F2o>Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week s publication SAT MAR. 19 - 9AM Sax by's Annual Auction- Machinery, Lawn & Garden. Equip. At the dealership Rt 251, 1 mi. E of Mendon, 5 mi W of Victor. 3 mi. WF of Exit 45 NY Thruway. Saxby Implement RoyTeitsworth, Inc., Auct. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9AM - 4 tractors, farm machinery, tools at the intersection Route 152 & Chestnut Lane, 1 mi. N of Prospect ville, Pa. For Mrs. Myrtle Karl, Henry K Freed & Sons, auct SAT. MAR 19 - 9AM Anti ques & Collectibles, Guns, Household & Misc Items 743 E. Main Street, Lykens, Pa. George Breit, Jr, Pow er Of Attorney, For Anna & George Breit. Kerwm & Ker win, Attorneys. Dockey, Oockey & Deppen, Aucts SAT. MAR. 19 -9AM Shop, Blacksmith, Antique Tools and Equip Six (6) Miles South of Huntingdon Off Route 26 at Hesston, Pa M.C. Gamer, Owner Dale Gibboney, Auct. SAT. MAR. 19 -9.30 AM Farm Equip., Harvestores, Slurrystore, Milk Equip., Feed & Hay. Located between RL 340 & Rt. 30, turn off 772 on Hensel Rd„ south of Pequea Valley School, Lane, Co., PA. Terms by John A Harsh. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, Aucts. Gerald Hoover, App SAT. MAR 19 - 9 30AM Farm Machinery, Car, Guns, Other Consign ments. Snyder Road off of Rt. 616 between Glen Rock and Seven Valleys or off of Shaffer Church road, Sell ing Farm Machinery, Car and guns from the estate of Ross F. Stambaugh from R D.#l, Spring Grove, Pa Ross F Stambaugh, Estate Paul E Fultz, Exe cutor, Paul N Yost, Atty Charles and Scott Wehrly, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 -9.30 AM Farni Machinery 401 Roh rerstown Rd., Lancaster, PA. By; Kenneth B Noll J Omar Landis Auct Serv , Aucts. SAT. MAR. 19 - 9:3OAM Farm Machinery. Robert E Godfrey Jr., Hainesport- Lauret Rd. OR Elbow Lane- Lumberton Rd., Mt. Laurel, NJ. Lee Parker, Auct. Nor man Parker, Sale Mgr. SAT. MAR 19- 9AM-3PM Showat9AM-3PM Auction at 6PM Farm Toy Auction And Show. Lighthouse Youth Center, Chambers burg. Exit 4, 181 (Marion)- Go west on 914 approx. 1 mile, Turn nght onto Rt. 11 go approx. % mile. Turn nght on Overcash Rd. Go 'A mile, Lighthouse on left Information call 717-263-1704 Sponsored S r CV. Antique Engine & achinery Assoc., Inc Chambersburg, Pa. luin Engle, Auct Manager SAT MAR 19-10 AM Farm Machinery and Holstein Cattle Located in Path Val ley, Dry Run, Pa. 7 mi North of Exit 14 from the PA Turnpike on Route 75 on what is known as the back road from Dry Run to Con cord Watch for sale signs off of 75. Daryl and Christ ine Diller, Owners Harry, Speer & Speer, Aucts SAT. MAR 19-10 AM Farm Machinery, Tools. House hold Goods & Others. From US Rte. 1 go North on Rte 272. Second crossroad left, first lane on left. 114 mile North of Nottingham, Ches ter Co. George & Suzanne Lambom, Owners. Kreider, Bucher, Heaps, Aucts SAT MAR. 19 -10 AM 4 Farm Tractors, 4 Farm Equipment, Etc., Hay- Ear Com, 12 Feeder Steers, Household Items, Etc , Truck Located on Route #235.1V4 miles north of the Village of Seven Stars or 6 miles south of East Salem and 10 miles south of McA listerville, Pa. Then turn onto Rural Route SR 2017 just north of Greenwood Municipal Center and Grange #1852 and travel 14 mile to first farm. (Located between villages of Seven Stars and East Salem in Greenwood Twp., Juniata County, Pa.) Herman R Benner & Pauline A. Ben ner, Owners. Dale L Lon gacre, Auct SAT MAR 19-10 AM Trac- PUBLIC AUCTION of Tractors, Combines, Farm Equipment Saturday, March 26, 1988 10 a.m. Located along Glenville Road in Man heim Twp., York Co., PA. For: Glenville Hollow Farms and others C.C. Miller Sons, Auctioneers 717-235-1079 Lie. #AUI799-L Also, consignments & farm equipment liquidation 20 to 40 tractors - 100 to 150 pieces equipment -100 or more pallets of new & used parts., tools & misc. items WED., MARCH 16, 1988- 10 A.M. W.C. LITTLETON & SON, INC. on Rte. 13- A (% mile south of Laurel, DE) 302-875-7445 or 302-856-9831 Auctioneers: Joseph O’Neal & Pete Richardson