PUBLIC SALE OF FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - JAY McVEY (SIGNED) PRINTS COINS & CAR Akron Area THURS., MAR. 17, 1988 Sale at 3 P.M. Jay McVey Prints At 6 P.M. Car, 6:45 P.M., Coins After Car Located at 105 Dogwood Dr., Akron, Pa. Directions: Rt. 272 - 'A ml. S. of Akron, turn onto S. Conestoga (At Click’s Auto Body) to Dogwood Dr. PINE LIGHTED HUTCH: Pine Trestle Table & 6 Chairs; 3-Pc. Living Room Suite; Bassett Bedroom Suite; Broyhill Walnut Bed room Suite; Hide-A-Bed; Barcolounger; Air Conditioners; Entertainment Center; Sweeper; Dehumidifier. 8-JAY McVEY SIGNED & NUMBERED PRINTS (All Framed); Other Unframed McVey Prints. “WWI & WWII Items - 2 Lg. Nazi Flags, WWI Helmet; BAR ITEMS- Beer Clocks, Budweiser Horses; Tap Handles; TOYS; ANTIQUE QUILT: Bear Robe; Press ed & Patterned Glass; Depression; Bavaria China & Glassware; TOOLS- Power Mower, Rubber Tire Wheelbarrow, Chain Saw, LADDERS. GUNS - “Winchester” Model 94, 30-30 Rifle Scope; .22 Rifle. COINS - 5 Silver Dollars; Half Dollars; Quarters; 500 Silver Dimes; Indian Head, Steel & Wheat Pennies. 1974 AMC AMBASSADOR STATION WAGON Good Condition. Terms by: MR. & MRS. SAMUEL E. WEAVER Auctioneers: T. Glenn Horst & Sons AU43BL 859-1331 - 738-1245 PUBLIC AUCTION OF MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT, 1947 FORD GRAIN TRUCK, PIPELINE MILKER; ROUND CORN CRIB, HOUSEHOLD GOODS ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1988 Travel '/> Ml Wof Yellow House (June Rts 562 & 662) to Limekiln Rd., then Turn N for 1 Ml; or 1 Ml S of Limekiln, Oley Twp., Berks Co. Watch for signs. Farmall 560 tricycle gas tractor w/2 pt. FH & TA; Farmall 350 tricycle gas tractor w/2 pi FH-TA & new tires; Farmall 300 tricycle gas w/2 pt FH & TA; IH 33 loader w/snow bucket for same: IHIOI SP combine w/power steering-10' grain hume power reel & IH 228 2 row corn head; IH 234 mtd 2 row com picker; JD 224 T baler w/hydraulic thrower; NH 469 hay bine; NH 56 rake; IH 100 2 pt mower; Woods Cadet 72 2 pt rotary cutter; MLR 30' bale elevator; 3 Grove wagons w/throw bale & com sides-1 dump; IH 56 4 row corn planter; JD 13x7 disc grain drill; IH 2 pt 4x14” trip plows: Dunham 10' transport disc; Ford 10’ 22” disc, offset disc: JD 950 10' roller harrow; #2OO gal fiberglass tank sprayer; NH tank spreader; Fidelity 25KW PTO alternator; 2 pt post hole digger; IH 2 row cult; 38” tractor chains & spare tire. 1947 FORD TRUCK w/FLAT HEAD V-8 & 12' GRAIN DUMP BODY-57,000 original mi-A-1 SHAPE; 1947 Ford trans & rear; Delaval 4 unit 30 cow pipeline milker; Majonnier 320 gal milk tank; SS sink; infra heater; Nester 30 gal gas water heater like new; 1200 bu round com crib; Lincoln 225 wel der; 24' fan; snow fence; section ladder; lumber; scrap iron; feed bags; baler twine; 1 hole com shelt er; rubber tire wheelbarrow; bldg jack; sausage stuf fer; meat grinder; scalding trough; other farm related tools; cedar & other wardrobes and many more items. NOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. SOLD