PUBLIC AUCTION 9th Annual Beaver Run Amish School Located at schoolhouse 4 mis. N. of Washlngtonville, Pa. Near PP&L Power Plant Saturday, April 9, 1988 9:30 a.m. To consign Items contact: Ell Hostetler- 7AM-BPM 717-649-5595 or Aaron Hostetler 717-538-2316 Watch for full listing. PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, MARCH 17,1988 9:30 A.M. The undersigned will sell modern Farm Machinery and related Items. Located at Mr. & Mrs. Dale Furry’s Farm in Blair County, 9 miles East of Altoona, Pa. and 8 miles South of Tyrone, Pa. off Route 220 (between Scalp & Culp). Farm located in Sinking Valley and is close to Sinking Valley Country Club. From Route 22 take Route 453 North. Watch for signs. 1966 John Deere 4020 Diesel Tractor wide front- good 16.9.38 tires- manual trans.- 4 hydraulic outlets and portable Cab, 1966 John Deere 3020 Diesel Tractor - power shift trans. - 4 remote outlets - 3 pt. hitch - motor rebuilt spring of 1986, John Deere 2030 Diesel Tractor - wide front - motor rebuilt spring of 1985, John Deere 50 Gas Tractor - narrow front - Good, Case VAC Gas Tractor - narrow front, John Deere 4420 Diesel Combine w/213 Flex Head and Hume Reel - also No. 443 4 row narrow corn head w/2500 hrs. and stan dard trans., John Deere F-145 4-16 semi mt. plow, John Deere 3 pt. Model 506 Flail Mower, John Deere Model 1600 - 3 pt. -10 tooth chisel plow, John Deere Model 7000 no-till Corn Planter w/liquid Fert. & Insect. Boxes, John Deere 336 Baler w/Thrower - Very Good, John Deere Model 210 Trans port Disk, Homemade P.T.O. Dump Trail er, John Deere 12 ft. Harrow, Model 1068 Haybuster no-till Drill - 2 seed Boxes - 8 Inch Spacing, Good Badger Chuck Wagon w/Roof & Running Gears, 1953 - M 37 - 4x4 - 3 /« Ton w/500 gal. Hardi Sprayer -40 ft. Booms - Mixer & Dye Marker w/Auto Con trols, New Holland 479 pull type Haybine, New Holland Model 55 Hay Rake, New Holland 42 inch- 5 Hp. Hay Fan, New Hol land Model 27 Whirl-Feed Blower, 316 Ft. High Rack Bale Wagons, 1 18 Ft. High Rack Wagon - all w/6 Ton & 8 Ton Running Gears, 5 -8 Ton Running Gears all w/Large Kilbros & McCurty Gravity Boxes, 3 pt. 300 gal. Sprayer w/Squeeze Pump & Drop Nozzles, 3 pt. Spin Cast Fertilizer Spread er, New Idea Model 176 Elevator - approx. 36 Ft. w/P.T.0., Smoker 24 ft. Hay Eleva tor, Cardinal 16 ft. alumn. port. Elevator, 14 ft. Gandy Applicator - to be used on any equipment, 3 pt. Scraper Blade, Fox 2 Row Narrow Model 546 Harvester w/Grass Head, Dion Chuck Wagon - front end only - includes most everything but wooden frame, Brillion Cultipacker, Powermate 110 - 220 V 4000 Watt Generator, L.P.S. Feeder, Bale Feeder, 2 Ton Martin Steer Feeder, 300 gal. & 2- 500 gal. Liquid Fert. Tanks & Homelite Liquid Fert. Pump, Steel Squeeze Chute w/Headgate, John Deere Pressure Washer, 250 gal. Gravity Gas Tank, 285 gal. Gas Tank w/elec. Pump, Homelite 330 Chain Saw, Homelite XLI2 Chain Saw, Frontier Chain Saw, 9 ft. Steel Work Bench. 6 Inch Vise, assorted Hand Tools, Oxygen & Acetylene Torch Set, Log Chains, & Many Small Items. 1977 G.M.C.