F22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 Public Auction Register SAT. MAR. 19 -11 AM 55 Reg. Holstein Calves & Heifers Hunters Sale Bam, Rising Sun, Md. Sponsored by Cecil, Harford, Balti more, Kent, Queen Anne and Delaware Holstein Clubs. Co-Chairman, Steve Wilson, Bob Knutsen. SAT MAR 19 -11 AM Combine, Tractors, Farm Equipment, Truck, House hold 1 mile east of Dover, Del. on Rt 8 North Little Creek Rd., Ist farm on left from Dover. B.W. Rouehl, Jr., Owner. Sales Mgr. & Auct C T. Scuse & Sons. SAT. MAR 19- 11AM On the premises at the first farm out of Kleinfeltersville along Millbach road. Farm Equipment, Etc. By Earl B Horst Weik & Weik, aucts SAT MAR. 19 -12 NOON 52 Registered Brown Swiss Farm 5 mi. north west of Taneytown and 5 mi. northeast of Emmits burg. At Int. of Rt. 15 and Rt 140 go north on Harney Rd 4 miles to farm on left. Pine Hill Farm, Owner. Modem Associates, Sales Manager. SAT. MAR. 19 - IPM Farm for sale in the beautiful ‘White Deer Valley’ in Lycoming County, near the Village of Elimsport, Pa. by Donald R. Wnght, Kenneth D Young, auct. PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1988 Located three miles east of Lancaster, '/< mile West of Locust Grove Mennonite School. Just south of Route 340 at 133 Buckwalterßoad, East Lampeter Twp., Lancaster, Pa. Thirty-four head of Holstein Dairy cows, in all stages of produc tion. Some heifers. All T.B. & Blood tested. 1 Pair Sorrel horses, ten yrs. old; 1 pair Gray horses; 1 pair sorrel mules: 1 odd mule. All good workers. ' Case “930" Comfort King tractor with turbo charge; New Holland #273 hay liner, overhauled Wisconsin engine and super sweep Pequea hay tedder, overhauled; New Holland 256 hay rake. W.C. Rotary scythe with 1 yr.old V.M. diesel; Mayrath 28’ elevator; McD 6* mower; two flat bed wagons: Gehl “600” recutter, with hopper and conveyor. McD 24 disc harrow; two bottom 14" trailer plow; Wiard 106 walk ing plow; two spring harrows: three cultipackers; McD riding cultiva tor; single bottom trailer plow. Roy Stoltzfus built liquid manure spreader; J & M gravity bin on gears: mechanical transplanter; two horse weeder; three foretrucks; Lane. Silo built drag elevator. Buzz saw; 1 horse cultivator; three wheel livestock transport trail er; portable 48” barn fan with engine; two knapsack sprayers with engines; applicator for hay spoilage prevention; Black Hawk corn planter; wire roller & wire. Oliver 8’ grain & fertilizer drill; Bradley 3 pt. 6’ bar mower; John Deere 3 pt. 4 bottom 14” plow; 3 pt. hook-up com planter; Interna tional silage wagon on 8 ton gear; Van Brundt 8' grain and fertilizer drill; John Deere 9’ disc. Tobacco ladders; 8000 tobacco lath; three Mmnich tobacco presses; old work bench top, wooden vise; drill press; tobacco shears and spears; two hyd pumps; torch. Two Click built utility sheds B’xl4’; 40 planks 10”x2”x14’; 25 planks 6"x2"xl4’. 1,2,3,4,5, 6 horse hitches; collars: bridles: lines; 8 sets of front gears: 1 Yankee harness; bolt bin; milk cans. DAIRYING EQUIPMENT- Mueller 600 gallon bulk tank; three Westfalia milking units; Bender washer; Lister HRD diesel; Surge 75T milker pump; Curtis 5 h.p. compressor, 1 year old; Lehigh com pressor; A.O. Smith 30 gallon water heater; stainless strainers, buckets and tubs; cow trainers: round hay rack; 4 calf hutches; Far mec fencer, feed and ensilage carts. Some household goods. Sale at 9:30 A.M. DIFFENBACHS AUCTIONEERS- 393-4464 Abe- 225 L, Abe Jr.- 1101 L, Alan- 2258 L, David- 2324 L Roger Floyd, Clerk MARCH 19th SAT., At 11:30 A.M. ' 1 mile from Wysox, Pa. on sth Ave. Turn off Rt. #lB7 % mille North of Rt. #6 & Rt. #lB7 Intersection. The farm behind the ball field. 