FOR HAROLD S. HERBEIN Sale at 10:30 AM. Frey Auctioneers TERMS: Cash or Pa. check Refreshments on premises Public Auc Register Lancaster Muzzle Loading Rifle Assn. Twenty-Ninth Annual GUN SHOW The Original Lancaster Show Saturday- March 19, 1988 8 00AM - 5 00pm Sunday- March 20, 1988 9 00AM - 3 00pm at the Lancaster Farm & Home Center 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION TRACTORS - FARM EQUIP. - COMBINE HOUSEHOLD GOODS WED., MARCH 30, 1988 9:30 AM LOCATED; York County, PA. Off Interstate S 3 at Exit 7, go East on Rt. 124 to top o( hill and turn In lana on right at Poor baugh aign to 2nd farm. Watch for aigns. International 1086 Diesel Tractor w/Cab, Air and Heater, 20.8x38 Tires, Dual Hydraulic, 2850 Hrs. Set of Dual Wheels for 1086 - Hubs, Rims and Tires 20.8x38, 20.8x38 Tire Chains. Farmall 706 Diesel - 3 PL, Dual PTO, Flat Top Fenders, Wide Front. 10 Int. Front Weights. Farmall F2O Tractor w/PTO. International 815 Combine - Diesel, Hydrastatic Drive, Cab, Like New. 13 Ft. Floating Grain Head. Int. 844 Com Head. 1962 Int. 1600 w/Grain and Catde Side - 4 Speed, 2 Speed Rear, 21,000 G.V.W. International 700 6x16 Automatic Reset Plow, International 475 17/2 Ft. Transport Disk - Wing Fold, J.D. 9'A Ft. Transport Killifer Disk, International 13 Ft. Cultipacker w/2 - 4 Ft. Extensions, Int. 15 Tooth Chisel Plow, Int. 435 Baler w/#l5 Thrower - Like New, 2 Thrower Wagons w/Metal Sides, Int. Wagon w/Hoist and Grain Bed, Grove Wagon w/Hoist and Grain Bed, International Grain Dryer w/ Drying Floors, Int. Model 50-4 Row Stalk Chopper, Int. 550 Harvester w/2 Row Head, Int. #8 Rail Chopper, Ink 56 4 Row Planter w/ Liquid Fertilizer, J.D. 15 Disk Grain Drill, Avco 3 Pt. Spinner Spreader, J.D. 80” Rotary Mower - 3 Pt., Meyers Mower Conditioner Combination, J.D. Hay Huffer, 2 Int. 4 Row 3 Pt. Culti., 2 Row 3 PL Culti., Grain Wagon w/ Hoist, 2 Sect. Rotary Hoe, New Holland 350 Grinder Mixer, Co-op 36 Ft. Elevator w/ Electric Motor and Bottom Drag, D.B. Hay Rake, Int. 16 Ft. Bale Elevator, 4” Grain Auger, 3 Pt. Log Splitter, 3 Pt. Wood Saw, 3 Pt. Spray er w/Booms, 3 Pt. Sub Soiler, Grain Bin w/ Auger, M.F. 3 Pt. Dynabalance Sickle Bar Mower, Grain Auger 6”x44 Ft. w/Transport, Saddle Tanks - 200 Gal. Each, Cement Mixer, Seed Cleaner, Dehomer, Cable, Pipe Vise, Hay Fork, Garden Culti., Scalding Trough, Culti packer Rolls, Large Iron Pile, Surge Vacuum Pump, Surge Milker Units, Sprayer Frame w/ Tank - Pull Type, Wagon Load of Small Items, 2 Wheel Trailer, Hydraulic Cylinders, Walking Plow, Truck Tires, Grain Cradle, Dump Rake, Etc. Howard 3 Pi. Hitch Backhoe w/Hydraulic Pump. Riding Horse - 6 Yr. Old Gelding - Black w/White Socks. Sausage Stuffer, Meat Grinder, Iron Kettle w/Fumace, Butcher Benches, Crocks, Wooden Cabinet, Round Table, Victrola, Old Records, Wood Box, Reed Rocker, Rope Bed, Jelly Cupboard, Dining Room Suit, York Player Piano, Sectional Bookcase, and Other Household Goods. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. FULL SETTLEMENT SALE DAY. SALE FOR: MR. & MRS. JAMES L. GABLE 2640 Mt. Rose Avenue York, PA (717) 755-6679 AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emlgsville, PA (717) 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988-F25 WED MAR 23 & MAR 24- MAR. 23, 12 NOON, MAR 24,10.30 AM Dairy Cattle & Farm Machinery, Mar 23, Farm Equipment, Mar. 24 Mr & Mrs Raymond M Stull, Jr, Owners Austin Bohn, Auct WED., THURS., FRI - MAR 23, 24, 25 - Three Day Farm Equipment, Etc Sale at Horst's Machinery Sales lot located '/> mile East of Manon, Pa. Ralph W. Horst, Marion, Pa, Manager THURS MAR. 24 -10 AM Dairy Cows, Horses, Farm Equip Located 2 mi S of Honey Brook off Rt 10, left onMt Pleasant Rd to farm, Chester Co . PA. Terms by Christian & Malinda S Click Homing Farm Agen cy, Morgantown, PA THURS MAR. 24 -10 AM Special Consignment Sale of Easter Lambs & Kid Goats. At Keister’s Middle burg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt 522,3 mi E. of Middleburg, PA smi W of Selinsgrove, PA. TUES MAR. 24-10 AM Full line of Farm Machinery. RD #1 Fredericksburg, PA, Lebanon Co Pa. 1 mile West of Fredericksburg on Old Route 22 across from the Northern Lebanon High School. By Wilmer Weaver Ebersole & Shoop, Aucts THURS MAR 24 -11 AM Tractors & Farm Equip ment Going from Sudlers ville, Md to Kenton, De on Rt. 300 One mile from Sud lersville turn right on Duhamel Comer Rd Ist farm on left William E Hob son, Owner. Sales Mgr & Auct C.T Scuse & Sons f PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 26th, 1988 TIME 9:00 A.M. Location: From Duncannon, Perry County, Follow Rt. #274 West, 1.7 Miles To Hickory Rd. (Across From Duncannon Health Center) Turn Left Onto Hickory Rd. And Immediately Bare Right Onto Faculty Rd., Follow This Road V 4 Mile To Sale Location Or From Carlisle, Follow Rt. #34 North Approx. 25 Miles To Meeks Corner, Turn Right Onto Rt. #274 East. Follow This Road 5'A Miles To Hickory Rd., Turn Right Onto Hickory Rd., Bare Right Onto Faculty Rd. And Follow This Road % Mile To Sale Location. Note: Sale Will be Held In Large Implement Building, Also Plen ty Of Good Parking. FARM MACHINERY J.D. 4240 120 hp. diesel tractor w/wide front end, air conditioned and heated cab, 3 pt., rear hydraulics and pto (good tractor); Gleaner 11’ cut self-propelled combine; Oliver 550 tractor w/wide front end, manure load er, rear hydraulics, PTO and 3 pt. (new tires); N.H. 315 Hayliner w/kicker; J.D. 1209 Haybine; White 543 4 row com planter; 8250 J.D. 14 hoe grain drill; (3) N.H. 16’ hay wagons w/racks; N.H. 512 manure spreader; Zim merman 32’ hay and grain elevator; N.I. #325 two row picker; Oliver 3 pt. 16” 4 bottom plows; N.H. hay rake; N.H. flail chopper, N.H. #357 feed grinder (used very little); 12’ leaver harrow; J.D. 14’ disk; 12’ cultipacker; N.I. 3 pi. fertilizer spreader; Hosnee field sprayer; Oliver sickle bar mower; 250 bu. gravity bin wagon; heavy Army trailer; 3 pt. post hole digger (good); potato plow. Note: This equipment has