 w/3 pt.; JD 420 w/3 pt.; JD M w/Plow; IH Cub Lo-Boy w/ Snowplow & Cinder Spreader; Baker 4,000 lb. Forklift. FARM MACHINERY MF 760 Combine w/14’ Grain Head; (NEW) PTO 540 Katolight 25KW Generator 120/140 Volt 104 AMP 60 Cycle Single PH. w/ Trailer. NH #479 Haybine; (2) JD 24T Balers, 1 w/injector; NH #6B Hayliner Baler; Gehl 600 2R Harvestor, JD 494 A 4R Com Planter; Gehl Hi-Throw Blower; (2) JD KBA Transport Disc; JD 3 Pt. #307 6’ Rotary Mower; Oliver 2B Plow; AC 3 pt 3B Plow; JD 2B & 3B plows; MM Field Cult.; Hcrshey 2R Tobacco Planter; Stauffer 2R Tobacco Planter; NH #354 Grinder Mixer for parts; 2 JD 3 Sec. Harrows; Oliver Superior Grain Drill; JD Vanbum 13 Disc Grain Drill; MF 3 pt Disc Harrow; IH 28 Blade Disc; Grimm Hay Tedder; Hyd. Farm Dump Trailer, Backhoe for NH Sldd Loader; 11” Youngs Fodder Shredder, NI Hay Crimper, 3 pt. PTO Shavings Blower w/100’ Hose. APPROX. 80 LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS ALL w/MOWERS Saton Beaver Diesel 3 pt. w/Tiller; A.C. 620 20 HP; MF 1450 Hydro; (3) JD 317; (2) JD 314; (2) JD 214; JD 212; JD 210; (4) JD 140; (2) JD 110; JD 111; JD 60; JD 68 Rider; (2) Cub Cadet 1450; Cub Cadet 1250; Cub Cadet 80; Cub Cadet 7; Simplicity 3416; Simplicity 3310; Simplicity 727; Murray 16 HP w/Snow Blade; Case 446 16 HP; Wheel Horse A-800 auto.; MF 85 w/Snow Blade; Hahn LTD 500 Elec. Start 8 HP; Troy-Bilt 6 HP; Gravely 408; Walk Behind Garden Trac. w/Cult; JD Push Mower; 4 Lawn and Garden Carts; 3 Tandem Axle Lawn & Garden Carts. Many Other Trac tors, Riders & Push Mowers by Day of Sale. MISC. Load of New Tools; 1967 Ford Liquid Man ure Truck; 10’x45’ Mobile Home; Bolts & Misc. Tools; 2 Steel Doors w/Frames; Chicken Nests and Feeders; 8’ Fiberglass Topper; Radial Arm Saw; JD Hy-pressure Washer, like new; Pony; Pony Cart & Harness; 2 Wheel Sulky; Motor-driven Feed Cart; 50 Horse Halters. Note: Come early, not many small items. No consignments accepted day of sale. No out-of state checks unless approved by auctioneers. Sale order- sm. items, farm mach., lawn & gar den trac. approx. 1 p.m. Lunch stand. Terms by PIEFFER HILL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Art 215-267-7855 - Allen 215-267-3113 Auction Conducted By Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr. Auctioneers AU2116-L Reedsville, Pa. On BanviNe In WKf' Road - VA Mies To Farm fere, Cans. Mrf- Mr & josie a. Hostet “ ler, Owners. Mark Click and Between *nd Date G ' bbo "*' Aucts CENTRAL MANOR AUCTION AT HERR'S FRUIT FARM LOCATED TWO MILES SOUTH OF MOUNTVILLE. JUST OFF CENTRAL MANOR ROAD (MANOR ST.) MARCH 19TH AT 10 AM FEATURING NEW AND USED FARM EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, AND BUILDING SUPPLIES CALL NOW FOR OUR LOW RATE SCHEDULE!! 285-5976 or 653-9290 WE CAN SELL ONE ITEM OR ONE HUNDRED... NOTHING IS TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL! Here Is The Place To Get Rid Of Those Extra Things That You No Longer Need And Turn Them Into Cash'! We Will Pay You The Same Day For Any Item We Sell For You At This Sale! PARTIAL LISTING: 1959 JOHN DEERE 730 LP GAS TRACTOR (Completely tires): 1958 MASSEY MFSO GAS TRACTOR (Rebuilt engine..power steering.. 