Tractors will be sold at 2:00 P.M. TRACTORS: Ford 3000,4500 with loader, BN, Dextra, IH 8414. Cub, A. 140,574, Super A, IH 2404, MF 65, 50,255,165 Case 1030,400, JD 2440 with loader- JD LA. Bobcat 310 Skid Steer Loader, MF diesel Backhoe loader, KD Forklift- 8 ft. forks, AC WD4S, B. G. GARDEN TRACTORS EQ. ANTIQUE BRIGGS ENGINES Walk behind tillers, plows, cultivators, front blades, 16 h.p. Bolens, 12 h.p. 1225 Bolens, 14 h.p. 145 Ford, 10 h.p. 410 AC, Compost grinder, Snow Blower for 60 or 70 JD lawn tractor, 124 Cub Cadet. USED EQUIPMENT: Rhino 8 ft. model 1400 hd blade with cylinders, used 5 ft. 3 pt. disk, 3 pt trencher, 2-row 3 pt. JD planter, 2-row pull type JD planter. 3 pt. wood saw, 3 pt. 5 ft. rotary tiller, Olivers pt. sickle mower, 4-row Lilliston cult., 3-row 3 pt. transplanter, Ml sickle mower, Cub sickle mower, 6-row Lilliston cult., 3 pt. ditcher, 3 pt. log splitter, 2-row 3 pt. Ford cult., 1-row cult, for Cub, 1-row cult for Super A, 14.9.28 duals, 12 ft., lime drill, Lilliston tool bar, 1 -set tracks, 3 pt. & pull type springtooths, 7 ft. heavy duty Bog disk, 3 & 4 section Drag Harrows, 2 btm pull plows, 3 btm pull plows, 1 btm pull plow, flat body wagon, funnel body wagons, loader for MF 35 tractor, loader for 730, 830 Case, 10 ft. Ford wheel disk, steel wheels, 16 spout Oliver drill, loader for 800 Ford, IH 8 ft. wheel disk, 4-row 3 pt. JD cult, 3 pt. hay rake, 3 pt. bean puller, Long 1199-A 3 pt. backhoe, soil mover pan, 48 loader for 3010 to 4020,12 ft. Brillion Crowsfoot pulvermulcher, IH 4-row planter, 8-row white planter, loader for “A" JD, model 12 MF PTO baler, JD cut conditioner PTO, Ml 2-row 324 picker, IH 4-row 3 pt. cult, 14 ft. Brillion spring tooth transport type, JD 301 spin spreader, 5 & 6 btm JD semi mtd. plows, MF 880 7 btm on land plows, 5 btm AC Snap coupler plows, 6-16” IH semi mtd. plows, JD 54 PTO spreader, real nice Ml 206 spreader, nice 17-A Ml spreader, wooden log cart, 5 ft. 3 pt. Bush Hog, 3 btm 3 pt. JD, Ford, MF, IH plows, Cub plow, IH-A plow, 1 btm plow for “G” AC, model 160 MF PTO spreader, 2 prong Blanton 3 pt. sub soiler, Ford 3 pt. sickle mower, 1 -row digger, New Holland haybine, small 4-wheel wagon, Totamtall Lo-Boy 2 axle trailer, JD N PTO spreader, IH model 56 4-row planter, 660 JD Hay Rake, 7 row Danish tine cult. NEW EQUIPMENT: 5 & 6 3 pt. disk, 6 ft. scraper blade 3 pt., 3 pt. 1 prong sub soiler, 3 pt. post hole digger, 5 ft. 3 pt. mower, 5 ton - 2 axle Loßoy trailer, 6 ton - 2 axle Loßoy trailer, 3 pt. dirt scoop. MISC.: 1 set forks for forklift, 2-hole corn shelter, Fenders for 1 & 2 axle trailer, small Wells Cargo trailer. Hunter Wheel Alignment Machine AUCTION TERMS: Cash or approved check from Del-Mar-Va banks. All others need letters from bank guaranteeing funds day of auction. Identification needed for Bidder numbers. Not responsible for theft of merchandise or accidents. Machinery. Rt 2 Pine Grove, Washington Twp, Schuylkill Co.. Pa. From 1-81 Exit #3l Pine Grove go east on Rt. 443 2.1 miles to traffic light - continue north on Rt. 125 .9 mile and turn right towards Cressona, pass Sweet Arrow Lake. Turn left onto Daubert Rd (approx. 6 miles from Rt 125) to farm on right. From 1-81 Exit #32 Ravine go south of Rt. 125 2.5 miles and turn left towards Cres sona then left on Daubert Rd to farm on right Auction for Martin L Daubert. Harry H. Bachman, Auct. SAT MAR 19- lOAMTrac tors, Farm Equip , Orchard Equip., Furniture. Located at 1610 New Danville Pike, PUBLIC AUCTION ABSOLUTE SALE Dealer Inventory Reductions Lunch will be served. Lancaster, Pa. From Lane. mi - fg 0 f Jersey town, Pa. on £ anvllle Rt. 44N to White Hall. Har (Rt. 324) South approx 1 A o | d c & Marguerite Shultz, mi. frorn hngleside to farm Owners. Zeisloft Auction Across from Meadow Hills e 0 rui«* Dining Hall. Auction by Mel- Farm vin M«i Ruth E. Groff. Paul SAT. MAR. 19 -10 AM E Martin & John D. Stauf- Rains Furniture Affair. Take fer, Aucts. Exit 13off 1-83, then Rt. 382 SAT. MAR. 19 -10 