been kept inside and well cared for, some pieces are in the manner of new. TOOLS AND OTHER DAIRY EQUIPMENT Forney 180 amp welder w/6 or 12 volt battery charging attachment; (2) welding hoods; Sears 30, 60, 200 amp c'.iarger/starter; Meyer 6’ snow blade; MacKissic 3.5 HP garden sprayer (2 yr. old); 3 pt. log splitter on wheels: portable air compressor; 40’ and 30’ wood extension ladders; (2) wheel barrows: (2) 275 gal. fuel tanks w/pumps; (3) IH farm master alum, gates; (2) 12’ alum, gates; dehomers; hoof trimmers; bag cart; endless belt; cow blankets; (2) 20’ log chasing: (2) 10’ log chains; other small chains; 200 lb. bag scales; small 3 pt. scraper blade; hay forks; large anvil; barb and electric fence: cement mixer, small hammermill; assorted rolls of chicken wire; large pile of assorted lumber; (2”x4”- l”x8”-10”-12” etc.); lawn seeder; rotary lawn mower, string trimmer; electric motors; (3) bench vic es; (2) full boxes of alum, siding; other assorted siding; tarpaper; 5’ alum, step ladder, transpower scroll saw; Bosch 8” hand grinder; saber saws; drills; bolt cutters; 59 pc. tap & die set; gas cans; metal work bench; gal. tubs; come-along; metal work bench; picks; shovels; nuts; bolts; hand tools of all kinds; ax; large junk pile and other items not mentioned. I.D. required for bidders number Not Responsible for accidents ESTATE OF LUTHER H. AND JEAN H. CARNES Paul M. Carnes and Nancy J. Urlch- Co-Executors 834-5807 or 834-3058 Ed Shull Auctioneer 789-4100 #AL 1935 Lunch Stand By Dellville United Methodist Church PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1988 At 10:30 A.M. Located In Blair County, Turn West off Route 453 bewtween Water Street and Tyrone, Pa., onto Sinking Valley Road, 3 1 /* Miles to Farm. FARM MACHINERY I.H. 966 dsl. tractor W.F.E. overhauled last year, I.H. 706 gas tractor w/fast hitch, Farmall super M tractor, Farmall M tractor, I.H. culti vators, Bob Cat 520 hydrostatic skid loader, H. & S. model 260 spreader w/hyd. gate in good cond., N.H. no. 353 mixer-grinder, I.H. no. 35 baler w/thrower, N.H. no. 489 haybine, I.H. fast hitch mower, I.H. no. 2 hay conditioner, N.H. no. 36 flail chopper, N.I. rola bar rake, 3 bale rack wagons, 2 gravity wagons, Badger 3 beater unloading wagon, 2 Badger 2 beater wagons, N.I. no. 324-2 row mounted com pick er w/12 roll bed, N.H. no. 770 harvester w/ pickup and 2 row heads, N.I. no. 620 blower, I.H. no. 57 combine w/bin, Hanson field spray er, I.H. no. 10-13 disk grain drill w/grass seed er, I.H. no. 449-4 row com planter, 2 Oliver no. 4340-3-16 in. trailer plows, I.H. no. 350 trans port disk, I.H. 8 ft. disk, I.H. no. 401-12 ft. har row, 10 ft. cultipacker, Starline tub spreader for parts, some old junk machinery, 16x7 ft. over head door, a small amount of misc. items. BE ON TIME FOR MACHINERY! Terms - CASH Lunch ALBERT (BUD) SHOENBERGER R.D. 1, Tyrone, Pa. 814-684-4568 Mark Click and Dale Gibboney Auctioneers AU-349-L AU-335-L
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