- % Ton Truck- V-8- 4 Speed 1500 Bales of Straw 10,000 gal. Tank located at Tipton, Pa, Sale by: MR. & MRS. DALE FURRY For appointment call: (814) 684-0419 Auctioneer: Ronald J. Gilllgan, PA Licensed & Bonded #AU339-L Clerks: Harpster & Knepp Terms: Cash or Good Check - Day of Sale Owner or Auctioneer not responsible in case of accidents. (Food Available) Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM of each week s publication SAT. MAR. 19-10 AM Farm Machinery Dispersal Sale, Massey Ferg. 540 Com bine, Case 970 Diesel Trac tor and other farm machin ery Turn off 1-83 Express way Exit No. 31 onto Middletown Road, proceed approx. % mile and turn on Falls Road proceed IV4 miles to farm. For Russel N. Miller & Rodney G. Lee. Charles W. Shrodes, David W. Shrodes, aucts. SAT. MAR. 19- 10AM Valu able Farm Machinery, Misc S. of Loganville, Pa from Rt. 111 turn onto Ridge View Rd. & follow the signs PUBLIC AUCTION Of Farm Machinery On Saturday, March 19. 1988 at 9:30 A.M. Sharp Selling for Robert E. Godfrey, Jr., Halnesport- Mt Laurel Rd. OR Elbow Lane- Lumberton Rd., ML Laurel, N.J. Mr. Godfrey Is discontinuing farming & will dis pose of the following: TRACTORS: 1964 JD #3020 (gas) w/wida front & #5B loader, 1975 JD #4230 w/duals-cab air & heat, JD 4320 w/duals & cab, JD #420 high-clear, w/cult. & side dressers, 1948 AC “CA* w/cult., JD “B’. 1983 JD #4420 Combine (diesel) 4- 36' corn head -15’ grain head (like new), Clark fork lift 2500 lb. lift; 1965 IHC #656 WF, Dsl. w/several pcs. of 2 pt. HT Equip. TRUCKS A CAR: 1968 IHC #l6OO loadstar w/14’ flat dump body, 1964 Chev. #6O w/16' flat dump, 1963 GMC p/u, 1965 Valliant car. EQUIPMENT: snow plow for #3020 tricycle, JD 3ptht 6’ scraper blade, JD #2lO-15' cut har., JD #l6OO- 12’ chisel plow w/buster bar, JD #B3OO- 21 disk grain dr., JD 4 row cult., JD "H* high crop sw. corn sprayer, JD 3 sect, scratch har., JD sickle bar mower, JD #327 baler, JD #FB4S 3 bot. rollover plow, JD #950- 12’ roller har., Marliss 14’ No Till drill, trail blazer foam marker, John Blue sprayer, FMC sw. corn harvester, 2 flat wag. w/sides, liq. fert. pump, sw. corn cart, 20’ Little Giant elev., Vicon grain spreader, Mulch plastic layer, Nl man. sp„ seed cleaner w/bagger, sm. auger, 20’-6‘ auger, Mayrath 10’-3* auger, bin sweep for 12’ grain bin, Cardinal 4T 6* &’ 20’ auger, Myers 3 pt ht 100 gal. sprayer, land roller, John Blue fert. applic., 3 pt ht boom, veg. cult., trac. wts., lot hyd. cyl., Lobee grader w/turn table & washer, 3 Snyder tanks (2-1000 gal. & 1- 1600 gal), fuel tank w/elec. pump, gas heater, aerator, (plat form, roadstand & hanging) scales, bag truck, shop vac, torch set, fan, power washer, air comp., Homelite chain saw, lot bolts & shelves, 2 oil tanks, % * socket set, drill, 2 bicycles, 5 bird bangers (propane), Antique riding 2 horse cult., box stapler gun, hay fork, Holland 2 row trans planter, JD 2 row cult., Myers 3 pt. bt. 100 gal. S.S. 24’ boom sprayer; JD 7000 Cons, no-till bean & corn planter w/liq. fert. GRAIN BENS: 2- GSI grain bins w/fans & unloaders (6500 bu.), Farm Fans, Inc.- AB-128 grain dryer, grain pit. GREENHOUSE: 16’x48’ w/gas heater-flats fan w/vents; Hardee sprayer w/Myers air blast w/Wisc. Eng. IRRIGATION: Heinzman #3340 trailing irrig. sprinkler w/600’ hose, Pump w/Hercules diesel eng. 1200 gpm., (New) Hardee pump 3 piston, 30- 30’x5*, 15- 40’x4’ Anderson Miller plus sprinklers, 16- 40’x4* Barton w/sprinklers, 8- 40’x5* Anderson Miller, 6' suction line, lot of fjttings-_fiJbouic-otc. -SoOnjxll corn crates, 100- 9x12 (new) corn crates, veg. & melon boxes, 200 