2 miles to Towanda, 6 1 /* from Rome. Bradford Co. Arrows! 60 Registered Holsteins 52 Reg. 8 ID & Grades. Sire Power & Eastern Breeding. 46 mature cows, 3 bred hfrs., 10 open hfrs., 1 Jersey service bull. 6 red & whites reg w/Holstein assn. 1 a Triple Threat. These cows & hfrs. the daughters of Board Chairman, Valiant, Chief, Lone Ranger, Wiseman, Starfire, Dellfield Standout, Berlin, etc. Many fresh in last 6-8 weeks. Many due March & April. 23 due June thru Sept. DHIA records to 18,000 lbs. Somatic cell 117,000. All vaccinated, dehorned, shorts, vet examined & tested for interstate. PRODUCE Corn Silage 16x28 ft. Hay approximately 500 bale bright early cut. TERMS: Cash or good check. Owners HAROLD & JEAN WEAVER Jim Adriance, Auctioneer AU4L Montrose, 278-1574 9:30 A.M. LIVESTOCK FARM EQUIPMENT CORN FODDER JONATHAN E. & LIZZIE ANN FISHER OWNERS WEAVER HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL PUBLIC AUCTION (111 health prompts this dispersal) On farm 3Vi mis. W. of Ringtown, PA. Saturday, April 9, 1988 10 a.m. 5 Tractors, Trucks, MF 300 Com bine, Potato Equipment, General Farm Equipment, Frick Sawmill, etc. Owner: R. ELDON HETHERINGTON Conducted by: Fraley Auction Co 717-546-6907 AU1194-L Watch for complete listing PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY, BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT & HOUSEHOLD GOODS FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1988 9:00 A.M. Location; 12 miles south of Lancaster, along Rt. 222, in the village of Hessdale (1615 Beaver Valley Pike), or 5 miles north of Quarryville along Rt. 222. FARM MACHINERY: 2010 JD tractor w/ loader, top link, JD draw bar; JD M tractor w/plow, cultivators, row marker, sawbuck, and snow plow; 201 Nl manure spreader: McC Deering disc; Cultipacker; NH 450 3-point mower; Shovel harrow; Log chains: 6 ft. Ford rotary mower; Gates; 2 sleighs: Bumper for 8N Ford tractor; Ford bucket: Miles AC welder; One Way Cylinder; Ropes: 12-ton Hyd. press: Heavy duty block & tackle; Lg. metal tool box; Feed chests; 4 feed troughs; Hay rack; 10 ft. roll er elevator; 8 ft. overhead door; Old barn boards; Planks: Work bench; Bench vise: Ext. ladders; Fairbanks platform scales; Water pump on frame w/Briggs & Stratton engine: Fodder cutter; One hole corn shell er; Fiberglass roofing; Metal scaffolding; Painter swing, complete: Oak, pine, cherry & chestnut lumber; Square logs 10x11 'A "; Approx. 4 to 5 tons Alfalfa Hay: Corn; Corn fodder. BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT: Kettle; Scalding trough; 200 lb. Toledo meat mix er; Air powered stutter; Beet & pork rollers: Tree hooks on rollers: S-hooks, Ig. & sm.;s ft. stainless steel cutting table; Steel knives; Stainless & alum, tubs; Lard press; Berkel auto, meat slicer; Beef scribes; Cleaver; Sausage stutter; Track scales; Beet skinning buck; Metal beef gamble; Trammel; Beef leg chains: Kettle stove, extra top; 2 track switches; Brunnerville butcher furnace. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: White pine poster bed; Single bed, complete; Washstand; Kneehole desk; Victorian sofa; Cane swivel chair; Odd chairs: Oak bookshelf; Stereo: High chair; Sleds; Yardsticks; Mir rors; Check writer: L.C. Smith typewriter: 3 wooden wine barrels; Antique sifter & grin der; Hanging scales; Peal 24" long, from bakery in Strasburg; Coal oil burner; Ash ley stove; 2-ton central air conditioner; Electric 5 ft. wall heater; Wooden storm windows & doors; Window sash; Base board heat element: Shutters; Alum, sid ing; Floor & ceiling tile; Ceramic tile cutter; Ceramic type fixtures; Chrome edging; Formica: Rubber & vinyl cove base; Asbes tic cutter; Railroad spikes: Tree trimmer; Fluorescent lights; Lawn roller & spreader. Items too numerous to mention. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS UNLESS KNOWN BY OWNER OR AUCTION EERS. Lunch available. TERMS BY JERE L. & JANE E. GROFF Auction conducted by: LLOYD KREIDER, AUOOOSI3L, 717-786-3394, RANDAL KLINE, ROY GOOD, GARY SHIRK PUBLIC SALE OF OVER 400 COLLECTOR’S PLATES AND COINS BRICKERVILLE FIRE HALL WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16. 1988 At 6 P.M. Coins at 8 P.M. Sale to be held at Brickerville Fire Hall located just off Rt. 322 (approx. 8 mi. W. of Ephrata), Brickerville, Lancaster Co., Pa. OVER 400 COLLECTOR’S PLATES MOST IN ORIGINAL BOXES; Schuman Bavaria: Porsgrund Norway: Porsgrund China; Berlin China; Royal Copenhagen; Kaiser Porcelain; Bing & Grundahl; Santa Clara; Svend Jensen of Denmark; Orrefors of Sweden “Historic Churches of World"; Silver City Sterling Silver on Crystal; Portmeirion Staffordshire: Wedgwood: Georg Jenson; Andrew Wyeth; Schmid Bavaria: Gorham; Goebel; Reed & Barton Damascene: Furst; Haviland Limoges France: Marzi & Remy; Royale Germany. COINS Over 350 Silver Dollars; Over 150 Proof And Mint Sets. Terms By: E.S.P. Auctioneers: T. Glenn Horst & Sons AU43BL 859-1331 738-1245 PUBLIC SALE TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT We, the undersigned having sold our farm and discontinuing farming, will sell at Public Auction on premises located 2 miles N.E. of Brunswick along Petersville Rd., Frederick County, Md. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1988 Beginning at 10:30 A.M. 4 TRACTORS Oliver 1365 diesel with 1510 front end loader; MM model 670 diesel, good rubber; Oliver model 77 (gas), good rubber; Oliver model 66 (gas), good rubber; JD 400 grinder-mixer, 12 ft. Transport Taylan Way heavy disc, 14 ft. bush hog. model 160 rot ary mower, Ml model 213 spreader, Fox 2N row custom model 90 chopper, model 273 NH baler with kicker, JD 14 ft. baler, Ml model 299 MO conditioner, MM 6 30 in. row no till planter, Bearcat flail chopper, Nl 2 row corn picker model 325 30 in. row, JD 3 gang 14 in. 3 pt. plow, 2 gang JD trailer plow. Cabey 5000 self-unloading wagon, IHC self-unloading wagon, JD 125 chuck wagon, JD 122 chuck wagon, Busboy field bale loader, 45 ft. Nl hay elevator, 30 ft. ruth hay elevator, JD 200 fiberglass tank field sprayer with centrifugal pump. Gyro fertilizer spreader, 10-7 JD grain drill, JD hay rake, Colwell tractor post hole digger, 5 flat bed wagons, 1 kick bed wagon, tractor mounted seed sower, set of JD cultivators for A or B, 3 pt. mounted rear tractor platform, rear tractor wheel corn shield, JD 3020 roll guard, 2-4 in. augers and motors, 10 and 30 ft.; Davis grain crim per, with 5 h.p. G.E. sealed motor. 1963 1 ton Chevy truck, as is; 6 10 ft. pipe gates, 18 ft. pipe gates, several wooden gates, Walder automatic model 103 cattle catch er, 2-200 gal. galvanized water tanks. DeLaval milkers, pump and pipeline and equipment from a 4-unit milking parlor, milker washer, wash up tank, hot water heater, etc. Approx. 3000 bales of mixed alfalfa to be sold in 3 separate lots. TERMS OF SALE; CASH and no prop erty to be removed until settled for. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ON PREMISES. MR. & MRS. WILLIAM WATKINS Owners 38258 Petersvllle Rd. Brunswick, Md. AvrnosErtsi a mas Phone: 301-834-9627 Wlllowdale Auction Co. Dan Poole, Walter Gordon, Aucts. Joseph Gordon, Susan Kelley, Clerks Phone 301-473-8100 Food Will Be Available
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