3 pt. hitch); JOHN DEERE 1240 4 ROW PLATELESS CORN PLANTER; 165 BU. BIN WAGON (8 ton); NEW IDEA MAN URE SPREADER; FRICK 11 FT. TRANS PORT DISC W/CYLINDER (all new earth metal MAYRATH 40 FT. ELEVA TOR (1.5 horse motor); 3 PT HITCH IMPLEMENTS: 200 GAL. 12 ROW SPRAYER, 2 BOTTOM 16” PLOW, FIELD CULTIVATOR, DISC HARROW, SPRING HARROW, BROADCAST SPRAYER (Lely Model H); PTO FEED CART (pull type); KIORITZ POWER SPRAYER (Knapsack); HOG FEEDERS (round, galvanized); ANTIQUE TOBACCO PRESS; ANTIQUE SEED CLEANER (“The Clipper”); ANTI QUE CORN SHELLER; NEW AND USED POWER MOWERS (push type.Toro, Wizard, Hahn. Reel, etc.) (Riders include Penncraft, Craftsman, Hahn, Snapper, etc.); 12 HP CUB CADET TRACTOR: FARMALL SUPER A TRACTOR W/ CULTIVATOR: MASSEY 65 TRACTOR (Fronts Rand Power Steering); W. SAUD ER LOADER; WHEEL HORSE MOWER (hydrostatic, 36”); NEW OIL FIRED FUR NACE INSERT (Gordon Pratt-220 v. 60 herts with 3 phase 380 v motor—6o herts); MANY SMALL ITEMS AND MORE ARRIVING EVERY DAY. TERMS: CASH NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE FOOD STAND BENEFITS LARC (Lancaster Ass’n Of Retarded Citizens) CENTRAL MANOR AUCTION 717-285-5976, 653-9290 AUCTIONEER: H. EDWARD JOHNSON, AU-001842 r 2nd ANNUAL 1 I FARM TOY SHOW & AUCTION MARCH 19, 1988 I 9 AM - 3 PM SHOW I 6 PM AUCTION ! YOUTH CENTER, CHAMBERSBURG, PA I | LIGHTHOUSE | Exit 4, 181 (Marion)- Go west on 914 approx. 1 mil#, Turn right onto fit. 11 go approx. % milejurn * X right on Ovoicath Rd. Go \4 mile, Lighthouse on left. I I Food will be lor sale during the entire event. | x DOOR PRIZES PRIZES FOR DISPLAY TABLES I I ADMISSION: $2.00 Children under 12 FREE I | John Downing ■ Auctioneer Lie. AV23IL PA I I TERMS: Cash or good checks X S SHw .'//AUCTION INFORMATION | } CONTACT , r , | A Ronald Helman Manager-rwlnEngle I I 717-263-1704 717-426-3554 X X Not Responsible for Accident or Injury during this entire event. I | Sponsored by ! I C.V. Antique Engine & Machinery Assoc., Inc. | ! Chambersburg, PA i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988-F27 FRI. MAR. 25 -10:30AM 80 Head Purebred Hotsleins. 1 ’/, mis. N. of White Horse, IV4 mis. N. of Rt. 340, mi. E. off Rt. 897 along Sel domridge Road Terms by: Ben F. & Annie K. Stoltzfus Paul Snyder. Aud FR MAR 25 -10.30 AM Ter-Mar Complete Disper sal Sylvania, Pa., Bradford Co. Terry E. & Martha J Detweiler, Owners. Flock well Auction Inc.- Sale Man agers, Troy. Pa. FRI. MAR 25 -11 AM Inventory Reduction Only 51 Primrose St. (roar) Ham burg, Pa. Berks Co. Next to Kmgsl.GA Store Sold for Ernst Const. & Supply Eugene G Klinger Auct Service. FRI MAR 25- 11AM Mod em 4 Horse Drawn Farm Equip , J D 4400 Combine 4 Truck. 4 Miles North Of Allentown, Pa. Along Ruchsville To Egypt Rd Lehigh Co., Pa Follow Rt 22 To Allentown Exit North At The Cedar Crest Blvo Exit Proceed 3 Miles To Orefieid Rd. Turn Right Pro ceed 1 Mile To Farn Emmett Lazarus, Owner Ralph W ZeMemoyer Auc tion Co Inc. FRI.MAR 25-12 OONOON PA's 15th Performan Tested Bull Sale At PSU Ag Arena, Next To The; PA Depart. Of Agriculture’s Meat Animal Evaluatio Center, 651 Fox Hoik Rd, State College, P. 16803 Glenn Eberly FRI MAR 25 & 26 9 30AM Saturday, Marc 26, 12 00-4 00PM Friday March 25 Victonan, Che, ry, Walnut, Oriental Rugs, Quilts, Hummels, Jewelr Coins, Silver, Fine Glass Chmaware, Redware, Dec Blue, Woodenware, Tin Etc Westinghouse Re‘ Freezer, Int 11 Hp Cub Cadet Old Ches Co farm setting West Marlborough Twp. Comer of rt 926 & Mosquito Lane. From Rt 41-Follow Rt 926 S.E 1% mile to Mosquito Lane (signs posted). 18 mi. from West Chester. PA./28 mi from Lancaster, PA & Wilm., DE, 4 miles S.E. of Cochranville, PA. Bring Lawn Chars. Herbert A Waters, Owner. Whiteside Auct. Service. FRI. MAR. 25 & 26 -10 AM Each Day. Public Auction of Carriages, Sleighs, Morse Related Equip. & Antiques Located Martin Sales Pavi lion, comer of fit. 340 & New Holland Rd., 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa Auct. Martin Aucts. Inc. FRI MAR. 25 & SAT. MAR 26 - 10 AM each day. Anti ques In Perry County'in the large building at the Slain Picnic ground, just off Rte 274, 10 miles west of Loy sville (approx 45 miles west of Hamsburg), p or Joan and Chan- McGarvey Chuck McGarvey, auct
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