sweet corn bags. FARMERS: All this machinery Is In A#l con dition. Anyone In need of machinery should not miss this sale. All equipment has been housed. Lunch will be available on the premises. The seller or auctioneer are not responsible for any theft, injury or accident of any kind on sale premises. TERMS: Paid in full sale day. BUYERS: Cash or guaranteed funds or current bank letter of credit, stating amount you can spend up to at the Godfrey Sale. SALES MANAGER— NORMAN PARKER 609-758-8603 Auctioneer- Lee Parker to sale OR from 183 Glen Rock Exit #2. take Rt. #216 west to stop sign turn right, proceed N. on Rt. 11l to Ridge View Rd. turn right again and proceed to sale site. Leroy Bupp, Naomi Bupp, C. Harry Miller, Own ers. Melvin Haines, Auct. SAT MAR. 19- 10AM Real Estate, Household Goods, Antique Car, Coins. Located Along Gristmill Rd., Earl Township, Lane Co., Pa. Directions Just Off Rt. 322 Between Blue Ball & Hmkletown Along Gnstmill Rd Norman L. Martin & Mary E. Martin, Owners. T. Glenn Horst & Sons, Aucts. SAT MAR. 19 -10 AM Ist annual Indiana Farmers Livestock Market Consign- ment Farm Equipment Sale. SAT. MAR. 19-10 AM Farm Equipment & Household Items Located approx. 4 mi. N. of Easton, Md. on Hiner’s Lane, off of Rt. 50, first farm on the right. For Richard Schuermann. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc. SAT. MAR 19-10 AM Farm Machinery & Heifers. At 1495 McKinstry's Mill Rd., Carroll County, Union Bridge, Md Take Rt. 75 to Unwood, located between New Windsor and Union Bndge, Go South on McKin stry’s Mill Rd., follow sale signs Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Anthony, Owners. Marvin Curtis, Delbert Null, Aucts. SAT. MAR 19-10 AM Farm Equipment Sale 5 miles south of Oakland, Md., off Route 219 South Turn east on Jasper Reily Road, fol low signs I'/» miles. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J Zook, Own ers. Clark A. Yoder, Auct. SAT. MAR 19 -10 AM & 2PM Antiques Troxelville Auction Gallery. Troxelville, Pa. 25 mi. W. of Selins grove, Pa„ off Rt. 522 at Beaver Springs,Pa., 4 mi. N of Rt 235 to auction. C.P Jacobs, Jr., Roy L. Martin, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 -10 AM located two miles south of Mountville, just off Central Manor Road (Manor St.) New and Used Farm Equip ment, Tools and Building Supplies By Central Manor Auction, H Edward John son, auct. SAT MAR 19 - 10 30AM Brown's Welding & Crane Service. Donald Brown Estate. Carlisle, Pa.- 1003 South Hanover Street, ** Hs TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1988 Lovely Lancaster County Real Estate IVi story Cape Cod home with approx. 6.64 acres M/L Located in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Take Route 30 east of Gap approx. 214 miles to County Line Rd. turn north for approx. 14 mile to Limeville Road, turn right approx. % mile. Home on Left (Watch for auction sign). Real estate consists of a large VA story frame and vinyl siding home with garage. The Ist floor consists of a large carpeted living room approx. 15’x24’, beamed ceiling, paneling, and wood burning stove; a small room for half bath; a large modem kitchen with plenty of cupboards and outside entrance door with small porch; carpeted dining room; den or 3rd bedroom; open stairway and 2 guest closets in open foyer. The second floor features 2 large carpeted bedrooms with 2 walk in closets in each bedroom; full mod em bath with shower & storage; also over the large one car garage is an unfinished room approx. 