AM Val East *° Yo * Hav ® n - , ? llow : arm Machinery, Milking signs. Leon P• Hauler Trus iouip. HH Items. On farm 3 tee - Kerr V Pae Aucts - PUBLIC AUCTION HORSE DRAWN FARM MACHINERY, 4 WORK HORSES, DAIRY EQUIP., ETC, On farm 2 miles W of Elimsport, Pa. Auction arrows off Rt. 44. TUESDAY, MARCH 15 STARTING 10:30 A.M. Brief listing follows: Line of horse drawn farm machinery, dairy equip, including Lister diesel, milkers, etc. etc. 4 top work horses; all kinds of hitches; etc. 52 Holsteins inc. 42 milking age all stages, bred heifer, 5 yearlings; 5 calves; Herd averaging 48 lbs. 3.6% plant test. TB & Bangs tested. OWNER, JONAS & FANNIE LAPP Conducted by FRALEY AUCTION CO. 546-6907 AUII94L For more ittfo. contact Auct. PUBLIC SALE OF L.H. BRUBAKER, INC. FARM MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT & PARTS, 1964 FORD TRUCK THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1988 At 12:00 Noon Loc. 350 Strasburg Pike, West Lam peter Twp., Lancaster Co., PA (Corner of Strasburg Pike & Rockvale Road). N.H. #778 & N.H. #775 skid loaders; M.F. #65 tractor w/manure loader, bucket & blade; 1964 FORD TRUCK w/flat short bed; M.F. #3OO combine w/321 com head & 12’ direct cut; M.F. #3O blower (new); N.H. 850 round baler, N.H. #352 grinder mixer, N.H. #6B baler w/53A thrower, N.H. 273 baler w/engine, N.H. #272 baler, N.H. #25 & #3O blowers, A.C. #303 baler w/engine, Wisconsin engines, wheel rack, J.D. #BO 4-row com planter, N.H. #469 haybine, N.H. #903 mower conditioner, 3 N.H. #919 com heads, 919-A ogee binder, 919-W pick-up binder head, N.H. #5lB spread er, N.H. com head, N.H. #365 tank spreader. Other bales & equipment. Misc. loader buckets, Yanmar tractor blade, tractor dual 18.4x34 tires on rims. All kinds of equipment rims. Other misc. parts & attachments not listed. Not responsible for accidents. No out of state checks. Food served. Sale by PARK LEFEVER Howard Shaub (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION Complete Farm Machinery Dispersal Sale; Valuable Massey Ferguson 540 Combine; Case 970 Diesel Tractor and other farm machinery; Etc. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1988 10:00 A.M. “Sharp” Will be offered for sale on the premises turn off 1-83 Expressway Exit No. 31 onto MIDDLETOWN ROAD proceed approx. % mile and turn on Falls Road proceed 11/*I 1 /* miles to farm. In the 7th Election District of Baltimore County, PARKTON, MARYLAND (signs posted sale day) FARM MACHINERY Case 970 diesel tractor w/power shift & dual hydraulic with safety bar; Case 530 tractor w/hydraulic 3 pt. hitch; Massey Fer guson #540 self propelled combine with 4 row com head, narrow row corn head and 13' flexible head for soybeans good condi tion: Century sprayer w/500 gal. tank and 30’ booms & individual boom shut off; new idea 9’ haybine; White 5400 no-till 4 row corn planter with fertilizer and insecticides attachments; Gehl #6OO forage harvester w/two row corn head & pick up head; I.H.C. 16 disc grain drill; Case 4 bottom 16” plow 3 pt. hitch; Massey Ferguson 4 wheel rake 3 pt. hitch; J.D. flail chopper; Ford mounted one row corn picker; Allis Chalmers #2300 lift disc w/buster bar; two Case hay wagons on rubber with 14' beds; two New Idea grain wagons w/gravity beds; New Idea chuck wagon w/14’ bed; 3 pt. hitch cultiva tors: 3 section spring tooth harrow; Ariens garden tractor 8 h.p. w/36” rotary mower; different sizes of cylinders; Also some milk cans and other items. Auctioneers Note: Please be on time very few small Hems, so be at sale right at 10:00 A.M.; Not responsible for acci dents; all Items sold as Is. Refresh ments served by the ladles of Welsburg Church. TERMS: CASH OR APPROVED check w/ bank letter of credit or certified funds! BY ORDER OF: Russell N. Miller- Owner Rodney G. Lee- Owner Grandson s W. Shrodes W. Shrodes AUCTIONHRS "Auctioneer* & Appraiaera Since 1949” Phone: (301) 941-1100 I 692-5667 Pcnna. Auct. Lie. No. 84S-L and 1177-L
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