20’x20’ with built-in tub unit & outside entrance door. Other features of the property are a large full basement with garage; cold cellar; laundry hookup; 200 AMP service; well; septic tank and drain fields; Anderson Thermopane and vinyl coated windows; mature land scaping; 3 inch insulation plus 1 inch foam in sidewalls; This lovely home was built in 1981 and is well maintained. All this is located on 6.64 acres of land M/L with wooded area and open field. Zoned agriculture in Salis bury Township. This Real Estate deserves your attention. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, March 27 1:00-3:00 p.m. Tuesday Evening, March 29 6:00-8:00 p.m or phone auctioneers for private showing ATTORNEY: LINDA KLING Wentz, Weaver & Kling 354-4456 or 768-8300 R.E. TERMS: • 10% DOWN DAY OF AUCTION. • SETTLEMENT ON JUNE 17,1988. • TRANSFER TAXES PAID BY BUYER REAL ESTATE TAXES PRO-RATED. • ALL STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF AUCTION TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL PREVIOUS ADVERTISING. » BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED IF CLIENT IS REGISTERED WITH AUCTIONEER RON FUNK BEFORE MONDAY, APRIL 25,1988. FOR DETAILS PHONE AUCTIONEER. A AUCTIONEERS '‘APPRAISERS RON FUNK AU-314-L Paradise, 442-4279 Paradise, 687-7402 SAM B. STOLTZFUS 768-3568 We want to ba your Auctlonaarl gray For a fraa confidential auction aatlmata phone auctloneerax^^. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 12, 1988-F2l (Behind Richard's Gulf), Off 1-81 at Exit 14 on Route #34. Bill, Ben. Bob Rowe, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 -11 AM Trucking Equipment located between Cheswold and Kenton, Del. on County Route 42. From Dover, Del. go North on Route 13, 5 miles to Bishop's Comer, Turn left and head west on Rt. 42 to Cheswold, go PUBLIC SALE OF HOG EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1988 At 12:00 Noon Located along Rt. 11 approx. 2 ml. north of Shlppensburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. 10 Palco farrowing crates on woven wire w/ flush pan, 2 Farmer Boy crates on wire, 3 Vig ortone crates on wire Hoot, 1 New Idea farrow ing crate 24’x32’ Vigortone nursery decks w/ plastic floors, Ford CTN 150 ready heater. Handy 1000 industrial pressure washer, 2 L.B. White heaters, model 3460; Leiss 24” fan w/ thermostat, 214 gal. Kern. lector medicator, SBM gas heater, IT. feed bin w/blow pipe, 2T. feed bin w/blow pipe, 214 T. feed bin w/blow pipe, odds & ends of hog-related items. Terms by: TED WEISER RD #1 Box 1115 Shlppensburg Ph. (717) 532-8149 Auction Conducted By: Sensenlg Auctioneers Shlppensburg, Pa. Lie. #AU-001803-L Ph. 717-532-9160 7:00 P.M. OWNERS: JOHN K. & KAY L. MULLEN GORDON RESSLER AU-1575-L straight about 1 mHa to tale location. Signs posted. For Cooks Transportation, Anne Cook. Harry Rudnick, aucts. SAT. MAR. 19- lIAMSVt Acre Farmette & 4 Acre Bldg. Lot. Located along Rt 625 between Reading & Bowmansville, Near Angeli ca, Cumru Twp. Terms by Terry Lorah. Alvin Homing & Merle Eberfy, Aucts. Limevllle Road Gap, PA.
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